APRIL 22, 2018 • FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SHEBOYGAN • WISCONSIN SHEBOYGAN NORTH CATHOLIC PARISHES Pastor, Fr. Matthew J. Widder [email protected] Associate Pastor, Fr. Gideon K. Buya [email protected] HOLY NAME OF JESUS 920-458-7721 — [email protected] (Mary) 807 Superior Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 ST. CLEMENT 920-457-4629 — [email protected] (Briana) 522 New York Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 ST. DOMINIC 920-458-7070 — [email protected] (Laura) 2133 North 22nd St., Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 PARISH WEBSITES & SOCIAL MEDIA www.holynamestclement.org www.stdominic.us Sheboygan North Catholic Church OTHER SERVICES Emergency Prayer Chain HN Gloria Resnick 920-946-8205 SC Martha Cerda-Rios 920-334-0813 SD Lynn Skelton 920-452-2603 SPRING PLANT SALE ORDER FORMS DUE - MAY 6; DELIVERED MAY 23 Northside Christian Food Pantry St. Dominic: 920-458-7070 x 317 Are you looking for new flowers or plants for your gar- Open Thursdays: 12:30 —2:00 pm den? Are you are looking for beautiful hanging baskets to liven up your home or yard? If you’re not, you may know Northside Faith Formation someone who is, so help share this great opportunity. See page 3 Caan’s floral has graciously allowed us to order flowers, Religious Gift Shop hanging baskets, and plants at a great price and all pro- St. Dominic: Cindy Beimel 920-452-0784 ceeds will support the 2018 Mission Trip to New Orleans. Please return order forms and payment to the parish offic- ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC SCHOOL es by May 6. Flowers will be delivered May 23. Principal, Dr. Stephanie Nardi Any questions 920-452-1571 — [email protected] call Adrianna 814 Superior Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 Hanson @ www.sheboyganseton.org 920-323-9232. CALVARY CEMETERY Sexton, John Jacobchick 920-946-2529 — [email protected] Bulletin E-Mail: [email protected] www.sheboygancalvarycemetery.com Articles must be in 10 days before desired publication date. APRIL 22, 2018 Archdiocese of Milwaukee OUR FAMILY OF FAITH Safeguarding All of God’s Family BAPTISMS Safe Environment Week – 2018 Proclamation We pray for those baptized into God’s family: Bret & Reese Derksen, sons of Dean Derksen (SD) WHEREAS, Safe Environment Week is for every Yuxiang “Danny” Fan, son of Chenhao & Qiaofang (HN) parish and school, as well as the entire faith community to Graham Hamilton Waters, son of Drew & Brittny (SC) focus, at the same time, on the importance of keeping our Nixon James Sierakowski, son of Tyler & Sarah (HN) children and youth safe; WELCOME NEW MEMBERS WHEREAS, child abuse and neglect are societal problems Judy Auten (SC) whose prevention depend on involvement among people throughout the faith community; WHEREAS, our children are our most valuable resources and will shape the future of not only the Archdi- ocese of Milwaukee, but also the entire Church; MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS WHEREAS, Pope Francis tells each of us to “have courage, APRIL 23: SAINT GEORGE, SAINT ADALBERT go forward,” recognizing that we live in the present, but SD 5:30 PM † Max Schad (Schad Family) we must have the courage to embrace the future; † Donald Pitschler (Virginia Pitschler) APRIL 24: SAINT FIEDLIS OF SIGMARINGEN WHEREAS, the theme for this year’s Safe Environ- HN 8:00 AM † Annette Thimmig (St. Anne's Society) ment Week is HAVE COURAGE, GO FORWARD. As a SC 12:00 PM Adoration faith community, together we recognize we live in the pre- SC 5:15 PM † Héctor Castañeda (Yolanda Castañeda) sent, yet we must always look toward the future, remem- SC 5:45 PM Reconciliation bering the steadfast love God provides for each and every SC 9:00 PM Benediction one of His children; APRIL 25: SAINT MARK WHEREAS, we acknowledge that we must work SS# 8:15 AM † Charles Kirsch (Joe & Mary Glover) SN 12:00 PM Mass at St. Nicholas Hospital together as a community to increase awareness about child APRIL 26: EASTER WEEKDAY abuse and neglect, and work to promote the social and SC 8:00 AM Michael Bernard emotional well-being of children, youth and families in a SN 12:00 PM Mass at St. Nicholas Hospital safe, healthy and nurturing environment; APRIL 27: EASTER WEEKDAY THEREFORE, I, Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, SD 8:00 AM † Marilu George (Frank & Linda Keglovits) proclaim the week of April 22 – 28, 2018 SC 5:00 PM Holy Hour as Safe Environment Week in the Archdi- APRIL 28: ST PETER CHANEL, ST LOUIS GRIGNION DE ocese of Milwaukee. I ask that all partici- MONTFORT pate and acknowledge each other with HN 9:30 AM Reconciliation the love and mercy of God the Father. SD 4:00 PM Reconciliation SC 4:00 PM Primera Comunion SD 5:00 PM † Richard