| tr*,1ilfl MIDNLT l TENNESSET STATEUNIVERSITY TENNESSEE $eedeM CONFERENCE MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY UTIND ENSEMBLE Dr. Reed Thomaq Conductor Dr. Frank Ticheli, Guest Conductor Friday, February 1, 2008 8:00 p.m. T. Earl Hinton Hatl . WrightMusic Building Program Credendum William Schuman I. Declaration BIue Shades Frank Ticheli Frank Ticheli, Guest Conductor Sgmphong in E-flat Shafer Mahoney II. Africa or Ithaca IV. Clang V. White Oaks Lane Senzalas, Maracahts e Quilombos Hudson Nogueira A Tennessee Board of Regents Institution MTSU is an equal opportunitg, non-raciallg iderrtifiable, educational institution that does not disciminate against indiuidual.s uith disabilities. Dr,Reed Thomas Dr.Reed Thomas isthe Director ofBands and a fullProfessor ofMusic and conducting atMiddle Ten- nesseeState University. Hisresponsibilities include conducting theWind Ensemble and University Chamber Winds,teaching undergraduate courses inconducting and instrumental methods, graduate courses inconduc! ingand wind and orchestral repertoire, and he guides all aspects of the MTSU band program. He is the found- ingconductor ofthe Three Rivers Wind Symphony, a professional group of windand percussion players from NortheastIndiana and was the Conductor ofthe Littleton Chamber Winds in Littleton,Colorado from 1997-99. Additionally,Dr. Thomas has been a guestconductor for the Littleton Symphony, the Ft. Wayne Community Orchestra,and severalYouth Symphonies inIndiana, Colorado, and Utah. Dr.Thomas isan active conductor and clinician who has received praise and critical acclaim for his artisticinterpretations, thorough preparation, andinnovative programming. Hisgroups have been invited to pefformat venuesthroughout the United States, China, and South Korea. Beginning in2002, Dr. Thomas be- ganhis relationship with bands from Asia and has been invited as a guestconductor and lecturer by the Ko- reanBand Association, the Macau Band Directors Association, the Hong Kong Band Directors Association and theHong Kong Music Office. In the summer of 2005,the MTSU Wind Ensemble was invited to performat the Jejulnternational Band Festival in SouthKorea and several cities in SouthKorea. ln 2007, this group was in- vitedand performed inHong Kong, Macau, and China. A nativeof Colorado, Dr.Thomas received his Ph. D. in Music with an emphasis inconducting from theUniversity of Minnesota and both his Maste/s and Bachelor's degrees in musiceducation from the Univer- sityof Utah.He has studied with such noted conductors asCraig Kirchhoff, John Whitwell, Donald Schleicher, andLoel Hepworth and has studied in masterclasses with Frederick Fennell, Alan McMurray, Tim Salzman, andMallory Thompson. He is also an active performer most recently playing clarinet and bass clarinet with the FortWayne Philharmonic. Dr.Frank Ticheli FrankTicheli's music has been described asbeing "optimistic and thoughtful" (Los Angeles lrmes), "leanand muscular" (The New York Times), "brilliantly effective" (Miami Herald) and "powerful, deeply felt craftedwith impressive flair and an ear for striking instrumental colors" (Soufh Ftorida Sun-Senfine/). Ticheli (b. 1958)joined the faculty of the University of Southern California's Thornton School of Musicin 1991, where he isprofessor ofcomposition. From 1991 to 1998, Ticheli was composer inresidence ofthe Pacific Symphony, andhe still enjoys a close working relationship withthat orchestra and their music director, Carl St.Clair. Ticheliiswell known for his works for concert band, many of which have become standards inthe repertoire.Inaddition tocomposing, hehas appeared asguest conductor ofhis music at Carnegie Hall, at manyAmerican universities andmusic festivals, and in cities throughout theworld. Ticheliisthe winner of the 2006 NBAAtVilliam D.Revelli Memorial Band Composition Contest for his SymphonyNo. 2. Other awards for his music include the Charles lves and the Goddard Lieberson Awards, bothfrom the American Academy of Artsand Letterc, the Walter Beeler Memorial Prize, and First Prize awards inthe Texas Sesquicentennial Orchestral Composition Competition, Britten-on{he-Bay Choral Composition Contest,and Virginia CBDNA Symposium forNew Band Music. Tichelireceived his doctoral and masters degrees incomposition from The University ofMichigan. His worftsare published by Manhattan8each, Southem,*ffiraw, and Encore Music, and are recorffi onthe labelsof Albany, Chandos, Clarion, Klavier, Koch Internationaland MarkRecords. FlutelPiccolo Saxophones Trombone AbiCoffef ClaireJohnson StevenGregory AmyDuncan BethKonopka CourtneyMosley KatieHoward CorderylMartin ToddShipley* LindsayKuhn LeonardWalker DavidSnodgrass ElissaStuart JoshYohe* Euphonium Oboe/EnglishHorn Piano TarynDavis NicoleMcVey AndrewHaselden MaraSnowman* LauraAnn Ross Horn Tuba Clarinet SeanDonovan ThomasChestnut JonathanCopeland AndrewEngland DanielCurtis JessicaHarrie* lonMarina-Uifalean* ClayHensley MichaelRosson StringBass CordaroHudson HannahTilton PeterWallace JoeMedina SarahPanjehpour CorneUTrumpet Percussion PrestonBailey* AndrewHale BassGlarinet MarcusBrooks MichaelHolland JazminBaxter* JoeJordan DavidLorady MaftBiniakewitz MichaelRoyer EricMessmer ShannonStewart TylerWarren* Bassoon JonathanWright MistyO'Neal* JenniferReeves 20M.