1 FUGL & FJER FLUEBINDING, CHRISTINEHØJVEJ 1, DK-9550 MARIAGER, DENMARK. PHONE: +45 98 54 24 61, MOBIL-PHONE +45 40 98 54 24 E-MAIL: [email protected] webpage :www.flytying.dk and www.knifeblades.dk DEAR CUSTOMER, FUGL & FJER FLUEBINDING (Bird & Feather Fly-tying) is a shop, which we run partly as a usual shop and partly as mail- order-shop (internet etc.) Opening hours on weekdays is regular business hours but you will have to call for an appointment if you want to visit us . You can also visit weekends. You are welcome to visit and do business , but please call in advance for an appointment, as I travel a lot and teach seminars There is always an automatic telephone-answering device connected. Please calculate with difference in time, when calling. In Denmark we are one hour ahead of GMT. Kære Kunde Fugl og Fjer Fluebindinger er en forretning der drives dels som en almindelig forretning og dels som postordre ( internet m.m. ). Forretningen har åben på hverdage og efter aftale om aftenen og i weekenden. Du er velkommen til at komme og gøre en handel , men venligst ring i forvejen da jeg ofte holder kurser samt rejser en del DISPATCH/PAYMENTS Within the boundaries of Denmark and EEC countries, we dispatch all goods against prepayment to PayPal ( plus 5% of invoice) or bank. All fee's concerning international money orders are to be paid by customer , at the moment 40,00 DKK per transfer. The amount will be added to the invoice To countries outside EEC we dispatch all goods against prepayment to PayPal ( plus 5% of invoice) or SWIFT-address/ IBAN number Den Danske Bank, 2-12, Holmens Kanal, DK-1092 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telex 27000 S.W.I.F.T. DABADKKK IBAN NO: DK3930003706468129 Customers are to pay any fee regarding international money orders at the moment 40,00 DKK per transfer. Will be added to the invoice Goods will be supplied free of tax (VAT less 20% of list price) in accordance to the Danish Tax Regulations for export. All goods are sent only at customers' own risk. Forsendelse / Betaling Inden for Danmarks grænser og E.U. mod forudbetaling på bankkonto , no. 3706 3 7 0 6 4 6 8 1 2 9. eller Pay Pal ( plus 5% af fakturabeløbet) Ved overførsel fra udlandet tillægges overførselsgebyr, for tiden 40,00 Dkk der betales af køber. Til lande udenfor E.U. sendes varer mod international pengeoverførsel til PayPal ( plus 5% af fakturabeløbet) eller til SWIFT adresse / IBAN nummer ( gebyr 40,00 dkk.) Den Danske Bank, 2-12, Holmens Kanal, DK-1092 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Telex 27000 S.W.I.F.T. DABADKKK, IBAN NO: DK3930003706468129 Der vil blive fratrukket moms ( 20 % af varens pris) ved forsendelse til lande uden for E.U., efter gældende danske toldregler for export samt til momsregistrerede virksomheder inden for EU ( ikke Danmark). Varen sendes for købers regning og risiko RETURN POLICY Goods can only be returned against prior agreement. Goods have to be returned within 14 days of date on invoice within Europe and 4 weeks outside Europe ( according to postal stamp for dispatch) Goods have to be unopened and intact and will only be credited with the value of the goods itself, and not any postal or bank fees. Goods returned as “cash on delivery” ( COD) mail will be refused / returned to sender at his own expence. RETURNERING AF VARER Varer tages kun retur mod forudgående aftale. Varen skal sendes retur inden for 14 dage fra fakturadato inden for Europa , samt 4 uger uden for Europa. (i henhold til poststempel for returnering). Den returnerede vare skal være intakt og uåbnet, og krediteres kun med varens pris. Porto samt andre gebyrer refunderes ikke. Returvarer der sendes pr. efterkrav nægtes modtagelse. CERTIFICATS Concerning feathers and furs protected by the Washington Convention (Cites), items will be dispatched with certificate/export- certificate when needed. Foreign customers are to keep up with information’s regarding any specific laws in their country, and keep us informed when ordering, as the Washington Convention are enforced different from country to country. Certificates will delay dispatch with approx. 