![O @QQD Tile Future What Happened to the M and to Their Children](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
o JOURNAL ' APRIL ' 78 o @QQD TIle Future what happened to the m and to their children. Th ey clung to the organization What of our future? Today, we stand that gave them protection and strength. over 1,000,000 st rong, wi th nearly 1,600 Each era writes its own history. Our local unions scattered the length and union heritage, vibrant and strong, has breadth of the United Sti::ltes and been passed on to us- Whero we go Canada. We are one of th e largest from here depends upon our Brothers unions in the world, and our wages and and Sisters of today. Ihe Inter na tional working conditions are second to none Bro therhood or Electrical itt any comparable field. IBEW members Workers IS as otO as !he now enjoy better health and welfare commercial use 01 electricIty 11sell It .s the coverage, improved penSions, lor.g.". oldest. as weI! as the vacations, and more holidays, as we, lI,i'i IU l y,,~t , ,, 1,,~lI '~dl un,on other ncgoti3ted benefits. in th o world. ThiS IS Ih e We stand where we are today beca u.q '~ twenty-elgh!h ,n a sel,es strong, intelligent. and loyal men and 01 spec,al poslers lIaclng tha h story 01 Ih~ IBE'.'! women created, protected, and preserved our union. They cared 28 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIO NAL BROTHERHOOD EXEClITlVE OF ELECTRICAL WORKER S oFFICEIIS CHARL ES H. PILLARD ,,,,.,,,.,,OM' P".ld.", 1125 15,,. S l , N W JOURNAL· APR • 78 W' l hlnglon, D C. 20005 RALPH A.. LE IGD N ,,,,.,,,.,,0,,., SIC'I"/f • 11 25 1Slh St. N W Washlnglon. DC 20005 HARRY VAN AR SDAlE, JR. ''''"''''11>''''1*11 J,_I ATllnUII,v.nu, I ew Flusnll",. N V. 11 365 CHARLES H. PILLARD, Editor Volume 77, No. 4 April, 1978 VICE PRESloEIIITS F"", OlllllCI. K. G. ROSE SUit • • 01 .5 Sn.pp.,d Av •. Enl W,tlowd.I•. Onl.,lo M2N Sill FEJ:1TLlFIES SICOM Olll'ICI. JOHN E. fLYNN 128 Ollie, Plln eullding 220 fo,bn ROld 1978 ISEW Utility Con ferences 3 erainl'.. , Mallacn"setts 02 184 Thl,d Dlmici. JOHN J . BARRY 222 M.m"Oll"C I< Avenue Third District Organizing Victory 12 Whi le Pilin•• New Yo, 1< 10605 Fourth O,",lel. B. G. WILLIAMSON H IO R.. ding ROld Eighth District Construction Meeting 13 AmI>e,I.wn e..eut.ve eldg. SUlle II IBEW·NECA NJATC Meeting 14 C,ne ,nnlli, Ohio ~237 FOtt h Q'''''CI. DAN H. WATERS NO 2 Uel,opleo OlIve 33rd Union Industries Show 17 SUlle 113 e"mlngh'm. AI •. 35209 Stolh Co.lriel. T. E. MALONE Com .... re. Pl. ... Th.e •. SuU e 5 70 2015 Spring Ro.d O.. k 8 .00II, llionol. 60521 Sevlnlh Olslnct . RAYMO ND G. DUKE DEPAFlTIVIENTS 2701 Av.nu. E. Eu \ Sun, " 2 Editorial Comment Ad.nglon, T. ... 16011 2 E'lIhth Ol.,tlc,. LAWRENCE C. fARNAN Suit' ~C Canadian labour News 15 2460 WHI Hlh AVI O'nver, (AIOfadO 10211 Safety Tips 18 Nln'h O,"tiel. W. \... VINSON 1100 Soulh EI C.mlno Re.1 BO/lt SQu./I. Sui" 3DI With the ladies 20 San 1.1 "10. C. hlo m .. 9-"02 T.nlh OISIrICI. AN DREW M. RIPP O 'H". Ollie. Bvlldlng I , Suil. 400 Research and Education Department--The Socia l 10400 W Hllllll ni Road Secu rity Act: Effects of Recent Amendm ents 22 Rosemonl. II l1nol. 60018 Ele ~ en lll D,," icl. JACK F. MOORE B.n~ 01 Sprlnglleld Office Canl., local lines 25 300 South Jolla raen. Sulle 300 Sp,lnll 'I. ld . Mln ou,1 65801 Two llth D" III CI, M. A. WILLIAMS Death Claims 70 F,anklln Bu il ding. Sylte SIS C"att~nooga. T.Mene" 374 \ 1 IIIITERNI'ITlolIIRL EXECllTIVE colllllclL WESLEY I. TAYLOR ollll COVEll Chl/lm.n ExecuU ... WII'. Sun. 207 2421 ProdUCllon O,;ve This month's Journal front Ind"nappl". Ind"n. 462'1 cOlier depicts a welcome F",t O,,,"C' . RALPH HALLORAN elo Lot.1 139, IBEW scene now occurring or SOlI Colleg' Avenue about to take place at the Etmlra, N" w York 14901 homes of many of our Second OlllfOel JAMES f . MULLONEY members. It is a sure st gn AI'L· C I O AN D CLC 152 C!onlon 5',", 01 spring and more tradi· MI,lboro. M"SlChuSIII, 01752 tionally the Easter season. Th,,,' O.IIIICI. HOWAR D O. GEORGE 313&1 Be' ~ ilftlr. Hlill Onv. Inside this tssue the 1978 \'t',lIoughby. Ottlo UO!I4 IBEW Uttllty Conferences ~I Fourth 011111.;\. HARRY 8EXLEV SOl Pulh,,,, Sl • S W are covered In pictures and PRtNTEO ON AI'lInll. 010'9" 30312 stortes. U NtON MADE f ilth O,"t1el, ROBERT MISSEY PAPER H50 EflJllNllh Ave, 51 Lou, •• MI_" 63110 S,. lh OlllriCI. THOMAS H. PURSLEY POSTMA STER: Change 01 . dd, ... c.,d. 0" Fo,m 3579 ahould be IInl 10 Inlem.hon.1 erolh .. hood 4523 Avenv. P \o\ 01 EleCI ", c. 1 Worle .... 