University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 3-17-1966 Kabul Times (March 17, 1966, vol. 4, no. 294) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 17, 1966, vol. 4, no. 294)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1174. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1174 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • . /;7/.-/-:/ "~' , ' " -f ~CollY__ .' ,~ ')~'1-3~' ,... i- Max. +16 C, MInlmum +I'C, Thursday Edition , Sun sets today at 6:01 p.m . Stm. rises tomorrow at 6:11 a.m. "-mono'" O..-~ Cloud7. "Ut"TIMES~ ,". VOL, IV, NO, 294, KABUL. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1966, (HOOT 26, 1344, S.H.) ....-,., Price AI. 3 -------------- ~:-...:-...__...:-_~-------:- Petar Stambolic Received By Maiwandwal On Arrival Here For Three Day State Visit KABUL March 17.­ THE Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Yugoslavia, Petar Stambolic. arrived here at noon today for a three-day official visit. He was received at the aIrport over development of friendly re­ by his host. Prime Mml.ster Moh-Ilallons b€-tween YugoslavIa and 3m!Tlad Hashim Malwandwal,. AfghanIStan over the Past: years. Minister of Court, presidents of "As non-aligned countries, AI­ the Lower and l,Jpper Houses ~f ghaD.lstan and Yugoslavia besides Parliament, members of the C~bl- maintaining amicable bilateral te­ net ,governor of .~abul, h!gh lations, have been cooperating ~ ranking civil and mlhtary OffiCl~ the international arena as, well. and some heads of diplomatIC saId Stambolic. missions stationed m' Kabul . Prem;er Stambolic is. aCcom-b After reviewing the guard .of pan led on thlS tnp y honour and shaking hands :"l~h Secretary of lnfonnation Gustav the welcomers the Prime MID~ Vlahof. Under-SecretaI"Y ?f .' ler and his guest drove to Cbil- Foreign Affairs, Misa PaviceVlc, stoon Palace. and head of the Asia Department Thousands of Kabul's residen~, in the Ministry of Foreign Af- lining up along the road from aU- fairs, Milicevic. port to down town, waved flags, At 3:30 this- afternoon a meetmg threw flowers and cheered as the was scheduled between Prime Mi­ black Cadilac went by. nister Maiwandwal and Petar arn~a1 PetarStambollc. the Chairman 0/' the Councll 01 MInister 01 YUgoslavia and PrIme MIn· Talking to newsmen, on Stambolic. ister Mohammad B.ash1m Malwandwa.1 iDspecUng a guard of bonour on arrival here today. at Chilsloon Palace, ~rem.ler Tonight the Yugoslav Premier --- Stambo~ic expressed satIsfactIon will be received by His Majesty I -:::-:~:_::=-___'_:__--_=::_-:---.--'-----__=:_-:::_~-_;;_--- theK\ng. 0 I' Meshrano JiI:gah C~~t..;~etr::er ~=:~ ~ Afghanisron, USSR New Department To eve Op presSed pleasure for the warm P K' kiP lTd F d reception given him by the gay· Exchange apers Commission To ernment and the people here and ora u e t rae orme said he wished his stay were MOSCOW, March 17,-Ratilica- ' KABUL, March 17.­ Consider AID L9an longer hore, but be will do his tion instruments of the Afghan· A NEW department to develop the trade of karaknl pelts has utmost to make use of the avail- USSR agreement on additional been formed. KABUL', March 17.-A commis- able time. technical aid to Afghanistan by The proposal for the formation in karakul Two .representatives; sian was appointed yesterday by the He said the people in Yugosla- die USSR were exchanged here of the Karakul Trade Develop. 'of-each group will be included i.i:1 Mesbraoo Jirgah 10 study the I via know about the struggles Monday between Afghan Ambase m.ent prepared by the Ministries the -board. In addition one re~e­ $3,500,000 loan by AID to Afgba- whIch tht· Afghan nation waged sador General Moluimmad Arif of Finance, Agriculture and .lrri. sentatives .from ea~ of the ~_ nistaD. I to gain their independence. The and Soviet Deputy Foreign Min- gation and' D'Afg~an BaiLk istries at Commerce and Agri~.. This long term loan has ~lrea~y I (Contd. on page 6) isteT Alexandrev Qryev. was approved Wednesday by the ture and Irrigation, .o'AfgbaDls.. been approved .by tbe Wolesl Jlr- CPF ce The agreement goes. into ef- represelJ.tatives of commercial. tan Bail, Pasbtany Telaraty B~ gah. The loan is t~ be used by th.e yprus eace or fect after the rati.5c:ation instru- establ..i.::ihments and exporters cif and Banke Mille will be ii:lclud~ Ministry of Education for .construt.;- ments were exchan~ed. karakul pelts. ed in the board. The. members 01 tion of vocational schools 10 Kabul. Extended By UN Agreement on additional ~viet The d~partment will. function the board work .WIthout Pl1? Kunduz and Herat. .