The Henryk Nlewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Main site: ul. Radzikowskiego 152 31-342 Krakdw tel: (48 12) 37 00 40 fax:(4812)375441 tix:3224 61 e-mail: [email protected] High Energy Department: ul. Kawiory 26 A 30-055 Krakdw tel: (48 12) 33 33 66, 33 68 02 fax: (48 12) 33 38 84 tlx: 32 22 94 e-mail: [email protected] Annual 1993 Krakow 1994 Report No 1669 PRINTED AT THE HENRYK NIEWODNICZANSKI INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS Cover designed by J. Grebosz Editorial Board: J. Bartke, D. Erbel (Secretary), B. Fornal, L. Friendl, J. Grebosz, M. Krygowska-Doniec, P. Malecki, M. Waligorski and H. Wojciechowski. e-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Kopia offsetowa, druk i oprawa: DRUKARNIA IFJ Wspotpraca wydawnicza: SEKCJA WYDAWNICTW DZIAtU INFORMACJI NAUKOWEJ IFJ Wydanie I zam. 29/94 NaWad 450 egz. Henryk Niewodniczanski 1900 - 1968 25 years ago, on 20 December 1968, Professor Henryk Niewodniczanski, the founder of our Institute, died. To commemorate this event, we held a small session to recall his achievements as a scientist, teacher and administrator. Professor Niewodniczanski, a brilliant experimental physicist, began his research in the early twenties in the field of atomic optics. He discovered the forbidden dipole magnetic transition in Pb atoms. His interest in nuclear physics was aroused by Lord Rutherford of Nelson in whose laboratory he worked in the middle 'thirties. After World War II Professor Niewodniczariski initiated research in nuclear physics at the Jagellonian University. His enthusiasm and great organizational talent resulted in the establishment of the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow under his directorship. Thanks to his prolific vision, international reputation and managing abilities, the Institute in Krakow soon reached the position of an advanced research centre highly respected in Poland and abroad. Professor Niewodniczanski was also an accomplished teacher. Many of his pupils are now spread all over the world continuing the spirit of good scientific research instilled by their great Master. This volume describes our research activities through 1993. We have pursued our traditional directions of research, i.e. elementary particle physics, nuclear reaction and nuclear spectroscopy, physics of condensed matter applying nuclear methods, theoretical physics, nuclear geophysics and hydrology, radiobiology, radiochemistry, nuclear medicine including NMR imaging, envi- ronmental studies with nuclear and non-nuclear methods, TLD dosimetry and several technical enterprises, such as the construction of particle accelerators, semiconductor detectors for low, intermediate and high energy physics, ion implantation and development of computer networks for scientific purposes. The 3.5 MeV pressurized Van de Graaff accelerator installed in 1992 has successfully com- pleted its first full year of operation. Several experiments in various fields such as sample analysis for medicine and for evironmental studies as well as studies of the surface structure of solids were performed using its beam. The 144 cm isochronous cyclotron was tested with a high-intensity accelerated beam. An internal deuteron beam of 300 /*A was obtained. The cyclotron has now been taken over by the operation team and is waiting (due to lack of funding) to be moved to a permanent site where it will be exploited. The ion implantation plant has been upgraded and is now able to use two ion beams for producing multilayer surfaces. In spite of severe financial difficulties we were able to maintain our staff of about 580 persons. We consider it as a good prospect for the future that 15 fresh postgraduates and postdoctoral workers have joined our staff this year. Our main collaboration partners were: the CERN Organization in Geneva, the Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin, the Julich. Kernforschungszentrum, the University of Munster, GSI Darm- stadt, CRN Strasbourg, Laboratoire du GANLL Caen, DESY Hamburg, KfK Karlsruhe, LNL Legnaro, Argonne National Laboratory, Purdue University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Fermilab, Louisiana University at Baton Rouge, the JENR in Dubna and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kiev. The Institute has actively participated in the preparation of experiments for the new colliders: the LHC at CERN (ATLAS and ALICE) and the RHIC at Brookhaven (PHOBOS). Considerable effort has been undertaken in preparing experiments for the cooler synchrotron COSY at Julich (COSY 10 and COSY 11), the Vivitron accelerator at Strasbourg and the Alpi facility at Legnaro (Eurogam and Gasp). We have published over 400 papers, of which about 200 were accepted by highly regarded international journals. We are particularly proud of two distinguished prizes received by our scientists: The Maria Sklodowska-Curie