Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org TownTimes Tow O nes Tow Icc nes E Tow OUT nes Tow, cc nes \ ! )\vn XTtmee I July 8,1999 t 52Pag IS^I Sections PUBLISHED BY PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. Price 75 cents Tow RU nes S OJ h- u lii S! Serving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Town Times Siemon new owner of Depot suites by Susan Faber A total of 16 suites in the Depot Square complex have been purchased at auction by the Siemon Co. at a cost of $415,000, said Dennis Strozzi, corporate treasury comptroller at Siemon, located at 76 Westbury Park Road. The auction was held on May 22 in Waterbury. "Our plans are lo util ize existing vacant space either through leasing or for our own use," Mr. Slrozzi said. Town departments including recreation, social services, and registrars of voters utilized office space that were among the suites purchased, and town officials had been unsure whether staff members would be able to stay in Depot Square under new ownership. "As far as we're concerned, we plan on keeping them there," Mr. Strozzi said. "We have no intention of kicking any of the tenants out." "We're pleased it's a local owner," said Town Manager Charlie O'Connor on Tuesday, "and that they want to continue keeping us as tenants. We're thrilled at the news that the owner is the Siemon Co. and they want us to stay. It takes the pressure off." "We are involved with the condominium association to try to revitalize the (DepotSquare) mail and lo attractmore people," said Mr. Strozzi, who has been elected president of the Depot Square (condominium) Associa- ALARMINGDEVELOPMENT:WatertownfirefightersrespondedtotheMarcoBuildingon EchoLakefioad tion. The company's new manufacturing facility across Princeton Road tost Friday at 3:13 p.m. after a malfunctioning springer system set off an alarm. The problem appeared to be from the mall is expected to generate more traffic, he added. a pressure fluctuation within the system, said Watertown Fire Chief Larry Black. — Times Photo, Faber "Our goal is to keep Depot Square in the hands of local people," Mr. Strozzi said. "We're a local company who feels very strongly about Watertown and we're trying to develop a good image for the town." Section II: About 10 suites in Depot Square, including the unithousing the town's Semblance of hearing Salute to the WHS engineering department offices and the offices of John McHugh, D.P.M., Class of 1999 of Dr. McHugh and Associates, P.C. Podiatrists, are privately owned. wished for little Nicole "As an owner for the past 13 years, it's nice to see that Ihe building is pages G1-G20 by Susan Faber "She's a very bright child," Mr. (Continued on page 6) Watertown resident Nicole Festa said, and has been evaluated Festa, 4, has Jived in a world with- as a prime candidate for the sur- Road work out sound since she was bom with gery. a profound hearing loss. Her world It took a year and a half for Mr. 'M'Fingal Inn', nostalgic in Oakville may change very soon, however, Fcsia, a single parent, to come to a since she has been accepted to final decision to go through with part of town's history starts Tuesday undergo surgery to receive a coch- the intricate surgery that entails The chip sealing of several by Susan Faber lear implant, said her father Mi- drilling through the skull to implant town, but which exist now only in streets and roads in Oakville, south chael Festa. an artificial device that will allow The houses and buildings that historical accounts and recollec- of Main Sireel, is scheduled to start Nicole to hear through a mechani- make up the landscape of Water- tions. Tuesday, July 13, according to the cal speech processor. lown-Oakville today have ghostly One such structure was known town's public works department. counterparts—structures that once The project should be completed The Nucleus 24 Channel Im- (Continued on page 5) plant System provides internal had significance in the life of the within a week, the department said. wiring lo replace nerve endings or The following streets will be sensory hair cells in the cochlea, treated: Candee Hill Road, Radnor whichinihenormalear, carry sound Lane, Park Lane, Morro Street, waves from the vibrating eardrum Central Avenue, Russell Avenue, to the brain for interpretation. The Phillips Drive, Plainficld Drive, internal implant wiring is attached Lancaster Street, Mango Circle, lo the external mechanism. Colonial Road, Sills Drive, Lewis Her surgery is scheduled for Drive, Maple Avenue, Park Ave- Wednesday, July 16, at Connecti- nue, Mt. Vemon Avenue, Delhurst cut Children's Medical Center in