. FEB 03 ' 9'3 09: 42AM SAF ARZD MAXWELLAFB P.2 ;::-:,~i-:-: "':-'_>'. , DI!P~RTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE. / -' ... -.'. '.\. AIR FORCE HISTORICAL RESeARCH AGENCY Ii.....•....:'11'-.'..~.'.-.1, MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, ALABAMA ' . \. -,;.- • I ~ .' ..... - .: _.- ..... 3 Feb 1999 HQ AFHRAlRSA 600 Chennault Circle Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6424 Ms Rozetta T. Moore AFCAAIFMR. 1111 Jefferson Davis Highway. Ste 403 Arlington VA 22202 Dear Ms Moore Thank you for your request regarding USAF Statistical Digests. We reviewed these documents from FY1964 through FY1980 and verified that they can be declassified in IAW EO 12958. The volumes up to FYl964 were already declassified. You can use this letter as authority to declassified the USAF Statistical Digests from 1945 through 1980, inclusive. Copies of these documents are available for purchase from this Agency on 16mm microfilm. as follows: DATES ROLL 1945-FY1948 AI082 FY19So-S3 KIOS7 FY19S4-S6 KIOS8 FY19S7-S9 K10S9 FY1960-63 KI060 !fyou wish to order any microfilm. please let us know. Copies may also be available from the Air Force History Support Office, Bolling AFB DC, Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely ~~ ARCHIE DiFANTE Archivist Safe Paper Office . A UNITED STATES AIR FORCE STATISTICAL DIGEST RCS; HAF-ACM (A) 7203 FISCAL. YEAR J.974 TWENTY-NINTH EDITION This material contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage taws (Title 18, U.S.C., sections 793 and 794), the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to any unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Retain or destroy this copy in accordance with AFR 205-1. Do not return. PUBLICATION DATE: 15 APRIL 1975 PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION DIVISION DIRECTORATE OF MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS COMPTROLLER OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS, USAF WASHINGTON. D. C. - 20330 CLASSIFIED BY OPR OR SOURCE INDICATED ON INDIVIDUAL PAGES SUBJECT TO GENERAL DECLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 11652 AUTOMATICALLY DOWNGRADED AT TWO YEAR INTERVALS DECLASSIFIED ON 31 DECEMBER 1983 UNCLASSIFIED B UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE WASHINGTON. D.C. 15 April 1975 FOREWORD The first Statistical Digest was printed in December, 1945 by the Office of Statistical Control, Headquarters, Army Air Forces. Its purpose then, and today, is to provide statistical summaries on Operations, Maintenance, Budget, and related issues. This is the twenty-ninth edition, now entitled the United States Air Force Statistical Digest. It is the official compilation of Air Force statistics for the fiscal year (AFR 178-10). The USAF Statistical Digest is compiled and published by the Directorate of Management Analysis, Comptroller of the Air Force (HQ USAF/ACMI). Responsible Air Staff Offices, Major Commands, and Separate Operating Agencies participate by providing camera-ready copy for publication. The overall classification of this publication is SECRET. For classification guidance concerning clements of information in the document, contact the OPR or source indicated. Inquiries or suggestions regarding this publication should be addressed to HQ USAF / ACM I. r.T C. T. SPANGR ,Col , USAF Director, Management Analysis Comptroller of the Air Force CLASSIFIED BY OPR OR SOURCE INDICATED ON INDIVIDUAL PAGES SUBJ ECT TO GENERAL DECLASSI FICATION SCHEDULE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 11652 AUTOMATICALLY DOWNGRADED AT TWO YEAR INTERVALS DECLASSIFIED ON 31 DECEMBER 1983 UNCLASSIFIED II UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSiFIED III TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Subject: FORE\'10RD , . I - II TABLE OF CONTENTS (U) •••••• •.