y?■ ■ ' -v ™ • v The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO. 14. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9 1897. WHOLE NO.—1624 BREVITIES. PERSONAL. BU8INE88 LOCALS Amusements. A Good Thlug. Mrs. Max lilank, of the Penny Store, A. D. McCabe went to Owosso, Tuesday, on Do you want to help a good thing is sick at her home. business. along? We are now established in bus­ Between Lansing and St. Louis Don't fail to hear Burritt Hamilton, Owosso Ladies ’ Literary Clubs F. A. Travis went to Pinckney on business, iness and desire your patronage. We PASSION PLAY America’s talented young orator, at M. via. St. Johns. Entertained in St. Johns. Tuesday. can furnish you with all kinds of cut E. church next Monday evening. F. L. Green went to Pontiac last Monday on flowers (in season), designs, and in fact IMPRESSIONS business. NOTHING TANGIBLE YKT REACHED The Clinton Circuit Court was last THEY ARE LOUD IN THEIR PRAISE OF everything you want in tbe Florist ’s At the Congregational Church, St. Johns week adjourned for two weeks, while OPR LITERARY CLUB. Miss Ethel Ash, of Duplain, visited Mrs. K. A. line. BY TilK PROJECTORS. Judge Daboll holds court in Gratiot Moore tbe latter part of last week. We are now building a larger and bet­ MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 20th ter greenhouse, and will continue to en­ County. Thirty-Two Members of the Owosso Clubs W. A. Norton was engaged In the GraUot BY Several Regular and Adjourned Meeting* county court tbe first of tbe week. large our plant if you give us your sup- There will be a supper and social Accepted Invitations to Meet the St. Held in St. Johns—The Promoters combined at the Bingham Grange Hall, Miss Helen Corblt went to Grand Rapids port. EDNA CHAFFE NOBLE Johns Ladles —Literary Exercises, We shall have Holly. Mistletoe and OF DRTHOIT. Want St. Johns to Subscribe $3,500 on Tuesday evening, Dec. 14. All are yesterday and will return tomorrow. Hsuquet and Toasts. Henry Walbridge was engaged in the Pro ­ other decorative greens at our green ­ —What Next? cordially invited. house for Christmas; also plenty of cut The only woman in tbe world who lectures On Saturday, December 18th, the la­ The first special day arranged for by bate Court of Shiawassee county, the first of upon the Passion Play. The citizens ’ electric railroad meeting tbe week. flowers. dies of the Baptist church will give a the St. Johns Ladies ’ Literary Club, Give us your order early, that we may at the court house last Friday evening, chicken pie dinner in the rooms form ­ Wm. H. Taylor of thedetective police force be sure to fill it. Thanking you for past Middleton. Conn. —Mrs. Noble was an eye gave the occasion to extend friendly of Chicago, was a guest at R. A. Moore ’s a por witness of this wonderful drama and human was well attended, but the representa­ erly occupied by the State Bank, west favors we are. tragedy, and her lecture was of interest. tion of business men was rather slight. of the postofflce, and will also hold a hospitality to home friends and to neigh­ tlon of last week. Yours verv truly, Mrs. Noble is gifted with a wonderful power sale of useful and fancy articles. boring club women. Accordingly, a Miss Henrietta Blank went to Lansing Tues­ C. F. & F. W. Knapp . of oratory aud an interestlngdramatlc manner This meeting was called by President to which she rises with wonderful effect. limited number of the former, and the day to officiate at the piano at a concert there Leland for the purpose of gathering the Mr. Hamilton ’s lecture was beautiful Notice. Mrs. Noble's voice is strong.clear and capable itt its conception, entertaining and in- two woman ’s clubs of Owosso, were ex­ given that evening. of wonderful range. The speaker gave del- opinions of the business men of St. E. H. Lyon was engaged in several cases In The regular annual meeting of the iteae touches of humor that served to relieve sMMctive in its matter, and far-reaching the weight of tbe tragedy. Johns and the farmers of the surround ­ in its suggestions. —Leslie J. Naftyger, tended an invitation to join them at The the Shiawassee circuit court at Corunna the stockholders of the Clinton County Sav­ ing country, as to the stand to be taken president Island Park Assembly. At Steel hotel, on Saturday, December 4lh, fore part of the week. ings Bank for the election of directors, ADMISSION 85 CENTSJ towered the prospective electric road. M. E Church Monday evening, Decem­ to enjoy “ An Afternoon with American H. J. Klsllng and wife, of Olive left this occurs on Tuesday, December 14, 1897, After the object of the meeting had ber 13th. Women