■ T" . '‘-f i; - 1 ■ TUESDAY, JUNE 18,1948 FAGE TWELVE Ebmr^Mlrr ttmtfno E m v IS Average Daily Circulation The Weether For the Month et Mny, 1040 Feroeaut el O. B. Weathn place Saturday, July 6, at S' A dinner will be tendered tomor their fiftieth aimtvsrsary this year deody iiad cooler, prei Emergency Doctora row evening, it • o'clock at the E. Le Cabinet with appropriate oaremonlea. The o’clock at the Mancheeter M etho-' 6 ,4 0 1 etowere this aftemoea RockvlUe House, for all Emblem IntermediaU League was organis­ diet church, and will be followed ulght; Tknnday eleniy aa A b ou t T ow n Phyddaiia of the Jfaachee- ed In the winter of 1989 and al­ by a recepUoo at the Chapman' HALE'S SELF SERVE Member ot the Audit Club members In good standing. Bureau of Ctrcniatloa * .. _ ter Medical Aiaociatlon who A social will follow at the EQu, ready is making itself felt aa a home. The invltatloiu formerly The Original In New England! j will reepond to emergency calU P lans M eet group for w on ^ p and fellowabip, ienied will stand. Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm A owatd by Ftmk I* home in Rockville. Mrs. James r tomorrow afternoon are Dr. H. McVeigh of Oxford street this Bhiteat Thompabn, tM r counaellor Miss Chapman was tsken4u in o f Pork Ridgo, minoU. Howard Boyd and Dr. Bldmund for the coming yiear, la attending May, Jtwt prior to her Wedding PRICE THREE CENTS town la president of tha Emblem (Clnaaiaed AdverUeing oa Page 14) MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19,1940 : JilT i througk town ZeffUo. South Church Group to the Toung People’s Instltuts being date of the *‘*th. She imia remov­ AND HEALTH MARKET VOL. LIX., NO. 222 Club. ____________________ _ _ apporaBtly iwayod ond • O' ----- ■ ■ — II— .11 #1 held this week at Nathan Hale ed to tbs Memorial ^Hospital for bt on o book projoetlnr from Gather on Thursday; Oamp, South Coventry. fin appendectomy add has now n krwn truck opomtod by Thommo The executive committee of the The Methodist church believes fully recovered hef health. Jf. Rnmphrev. The mUhap, which Officers Are Installed. W ed. Morning Specials Mancheeter Chapter, American Vets Prepare there Is a definite place for every twA pUco at 341 Center etreet young person In the church and Red Croea. will meet Friday night A cabinet meeting of the ifip- t m 'k two ftk>t bole in the eide of at 7:80 In the Chamber of .Oofn- the local Epworth lASguea are St. John’a/Sewtng Club will meet Green StampatSiven With Cash Sales. the trailer. worth League of the South Metho- making plana for a rounded pro­ tomorroWyOvcBbigmorroWyOi with Mm. Stan- merbe office. Parade Plans dlit chufcb win bo held 'niuraday ley Opaldehieh of 10 Wood LaM. gram for all Methodist youth In TeMer Leaf Tree Warden Horace F. Mur- at 6:30 w the church. Id keeping on Land Transfer; this community. phey warned today that car owi^ A meeUng of the Maneheater with the practice of the society a Green A. C. will be held at the VFW Pont lo Send Large tentative program for the year eta abould be watchful of | clubrooma on Fast Middle turn'* T(9o Bogs pkg. 21c tV la the area aouth of Eaat Delegation to the Con* will be ouUlnsd at that time with ■trect and east of Main rtrwt to­ pike tonight at 8 o’clock. All mem­ emphasis placed In bringing others New Date Is Set day as tree sprayers aret^t work. bers are requested to be present. vention on June 29. Into the League fellowabip. 1 Tender Leaf Cara left beneath trp^ may be| ‘the newly elected officers who '/4 Lb. morbidity report were installed In an Imprsasive For Wedding Here ^ y*» blotched with whiter spray unleae, in the wee An Important meeting of An- they are moved^ynmoat 950 trees of the SUte th department joint servlca with the Intermediate Tea deraon'Shea Pott will ba held to­ l.,eague recently are as follows: on In town are lo^be treated. two acarlet feverNmeee In Man­ Speedy Mr. and Mr*. H o t^ d D. Chap­ Dial Chase A Sanborn Move chester arc Hated, w th canes are night at tha VFW Home when President, Eileen Grimley; 1st vice mtid. According to the Tcport thia president,. Eldlth Uppincott:,- 2nd man of l4s SumoiK street an­ 3 2 3 0 Selectmen, mret- pre-atata convention plana will be vice president, Pearl Prentice; 3rd nounce a new dgtedate for the mar­ _ night approved a recom- town la free of other dlteasea. at made for participation of the lo­ C8aM, CemfertaMe Carat Coffee u. 22c the present time vice president, Ruth Dowd; 4tb riage of their dMgbter,IMgbt Mlae Dor- tlOB of Toan Auditor H. N. cal post In the