•.• • • • • • • • • • III - IX LINEAGE OF USAF MAJOR AIR COMMANDS AND SEPARATE OPERATING AGENCIES (U) XI - XII OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE (U) . XIII AIR STAFF, DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE (U) . XIV SECRETARY OF DEFENSE AND EXECUTIVES AND COMMANDERS OF THE USAF DURING FY 1974 (U). XV - XVII MAP OF USAF MAJOR INSTALLATIONS IN CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES (U) .... XVIII MAPS OF USAF MAJOR INSTALLATIONS OUTSIDE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES (U) . XIX - XXII CHRONOLOGY OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA - FY 1961 THROUGH FY 1973 (S) XXIII - XXXI PART I - AIR FORCE UNITS A~D CAPABILITIES AIR FORCE UNITS AND CAPABILITIES 1 - 24 Subject: (U) INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS (U) (U) Table - USAF Combat Forces, By Kind Of Unit, By Geographical Area, World- Wide, At End Of Month - FY 1974 (S) ••..... 2 - 6 (U) Table 2 - USAF Combat Forces, By Kind Of Unit, World-Wide, At End Of Quarter - FY 1974 (S) . 7 (U) :i'able 3 - USAF Combat Forces, By Kind Of Unit, By Command Of Assignment, World-Wide, At End Of Quarter - FY 1974 (S) . 8 - 10 (U) Table 4 - USAF Combat Forces, Readiness Status Of Aircraft And Aircrews In Selected Kinds Of Units, By Weapons System - At End Of Quarter - FY 1974 (S) ......................•... 11 - 16 (U) Table 5 - USAF Combat Forces, Readiness Status Of Missiles, By Weapons Sys- tem - At End Of Quarter - FY 1974 (S) . 17 - 18 (U) Table 6 - USAF Combat Forces, Readiness Ratings, By Kind Of Unit - Semi- Annually - FY 1974 (S) ......•........•... 19 - 20 IU} Table 7 - USAF Combat Forces, Readiness Status Of Aircraft And Aircrews In Southeast Asia, By Weapons System - At End Of Quarter - FY 1974 (S) . 21 - 24 PART II - SAFETY AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTS . 25 - 30 Subject: (U) INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS (U) 25 (U) Table 8 - USAF Aircraft Fliqht A=cidents, Fatalities, And Aircraft Destroyed, By Command, \iorld-Wide, FY 1974 (FOUO) •••••••• 26 (U) Table 9 - USAF Flight Accidents, Fatalities, And Aircraft Destroyed, By Mis- sion And Design Aircraft, World-Wide, FY 1974 (FOUO) •..•.. 27 - 29 (U) Table 10 - USAF Aircraft Flight Accidents, Fatalities, And Aircraft Destroyed, By Mission And Design Aircraft, World-Wide, FY 1974 (FOUO) ... 30 - 31 (U) Table 11 - Major Aircraft Flight Accidents, By Mission And Design Aircraft, By Phase Of Operation World-Wide, FY 1974 (FOUO) . 32 (U) Table 12 - Personnel Fatalities And Injuries In Aircraft Flight Accidents, By Mission And Design Aircraft, World-Wide, FY 1974 (FOUO) . 33 (U) Table 13 - Southeast Asia Aircraft Flight Accidents - FY 1974 And FY 1973(FOUO} 34 GROUND ACCIDENTS 35 - 46 Subject: (U) INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS (U) 35 INJURIES .. 36 - 39 (U) Table 14 - Military Personnel - Disabling Injury Experience By Command, World- Wide - FY 1974 (U) ...••......... 36 (U) Table 15 - On-Duty Military Personnel - Disabling Injury Experience By Com- mand, World-Wide - FY 1974 (U).•....•..•.•.. 37 (U) Table 16 - Off-Duty Military Personnel - Disabling Injury Experience By Com- mand, World-Wide - FY 1974 (U). • . • . 