4.05 February 2002 Dr.Dr. KikutaroKikutaro BabaBaba MemorialMemorial IssueIssue 19052001 NEWS NEWS nudibranch nudibranch Domo Arigato gozaimas (Thank you) visit www.diveoz.com.au nudibranch NEWSNEWS Vol.4Vol.4 No.04: 3123 January 2002 1 4 1. Protaeolidella japonicus Baba, 1949 Photo W. Rudman 2, 3. Babakina festiva (Roller 1972) described as 1 Babaina. Photos by Miller and A. Ono 4. Hypselodoris babai Gosliner & Behrens 2000 Photo R. Bolland. 5. Favorinus japonicus Baba, 1949 Photo W. Rudman 6. Falbellina babai Schmekel, 1973 Photo Franco de Lorenzo 7. Phyllodesium iriomotense Baba, 1991 Photo W. Rudman 8. Cyerce kikutarobabai Hamatani 1976 - Photo M. Miller 9. Eubranchus inabai Baba, 1964 Photo W. Rudman 10. Dendrodoris elongata Baba, 1936 Photo W. Rudman 2 11. Phyllidia babai Brunckhorst 1993 Photo Brunckhorst 5 3 nudibranch NEWS Vol.4 No.04: 32 January 2002 6 9 7 10 11 8 nudibranch NEWS Vol.4 No.04: 33 January 2002 The Writings of Dr Kikutaro Baba Abe, T.; Baba, K. 1952. Notes on the opisthobranch fauna of Toyama bay, western coast of middle Japan. Collecting & Breeding 14(9):260-266. [In Japanese, N] Baba, K. 1930. Studies on Japanese nudibranchs (1). Polyceridae. Venus 2(1):4-9. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1930a. Studies on Japanese nudibranchs (2). A. Polyceridae. B. Okadaia, n.g. (preliminary report). Venus 2(2):43-50, pl. 2. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1930b. Studies on Japanese nudibranchs (3). A. Phyllidiidae. B. Aeolididae. Venus 2(3):117-125, pl. 4.[N] Baba, K. 1931. A noteworthy gill-less holohepatic nudibranch Okadaia elegans Baba, with reference to its internal anatomy. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 13:63-89, pls. 5-7.[N] Baba, K. 1931a. Morphological study on circulatory and excretory systems in Okadaia elegans Baba. Zoological Magazine, Japan [Dobutsugaku Zasshi] 43(507):1-6. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1931b. Morphological significance of gill-less nudibranchs. Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku Gakugei [Tokyo Arts & Sciences University] 4:250-258. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1932. Pseudobornella orientalis, nov. gen. et sp. from Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 13(4):369-376.[N] Baba, K. 1933. A pelagic nudibranch Cephalopyge orientalis, nov. sp. from Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 14(1):157- 163, pl. 7.[N] Baba, K. 1933a. Preliminary note on the Nudibranchia collected in the vicinity of the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 14(1):165-179.[N] Baba, K. 1933b. Supplementary note on the Nudibranchia collected in the vicinity of the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 14(2):273-283.[N] Baba, K. 1935. A general sketch of the molluscs inhabiting the coral reefs of Okinawa Islands. Venus 5(2,3):99-102, pls. 7-9. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1935a. Report on the biological survey of Mutsu Bay (27) Nudibranchia of Mutsu Bay. Science Reports Tohoku Imperial University, series 4, Biology 10(2):331-360, pls. 5-7.[N] Baba, K. 1935b. Notes on a nudibranch, Madrella sanguinea (Angas), with reference to its papillary glands. Venus 5(4):181-187, pl. 10.[N] Baba, K. 1935c. The fauna of Akkeshi Bay. I. Opisthobranchia. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University, series 6, Zoology 4(3):115-125, pls. 7-8.[N] Baba, K. 1936. Opisthobranchia of the Ryukyu (Okinawa) Islands. Journal Department Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University 5(1):1- 50, pl. 1-3.[N] Baba, K. 1937. Contribution to the knowledge of a nudibranch, Okadaia elegans Baba. Japanese Journal of Zoology 7(2):147-190.[N] Baba, K. 1937a. Record of a nudibranch, Gymnodoris striata (Eliot) from Amakusa, Japan. Zoological Magazine, Japan [Dobutsugaku Zasshi] 49(6):216-218.[N] Baba, K. 1937b. Opisthobranchia of Japan (I). Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University 5(4):195-236, pl. 4.[N] Baba, K. 1937c. Opisthobranchia of Japan (II). Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University 5(7):289-344, pls. 1-2.[N] Baba, K. 1937d. Two new species of the nudibranchiate genus Cadlina from Sagami Bay, Japan. Venus 7(2):75-80.[N] Baba, K. 1937e. Duvaucelia septemtrionalis nov. sp., a nudibranchiate mollusc from the Sea of Okhotsk. Zoological Magazine, Japan [Dobutsugaku Zasshi] 49(11):391-392.[N] Baba, K. 1937f. Note on the colour variation of a dorid, Rostanga arbutus (Angas, 1864). Venus 7(1):1-4. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1937g. A new species of the nudibranchiate genus Marionia from Sagami Bay, Japan. Venus 7(3):116-120.[N] Baba, K. 1937h. Record of a nudibranch, Scyllaea pelagica Linne from Sagami Bay, Japan. Zoological Magazine, Japan [Dobutsugaku Zasshi] 49(7):247-249.[N] Baba, K. 1937i. Two new species of the nudibranchiate genus Notobryon from Sagami Bay, Japan. Venus 7(4):165-170.[N] Baba, K. 1938. Opisthobranchia of Kii, middle Japan. Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University 6(1):1- 19.[N] Baba, K. 1938a. Three new nudibranchs from Izu, Middle Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 17(2):130-133.