ubiished by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. -J I c. a fraternal non-profit associitiori| rainian H V Vol. LVII No. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1989 50 cents USSR national-democratic movements'Congress of People's Deputies convenes western representatives meet in ParisUkrainia n faithful in Moscow PARIS - Twenty two Western the signatories write: representatives of national-democratic "We fully share your democratic raise Catholic Church issue movements of various nationalities in aspirations and deem it our principal MOSCOW - More than 400 faithful memorial service at the hotel, Revolu­ the USSR met here on May 6-11 and task to support the demands of demo­ took part in a Ukrainian Catholic tion Plaza and Karl Marx Street, called formed a mutual Coordinating Center, cracy and independence. moleben in front of the Moskva Hotel for the legalization of the Ukrainian called Democracy and Independence, "Coming from the possibilities of the on Thursday morning. May 25, as Catholic Church in the Soviet Union. A to support the movements' ideas and democratic world in which we live, we newly elected ministers to the Congress delegation of 150 to 200 Ukrainians activities. establish as our goal to assist in your of People's Deputies filed past them on from western Ukraine, among them Mr. According to a May 11 statement, the fight to win freedom for our nations." their way to the first session of this Неї, took part in a two-and-a-half coordinating center was organized at Four former Ukrainian political parliament, according to Ivan Неї, head service celebrated by the Rev. Petro the written request of the Coordinating prisoners living in the United States of the Committee for the Defense of the Zeleniukh. Council of participants of national- signed the statement, including Nadia Ukrainian Catholic Church, who spoke As they took part in the service, the democratic movements of the peoples Svitlychna, Mykola Rudenko and with the Ukrainian Press Bureau based newly elected ministers took notice of of the USSR, issued during its January Leonid Plyushch, who represented the in Rome. this peaceful protest. One of the 28-29 conference in Vilnius, Lithuania. Ukrainian Helsinki Union, and Petro The faithful, many of whom have ministers was Rostyslav Bratun, elected The chief initiator of a center to Ruban, who represented the Radical been on a hunger strike since Monday, by the Lviv region residents. Well Wing of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union. consolidate the national-democratic May 22, took part in the 9 a.m. public (Continued on page 2) movements is Paruir Airikian, a promi­ (Continued on page 4) nent Armenian dissident, who was chosen as-the first president of the 13MA Supreme Assembly convenes annual meeting Coordinating Center. In the statement, which is addressed KERHONKSON, N.Y. - The U- Assembly sessions, all the annual meet­ Vice-Presidentess Gloria Paschen and to the Coordinating Council of the krainian National Association con­ ing participants gathered near the Taras Honorary Supreme Assembly Member participants of the national-democratic vened the annual meeting of its Su­ Shevchenko monument at Soyuzivka Genevieve Zerebniak placed flowers at movements of the peoples of the USSR, preme Assembly on Monday, May 22, for the traditional ceremony. This year's the foot of the statue. All present then here at the association's resort, Soyu- ceremony had special meaning, of sang Shevchenko's "Testament." zivka. course, since it is the 175th anniversary The annual meeting was called to During the first days of its delibera­ of the birth of the great bard of Ukraine, order shortly afterwards by Mr. Flis, ChornovJI arrested, tions, the Supreme Assembly, the whom the Ukrainian National Associa­ who welcomed all present to the UNA'S highest decision-making body tion had named as its patron. session being held during the 95th Muratov harassed between quadrennial conventions, In his brief remarks during the anniversary year of the UNA. He called heard reports by supreme executive ceremony, UNA Supreme President on all to recall the founding principles JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Ukrainian officers and supreme advisors, as well as John O. Flis emphasized that, as it has of the UNA — service to its members, national rights activist Vyacheslav a special report by the director of the done from the beginnings of its exis­ the Ukrainian nation and the Ukrainian Chornovil was detained at Lviv Airport UNA Washington Office, Eugene tence, the UNA will continue to help the cause — noting that this is what makes on Sunday, May 21, and arrested on Iwanciw. Ukrainian nation in its efforts to be­ this fraternal association unique among charges of "petty hooliganism," the Also discussed was the UNA's next come the master of its own land. life insurance companies. Ukrainian Press Agency, based in convention, to be held May 26 to June Dr. Jaroslaw