Sell the Old Roos~r. The \feather. Farmers Attention: Frida Saturday are Rooster Days J Continued fair through Thurs­ - and YOU can get 5c per POll day and warm. Possibly cooler the old roosters. Sell them I and showers latter part of week. 1 premium price and help In egg quality. , ( ~ ? ,. • .... 1 NEB~S~, ,: I ESTABLISHED APRIL 1882 .THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933. VOL. 52 Ord Club Sponsors . I •. 500 SIGNATURES First Golf Tourney HEART AILMENT Ruth Kessler Not PREMIUM PRICE HERBERT eUSE The first golf tournament of Absent, Tardy, NEEDED TO FORM 1933 will beheld in OrdSunday PROVES FATAL TO In 8 Years TO BE PAID FOR ORD HI SPEAl when the Ord club is holding an invitation meet In which all golf­ Without doubt .MIss Ruth Kess­ ers within driving radius of Ord ler, a daughter 01 Mr. 8.J1d M.rs. LEGAL DISTRICT are invited to participate-. Now MRS. ANNA DAILY W. E. Kessler 01 Or~ has one OLD ROOSTERS AS 87 GRADUj that the first dandelion crop has of the best school attendance Irrigation Plans Progessing As been harvested pro Shirley is get­ Respected O~dite, Resident Here records 01 any student In thIs Ord Produce Dealers Will Pay Formel"j Ord School Hel ting the course into Ideal condi­ dclnlty. ThIs fear she finIshed Officers Begin Circulating tion and with good weatb..er It is Since .18%, Dies· May 25 the eighth grade and in her eight Sc Per Lh. This Week 'To livers Address to Lal Petitions Today~ likely that a large number of goIt­ After Long Illness. fears 01 attendance In the Ord Help Boost Egg Quality. Class in Ord Histor1 ers will play in the Sunday tourn­ schools she has lIeen neither . ament. 1M. F. Kosmata is chair­ absent nor tardIo Though In- Formation of a public power and man of the club's tournament Alter a long, period of!ll health disposed on se,eral oecaslons, In order to improve the quality With Herbert L. Cushln! irrigation district under the pro­ committee. Medals and golf balls witb heart trouble, Mrs. Anna she alw8Is Insisted on attending of eggs during the summer months, director Of certification al visions of Senate File No. 310, the are of·fered as prizes to the medal­ Daily passed away at 2:45 p. m. school and therebl kept her produce dealers of Ord announce mer superintendent of tli enabling act passed th(s year by ist and winners in the various last Thursday, May 25, at her perfect record In~ Miss Ruth In today's Issue of the Quiz that on schools, as principal e the state legislature; was ,begun flights. home In east Ord where she had has also been a l,trf good music Friday and Saturday of this week eighty-seven Ord high scho this week in the North Loup val­ Uved 1llnce 1896.. Funeral services student and has pIaIed In tIie they will pay 5c per pound for old iors were graduated last ley as a necessary step in secur­ were held Friday at the' Sowl Ord band fQt the pa~t few fears. roosters and that they want to buy day evening at commencem, Ing a Reconstruction Finan.ce Cor­ Wolbach Mian Has chapel with Rev. H. H. Spracklen '-- ..;... ----' every old rooster In the Ord trade ercises held In the high sch poration loan for carying out the in charge and interment W{lS in i territory at this premium price. dltorium. A crowd that tal project. Narrow Escape the Ord cemetery. I Ordinarily the value of old roost- capacity ()f the, large rool Petitions were printed early w. F. Nelson, city light commis­ Anna Wampler was born May 9, ers is Only 3c per pound and after present as Dr. J. W. Mc this week· and have been sent to sioner of Wolbach, was in a very 1857 in Viola, Wis., and grew to Ay Saturday of this week only 3c will president of the board of Attorney C. A. Sorensen for ap­ serious predicament for a· short womanhOOd there and in Iowa, to DECORATION. .' D be paid. produce men say. tion, presented diplomas to time Friday. He )Vas replacing a which state her parents moved. proval. Professor Clark Mickey; ,i Fred Coe, manager of the Ord Co- uates, Nebraska consulting. engineer for broken bul'b on a street light. On Fe-br. 3, 1878 she was married ·S .GIVEN. operative Creamery, points out the 'Mr. Cushing -made a pc the R. F. C. has already approved The current had been turned off at Parkers'burg, la., to Patrick D A D ES I address, announcing as hi from. the street Ught circuit but Dally and to them seven children R fact that the hatching season Is the petitions. By this morning or over and that the need for old ject a quotation, "we