Drive, Eimhurst Lane, Prospect Hartford and it is imperative it be Street, McDonnell Road, Avalon done then, her father said, since a Avenue, Van Orman Street, Sunset 30-day healing process must lake Avenue, Saugus Avenue, Williams place before the device is activated Avenue.Delwood Drive, Clermont Street, and One-Way Davis. Four-year-old Nicole Festa oj and adjusted. Residents on the affected streets Watertown is scheduled to undergo The implant will allow Nicole lo match speech to mechanical sounds •re requested not to park on the cochlear implant surgery at Con- street from July 13 until after the necticut Children's Medical Cen- and will give her greater access to speech tones. The implant "will treatment is applied. Temporary ter in Hartford on July 16. Nicole "No Parking" signs will be posted was born with profound hearing give Nicole hearing as best as can be expected mechanically," Mr. in advance of the work. Temporary loss and (he implant will allow her reduced speed limit and warning to match speech to mechanical Fesia said. Her "enthusiasm to communi- signs will also be posted and will sounds. A trust fund account has GOOD AIM: A youngster took a turn during a lively game of "four- remain in effect until excess male- been established to help with medi- cate orally continues," said Ber- square" at Xtreme Camp on Friday, July 2. The camp, sponsored by the nadetle Rubano, Nicole's speech rial is swept from the treated streets cal and rehabilitation bills at Web- Watertown Parks and Recreation Department and held at Watertown within two weeks of treatment. ster Bank, 656 Main Street, Water- pathologist. "The highlight of the High School, offers sports, arts and crafts, and field trips for children ages month occurred when Nicole at- The public works department town. Photo courtesy of Michael 6 to 12, said Kara McKeon, who directs the camp along with Paula has asked that residents comply with Festa. (Continued on page 7) Rinaldi. — Times Photo, Fabe the posted speed limit. mamma 2 — Town TimesProperty, July 8,1999 of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org' 'Sffir NO LIMITS!! NO GIMMICKS!! NO COUPONSII xb ^»<~ GUARANTEED!! • ••••' BONEi ESS CI NT * HEMINWAY CENTER BB 485 Main Street, Watertown, Ct. • 274-2714 PORK (H<»PS It PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 7 - JULY 13 BONELESS COUNTRY $ WED THURS FRI SAT SUN M< )N TUES 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SPARE RIBS 2.29 Ib' 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm BONELESS CENTER CUT PLAIN OR SEASONED OUR VERY OWN STORE-MADE PATTIES Ib Our 1/4 Ib. HAMBURGER PATTIES are made with only the finest quality PORK ROASTS 100% fresh ground beet. Our 1/4 Ib. SAUSAGE PATTIES are made with only the finest quality 100% fresh ground pork and spices. ALL of our PLAIN/WITH VEGGIES/WITH SKEWERS $ fresh and frozen patties are in freezer bags and boxes - 20 per box - made and packaged riant here in our store. PqRKJ^BOB£ 2,29 Our Own Fresr Store-MaU Cftnv Size Package) • _ USD A CHOICE STEAK Lean GROUND .. -- - K)V 1ER CHUCK or PATTIES. *1.29, n)NDuNBROILffi 1.29 Ibi 5 Boy *> BONELESS SIRLOIN STEAKJ Ib o-Our Own Fresh Store-Madefl^ THINSUCED <&*% 0%t% Lean GROUND 1. _ SANDWICH STEAKM^ A-SfSI Ib ROUND or PATTIES '1 .89 » BONELESS CENTER CUT $9 4 jg *% CHUCK STEAK M M B4if .b $ 5 Ib. Box - 20 per Box 9i45ea BONELESS NEW YORK $f- g\Ck STRIP STEAK ¥TO«SJS!.b Fresh BONELESS CAnv size Package) USDA CHOICE ROASTS D & SKINLESS $J QO CHICKEN BREAST I • O V» EYE ROUND ROAST pi i89 Fresh CAny Size Package) Whole or Split RUMP ROAST • 1-59 ,„ BONE-IN PRODUCE BEK 'Land O'Lakes $ % ^AMERICAN CHEESE 2, 69 .ES m. PH \ .69 pkg Our Own Store-Made $ Premium 'ROAST BEEF 3. 49 Ib BANANAS I *.39 Our Own Store-Made PEACHES or NECTARINES $-89 MEATBALLS _ *i. 99 Ib Olymel Imported $ Baby Bella $^ f)f% CANADIAN HAM 2,,69. MUSHROOMS JO*?. P6? I m£9* Imported $ Large * m9f\ SWISS CHEESE 2. 99. GREEN PEPPERS • #51 Ib Corando $ GENOA OR HARD SALAMI 2,,99. BROCCOLI -89 SteUa Slicing $ Fresh jfc PROVOLONE 2. 99. GREEN BEANS .69 Ib ^^ resened t0 Bmit quantities • Not responsible for typographical errors Property of the Watertown Historical SocietyTown Times, July 8,199 9 — 3 Friendlywatertownhistoricalsociety.org Neighbors Index Name: Kirsten Yerger Births page 14 Residence: Waterlown Cable 5 Shows 24 Occupation: Little Miss '99 Calendar. 25 Dollhouses will assist Cancer Society Kirsten is the 7-year-daughter Classifieds 27-32 of Rob and Shelley Yerger and Clubs 10 page 17 will be entering Grade 2 at Bald- Crossword Puzzle 18 win School in the fall.
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