prize of the Polish Academy of Sciences was awarded to Professor Jan Kwie- cinski for his brilliant results on the physics at small x. Dr Wojciech Florkowski was awarded the Henryk Niewodniczanski prize of the Jagellonian University for his excellent work on multihadron production. The Institute organized together with CERN, the European School of High Energy Physics in Zakopane-Zgorzelisko, Poland, which was highly praised by its participants and by the CERN administration. The international conference on "Meson-Nucleus Interactions" held at the In- stitute was also a considerable success, as were many other scientific meetings and conferences held on the Institute's premises. A. Budzanowski DIRECTORATE: General Director: Professor Andrzej Budzanowski Deputy Directors: Assoc.Prof. Piotr Malecki, Dr Maria Pollak-Stachurowa, Prof. Michai Turaia SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL: Chairman: Prof. Krzysztof Rybicki A. REPRESENTATIVES OF SCIENTIFIC STAFF: Jerzy Bartke, Prof., Jan Lasa Prof., Rafal Broda, Prof., Leonard Lesniak, Assoc.Prof., Andrzej Budzanowski, Prof., Piotr Malecki, Assoc.Prof., Tomir Coghen, Prof., Jacek Okolowicz, Dr, Zygmunt Chyliriski, Assoc.Prof., Krzysztof Parliriski, Prof., Jan Czubek, Prof., Grzegorz Polok, Dr, Andrzej Eskreys, Prof., Jan Styczen, Prof., Jacek Hennel, Prof., Michai Tuxala, Prof., Andrzej Hrynkiewicz, Prof., Michai Waligorski, Assoc.Prof., Jerzy Janik, Prof., Tadeusz Wasiutyriski, Assoc.Prof., Edward Kapuscik, Prof., Kacper Zalewski, Prof., Jan Kwiecinski, Prof., Andrzej Zuber, Prof. B. REPRESENTATIVES OF TECHNICAL PERSONNEL: Bronislaw Czech, E.Eng., Ewa Krynicka, M.Sc, Jan Godlewski, M.Sc, Mieczyslaw Kubica, Wieslaw Iwanski, M.Sc., Piotr Skora, M.Sc., Ewa Kozynacka, Zbigniew Szklarz, Zbigniew Krol, M.Eng., Wladyslaw Wiertek C. REPRESENTATIVES FROM OTHER INSTITUTES: Andrzej Bialas, Prof. - Jagellonian University, Wieslaw Czyz, Prof. - Jagellonian University, Jerzy Niewodniczanski, Prof. - Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Head of The Polish Atomic Agency. CONTENTS: page Department of Nuclear Reactions 1 i ',1 Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy 33 ' Department of Structural Research 101 ' , : Department of Theoretical Physics Ill • - ' Department of High Energy Physics 135 ' * Department of Environmental and Radiation Transport Physics 213 ' -• Department of Radiation and Environmental Biology 223 ' 14 Department of Nuclear Radiospectroscopy 237 ''"' Department of Nuclear Physical Chemistry 249 ' Health Physics Laboratory 267 ' ! •--> Cyclotron Laboratory 279 ' . < Cyclic Accelerator R & D Laboratory 283 : ' Electronics Laboratory 288 Computing and Networks 295 •'• i Division of Mechanical Constructions 297 Energy Efficiency Center 302 < '• U INP Author Index 305 ' -i Department of Nuclear Reactions DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS Head of Department: Prof. Andrzej Budzanowski Deputy Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Stanisław Drożdż Secretary: Jadwiga Gurbiel telephone: (48) (12) 37-02-22 ext.: 210 e-mail: [email protected] PERSONNEL: Research staff (physicists): Andrzej Adamczak, Henryk Dąbrowski, Ludwik Freindl, Kazimierz Grotowski, Professor, Elżbieta Gula, Jacek Jakiel, Piotr Kamiński, Waldemar Karcz, Stanisław Kliczewski, Ewa Kozik, Jerzy Łukasik, Marian Madeja, Jacek Okołowicz, Michał Palarczyk, Regina Siudak, Artur Siwek, Irena Skwirczyńska, Tomasz Srokowski, Paweł Staszel, Antoni Szczurek, Jarosław Szmider, Henryk Wojciechowski, Roman Wolski, Michał Ziółkowski, Technical staff: Edward Białkowski, Janina Chachura, Bronisław Czech, Marek Gruszecki, Wiesław Kantor, Kazimiera Pogorzelska, Administration: Jadwiga Gurbiel GRANTS: 1. Prof. A. Budzanowski, grant No 203349101, (The State Committee for Scientific Research), "Investigation of resonances in ^O^C) system". 2. Assoc. Prof. S. Drożdż, grant No 224099102, (The State Committee for Scientific Research), "Investigation of strong interactions in nuclear many-body systems". 3. Assoc. Prof. S. Drożdż, grant No 2P30215704, (The State Committee for Scientific Research), "Nonlinear and topological effects in nuclear dynamics". PL9600976 4. Dr. S. Kliczewski, grant No 2P30202505, (The State Committee for Scientific Research), "Experimental investigation of low-lying states of pionic atoms at COSY (Julich)". 5. Dr A. Adamczak, grant US National Science Foundation No INT 91-19223, "Theory of scattering of muonic hydrogen atoms on molecular targets". OVERVIEW: In 1993 we have maintained the main directions of research in the field of nuclear reactions. We have studied experimentally the 28Si(4He,16O)16O reaction and have found the proper an- gular momenta in the entrance and outgoing channels which provide a good Hauser Feshbach description of the data. Search for multifragmentation in the
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