An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity —n u m b e r 44 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE. MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. APRIL 26, 1951 PRICE-FIVE CENTS I02D Cycle Driver, Peddie Board Names Two New Members Farm Labor Two Assessed Guest Preacher Public Hearing Pedestrian Die Shortage Hits $25 for Fights, In Racial Bias In Accidents Serious Stage 3rd Fined $20 Case Called 83-Year-Old Man Ag Department Says Argument Over Firing Complaint Charges Boy Fatally Injured When Few Workers Available MacArtbur by Truman Barred from Local Pool Struck by Automobile Despite Higher Wages Results in Scuffle Because He Is Negro Two men were killed in Trenton.—The shortage of laUjr Four motor vehicles and three dis-; ' The first public hearing in a racial niUhatis in this area ^[onday. Ih e on New Jersey farms is becoming orderly cases were brought before; I discrimination case since the State Samuel Kothbort. 83. K.l| more serious as the Spring planting the court of Magistrate Samuel Bard ' Anti-Discrimination Division was set Hightstown and William Wickward season gets under way, reports the over the week-end and fines totaling ■ , up six years ago is scheduled for State Department of Agriculture. $102 were levied. Thursday at the office of State Edu­ ^'■rr^oop^'^James Wambold of the V^ery few local workers are availal)le .Anthony Perchalski, 66, of Second cation Commissioner John H. Boss- local state police station said Kotli- for farm jobs, despite the fact that avenue was assessed $20 fine and $5 hart, West State street, Trenton. bnrt was fatally injured when he was w-ages being paid this Spring are costs on a disorderly complaint The discrimination charge was struck by a car while walking on Uic higher than a year ago. brought by George \'an Pelt, 28, of made against Sam Sukup of New i’errincvillc-Ktra road shortly b e­ The competition of the more at­ Princeton Junction. According to York, owner of the swimming pool tractive industrial wages is respon­ the charge Perchalski allegedly Rev. Henry H. Bucher on Mercer street. fore 8:30 p.ni. Operator of the auto Kenneth W. Slifer Herbert C. Burrowes was listed as Nathaniel McMellion, sible for the movement toward the struck Van Pelt on the shoulders j According to the complaint and face with a shovel on April 11 39 Perrineville, a farmhand. factories, and at the same time is brought by Mr. and Mrs. Holly Two new members were adfled to Bankers Trust Company, N.Y. Other as the result of an argument over The Roosevelt First Aid S 5uad re­ raising wages on the farm. Scurry of 222 Academy street, their the I’cddie School Board or Corpo­ members are Walter H. .Annenberg, the firing of General MacArthur by ^Christianity in moved Kothbort to Dr. harmers During the past three months, son, Holly Jr., an elementary school rators, it wa.s announced Monday by Hiram Deats, Walter C. Black, President Truman. The incident oc-1 ■ Hospital, Allentown, where he died farm wage rates have risen 6 per pupil, was allegedly denied use of Havid H. Knott, president of the Bruce T. Dumont, Harold W. Gar- two hours later. He suffered a frac­ cent, and on April 1 were 12 per curved^ the boiRr ol a 'ocaDg|||j|g M | S S IO n S the pool because he is a Negro. Board. They arc Kenneth W. Slifer, ton, Dr. Harold W. Jones, .Maynard tured skull, head cuts and a frac­ cent higher than on the same date Joseph L. Bustard, director of the vice president of N. W. Ayer and S. Alexander, William Fairliurst, in 1950. For using foul and indecent lan­ Division Against Discrimination, said tured Iiclvis. , i c I r Son, Inc., Philadelphia and Herbert Fred S. Fox, Leonard J. Matteson, Wage rate comparisons are listed guage and fighting with George Husband of the late Sarah L. attempts to settle the case by con­ C. Burrowes, assistant vice president Clarence G. Meeks, Dr. Wilbour E. in the survey as follows, first figure, Stonaker, Mercer street service sta­ Kothbort, he is survived by two Day Feature ciliation have failed. Under the law in the administration department of Saunders and Horace Roberson. April I, 1950; 2nd, Jan. 1, 1951; 3rd, tion operator, Roland Schenck, 46. a public hearing is required tf an (laughters, Mrs. Mollie Kassoff of of Mercer street was fined $20 and I'erriiieville and Mrs. Dora Kent of April 1. 