May 8, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2205 Rangel Schiff Udall (NM) Congress to begin to address the devastation Gambling has become a blight on our na- Reyes Serrano Velazquez that gambling has wrought on our children, tion’s cultural landscape. As religious lead- Rivers Sherman Waters families, communities and nation. Consider ers, we see the gambling-induced pain and Rodriguez Slaughter Watkins (OK) just the following sampling of gambling’s Roemer Smith (WA) Watson (CA) devastation among many of those who look Rothman Solis Weiner toll on America’s citizenry: to us for spiritual guidance. Thus, we stand Roybal-Allard Souder Wexler Gambling exploits those with the fewest fi- together not only in our concern, but in our Sabo Stark Woolsey nancial resources, as both a multitude of commitment to oppose this predatory and Sanchez Thompson (CA) Wu studies and our own experiences in our indi- destructive industry. We call on members of Sanders Tierney Young (AK) vidual communities readily confirm. A few Congress to place America’s citizens and Schakowsky Udall (CO) months ago we were inundated with glowing families ahead of the false promises and press accounts of the Powerball winner from NOT VOTING—12 hefty political contributions of the gambling Kentucky who gambled part of his unem- Burton Kind (WI) Scott industry, and to begin to address this rapidly ployment check to attain the jackpot. How growing menace to our national welfare. Crane Nadler Traficant many tens of thousands of others in similar Hall (OH) Ose Waxman Sincerely, Hyde Riley Weldon (PA) circumstances squandered their meager in- Dr. Mark Bailey, President, Dallas Theo- come chasing this state-sponsored fantasy logical Seminary. b 1545 and wound up without enough money to pay The Rt. Rev. Charles E. Bennison, Jr., the rent or put food on the table? According Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. Mrs. KELLY changed her vote from to the National Gambling Impact Study ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Dr. Ron Black, Executive Director, Gen- Commission (NGISC), individuals earning eral Association of General Baptists. So the joint resolution was passed. less than $10,000 per year spend more on lot- Dr. Bill Bright, Founder and Chairman, The result of the vote was announced tery tickets every year than any other in- Campus Crusade for Christ. as above recorded. come group. David Bryant, Chairman, America’s Na- Each of us—and the faith communities we f tional Prayer Committee. represent—could provide countless stories of Commissioner John Busby, National Com- GENERAL LEAVE families shattered by gambling addiction. mander, The Salvation Army. We are often the ones forced to pick up the Dr. Gaylen J. Byker, President, Calvin Col- Mr. TAUZIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask pieces of lives ripped apart by divorce and lege. unanimous consent that all Members domestic violence. According to a survey by Tony Campolo, Ph.D., President, The may have 5 legislative days in which to the NGISC, gambling has been responsible, Evangelical Association for the Promotion revise and extend their remarks and in- in whole or in part, for more than 2 million of Education. clude extraneous material on H.J. Res. divorces in recent years. Child abuse and ne- Dr. Judson Carlberg, President, Gordon glect are other effluents of gambling’s explo- College. 87, just passed. sive growth. In addition, research indicates The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Dr. Morris H. Chapman, President & CEO, that children of gambling addicts do more Southern Baptist Convention, Executive ISAKSON). Is there objection to the re- poorly in school, experience more behavioral Committee. quest of the gentleman from Lou- problems, and are more susceptible to gam- Charles W. Colson, Chairman of the Board, isiana? bling addiction themselves. Prison Fellowship Ministries. There was no objection. The gambling boom has made our commu- Dr. Clyde Cook, President, Biola Univer- nities more dangerous places to live. Gam- sity and Talbot School of Theology. f bling operations attract crime, and they cre- Kenneth L. Connor, President, Family Re- STOP THE SPREAD OF GAMBLING ate new criminals out of otherwise law-abid- search Council. ing citizens. Studies confirm that more than Dr. James C. Dobson, President, Focus on (Mr. WOLF asked and was given per- half of gambling addicts will engage in ille- the Family. mission to address the House for 1 gal activities—everything from embezzle- David H. Engelhard, General Secretary, minute and to revise and extend his re- ment to armed robbery—to fund their com- Christian Reformed Church in North Amer- pulsion to gamble. ica. marks and include extraneous mate- Gambling has subverted the rightful role of rial.) Dr. Tony Evans, President, The Urban Al- government as protectorate of the people. ternative. Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I would like Casinos in particular have bought favors Reverend Jeff Farmer, President, Open to call the attention of the House to an with politicians at all levels, thus enabling Bible Churches. open letter from 220 religious leaders to them to spread their poison product into Bruce L. Fister, Lt. Gen. USAF (Ret.), Ex- the President of the United States and even more communities. In the most recent ecutive Director, Officers’ Christian Fellow- Congress on the spread of gambling. election, gambling interests lavished $10.9 ship. They said, ‘‘We, the undersigned, rep- million on candidates and parties at the fed- Leighton Ford, President, Leighton Ford eral level alone. That does not include the resent a variety of faith perspectives Ministries. multi-millions spent on lobbying, nor does it Dr. Stan D. Gaede, President, Westmont and religious beliefs. We hold different take into account that gambling interests College. convictions regarding many of the have become the single most powerful force Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Gillespie, President, most prominent issues of the day, yet in a number of state governments. All of this Princeton Theological Seminary. we are united in our opposition to le- influence comes at a terrible price that is William Graham, Acting Dean, Harvard Di- galized gambling and we respectfully paid for by the gambling industry’s mul- vinity School. urge Congress to begin to address the titude of victims. The Rt. Rev. J. Clark Grew II, Bishop, The rapid increase in legal gambling op- Episcopal Diocese of Ohio. devastation that gambling has wrought portunities has created a concomitant boom Bishop Susan W. Hassinger, United Meth- on our children and families and com- in the number of gambling addicts. Accord- odist Church, Boston Area. munities as a Nation.’’ ing to the NGISC, more than 15 million Rev. Paul Hirschy, Bishop, Church of the And then they go on to talk about Americans struggle with a significant gam- United Brethren in Christ, USA. the faith community can provide bling problem—and the repercussions are Dr. David W. Holdren, General Super- countless stories of families shattered often profound. Perhaps no single statistic intendent, The Wesleyan Church. better reveals the depth of despair associated by gambling addiction. Clyde M. Hughes, Bishop, International with gambling addiction than this: One in Pentecostal Church of Christ. It was a full page ad in Roll Call. I five of those who become addicted to gam- L. Gregory Jones, Dean and Professor of urge Members to look at it and see. bling will attempt to take his or her own Theology, Duke Divinity School. This Congress ought to begin to deal life. Rev. Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, President, Gor- with this issue of the spread of gam- Legal gambling operations entice teen- don-Conwell Theological Seminary. bling. agers to delve into this dangerous activity. Rabbi Benjamin Kamenetzky, Executive Many become trapped. Studies show that the Director, Yeshiva of South Shore. AN OPEN LETTER FROM 220 RELIGIOUS LEAD- rate of gambling problems among adoles- D. James Kennedy, Ph.D., Senior Minister, ERS TO THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS ON cents is dramatically higher than that for Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. THE SPREAD OF GAMBLING adults. Hundreds of thousands of teens regu- Clifton Kirkpatrick, State Clerk of the DEAR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: We, the under- larly access casinos, lotteries, and other General Assembly, Presbyterian Church signed, represent a variety of faith perspec- legal betting venues despite age regulations (U.S.A.). tives and religious beliefs. We hold differing to the contrary. Further, aggressive and om- Dr. Richard Land, President, Ethics and convictions regarding many of the most nipresent gambling advertising campaigns Religious Liberty, Commission of the SBC. prominent issues of our day. Yet we are disparage the ethic of work, diligence and Rabbi Abraham S. Lefkowitz, Chaplain, united in our opposition to legalized gam- study while bombarding teens with the idea Nassau County Police Department. bling. We believe it to be a moral and cul- that gambling is the means to get rich Dr. Duane Litfin, President, Wheaton Col- tural cancer. Therefore, we respectfully urge quick. lege. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:01 May 09, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08MY7.037 pfrm12 PsN: H08PT1 H2206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 8, 2002 Max Lucado, Senior Minister, Oak Hills J. Gary Glosten, Bishop Suffragan, Epis- Alan E. Sears, President,, Alliance Defense Church of Christ. copal Diocese of North Carolina. Fund. Bishop Joel N. Martinez, United Methodist William T. Greig II, Chairperson, Gospel Don Schmierer, Program Officer, Church, San Antonio Area. Light Publishing. Fieldstead & Company. Bishop Felton E. May, United Methodist Doris W. Greig, Chairperson, Gospel Light Dr. George K. Brushaber, President, Bethel Church, Washington, D.C. Area. Publications. College and Seminary. Dr. James Merritt, President, Southern Wayne Grudem, Ph.D., Research Professor Dr. Jerry Cain, President, Judson College. Baptist Convention. of Bible and Theology, Phoenix Seminary, Bishop Kenneth L. Carder, United Meth- Dr. Kenneth M. Meyer, Chancellor, Trinity Past President, Evangelical Theological So- odist Church, Mississippi Area.
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