Baumgartner Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki (Rita & Dick Kurylo) Archbishop of Milwaukee † Frank & Joyce Kummer (David Turner) NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 29: 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER HN 7:30 AM For Our Sheboygan North Parishioners SC 9:00 AM † Elaine Kroeff (Family) A FOOTBALL PLAYER’S HN 10:30 PM 1st Communicants JOURNEY SD 10:30 AM † Rose Marie French (Virginia Pitschler) TO THE CATHOLIC FAITH † Ralph Radke (Mary Radke) SUNDAY • APRIL 29 • 7 PM • ST. DOMINIC CHURCH SC 12:15 PM † Juana Maria Becerra (Tomasita Valdez) SD 6:00 PM Sheboygan North Faith Formation Former NFL Quarterback Chris Greisen presents . A FOOTBALL PLAYER’S JOURNEY TO THE CATHOLIC HN = Holy Name of Jesus, SC = St. Clement, SD = St. Dominic, SS# = Seton School Masses are at Holy Name of Jesus Church FAITH —How God can use even sports to bring you closer to him! All are welcome for this inspiring, family-friendly event! More details to come! Sponsored by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School’s Faith Development Committee WEEKLY READINGS can be found at www.usccb.org. 2 | Holy Name of Jesus • St. Clement • St. Dominic FAITH FORMATION Faith Formation Office: 920-458-5390 • Program Director, Edie Morrison - [email protected] • Bilingual Program Assista nt, Lulu Torres - [email protected] • RCIA Coordinator, Sr. Sue Hetebrueg - [email protected] - 920-452-0129 FAITH FORMATION CLASSES SAINT OF THE WEEK SAINT MARCELLINUS All classes are held in the Northside Faith Formation Center Pope on the corner of N 21st St. & Cleveland Ave. Feast Day: April 26 Grades 4K-8— Sunday Classes: 9:00-10:15 AM Patron: Decapitations April 22 (last class) Successor to Pope Caius, Grades 4K-8 — Wednesday Classes: 4:45-6:00 PM Marcellinus occupied the papal Classes are Finished throne from 296 to 304. He died YM-Faith Formation Sunday Classes: 6:00-8:30 PM during the persecution of April 29, May 6, May 20 (Year 2 Only) Christians decreed by Emperor Diocletian. Marcellinus April 29, May 6 & 20 — Mass at 6:00 PM at died a martyr, but weather he was decapitated or died in St. Dominic Parish with Youth Ministry Musicians. prison is unclear. He was distinguished for his zeal and his charity. Having no specific iconography, he is usually de- picted in papal robes. VBS JUNE 11-15! This summer's Vacation Bible School MISSION TRIP STOCK SALE theme is Shipwrecked – Rescued by APRIL 21/22 AT ST. DOMINIC Jesus. Children from 3 years old to Are you looking to invest in something that fifth grade will enjoy songs and will change lives and make a lasting com- skits, teaching how Jesus is always here for us. We rotate to munity impact? Consider buying stock in our 2018 Mission four different stations each morning where the Bible theme Trip. Your support will help provide the vital supplies and is taught in different engaging ways. resources needed to ensure our trip to New Orleans is as Registration forms have been sent home with Faith For- successful as possible. Our students will be helping to re- mation and Seton students. Please register soon so that we new homes with paint, yard work, building ramps and as- can order supplies, form groups, and plan an exciting week sisting day care centers for low income families. of VBS. Vacation Bible School will be mornings from 9:00 AM until noon, the week of June 11-15 . VBS will be held at the Donations will be going towards expenses for our mission Sheboygan North Faith Formation Center. trip including bus cost, overnight stay on the way there and back, camp costs, and supplies. Students to sell stock after Would you like to help with VBS? We are in need of mid- Masses at St. Dominic April 21 & 22. Make checks payable dle and high school students and adults to help at the dif- to St. Dominic Parish with Mission Trip in the memo line. ferent stations or as crew leaders and we need a photogra- pher. We could also use donations for our snacks. For more information, contact Edie at 920-458-5390 or mor- OUR LADY OF GOOD HELP PILGRIMAGE [email protected] . Forms are available in the back of TUESDAY, MAY 22 our churches or in our parish offices. Details are being finalized for our Annual Spring Retreat to Our Lady of Good Help on Tuesday, May 22. The itiner- ary will be much the same as in the past. This year we will WOMEN’S SILENT RETRE AT be accompanied Fr. Matthew and our summer seminarian, SAVE THE DATE: SEPTEMBER 7-9 Rafael Roxas. A flyer with all the details will be available Holy Name of Jesus Parish is sponsoring a Women’s Re- shortly. treat at the St. Norbertine Retreat Center in DePere. The We are also working on a Fall retreat and tour of the Bascilica September 7-9 retreat will be a wonderful weekend to es- of St.
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