Padoch, honorary An invocation was delivered by London, recently reported. He received 2, 1990, in Baltimore's Inner Harbor member of the UNA Supreme As­ Supreme Advisor Wasyl Didiuk, and all a sentence of 15 days' administrative area, and continuing improvements to sembly, and president of the Shev­ present intoned "Khrystos Voskres." arrest, reportedly for taking part in an facilities at Soyuzivka. chenko Scientific Society, also deH- Present at the 1989 annual meeting official Chornobyl demonstration in Before the opening of the Supreme vered a speech, while UNA Supreme Lviv on April 26. (Continued on page 4) Mr. Chornovil, the chief editor of The Ukrainian Herald, a journal of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union, was return­ ing to Lviv after attending a meeting of editors of independent publications in Vilnius, Lithuania, over the weekend. Over 500 copies of Holos Vidrod- zhennia, a publication of the Kiev branch of the UHU, were confiscated from Mr. Chornovil. Mykhailo Osad- chy, the editor of Kafedra and Volo- dymyr Steciuk, an editor of Yevshan Zillia, were with Mr. Chornovil at the Vilnius conference. Mr. Steciuk was detained and released. No more news about the arrest was available at press time. Meanwhile in Moscow, Mykola Muratov, the Moscow contact for the Ukrainian Catholic Church has report­ ed that he received direct threats of violence in two telephone calls on Monday, May 22. Mr. Muratov, who has been instru­ mental in informing the West about ongoing efforts to legalize the Ukrai- (Continued on page 2) UNA Supreme Assembly members during opening ceremonies of their annual session at Soyuzivka. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1989 No. 22 of democracy and change in the Soviet A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Ukrainian faithful... Union. We said that if those policies are (Continued from page 1) true, then the Ukrainian Catholic acquainted with Mr. Неї, he stopped Church should be legalized. We asked if and asked what it was Mr. Hel's delega­ those present would support a call for Mass food poisoning reported in Vinnytsia tion wanted. Mr. Неї asked Mr. Bratun the legalization of the Ukrainian Ca­ by Dr. David Marples villages, which was breeding fear and to bring up the legalization of the tholic Church and all 500 hands went up panic. Therefore as early as May 1, the Church which was liquidated by the into the air," he reported about the May According to reports from the Ukrai­ oblast radio station was broadcasting Soviet government in 1946 and "re­ 24 service. nian SSR, almost 500 people in the the news about the poisoning and united with the Russian Orthodox According to the Ukrainian Catholic Vinnytsia area of the republic have warning the population not to consume Church." Press Bureau, the Ukrainian Catholic suffered from salmonella poisoning, cakes and pastries purchased at the Mr. Bratun then reportedly re­ delegation in Moscow receives a steady from eating cakes that contained un­ covered markets in Sharhorod and sponded that he is now a peoples' stream of faithful arriving from Ukraine processed cream that was also well past Vinnytsia. Specialists arrived in Shar­ deputy and if this is what his consti­ every day. After the Thursday moleben, its due date for consumption. One horod from Kiev and Vinnytsia, with tuents want, this is the issue he will raise, a large group went back to the Arbat, person, a small child of just under five the result that from what appears to if not during the opening session, then near the book store Ukrainskaya Kniga, years of age, has died as a result. have been the final tally of those at the next session, according to the where it continues its hunger strike. There have been calls for those hospitalized - 495 patients — there has Ukrainian Catholic Press Bureau. Mr. Неї reported that about 25 to 30 responsible to be brought to justice. The been only one fatality. Mr. Неї then delivered greetings from percent of these participants are young; incident evidently caused panic in the However, the inquest has now begun. Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky they feel inspired by the events taking village of Sharhorod and other rural In the first place, it has been revealed to the faithful gathered in Moscow. place in China today. And although regions of Vinnytsia Oblast, particular­ that this mayhem was caused by eight These warm greetings were conveyed to originally, their hunger strike was to ly as more than half of those affected cooks, six of whom were among the Mr. Неї during a telephone conversa­ continue until Saturday, May 27, given were children, who are believed to be patients. This factor has eliminated any tion he had with Rome on Wednesday, the fact that many of the hunger strikers less resistant to the salmonella bacillus theories that the poisoning may have May 24. are young, they may decide to extend than adults.
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