1951: understanding cannot be reached. Per month with board and room, $5 costs. In addition he was repri­ Maximum penalties are a year in the Hrona, N.Y. and a son, Zvi C. “Christian Missions Day” will be First Aiders Continue $99. $105, $114. manded by Judge Bard for failure to prison and a $500 fine. Attorney Kothbort of Israel and three grand­ Johnson Firm observed in the First Presbyterian Per month with house, $142, $150, appear in court at the designated Church Sunday at the 11 a.m. ser­ General Theodore D. Parsons has as­ children. He was a retired poultry Call-per-Day Average $154. time. vice. The Rev. Henry H. Bucher, signed Deputy Attorney General salesman. , , , . Awarded Road Per week with board and room, James Jackson of .Academy street associated with tlie Presbyterian Thomas F. Cook to represent the The funeral was held Tuesday at The local first aid squad contin­ $27.50, $27, $30. was ordered to pay his wife, Jean, Board of Christian Etlucation, hand­ State at the hearing. This is also in noon at the Hever Funeral Home, ues its call-per-day average and Per week witliout board and room, $12 weekly in support of their two ling the missionary education pro­ keeping with the provisions of the 202 Stockton street. Interment was during the past week made nine Food Eateries $37.50, m $41. children, James Jr., 2, and Judith, gram, will be the guest speaker. His act. If the charge is sustained Com­ in Riverside Cemetery, Rochelle. trips, including three to a Trenton Per day without board and room, 4 months. topic will be “Out of China’s Sor­ missioner Bosshart can issue an or­ Wickward was on his way to work hospital in two days for one resi­ The New Jersey Turnpike Author­ $6.40, $6.70, $7.20. Attempting to strike Lillian Rob­ row God Speaks.” der compelling the alleged offender here when his motorcycle rammed dent. inson while she was leaving a Mer­ ity itas awarded a contract to How­ Per hour without board and room, The Rev. Bucher and his wife to discontinue tlie cause of com­ into the rear of a car on Route 25, The schedule: cer street establisliment cost John ard Johnson Co. to operate the ini­ 79c. 87c, 91c. .sailed in 1934 as Presbyterian mis­ plaint. Kobbinsville. Trooper Victor Gal- April 16—Mrs. Frank Scarbor­ Morris, 29, Dutch Neck, $^. tial nine lunch rooms and two res­ Throughout the United States sionaries to Hainan Island in the ex­ Since the Anti-Discrimination Di­ assi said the accident occurred at ough from Mercer Hospital, Tren­ In the motor vehicle division taurants on its new 118-uile super­ wage rates rose an average of 6 per treme south of China. They have vision was adopted, it has been able g :12 a.m. ton, to her luune on Maxwell ave­ Francis O’Neil, 45, Union and Boris highway, it was announced by I’aul cent during the past three months been in China except for two fur­ to avoid public airing of grievances The .Mlentown First Aid squad nue. and on .April L 1951 were 13 per S. Kudrayetz, 2X), of Philadelphia by bringing complainants and ac­ took Wickward to Dr. Farmer’s .April 17—Mrs. Scarborough re­ L. Troast, chairman of the Author­ loughs ever since until their return cent higher than on April 1 a year were fined $10 each for speeding; to this country in September of 1^9. cused persons together for concilia­ Hospital and lie died Monday after­ turned to Mercer Hospital. See ity. The Turnpike is scheduled to Joseph Levinos, 21. East Orange, $6 open to traffic ne.vt November 15. ago. ______________ In I^ I, while engaged in special tion sessions. The division is a part noon. Galassi reported the driver page I for details of her death. for passing a red light and Jack ■Mr. Troast added that the Author study in Peiping, it was n ecess^ ’ of the Education Department. was Howard Robinson, 27, Philadel- April 19—Mrs. H. Roberts^ of Zucker. 46, Forest Hills, $6 for fail­ ity’s plans are nearing completion to for them to evacuate to the Phlip- The 1945 act bars discrimination Stockton street to Trenton Gen­ ure to keep on the right side of the fihia. solicit bids from jirospective opera- pines for the safety of their three for race, color, creed or ancestry in eral Hospital. , , r Cranbury Girl highway. employment or public accommoda- -GwfFe 13^asoline stations children. They were caught in Ma- Mercer street to McKinley Hos- A... ed the islands and mterae^ Tn tKe Honor Blacks pital. Trenton. Johnson wa.s the highest of seven Daylight Saving Time bidders for the food concessions. Its Weds J. Byrne Santa Tomas and Los Benon intern- I Friday—Mrs. Lewis from Mc­ Iflliri6l L0CK6 Kinley Ifospital to home. ^ Mrs. bid guaranteed a minimum rental of Returns Here Sunday ment camps ^ , $300,000 and a highly favorable per­ Rescued by paratroopers on Feb-, On Anniversary Lewis from home to McKinley.
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