INTERNATIONAL 99 NEWS WOMEN PILOTS M A G A Z I N E OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NINETY-NINES® INC. May/June 2003 The San Fernando Valley Chapter takes on the shape of an airplane for its new group photo. 99s International Conference • Huntsville, Alabama July 8-13 — See page 4 PERPETUAL CALENDAR 2003 JUNE 29-Aug.4 EAA/AirVenture, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Con­ 7 Aloha Chapter Annual Banquet at the tact: Rita Adams, 847-913-0490. Hale Koa Hotel. 9 Deadline for submission to the July/August AUGUST 99 News. 9 Deadline for submission to the November/ To list your 99s events 14 100th Year Celebration of Powered Flight, December 99 News. on this calendar page, Castroville, TX Municipal Airport. Safety 15 The Palms to Pines Air Race, Santa send information to: seminars, aerospace education programs, Monica, CA to Bend, OR. Kits will be airplane rides, spot landings, vintage available March 1,2003. Send $5 to Claire The 99 News planes, food, beverages and commem­ Walters, 13026 PsomasWay, Los Angeles, P.O. Box 950033 orative items. Contact Gloria Blank, CA, 90066; phone 310-397-2731. Chair, San Antonio 99s, e-mail: Oklahoma City, OK 15-16 25,h Annual Okie Derby, sponsored by the [email protected], 830-510-4693. 73159 Oklahoma Chapter 99s. Round robin 14-16 Buckeye Air Rally, Norwalk, Ohio. course from Wiley Post Airport, Bethany E-mail: Contact Linda Blodgett 419-289-2244. (OKC, OK). Contact Phyllis Miller, articles99News("’cs.com 20-22 Forest of Friendship, Atchison KS. A [email protected]. On-Line Form: special remembrance for Fay Gillis www.ninety-nines.org/ Wells will be held on June 21. Contact Kay Baker, 913-367-1419. SEPTEMBER 99newsreports.html 21-24 27th Annual Air Race Classic, from Pratt, TBD Annual Poker Run, British Columbia Please indicate the Kansas to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Chapter. Contact Lisa Beare, 604-762- name and location Contact [email protected]. 8527. of the event, the 23-27 Annual Women's Soaring Seminar 11-14 Northwest Section Meeting, McCall, contact name and (WSPA). The Albuquerque Soaring Club Idaho. Contact: Beverly Anderson, phone their phone/fax/email. will host the 25th Annual Soaring Seminar, 208-634-8459, [email protected]. Moriarty, NM. Contact Kathy Taylor, 18-21 Mid-Atlantic and North Central Sections [email protected]. Joint Fall Meeting, Canton, Ohio. Hosted by Lake Erie and Greater Pittsburgh |ULY Chapters. On The Cover 8-13 The Ninety-Nines International Con­ 20 Poker Run, New England Section. Contact The San Fernando ference, Huntsville, Alabama, the Pat Theberge, 978-682-4638. Rain date Marriott Hotel at the Space and Rocket September 21. Valley Chapter took Center. Hosted by the Southeast Section, 27 Overton Airport Day. Overton, CA. a unique approach contact Lisa Cotham, 225-293-4359, Contact Mardell Haskins at lisacot©earthlink.net to posing for a group [email protected] photo. They lined up 13-14 All-Ohio 99s Buckeye Air Rally at Huron County Airport, Norwalk Ohio (5A1). Con­ on the tarmac at tact: Sylvia Sears at 440-235-5274 or e- OCTOBER Whiteman Airport, mail [email protected]. 2-5 Southwest Section Meeting hosted by the Antelope Valley Chapter, Lancaster, CA. Racoima, CA and 15-18 Gold Cup Air Rally, planned by First Ca­ Contact Mercedes Ratliff, 661-400-1826. formed the shape of nadian Chapter to celebrate 100 years of powered flight. Depart from Canadian 7-9 NBAA, Orlando, Florida. an aircraft, complete Aviation Expo at Oshawa airport; fly to 9 Deadline for submission to the November/ with propeller and Quebec and destination Prince Edward December 99 News. nav lights. The photo Island over the next two days. Contact Margo at [email protected]; Marilyn at 10-12 South Central Section Fall Section turned out so well 1 -800-599-7539; or Jean Franklin Hancher Meeting, Tulsa, OK. Contact Frances that they added text at [email protected]. Luckhart. Please note that the date for the meeting has been changed from October and used it as a 17-20 100th Anniversary of Powered Flight, 3-5 to October 10-12. recruiting poster. Dayton's 2003 Air Show. Contact Kim Dell at 937-898-5901. 17-19 NY-NJ Section Fall Section Meeting, See related article Parsippany, NJ. Contact Jean Crommelia 18-25 U.S. Air Race, Inc. 1800 Mile Marion on page 16. 973-427-3848. Jayne Air Race, Start 300 Air Race, 1800 Photograph by 49 Vi Mile Historic Air Cruise and special Bill Howes. events. Contact: 81 7-491 -2842, www.us-airrace.org. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN PILOTS MAGAZINE'15 (ISSN 0273-608X) 99 NEWS INTERNATIONAL Published by THE NINETY-NINES* INC. International Organization of Women Pilots A Delaware Nonprofit Corporation WOMEN PILOTS* Organized November 2, 1929 INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Magazine 4300 Amelia Earhart Rd. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE N I N E T V-N I N E S® INC. Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140 USA 405-685-7969 or 800-994-1929 May/June 2003 Copyright 2003, A ll Rights Reserved Volume 29, No. 3 FAX: 405-685-7985 E-mail: [email protected] CONTENTS Website: www.ninety-nines.org O U T OF THIS W O R LD D IN N E R !............................................................ 4 PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE...........................................................................5 Anna Taylor, Jacque Boyd, NINETY-NINES THEN AND N O W .......................................................... 6 Donna Crane-Bailey By Jenny T. Beatty and Ellen Nobles-Harris Bobbi Roe: Executive Editor Danielle Clarneaux: Associate Editor, Graphics LETTERS................................................................................................... 7 AVIATRIX PUBLISHING, INC. APPRENTICESHIP TO A BUSH PILOT .....................................................8 Arlington Heights, IL 60006-0485 THE 99 NEWS By Katie Writer Fax: (405) 685-7985 PLENTY OF SUN AND FUN IN LAKELAND ........................................ 12 Mail: The 99 News P.O. Box 950033 By Barbara Sierchio Oklahoma City, OK 73159 ORDER OF CANADA BESTOWED ON 99........................................... 12 E-mail: [email protected] By Dorothy Rungeling and Shirley Allen BOARD OF DIRECTORS CAREERS COLUMN ............................................................................. 15 President By Guest Columnist Janet Knight Jody McCarrell Vice President CHAPTER INNOVATION AT W O RK ................................................... 16 Elaine Morrow By Jaye Howes Secretary NINETY-NINES ST Y LE............................................................................21 Donna Moore By Janet Knight Treasurer Susan Larson BOBBI TROUT — A FRIEND REMEMBERS............................................20 Directors: Martha Dunbar, Pat By Terry von Thaden Prentiss, Betty Prakken, Anna Taylor NEW HORIZONS ...................................................................................21 Past President: Vicki Lynn Sherman FESTIVAL OF FLIGHT .............................................................................24 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS By Nancy Wright Arabia: Nancy Taylor Australia: Kathryn Flynn GRASS ROOTS .......................................................................................26 Brazil: Kalina Comenho Caribbean: Mary Higgs STATEMENT OF EDITORIAL POLICY East Canada: Dorothy Berthelet Far East: Rikako Carpenter The opinions expressed in the articles presented in this magazine are those of the authors and shall not be Finland: Kaisa Mollari construed to represent the policies or opinions of The Ninety-Nines® Inc. Deadline: 9'h of month preced­ Germany: Karola Schmorde ing date of publication. Spelling and proper names are proofed against information submitted. All photo­ India: Chanda Budhabbhatti graphs submitted are sent to The 99s Headquarters in Oklahoma City. Israel: Avigail Colorni New Zealand: Dee Wakelin International Women Pilots Magazine/99 News is published bimonthly by The Ninety-Nines* Inc., the Inter­ Wesr Canada: Marcia Strang national Organization of Women Pilots, at 4300 Amelia Earhart Rd.. Oklahoma City, OK 73159. The $9 United States: price of a yearly subscription is included in the annual Ninety-Nines membership dues. Periodicals postage Mid-Atlantic: Ellen Nobles-Harris paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and other additional mailing offices. New England: ftitricia Theberge Neither The Ninety-Nines, Inc. nor the Publisher can accept any responsibility for the correctness or accu­ New York-New Jersey: Linda Scully racy of the matters printed herein or for any opinions expressed. Opinions of the authors or contributors do North Central: Elaine Morrow not necessarily represent the position of the Ninety-Nines, Inc. The Ninety-Nines, Inc. do not warrant, Northwest: Linda Marshall guarantee or endorse any specific product or service that is advertised in its printed or on-line catalog or magazine. South Central: Frances Luckhart Southeast: Lisa Cotham Publisher reserves the right to reject any material submitted for publication. Copy submitted for publication shall become the property of The Ninety-Nines and shall not be returned. Articles submitted with accompa­ Southwest: Fbtricia Gregory nying pictures will receive publication preference. Pictures will be sent to Ninety-Nines Headquarters in Oklanonoma City for its Archives. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Annual Dues: Non-member subscription rates: U.S. - $65 U.S. -$ 2 0 International Women Pilots Magazine Canada and the Caribbean - $57 Canada and other countries - $30 (U.S. dollars) The Ninety-Nines' Inc., Overseas - $44 (U.S. dollars) 4300 Amelia Earhart Rd. Academic and future Women Pilots - $20 Oklahoma City, OK 73159 USA Add a one-time $10 initiation
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