38 UNCLASSIFIED IV UNCLASSIFIED TABLE OF CONTENTS (Conf'd.) PAGE PART II - SAFETY (Continued) (U) Table 17 - On-Duty Civilian Personnel - Disabling Injury Experience By Command, World-Wide - FY 1974 (U) 39 COSTS 40 - 41 (U) Table 18 - USAF Motor Vehicle Ground Accident Experience And Cost By Command, World-Wide - FY 1974 (U) . 40 (U) Table 19 - Ground Accident Cost Analyses By Command, World-;hde - FY 1974 (U) 41 LOSSES A~D COSTS . 42 - 46 (U) Table 20 - Military Personnel - Disabling Injury Losses And Costs Resulting From USAF Motor Vehicle Accidents, By Command, World-Wide - FY 1974 (U) . 42 (U) Table 21 - On-Duty Civilian Personnel - Disabling Injury Losses And Costs Resulting From USAF Motor Vehicle Accidents By Command, World- Wide - FY 1974 (U). • . 43 (U) Table 22 - Military Personnel - Disabling Injury Losses And Costs Resulting From Private Motor Vehicle Accidents By Command, World-Wide - FY 1974 (U) ......•.................. 44 (U) Table 23 - Military Personnel - Disabling Injury Losses And Costs Resulting From All Other (Non-Vehicular) Accidents By Command, World- Wide - FY 1974 (U) . 45 (U) Table 24 - On-Duty Civilian Personnel - Disabling Injury Losses And Costs Resulting From All Other (Non-Vehicular) Accidents By Command, World-Wide - FY 1974 (U). • . 46 PART III - MATERIEL AIRCRAFT AND MISSILES . 47 - 66 Subject: (U) INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS (U) 47 ( U) Table 25 - USAF Aircraft Acceptances Of Models In Production, By Manufacturer, By Recipient, By Month - FY 1974 (C). .... 48 - 49 (U) Table 26 - USAF Guided Missile (Including Target Drone) Acceptances By Manu- facturer, By Month - FY 1974 (U) .•............ 50 (U) Table 27 - USAF Aircraft Procurement Programs By Fiscal Year Funding - FY 1972 And Prior Through FY 1974 (C) . 51 - 52 (U) Table 28 - USAF Guided l1issile (Including Target Drone) Procurement Programs, By Fiscal Year Funding - FY 1974 And Prior (U) 53 (t') Table 29 - USAF Aircraft Inventory ny Functional Distribution, By Mission And Design - As Of End FY 1974 (C) . 54 - 55 (0) Table 30 - Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard And Support To Other Nations Aircraft Inventory By Functional Distribution, By Mission And Design - As Of End FY 1974 (e) . 56 - 58 (U) Table 31 - Total Regular USAF, Air Force Reserve, Air :-.IationalGuard And Sup- port To Other Nations Aircraft Inventory By Functional Distri- bution - As Of End FY 1974 (C). 58 OMISSION OF FY 1973 DATA (U) .... 59 (U) Table 32 - Age (In Years/Months) Distribution Of USAF Aircraft Inventory - By Mission, Design, And Series - World-Wide - As Of 30 June 1973(C). 60 - 61 (U) Table 33 - Age (In Years/Months) Distribution Of USAF Aircraft Inventory - By Mission, Design, And Series - World-Wide - As Of 30 June 1974(C). 62 - 63 OMISSION OF FY 1973 DATA (U) . 64 (U) Table 34 - Age (In Years/Months) Distribution Of USAF Strategic Missiles In- ventory - By Mission, Design, And Series - World-Wide - As Of 30 June 1973 (C) . 65 UNCLASSIFiED UNCLASSIFIED v TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd.) PAGE PART III - MATERIEL (Continued) (U) Table 35 - Age ( In Years/Months) Distribution Of USAF Strategic Missiles In- ventory - By Mission, Design, And Series - World-Wide - As Of 30 June 1974 (C). 66 WAR READINESS MATERIEL . 67 - 73 Subject: (U) INTRODUCTION A,."W DEFINITIONS (U) 67 (U) Table 36 - USAF Inventory Of Airmunition Items, World-Wide (Excluding VAMP/ LAMP) - 30 June 1974 (S) ....•...... 68 - 70 (U) Table 37 - Southeast Asia Ordnance Expenditures (Excluding VAMP/LAMP) By 7th Air Force And Strategic Air Command - 1 July 1965 Through 15 August 1973 (U).
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