11 25 f lUllnlh 51<11' . N W . Washington. 0 C. 200I:I5. Publl.he d monlhly . nd Oalv",on. Tn .. 77550 .eco nd·el... POI IPg. p.ld '1 Wullington. D.C. Sub'Crlphon p,lcu Unn. d 51" 0' and Canld., 52 $ev.nlh OI.lrlet. S. R. McC'NN pe' yel' In .dvanc• • Prlnled In U.S.A. Thl, JOUFINAL will nOI be h.ld 'elpenllbl, '0' ~1,w I I xp,euad 530 Con1l1 COt l, Btvd . pl . ... nl Hilt. Cali lelnil 94523 by correspond.nl•. Th. 11111 01 neh montn II closing date. All copy mull be In ou' h, nd, on or b.loll Ihl, lime. p.ld .d.... " ,. lng nOI , ~ c,pI.d . Publie. tlon No. 21402. Elllhih Ol,lrlel, H. H. fULTO N 134 Soulh Hllola 511191 Thund .. B.y. Onl.,lo. Canaa.. Justice On Tile Job • As this issue of the Journal was going to press, the 6nal applied to the campaign to kill labor law reform. They arc baulc in the fight for meaningful reform of the National hoping to frustrate labor law reform by delaying a Senate Labor Relations Act was approaching. Labor Law Reform vote through filibusters in the Senate and a flood of (newly numbered Senate Bill 2467) will probably reach amendments irrelevant to the bill. the floor of the U. S. Senate for consideration within 3 We are confident that the Senate will approve S. 2467 matler of several weeks as you read tbis page. and its provisions to: Tt is vitally important that the public know what is -End unnecessary delays in resolving unfair labor really at slake. Opposing this bill has been a conspiracy practice cases. of corporations. employer trade associations, and extreme -Provide more complete compensation to employees right-wing groups. They have not taken an objective look: when they are harmed by illegal acts of thei r employers. at this proposed legislation in any manner or fo rm. Rather, -Assure that when employees request a vote on union Ihey have used eve ry technique in their million dollar representation, a timely election is held. publicity and lobbying arsenals to obscure and confuse the real issues. -Deny federal contracts to those who repeatedly and wilfully violate employee rights. What arc the lies these anti-labor groups have been telling the American public? They have manufactured a To achieve ou r rightful victory on S. 2467, we arc phoney study claiming thai labor law reform would be trying to match our opponents, postcard for postcard, inllationary, The study was a collcclion of guesses, letter for letter, telephone call for telephone call. and visit distortion,>, and misleading statements which in the end for visit. Hundreds of thousands of union members all Icd to the real conclusion that employers should be over the nation and other citizens who believe in justice allowed to break the law because it is cheaper 10 do so, on the job have been carrying the fight. For the future The immorality of such an argument should be crystal well being of you rself and you r family, I urge you to clear to anyone who believes in justice and fair play, follow the lead of these concerned citizens and write, telephonc, and visit your two Senators at oncc. What the business community is really saying is that they want to preserve Ihe unfair advantages they now The President of the United States has correctly hold undcr an ineffective law. They want to continue to summarized this biIJ as "modest, moderate, and fair." deny cmployees who want to bargain collectively that And this is cxactly the fact of the mailer. This bill is not opportunity to improve their wages and working going to double union membership or launch massive conditions, organi zing campaigns as the anti-labor coalitions would like the Senate to believe. It simply will restorc fair play, Their common bond is the fear that if effective justice on the job, and basic worker rights under the restraints are imposed on employer coercion and if nation's laws. workers are assu red a prompt opportunity to register their choice, more workers will vote union. Because their position cannot withstand pu blic scrutiny, thei r aim is to • dcny labor law reform a hearing. T his tactic of delay, which employers have found effective in frus trating attempts by their employees to organize, is now being 2 I laEW Jou ..... 1 1978 tBEW Utility • Some 690 delegates attended the re­ cently concluded Regional Utility Con­ ferences held by the Utility Department of the International Office.
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