The Triumph of the Egghead Louis Bromfield Profit Sharing Works William Loeb Socialism vs. Christianity The Re,v. Edward Ai. Keller Ride to Pike's Peak on an Eagle IT'S UP ••• ILiP ••• AND UP when you take NOTHING TO -BLOCK YOUR VIEW in the GETTING HUNGRY? Then head for the the Missouri Pacific's Colorado Eagle Eagle's Planetarium Dome Car. You diner-lounge and one of the Eagle's to Denver, ~~The Mile-High City". can look up, down, all around- through tempting meals. You'll enjoy it in Passing through Colorado Springs you glare-resistant glass. Air-conditioning smooth-rolling comfort with Timken® can see Pike's Peak, high spot of your brings the fresh mountain air right roller bearings on the axles. They Rocky Mountain trip. inside your car. helped make streamliners practical. Now take the next great step in railroading CONSTANTLY AT WORK to improve ON ONE RAILROAD, ~~Roller Freight" WITH "ROLLER FREIGHT", another rail­ freight service, the railroads are begin­ has gone 50 million car-miles without a road cut running time in half on a live­ ning to lick the main cause of freight single ~~hot box" delay. But freight stock run. With ~~Roller Freight", goods train delays- ~~hot boxes". They're cars on friction bearings average only will reach you faster, fresher, in better finding the answer in ~~Roller Freight", 212,000 car-miles between set-outs for condition. It's the railroads' big attrac­ freight cars on Timken roller hearings. ~~hot boxes". tion for lTIOre freight business. TIMKEN BE,ARINGS cut lube bills up to COST IS LOWER! Complete assemblies NOT JUST A BALI. 0 NOT JUST A ROLLER .a::::> 89%, reduce terminal inspection man­ of cartridge journal box and Timken THE TIMKEN TAPERED ROLLER a:::> BEARING 90~~. bearings for freight cars cost 20% less hours Because they cut starting TAKES RADIAL ¢AND THRUST -@)- LOADS resistance 88%, trains start smoother than a pplications of six years ago. OR ANY COMBINATION ~~ with less d.amage to lading. When all Other products of the Timken Com­ railroads go ~~Roller Freight", they'll pany: alloy steel and tubing, removable Copr.1952 The Timken Roller Bearing Company. Canton 6.0. net a 22~~ return on the investment. rock bits. Cable address: •• TIMROSCO··. Watch the railroads GO ••• on Tapered Roller Bearings TIMIENTRADE-MARK REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. THE A Fortnightly Our Contributors Few magazine articles have evoked such in­ For tense and thoughtful discussion as did Nancy Jane Fellers's description of her experiences at reeman Individualists Vassar. The Freeman's mail-bags have been bulging (a selection of those letters appears on page 177), metropolitan journals have edi­ Editors JOHN CHAMBEULAIN FORREST DAVIS torialized on the subject, and in this issue we publish two rejoinders from Vassar itsQlf to Managiul Editor SUZANNE LA FOLLETTE Miss Fellers's indictment of what she deemed an attempt to fit her thinking into arnold of Business Manager KURT M. LASSEN "liberal" orthodoxy. We hope that this presen­ tation of the Vassar point of view via the edi­ torial board of the college paper and Miss Lockwood will answer two correspondents who have unfoundedly suggested that the Freeman Contents VOL. 3, NO.5 DECEMBER 1, 1952 would print only one side of the case. LOUIS BROMFIELD needs no introduction in this Editorials department. The famous novelist and squire of Malabar E"arm has contributed twice previously The Fortnight. .................................... .. 149 to the Freeman. ... The advocate of profit Ike's Mission..................... ................. .. 151 sharing in this issue, WILLIAM LOEB, publishes Gallup Bites the Dust Again. ....................... .. 152 a group of newspapers in New Hampshire and By Any Other Name. .............................. .. 152 Vermont headed by the Manchester, N. H., A Rather Susceptible Chancellor...................... 153 Union Leader. He is national chairman of the A Voice of Sanity................................... 154 Council of Profit Sharing Industries. THE REV. DR. EDWARD A. KELLER, C. S. C. ("So­ Articles cialism vs. Christianity") has taught economics at his ahna mater, Notre Dame, since 1934, has The Triumph of the Egghead LOUIS BROMFIELD 155 been Director of the Bureau of Economic Re­ The Greatest Country BRUCE WINTON KNIGHT 158 search at that university since 1936. Dr. Keller, Vassar Answers Nancy Fellers 160 the author of several highly-regarded studies Socialism versus Christianity EDWARD A. KELLER 164 in the economics of wealth, has contributed to Profit Sharing Works. ............... .. WILLIAM LOEB 166 the Reader's Digest, Look and the Catholic Di­ A Decade of French Art JEROME MELLQUIST 169 gest. He is consulting economist for the Ameri­ can Economic Foundation, New York City, and Books the Heritage Foundation, Chicago. BRUCE WIN­ TON KNIGHT ("The Greatest Country") is a A Reviewer's Notebook JOHN CHAMBERLAIN 171 Professor of Economics at Dartmouth. The Old New Yorker ANTHONY HARRIGAN 172 author of "How to Run a