[N] Baba, K. 1940. Some additions to the nudibranch fauna of the northern part of Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 10(6):103-111.[N] Baba, K. 1940a. Miamira flavicostata n. sp., a nudibranchiate mollusc from Amakusa, Japan. Zoological Magazine, Japan [Dobutsugaku Zasshi] 52(6):239-240.[N] Baba, K. 1947. Mollusca, pp. 1012-1270. In: Illustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of Japan (exclusive of insects). Revised edition. Hokuryukan Co. Ltd., Tokyo.[N] Baba, K. 1949. Opisthobranchia of Sagami Bay collected by His Majesty The Emperor of Japan. 194 pp., 50 pls. Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo. Baba, K. 1951. Some notes on the behavior of a nudibranch Melibe vexillifera Bergh. Collecting & Breeding [Saishu to Shiiku] 13(2):64-65. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1952. [Record of a rare sacoglossan mollusk, Lobiger (Lobiger) sagamiensis n. sp. from Sagami Bay, Japan. Zool Mag., Zool Soc Japan, 61(11): 337- 338. [in Japanese] Baba, K. 1953. Three new species and two new records of the genus Glossodoris from Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 3(2):205- 211.[N] Baba, K. 1955. Opisthobranchia of Sagami Bay supplement, 59 pp., 20 pls. Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo. Baba, K. 1955a. Opisthobranch fauna in the vicinity of the Sado Marine Biological station, Sado Island, Japan Sea side. Collecting & Breeding [Saishu to Shiiku] 17(6):165-168. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1956. Ecological notes on the Opisthobranchia of Japan. I. The spawning habits (3). Collecting & Breeding [Saishu to Shiiku] 18(10):312-316. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1957. A revised list of the species of Opisthobranchia from the northern part of Japan, with some additional descriptions. J. Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., ser. 6, Zool. 13(1-4):8-14.[N] Baba, K. 1957. The species of the genus Elysia from Japan. Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 6(1): 69-74, pls 3-4. Baba, K. 1957a. Ecological notes on the Opisthobranchia of Japan. I. The spawning habits (4). Collecting & Breeding [Saishu to Shiiku] 19(3):81-83. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1957b. Ecological notes on the Opisthobranchia of Japan. II. Abnormality. Collecting & Breeding [Saishu to Shiiku] 19(7):219. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1958. [Seashore life of Japan.] 148 pp., 5 pls. Hokuryukan Co. Ltd., Tokyo. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1959. A new record of an interesting species, Embletonia gracile Risbec, from Japan (Nudibranchia - Eolidacea). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 7(3):335-336, pl. 29.[N] Baba, K. 1959. The family Stiligeridae from Japan (Opisthobranchia-Sacoglossa). Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 7(3): 327-334, pls 27-28. Baba, K. 1959. The genus Petalifera and a new species, P. ramosa, from Japan. Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 7(3): 337-338. Baba, K. 1960. The genera Polycera, Palio, Greilada and Thecacera from Japan (Nudibranchia - Polyceridae). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Labora- tory 8(1):75-78, pl. 6.[N] Baba, K. 1960a. In: Encyclopaedia Zoologica illustrated in colours. 3. Introduction, pp. 1-33, Mollusca, pp. 38-200, pls. 19- 91. Hokuryukan Co. Ltd., Tokyo.[N] Baba, K. 1960b. The genera Okenia, Goniodoridella and Goniodoris from Japan (Nudibranchia - Goniodorididae). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 8(1):79-83, pls. 7-8.[N] Baba, K. 1960c. Two new species of the genus Eubranchus from Japan (Nudibranchia - Eolidacea). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 8(2):299-302, pl. 34.[N] Baba, K. 1960d. The genera Gymnodoris and Nembrotha from Japan (Nudibranchia - Polyceridae). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 8(1):71- 74, pl. 5.[N] nudibranch NEWS Vol.4 No.04: 34 January 2002 Baba, K. 1960e. The genus Herviella and a new species, H. affinis, from Japan (Nudibranchia - Eolidacea). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 8(2):303-305.[N] Baba, K. 1960f. Seashore life in Amami-Oshima Island. Collecting & Breeding [Saishu to Shiiku] 22(10-11):333-336. [In Japanese].[N] Baba, K. 1961. On two species of Doriopsis (syn. Ctenodoris) from Japan (Nudibranchia-Dorididae). Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 9(1): 63-5 Baba, K. 1961. The shells and radulae in Berthelinia, a bivalved sacoglossan genus. Venus 21(4): 389-401, pl 21 Baba, K. 1961. The shells and radulae in Berthelinia, a bivalved sacoglossan genus. Venus 21(4): 389-401; pl 1. Baba, K. 1961. Three new species of the genus Catriona from Japan (Nudibranchia-Eolidacea). Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 9(2): 367-372, pls 14-15. Baba, K. 1961. Three new species of the genus Catriona from Japan (Nudibranchia - Eolidacea). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 9(2):367- 372, pls. 14-15.[N] Baba, K. 1962. Anatomical review of Subcuthona pallida Baba (Nudibranchia - Eolidacea).
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