parade and busl- vice president, Alice Mason; secre­ ls E . ChapmaifCha and Donald <OoWlM, Cenrteena Bervtao At AU Ttanoo! ler that a number of old nesa aeaalona June 28-30 In New tary, Florence Cordner; treasurer, son ofr MlMrs/Etlhel Cowles, of Him* War Blackout Hi|s Greatnt Number in World History : accounts delinquent for During the entertainment pro­ Britain. Commander Valluxxl anti- Pkfs. gram following the strawberry Edward Atkinson; pianist, Ada son fltritreel :t and the Ute William H. Ivory Flakes 2 21 y-eara past be transferred s^patea a large delegation Ih the Kobinaon. Cowlei•^The ceremony will Uke C IT Y TAXI Roosevelt Favors 1America Stands' Pat to tuspenee or abated. The amount feattval at the Center Congrega- in ven tion p irade In New Britain llonal church tonight Raymond St. The Intermediate League officers DENNIS MOBPnir, Prep. due on these account* totala $1.- on Saturday, June 30. ^ who took their vowa at the same % On. All of the account* are deem- leurient will show several reels of According to Convention plane AntkOcm* motion picture* he naa made hlra- time are: President, Elden Wilson; • At The* Camay Soap 4 B.1,25c sd uncollectabla' due to death, re­ the Manchester Post with Its 1st vice prealdent, EMna Mullens rour Billion Naval moval or poverty of the liable par­ eeir. Many of U>ero are local, and state and .f^atlonal Champion 2nd vice president, William L m - . some have been taken at the band will Kaye the right of the On Monroe Doctrine; ty. non; 3rd vice preirtdent, Retly 1 church The feaUval 1* being giv­ line and will march in a distinctive FRENCH en bv the Men’s chib and supper Thompson; 4 th vice president, Dan. Mr. and Mr*. WilUam Leggett uniform, white dvicka,' white shirt, Donald Thompson; semtitary, Lava Soap 2 11c of 68 McKinley street and Mr. and win 'be served^ beginning at aU overaea* white s m blua hats, |)lue Nancy Jane Anderson; ^treasurer, Beauty Shoppe F. E. BRAY Expenditure Plan o'clock. neckerchlaf* and black aboea. In­ Mrs. Clarence Peterson of 76 Thomas Rriatow. y JEWELER Westminster Road, left Sunday for , formation regarding the uniform This joint tnatajtktlon - aerWea Hold Half of France The Women:# Home L.eague of and where to get them^x may be Pkia. aMwo week* tour of Canada and was conductedi. by. Ernest Thomp- State Theater Building Selox 2 23c Recovers His Upper Plate B o r^ m New York. the Salvation Army will meet pri obtained from the club at^ard. i in who has been president of the Vinson Says Expansion Thumday this wepk InsUad of Hynes In Charge Senior I.«ague' for the past two 737 Main Street '■*' fctWt Swimming in Lake *■ Designed to Give Na­ Britain, France, ExilBd Judging of publicity scrap Wednesday. All member* are Jim Hynes, former National years.y Dr. B#rl E. Story, pastor of Hitler'fl Troops Still Ad­ Woman Suspects Husband urged to be present as plans will Cans books of County Auxiliary unlta Guard First Sergeant and Icadeni'tthe chun:h spoke briefly of work PardJDog Food 3 25c tion What Amounts to New Orleona, June 19.—ffP)— Attnik Octee vancing as French Ap­ la Member of Spy Ring Netherlands Govem* win take place Saturday night at be made for the annual ohting. of the VFW on eight of ten con-^ ch .the young people can and WUUam BItterwolf, who loet on ventlona when they won flrat prize Watch and Jewelry tha county meeting to be held Sat­ ddtng In the church, Freah Snnidet Two-Ocean Fleet; To­ upper plate while awtmmlng in prised Dictators Ready j ' 8t. Loula, June 19.,—(ffi-r-Po- ment Also Notified of Mm. Johanna Jeaperson iod for excellence In appearance, will K/ X Fiftieth Anniveiwry Lake Pontchactroln ten daya urday night at the legion Hom'e, tal Spending $6,000,- llce received what they aold Opposition; Wfil Not Leonard street. Mr*. Comodo of Mrs. Roy Nash are co-chairmen of again be In charge of the post In /T h ^ e n lb r League will celebrate Repairing At ago, amiled happily through all tociiic OcM* To Receive Represen-1 waa a new high In tlpa on Hartford will have charge of the the strawberry supper and amor- the New Britain Convention. Lemons D.^ 29c 000,000 in 7 , Years. hla teeth today. i tatives for Presentation "Firth Column" octlviUe*. Countenance Any Eop.i Aaetlng. The Dllworth-Comell gaebord at the Sacond Omgrega- Member* having car* and ' Harold Ahlera, 18, found A woman telephoned to re­ and Auxiliary will be boat to tlonal church, Thursday from 5:30 are ptapnlng to go are a*kecr to (Reasonable Prices Freeh, Long.
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