\MEetilMhtffiilt ReedThomas,Ph.D., Dircdorof Bands CnalgComieh, Assodate Dircdor of Bande Spring Jan,31-Feb. 2 WindBand Conference Feb.21 SymphonicBand & ChamberWinds 7:30PM Feb.25 WindEnsemble 7:30PM Apr.3 ChamberWinds B:00PM Apr.10 WindEnsemble 7:30PM Apr,14 ConcertBand 7:30PM Apr.22 SymphonicBand 7:30PM wv{w.mbubands.com 615.898.2993 LFeb.ZooB MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATEUNIVERSITY 0n0r CONFERENCE - {: y','F to 1 .:.! ,'.r . 14''| P !.s I Saturday,February 2, 2008 1:00p.m. TuckerTheatre Program Selections Aydelott Ifonor Band Mr. David Aydelott, Conductor Star SpangledBanner trans.bv JavDawson SpaceMusic DonaldErb Sureon this ShiningNight SamuelBarber/arr. Richard Saucedo Courtly Airs & Dances Ron Nelson SeaSongs Ralph Vaughn Williams Pughflonor Band Dr. JoelPugh, Conductor Ride SamuelHazo Serenade John Bourgeois A Longford Legend Robert Sheldon RussianSailor's Dance Reinhold Gliere Johnson Honor Band Dr. Sigurd Johnson,Conductor The Earl of Oxford's March William Byrdlarr. Phillip Sparke Windsong John Zdechlik Just a Closer Walkwith Thee Don Gillis/an. Calvin Custer Ilest Side Storv Leonard Bernstein/arr.Jav Bocook Ticheli Wind Ensemble Dr. Frank Ticheli. Conductor Joy Revisited FrankTicheli Alligator Alley MichaelDaugherty An American Elrg FrankTicheli I fne Ai*ziint Cry,II- l(ondrousLove, III. AxMt&ann Southgrn Harmony Donald Grantham MR. DAVID AYDELOTT A graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, David Aydelott is the Director of Bands at Franklin High School. Mr. Aydelott has directed numerous high school bands which have distinguished themselves on the marching field, on the concert stage, and in individual and chamber settings. A recipient of the National Band Asso- ciation's Citation of Merit, Mr. Aydelott is currently serving a second term on the Ex- ecutive Board of the Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association and holds membership in a number of other music associations. DR. JOEL PUGH Joel Pugh is the Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Low Brass at Bemidji State University. Under his direction, the Bemidji State University Wind Ensemble has become one of the premier wind bands in tJle North Central United States. Dr. Pugh has been published in the Brass Band Bridge, the International Tuba and Eu- plwnium Association JournaL and will be published in an upcoming issue of The In- stntmentalisf. Joel PuSh teaches at the International Music Camp at the Peace Gar- dens on the North Dakota/Canada border, and is an artist and clinician for Besson. DR. SIGI'RD JOHNSON Sigurd H. Johnson is the Director of Bands and Percussion and an Associate Profes- sor of Music at Valley City State University in North Dakota. Dr. Johnson is involved in VCSU's Community School of the Arts as an instructor of percussion, and is the conductor of the Valley City Civic Orchestra. Johnson spends part of his summer teaching percussion at the International Music Camp, where he is also an executive member of the IMC board and Vice President of the U.S. corporation. Johnson is a Sabian Cymbals and Vic Firth Sticks and Mallets artist. DR. FRAT{K TICHELI Frank Ticheli joined the faculty of the University of Southern California's Thornton School of Music in 1991, where he is Professor of Composition. Ticheli is well known for his works for concert band, many of which have become standards in the reper- toire. He is the winner of the 2006 NBA/William D. Revelli Memorial Band Composi- tion Contest for his Symphong No. 2. Other awards for his music include the Charles Ives Award, the Goffard Lieberson Award, and the Walter Beeler Memorial Hze. Tich- et's works are published by Manhatten Beach, Southern, Hinshaw, and Encore Mu- sic and are recorded on the labels of Albany, Chandos, Clarion, Klavier, Koch Inter- natinal, and Mark Records. Participating Directors Caryn Miller, Antioch Darrell Boston, Loretto Scott Miller, Antioch Shawn Mitterholzer, Macon County Brenda Monson, Blackman David Hazlett, McGavock Mondale Rogers, Coffee County Ashley Jarrell, MLK Magnet Phillip Simpson, Coffee County Rod Hill, MLK Magnet Neil Graves, Columbia Academy Marsha Hartwien, MLK Magnet Stephen Givens, Community Mandy Contreras, Moore County Sarah Odio, Dade County, GA Sam Stough, Mt. Pleasant Tiffany Fuller, Davidson Academy $ Jessup, Oakland Kristin Reagh, DeKalb County
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