~ aid to Afghanistan was Sl8Iled on a purely Don-profit basis. Es- The4' sessions will be held 1Il Discussions were held in yesterday UNITED NATIONS. New York. between the two countries in tablish~ in accordance with the Kabul _ .~ morning and afternoon sessions on March 17.- (Reuter).- The UN 1961 anj its protocol was signed poli~ statements of the govern- The department.will have three proposed amertdments to parts of Security Council approved the draft in July 1963. menlo :.he department will study offices of a prestdent and two the internal procedures law of the resolution extending the mandate of After the exchange of docu- ways to i..n)prove karakul and. vice presidents elected for one Mesbrano Jirgab. Tbe amendments (he United Nations peace force in ments, Qryev in a speech men- expand exports, supervise the year terms by the board. were tben approved. Cyprus for a further three months, tioned friendly relations existing export and auction of karakul A meeting was be1~ ?"esterd..ay . The law has 11 cbapters with 126 until June 26. between Afghanistan and the. pelts, and find ways to proted afternoon in ~e Ministry. of articles. The meeting set for Tuesday was USSR since the past 47. years. He Afghan .karakul pelts in th'e inter- Commerce to discuss the constitu- - The Mesbrano Jirgab is to hold its postponed for five hours as mem- said the two ~untries despite national markets against foreign tion of the department. It was session on Sunday and is expected bers strove to draw up an acceptable their different social sYstems have competitors. attend~d~by the ~ter of Co~­ to continue discussioos on the IU' text. Chief S. O. Adebo of Nigeria lived in an atmosphere of peace.. KarakUl processing, scientific merce and t~e .~ter of .Agriw - ternal procedures law. finally introduced the resolution on and friendship. sorting and improvement of pack- c~ture and UTI~tiOn, presldents behalf of eight elected council mem- tie said that exchange of ~ts ing methods and regulating kara- of Banke Mille-, PashtanY bers, among the leaders of th~ coun- kul- sales in'the forefgn _ mar)<ets Tejar.ty Bank, D'Afghanistan Cosmos-no Lands U Thant. tbe Secretary-General, tnes has played an effective:part are additional functions of this Bank snd experts ~ karakul recommended in a report to the 'in the development of. relations .. depar-tment. raising. After 22 Days council last Friday tbat the mao-' between the two countries. The department is entrusted Expounding on the necessity date of the 4,SDO-man force, DOW (Contd. OD, page 6) not only with the duty of expand. for estaolishing ·the department Soviet Spacecaft Carried completing its second 'year on the ing the traditional market of for development ~f ~akul ~_ S V troubled Medi'erranean island, be, ENVOYS MEET SHALIZI karakul but also looking for new ports, Dr. Nour Ali, Commerce Mi. TwoDogs On pace oyage prolon,ed for a six-month period KABUL, March 17.-Jamil Wafi, markets. _nister, in bis spee\'h said since the MOSCOW. March 17. (Tass).- for praLtical reasons. the Turkish Ambassador. and Geor- As the order for the estab~. sale ~~arak~ fonns the m~ior The Soviel earth sateUite. Cosmos- b d ecifi art f chan liD. wl'th animals on board bas In I·lmltmg" t.eh ext'enslOn 0 f Ihe ges Cattand, the, French Am assa or ment ·,If the ·department sp _. es'p ."".-_ ur oreIgn ex d 'dedge earn-· completed its space fligbt and in its force to three months. (b e co·spon- a, the ,"ourt of Kabul paid separate the deoartment- will be ad.m.in..iSoo itlgsfme hgovernment d I'eel to t Lmp~e 330th Orbit successfully landed in a sors of the draft resoIutlon, express- courtesy calls on Interior Minister tered by an ll-member man- orm e epartmen, to d __ • h f' h h I b th d Abdul Satar Sbalizi Wednesday. agerial board consisting of the and develop the quality an ::wue Preset area. The space craft with cd "t e lrm ope t aye en I f k ku1 el the dogs Velerok and Ugolek on - 0 (hl. IS',penodb'su san"la I progr.ess Similarly Chief of the UN Q;lission representatives cif karakul co- 0As - ar,a ,P ,!S.a! d d esti. board was launched on Feb 22nd I towards a solution will have ~ in Kabul ArsoJ? Sbahbaz called on operativ~ karak:U exporters ~d . ~ternat1on an om c: ahd was orblttlng tbe earth for .::a.::c:.:h:.:'e:.:y..:ed.::...."':..- s_h_a_liz_i-:y:-es_'er-:d:a-:-y,:-_-:-_:;-:;-_--::: commercIa! establishmentsdealing statistics show for a very long- while about 80 per cent of world's ::~~c~~f.~:~e~~,:rn\~;~~n;reu~~e~ Two U.S.
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