ha' tomorrow, President Bert M. Har­ the bracket was attached to a were born, two dying in infancy. · MAN " high tension line pole, about half Left to mourn are Arthur Daily, roosters In the flock has passed. Summer Session For stuff of which paradise is denbrook states, the petitions will BY G0RD0N' Fertile eggs spoU ~uch more and developing this theme be circulated with about 500 sig­ way up the pole. A ground wire Olds, Alberta, canada, George and on the pole passes near the metal Wesley Dally, Ord, Mrs. Katie quickly than Infertile eggs, espe­ T e aceh r s At Uni estingly for thirty mlnutel natures of qualified voters need­ cially In hot weather and it Is re­ LINOOLN, Nebr.•-Shades of yes- address was Inspirhig to ed. bracket wWch holds the street Nelson, Sutherland, and Charles Dwight Griswold :Makes Impres­ light ,bulb. It Is supposed the Dally, Denman. commended that every flock owner terday wllIbe evident on the Un1- uates and school patrons s The law provides that 15 per current jumped from the line to sive Talk As Ordites Ohsefve dispose of his old roosters in Ord veraity ot Ne,braska campusdur- The exercises Thursda~ cent of the quallfled voters must In the year 1887 t.he Dally tam­ lng, the forthcoming summer ees- ning were opened by the 1 the ground wire charging. the Ily came to Valley county to make Most Sacred Holiday. this week. sign these petitions before the bracket and causing the trouble. their home and after living ona - Produce buyers taking part in the sion when a revival of "The Little of a processional by thE , \ state engineer's office may declare otter are the Co-op Creamery, the Red School House" will be held school orchestra. to the strl the district organized. Officers Mr. Nelson was unatlle to release farm for nine years moved to Ord a th UI I·t f hi· which the graduating clasl his hold. He called for help and in 1896, this city having been the Paying a tender tribute to those Fairmont Creamery company, Om­ sen vers y or t Eli f rst into the auditorium and tool do not anticipate any difficulty in somebody lowered the ladder and family home ever since.. Mr. Dai­ who died In their Country's service aha Cold Storage, Warner Vergin, time will offer a summer course getting the number of signatures and urging obsehap.ce of law in Gol'I"s Hatchery, Rufar's Hatchery devised especially for rural school seats. All were attired II required. his weight broke the grip and re­ ley, who was a CivU war veteran, teachen. and gowns. Rev. Mearl C. lieved the pain and ~anger. passed away here on Nov. 28, 1898. order that our most ·sacred institu­ and Swift & Company. All of them then gave the Invocation, The petitions set forth the fact Mrs. Dally was a loving wife tions may be perpet~atM, Dwight are handling the roosters without At the consistent request of which the high school girls .that the dlsfrict shall be k,nown McCarthy Rotary Spe-aker. and mother and was renowned as Griswold of Gordon &aye an Im­ profit and big poultry dealers have rural teachers and county super- us sang McDowell's l'To s as the North Loup River Public Rev. Willard 'McCarthy was the a good neighbor and friend, al­ pressive address atJ'lcmorial day agreed to take the roosters ott their intendents throughout the state'l Rose." Power and. Irrigation District and principal speaker at the Ord Rotary ways w!llin~ and anxious to assist iervlces held in the Qid cemetery hands at 5c, as their part In the tJhe university will offer d~ring The commencement addres the general purpose of the district club's Memorial day program, held In need. In recent years her Tuesday morning. Mr, Griswold Is move to boost egg quality. the elx weeks summer sessi~n, next. after which a mixed . Is "to build a hydro-electric public after the regular Monday evening health had been poor but until a former state COmmander of the J~ne 9 to July 21, a special cour~~ of high school students power plant or system ... for the dinner. He delighted Rotarians by she became 'bedfast she kept U'P American Legion and last fall was Married At Broken Bow With a rural demonstration school "Prp.lse Ye the Father "bJ generation, distribution, transmis­ reading a group of the poems of her attendance at the United 'Bre­ a republican candlQ~te ~~r governor On April 15 Miss Fern Cook, for the training Of rural teachers nod. ' . sion and sale of electric energy ..• James Whitcomb Riley, Edgar A.
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