4 weeks. Health certificate issued by the Danish veterinarian authorities will cost 300 dkk for the time being Certifikater Hvor der er tale om fjer eller skind, som er omhandlet af Washington-konventionen, vil der kunne udstedes certifikat/ eksport certifikat, hvor dette er påkrævet. Det påhviler kunder i udlandet, at orientere sig om gældende særregler for det enkelte land og eventuelt oplyse om dette, da “cites”- bestemmelserne varierer fra land til land. Vedrørende “cites”-registrering til eksport skal der påregnes ekspeditionstid på ca. 4 uger. Kunder i udlandet skal selv holde sig orienteret om, og være opmærksom på, at der i visse lande kan være forbud mod import af forskellige produkter, som ikke er omhandlet af “ cites”-restriktionerne, på grund af landets egne love. 2 Udstedelse af veterinært sundhedscertifikat koster 300 dkk for tiden IN GENERAL State if other goods or substitute are wanted, in case of shortage in stock. Due to scarcity, we make certain reservations to reduce the ordered number of goods, out of respect for our other customers. Prices in the list are included 25% VAT (Moms). Prices in this list are liable to alteration without notice, and orders are accepted at prices ruling at day of despatch. All trade will be made in Danish Kroner (DKk). Fugl & Fjer Fluebinding shall be under no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising resulting from the use, or conversion, of the goods supplied and the customer will indemnify the company in respect of any claim, damage, providing always that nothing herein shall exclude, or purport to exclude, any liability of the company where such exclusion of liability is prohibited, void or unenforceable under Danish law. Fugl & Fjer Fluebinding takes reservations to errors in print or price in this price list. Generelt Angiv om anden vare ønskes, i tilfælde af at den bestilte vare er udsolgt. Angiv om substitut ønskes, hvis original vare er udsolgt. Nogle varer kan være af begrænset lagerbeholdning på grund af deres sjældenhed og vi forbeholder os derfor ret til at reducere i bestilt antal for enkelte varers vedkommende, af hensyn til vore øvrige kunder. Priserne oplyst i denne liste er indeholdt 25% moms. Priserne kan ændres uden varsel og al betaling foregår i danske kroner ( DKK). Fugl og Fjer Fluebinding fralægger sig ethvert ansvar for tab eller skader af enhver art, opstået ved anvendelse eller forarbejdning af varer leveret af os. Kunden fralægger sig ethvert krav mod Fugl og Fjer Fluebinding for forhold påført os af trediepart. Vi tager forbehold for trykfejl. PRICELIST 2013/ Prisliste 2013 Feathers / Fjer Goods indicated with "Cites" will bee registered in customer’s name. Varer markeret med “ Cites ” skal registreres i kundens navn. Goods indicated with " (cites) " will only be registered, when sold to customers outside E.E.C. Varer markeret med (cites) skal kun registreres, ved salg til kunder uden for E.U. Comparing currency: 1 US $ is approx. the same as 6 Kr. (DKK.) 1 £ is approx. the same as 9 ( DKK) 1 € is approx. the same as 7,5 Kr. (DKK.) (Example: 120 dkk devided by 6 = 20 dollars US) , type of goods price (cites) Speckled Bustard, (Kori), all types of feathers, call for price and info. (a list of available feathers are available on request via mail) (cites) Speckled Bustard, primary feathers for biots or quills Ask for price and availabillity (cites) Speckled Bustard, larger wing coverts, white/brown speckled, per pair 50,00 kr and up (cites) Speckled Bustard, Small feathers for whole-feather wings, per pair 20,00 kr and up (cites ) Speckled bustard neck feathers, per bag 65,00 kr. (cites ) Speckled bustard marabou-white, perfect for eagle substitute, per bag 25,00 kr. White tip turkey tail, perfect dyed substitute 75,00 kr. Black and white Bustard, speckled , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery sym 150,00 kr. Arabian Bustard , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery sym 150,00 kr. Speckled Bustard , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery sym 150,00 kr. Silver pheasant, perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery sym 150,00 kr. Florican Bustard , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery sym 150,00 kr. Black Cockatoo, orange, yellow and black barred tail , perfect dyed substitute pair See pict In substitutes gallery 350,00 kr. “ Golden pheasant tailfeather” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 175,00 kr. “ Golden pheasant tippet” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 150,00 kr. 3 “ Amherst pheasant tippet” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 150,00 kr. “ Andersson Pheasant” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 150,00 kr. “ Andersson Pheasant – Blue ” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 150,00 kr. “ Blue jay” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 150,00 kr. “ Blue jay- Fine line” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 150,00 kr. “ Snow-leopard” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 150,00 kr. “ Zebra” , perfect dyed substitute Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery Sym. 150,00 kr. “Phoenix tailfeather” like the florican sub. but black and yellow bars Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery sym 150,00 kr. “Dragons tailfeather” like the florican sub. but black and red or orange bars Sing See pict. In substitutes gallery sym 150,00 kr. Western tragopan, 1 pair or 3 pair eye-feathers , perfect dyed substitute Set See pict.
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