War" and "Economic The Colonial Style RLENE L. IIOWELL 173 Principles in Practice," Dr. Knight wrote House of Firestone ASHER BRYNES 174 "Freedom Is Indivisible" for the Freeman of Recent Novels EDITH H. WALTON 175 January 14, 1952. JEROME MELLQUIST ("A Dec­ McLiebling on Chicago ALIX DU POY 176 ade of French Art"), art critic living in Paris, has contributed previously to the Freeman. Poems Night Cry SJANNA SOLUM 163 Among Ourselves It has sometimes been suggested that the Free­ Foreign Trends man is partisan. That it assuredly is-partisan X-Rays on Le Monde CANDIDE 165 in behalf of the dignity and rights of the indi­ vidual, partisan in behalf of the West against Arts and Entertainments WILLIAM S. SCHLAMM 168 the new barbarism of the Kremlin. This is by 'way of introducing a letter from Mr. Robert E. Letters ................................................ 17'7 Couch, principal of the Beatrice, Ala., High This Is What They Said , ······· 159 School, who writes: "... I do not want your magazine.... I believe that a magazine that can not find anything good about our present government is not worthy to be read by our stu­ THE FREEMAN is published every other week, Publication Office, Orange, Conn. Editorial dents." Which brings us to the odd circumstance and General Offices, 240 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. Copyright in the United States, 1952,J)y. the Freeman Magazine.Jns~.J(:)11n,qamberlain,President; F?rrest that a student in Lincoln, Neb., seat of the Davis, Secretary; Alex L. Hillman, Treasurer; Suzanne La Follette, Assistant State University, who wished to consult the Treasurer. Entered as second class matter at the Post Ofiice at· Orange, Conn. Rates: Twenty-five Freeman for some college work found that the cents the copy; five dollars a year in the United States, nine dollars for two years; six only libraries in that city affording this maga­ dollars a year elsewhere. zine were those of the State Legislature and The editors can not be responsible for manuscripts submitted but if return postage is enclosed they will endeavor to see that manuscripts rejected are promptly returned. the State Reformatory. We leave comment to It is not to be understood that articles signed with a name, pseudonym, or initials neces­ you. On the cheerful side, a Chicago reader sarily represent the opinion of the editors, either as to substance or style. They are writes that he buys four copies of each issue printed because, in the editors' j uclgment, they are intrinsically worth reading. and hands them to friends, a number of whom Printed in U.S.A.. by Wilson H. Lee Co., Orange, C'onnecticut ~, .. have subscribed. Locllle YOllr IIll1nl within 500miles 01hllli the nlliion ~ 1I01l1l11l1ion! Ask us for details of these three level, flood-free sites, They offer important savings in distribution costs be­ cause of nearness to high-density population areas. MARKETS: Overnight freight to most of the nation's major C,O's "Pin ... Point M sUlVeys markets ... and to the world-famous Port of Newport News, are strictly confidential MANPOWER: Richmond is 360/0 ABOVE THE NATIONAL AV­ ERAGE IN NET VALUE of manufactured product per worker Findil1~ the right spot Jor your .: . holds 5th place in labor stability. new plant can be a costly, time-consuming job for you The Chesapeake and Ohio Industrial Development Depart­ and your or~anization.Let OUT ment will gladly send you aerial photographs, topographical experts in this field make the maps, detailed tax data, water analysis and other confiden­ task easy by preparin~ a tial information on these and other available sites. specia.l PIN-POINT survey to meet your requirements. For Jurther information write Chesapeake and Ohio, Industrial Development Dept., Terminal Tower, Cleveland 1, Ohio. Chesapeake and Ohio Rai SERVING Virginia • W. Virginia • Kentucky • Ohio • Indiana • Michigan • S. Ont. reemanTHE MaN DAY, DEC EMBER 1, 1 9 52 capitalism. "India," he said, "presents a field in The Fortnight which there are none of the hindrances and im­ pediments which frequently prevent the flow of any of our friends who voted Republican and private capital. First of all, there is a stable gov­ M so helped contribute to the Eisenhower sweep ernment and an efficient administration. There are are still going about with their fingers crossed. adequate facilities for repatriation of capital and We say to them, "Uncross those fingers." The rea­ due process ·of law for compensation. Besides, there son we say this derives from our analysis of the is an enormous potential market. .. ." Having constitution of the incoming Congress. Broadly listened to some of Pandit Nehru's paeans to so­ speaking, it has a conservative majority no matter cialism in the past, the editors of the Freer;~an how you cut and slice the party designations. The might have some excuse to doubt the full relevance Taftite Republicans and the Byrd-Byrnes-Shivers of Ambassador Mehta's glowing words.
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