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For avicultural purposes, I shall deal with them as separate species; they are the White-tailed Black Cockatoo and the Western Long-billed Corella. When one considers there are only 18 species of cockatoos in the world, it is clear that the Australian cockatoo family is very well represented. One or more species of cockatoo may be seen in every form of habitat found over the entire continent. The Palm Cockatoo, Gang Gang and Galah are monotypic; that is, they are the only member of their genus. The cockatiel is the only member of its entire sub-family (Calopsittacini). Some of the species, uch as Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Galahs and Short-billed Corellas, now exist in almost plague proportions particu­ larly in some of the farming areas. The clearing of land for grazing and the development of permanent water The female Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Gang-gang cockatoos are oftenfound in for stock purposes, particularly in the has a yellow spotting or barring on its high} rugged mountainous areas of more arid areas, has helped these head and upper body in comparison to southeastern Australia and Tasmania. three species to extend their range the solid dark male. Only the male has a red head. afa WATCHBIRD 19 and expand their numbers. The popu­ let and sorghum, and even these seeds Marsh Farms lation explosions that have resulted should be fed in limited quantities. put these birds in jeopardy. The birds All cockatoos enjoy, and should be INCUBATORS now suffer from massive extermina­ given, sprouted seeds (particularly tion efforts in the farming districts. sunflower and maize), sweet corn, • FEATURING fully automatic All species are still surviving well in wholemeal bread, raw peanuts, vari­ turners. Adjustable temperature and humidity control. the wild with the exception of the ous fruits and vegetables, a variety of Major Mitchell Cockatoo. That spe­ green foods, table scrap bones such as cies still exists in reasonable numbers. chop bones, chicken bones, and the The species is suffering from the side like. One can add, on occasion, a effects of poisoning and general little raw meat (particularly for Gang persecution by the farmers. While the Gangs and black cockatoos), plain farmers' depopulation efforts are cake, biscuits and dog kibble. directed at the Sulphur-crested Cock­ Bob Lynn attributes some of his TURN-X atoos and the Galahs that inhabit the success with the black cockatoos to Up to 72 eggs. same areas, the Major Mitchell species feeding them Casurina cones. He also suffers as well. The Long-billed feeds his black cockatoos Banksia, Corella is also in a vulnerable posi­ Hakea and pine cones. tion. The vulnerability is due to the Bob Lynn and I have both found species' limited range, which extends that baby cockatoos being reared by into the grain growing areas. The the parents often suffer from calcium numbers of Long-billed Corellas are deficiencies. We have overcome such high, but constant persecution due to deficiencies by feeding a calcium sup­ its habit of damaging crops, places plement on the sprouted seeds. the species at great risk. Feeding a good balanced diet to ROLL-X I have been fortunate enough to cockatoos is one thing, getting them Up to 209 eggs. have observed all species and most to eat that balanced diet is another. subspecies in the wild. Even so, as a Perseverance and cunning is needed native Australian, I am still thrilled by to get some individual birds to eat the sight of black cockatoos, Major what you know they should eat. Bob Mitchell Cockatoos and Gang Gangs Lynn dusts all his sunflower seeds in their natural habitat. with a mineral and vitamin supple­ Over the last 20 years, I have bred ment and he feels this is having a all the non-black species of Australian desired effect. cockatoos, with the exception of the When hand rearing cockatoos, I Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. I have feed a mixture of two parts "Farex" never kept the Palm or the black baby food, one part chicken starter cockatoos. All the avicultural infor­ pellets and one part egg and biscuit mation on the black cockatoos is canary rearing food, together with given by Mr. Bob Lynn of Sydney, calcium, mineral and vitamin supple­ Australia. I consider Mr. Lynn to be ments. the