of Note. ” station last Monday morning for a few weeks and will be held at the office of said BUSINESS LOCALS. beenstated by President Leland, a com ­ bank at 3 o'clock p. m. of said day. The ladies ’ society of St. John's church Notwithstanding “it did rain” and visit with relatives and friends in St. Clair mittee was appointed to represent the county. P. E. Walsworth , Secretary. Great stock of robes and blankets at meeting and solicit subscriptions for will give a roast turkey supper at The the day was “ dark and drear, ” the in­ Corbit & Valentine ’s, at low prices. Steel, Saturday, Dec. 11th. Supper from Mrs. C. H. McFarlan, who had been spending Notice. $3,500, that being the amount asked 00 to 7:30 . There will be a sale iin the coming 10:47 train from the east brought couple of weeks with her son. brother and from St. Johns, subscribers by the pro ­ afternoon and evening of fancy articles: merry company of Owosso Club ladies sisters in Detroit, returned borne last Friday The regular annual meeting of the If you wish to do your neighbor a jectors, as an inducement lor the further­ shareholders of the St. Johns National kindness tell him of the great low price ance of the enterprise. Following are aprons, flowers, homemade candies, to the number of thirty-two, who were evening. cakes, etc. You are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bullard, after spending a Bank, of St. Johns, Michigan, for the cloak sale at Kendrick's next Saturday, the members of the committee : C. C. Supper, 35 cents. met at the station by a comraitte from election of Directors, will be held at the Dec. 11. Vaughan, D. S. French, Frank Swain, the home club and conveyed in carriages few days with bis brother. K. M. Bullard, this Banking offics of said institution, on F. A. Travis, O. P. DeVVitt and F. M. Otis Fuller, warden of the State to The Steel, where preparations had village, returned to their homo In Saginaw Is tbe Cracker Jack and fresh Candy House of Correction at Ionia, and who last Monday. Monday, January 10,1898, at 3 o ’clock, Spaulding. been going on for their entertainment. local time. P. E. Walsworth . Factory first, north of the National After discussing the question thor­ was known by our young ladies as “the Ater being ushered through the cor Mrs. Iva Float, after spending a few days Cashier. Bank. Please call and examine my oughly the meeting adjourned until last handsome man in town, ” when a res­ ridor they were met at the head of the with ber mother-in-law, Mrs. Walter Float, In goods. Wm. E. Slade . Tuesday evening. ident of St. Johns, read a paper on stairs by two little maids, gowned in Essex township, returned to ber home in Make your wife and daughters happy Tuesday evening the meeting was Prison Labor Legislation, ” before the club colors —green and white—who made Owosso last Monday. and save money for yourself by buying Don ’t miss the great cut-price jacket called to order by President Leland, and National Prison Congress in session at their sweetest bows, as the guests as­ Mr. and Mrs. R A. Moore spent Thanks them jackets or capes at the great cut and cape sale at Kendrick's next Satur­ F. M. Spaulding, as member of the com ­ Austin, Texas, the first of the month. cended, and directed them “to the left,” giving Day at the home of their son at New “lice sale at Kendrick's next Saturday, day, December 11. mittee, was asked to report proceedings. hile farther on, Nellie Allison, as Lit­ Haven. Mrs. Moore will visit her parents In ecemher 11. Mr. Spaulding stated that the com ­ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. tle Lord Fauntleroy, pointed them Ohio before returning to 8t. Johns. Cutters and Sleighs. mittee had met and decided that some­ to thedressing room. After the laying Mrs. Celia Patch, of St. Louis, Mich., baa been Notice to Depositors. We invite an inspection of our stock thing more tangible must be presented The Owosso Ladles ’ Literary Clubs Compli ­ aside of wraps they were conducted to here several days visiting old-time friends, the Notice is hereby given that from and before placing your order. by the Lansing projectors before they the parlors, where club colors, in the Corbit & Valentine . ment the St. Johns Club. guest of Mrs. Geo. H. Stephenson and Mrs. E. after January 1st, 1898. the rate of int­ could undertake to solicit subscriptions form of draperies, were again tastefully Valentine. She wlil return to California erest paid by the Clinton County Sav­ or aid in advancing the scheme. After The members of the visiting clubs disylayed. Here was held a very pleas­ soon.
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