greatest aviculturist in Australia today. He keeps only black cockatoos, Housing and in specializing in this family I In Australia, as everywhere else in believe he chose one of the most the world, aviaries vary considerably. difficult ofavicultural subjects. I believe that a minimum aviary size He has bred all species including for the smaller cockatoos should be the Palm Cockatoo and the Yellow­ 15 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 7 feet tailed Black Cockatoo for the first high. For the black cockatoos a mini­ time in aviculture, in the world. mum of 24 feet long, 4 feet wide and Australian aviculturists do not con­ 8 feet high is required. I have bred sider a hand-reared bird to be a first Major Mitchell's Cockatoos and breeding. To achieve a first breeding Short-billed Corellas in an aviary 6 award, the youngster must be reared feet long, 3 feet wide and 5 feet high. to independence by the parents. Under such conditions, the lack of exercise will eventually promote egg MANUFACTURED BY Diets binding in the hens. Cockatoos represent such a diverse My cockatoo aviaries have a 6 foot family that diets must, of necessity, shelter on one end and a 6 foot roofed l-JPJi.r:~ vary considerably. In general, a basic area on the other. I provide only two mixed seed diet of sunflower, canary, perches, one at each end of the 2765 MAIN STREET Dept". W CHULA VISTA, CA 92011 U.S.A. maize, sorghum, safflower, wheat and aviary. This forces the birds to fly the TELEPHONE: (619) 585-9900 millet may be fed to all species, with maximum length of the aviary. I the exception of the Galah. The Galah prefer solid walled partitions. Use of is very subject to obesity. I feed those WE ACCEPT ~I such partitions eliminates disturb­ :OJ birds only the basic diet of white mil- ance caused by neighbors and injuries 20 February I March 1990 from birds fighting through wire partitions. Bob Lynn provides large aviaries AVIAN PUBLICATIONS for his black cockatoos. Some are as / much as 40 feet long, 15 feet wide 3311 W. Country Club Lane, Depl. AFA. Altoona, WI 54720. (715) 835-6806 and 10 feet high. All of his aviaries are Over 200 Titles Including: well sheltered, particularly from Clinical Avian Medicine & Surgery, Eagles. Hawks & Falcons Of The World. prevailing winds. Some of the aviaries Harrison , S85.00 Brown... S59.98 are fully roofed. Everybird. A Guide To Bird Health. The Birds of Africa. Vol. I, Suspended cages are also in use MacWhiner S36.00 Brown.. ,.SI43.00 Caged Bird Medicine. The Birds of Africa. Vol. 2. in Australia, for housing cockatoos. Steiner. D.V.M. ... .. S24.95 Urban SI43.00 It is too early to ascertain just how Companion Bird Medicine. Burr ....S38.95 The Birds of Africa. Vol. 3. Avian Hematology & Cytology. Fry S129.00 successful such cages will be for Campbell S39.95 The Life Of The Hummingbird. our cockatoos, under Australian Understanding The Life Of Birds. Skulch , ..SI8.95 conditions. Coyle. Jr. S21.95 South American Birds. How To Build Everything You Need For Dunning he $47.50 pb S35.00 Your Birds. Larosa S 9.95 Aviculture In Australia. Shephard .. S55.00 Palm Cockatoo The Bird Care Book. Gerstenfeld SIO.95 Birds Of Burma. Smythies S95.00 (Probosciger aterimus) Australian Cockatoos. Sindel S50.00 Monograph Of Endangered Parrots. Parrots. Their Care & Breeding. Silva SI40.00 Sexes alike, but the male is larger. Low. ............... ....S80.00 Parrot Incubation Procedures. Length is 23-112 inches. The Complete Book Of Parrots. Jordan S30.00 Low ,, S16.95 Land Of Parrots Video Tapes- Range: These birds are found in the Hand-Rearing Parrots & Other Birds. sel of 7 .............. ..S294.00 top part of the Cape York Peninsula. Low , S24.95 The Palm Cockatoo is contained in its present limited northern range by a U.S. Orders: Add S2.50 for 1st book and SOC for each additional book. belt of arid country which prevents Foreign Orders: Add $4.00 for 1st book and SI.OO for each additional book. the species from reaching more suit­ Wisconsin residents add 5% sales tax. Send $2.00 for our complete catalog. able habitat further south. I have PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE found the species to be reasonably plentiful within its range. I feel the survival of the species is assured, providing the habitat remains untouched.
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