VOL. XCVI NO. 15 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 FEBRUARY 10,1998 Affirmative Action Debate San Francisco Site Will Feature Proposed For 1999 Ward Gonnerly BY LIZ KISZONAS college. News Writer The college plans to open nu- BY W. FISHWICK merous sites at major cities I MCLEAN across the globe. The overall News Writer The Global Learning Sites goal of this concept is to provide Committee recently passed a a meaningful, challenging aca- On Tuesday, February 24, at proposal for a global learning demic program abroad for Trin- 7:00 PM in the Washington site in San Francisco, C A. Dean ity students that incorporates Room, Trinity College will host of Faculty Raymond Baker rec- classes, internships, and cul- a debate between Ward ommended the plan, and it has tural experiences. A pilot pro- Connerly, the University of been passed on for examination gram has also begun in Cape California's most controversial by several committees, includ- Town, South Africa under the Regent, and Sheffv. O'Neal law- ing the Curriculum Committee, direction of Professor Sharon yer Jonathan Brittain. The dis- AL1X PECK the Financial Affairs Commit- Herzberger. A handful of stu- cussion, cosponsored by the The Trinity faithful cheer on the Mens' Squash team at their tee, and the PPC. This proposal dents are attending the pro- President's Office, the Saturday match versus the #1 Harvard squad. The 6-3 would create an interdiscipli- gram this semester, focusing on Multicultural Affairs Council victory over the Crimson moves the undefeated Bantams nary program for students in a international health. and Imani, promises to take a into the #1 position in the country. See page 28. house recently acquired by the Located in historic Pacific look at one of the nation's Heights, the Bransten House is thorniest issues, and weigh both an imposing architectural mas- 'the pros and cons of affirmative terpiece set against the magnifi- action. ' Capital Campaign Leads To cent backdrop of the Pacific Ward Connerly is a member Ocean, and'the culturally of the University of California charged city of San Francisco. Board of Regents. He was in- Higher Alumni Giving Rate has been divided among the additionto the library ($4.75 The Bransten House was built strumental in a 1995 effort to BY ELIZABETH PERRY several areas the college has million), improvements to the in 1904 as the home of a San end all considerations of race, Senior Editor deemed most important for its Mather Quad and McCook area Francisco Coffee importer. gender, and ethnic origin in the improvement. $21 million is al- ($2.75 million), building en- admissions and hiring policies Last semester, the Trustees lotted to support students in the dowments ($2 million) and of the university system. His The Trinity College Cam- purchased this property as a paign to raise $100 million by form of a scholarship endow- campus beautif ication ($.5 mil- rnukiuse structure for the col- ideas stem from the philosophy lion). While these numbers are , that diversity can be better June 30,1998, made significant ment and a student research lege. However^several faculty subject to change, they provide achieved through sUc'h rreea!-*! ^members now see the promise sures as increased funding for tfvtUes to supporting the faculty with an overall illustrationpf the col- of incorporating the resources, high schools and better out- and the early part of 1998. First, endowment positions and ' leges priorities. of San Francisco into an aca- reach programs, rather than the campaign has reached a to- chairs, as well as a faculty re- The college has been success- demic program. different standards for different tal of $85 million out of the $100 search endowment. $22.5 mil- ful in raising a significant Ideally, the site would open in racial groups. million goal. Second, the lion will be used to support amount of money towards January of 1998, providing an Mr. Connerly has drawn both alumni fund participation academic programs and an- many of these funds, but has interdisciplinary curriculum praise and criticism from all reached 51% last year. Third, the other $20.5 million will go to- not yet completed any of them. that will cover studies ranging corners of the political arena. college is confident that they wards supporting facilities for The $85 million raised to date from theater and the arts, to sci- He has even clashed with Presi- will reach the final goal before student life. Those include con- has been spread out among the entific and technological re- dent Clinton, who does not fa- June 30. Finally,- the college is struction and renovation of the see DEVELOPMENT an search, to social issues. The San see DEBATE on page six now in the planning stages of art facilities ($10.5 million), an page eight see GLOBAL on page eight extending the campaign past the deadline and increasing the goal. The Capital Campaign was Corpses, Pubs and JFK's designed to carry out the three key commitments of the college's strategic plan. Those Pad: The Jim King Story commitments are to "sustain and left with tips on how to uitous as well—he eats, in excellent teaching as Trinity's BY DAN BERMAN style her hair. Mather with students, attends hallmark, to increase intellec- News Editor King is on campus as part of virtually every campus event tual intensity of campus life the Presidential Fellows pro- and acts as a resource for classes and provide greater social and His walls are decorated with gram, which brings people with and students. Never one to shy cultural variety and to capital- commendations from President rich backgrounds and experi- away from sharing his ize on Trinity's location in Hart- Clinton, various labor organiza- ences here to contribute to Trin- thoughts, King says, "1 talk to ford by infusing the curriculum tions and a rather interesting ity and its students. And King everyone the same way. I'm an and the college's character with Anti-Affirmative Action rllL swatch of brown-stained carpet certainly contributes; he's as egalitarian—1 don't care who a distinctive city spirit." from his office at his old job. By personable as a 19th century leader Ward Connerly. you are." Money from the campaign the way, his old job was the Di- Log Cabin politician and ubiq- • see KING on page nine rector of the Office of Personal Management in Washington Inside This Week's Issue DC, appointed by President Clinton in 1993. Currently at Trinity Debate Team travels to.nation's capital Trinity as a Presidential Fellow, News .......... pg. 6 he's also worked with the Kennedys, President Carter and Should race be a factor in college admissions? every Democratic Convention Opinion '. pg- 2 since 1976. His name is Jim King, and even if his name Winter Musicals heat up in Garmariy Hall doesn't ring a bell, chances are Arts.........,.....:.......,....,............... -,pg- JO you've seen this tall, silver- haired man around campus Features interviews Professor Beth Quitslund once or twice. Once described Features ^...:.v:..!.r.,....,,.,.,.... pg- 16 by Vice President Gore as a "sweet-talking devil," King has Lectures, Movies, Performances, Alt. Bev., and more the ear of almost everybody, Announcements*..:.............;.....,..... pg- 20 from Secret Service, agents pro- tecting the First Lady, to a Tri- Mens' Hoops presses for Final pour' pod photographer who walked SARAH BETTENCOURT Sports...... .:.... pg-23 into his office to take pictures Trinity Presidential Fellow Jim King brings his political experience and humor to campus. PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD - FEBRIARU 10,1998 Iliiiiiiiii LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Grading Week Trinity Fails to Uphold Reputation To the Editor, dead sleep. This of course is As the first part of February slides by, many students at Trinity find typical college life, and I should themselves in the midst of a rather traditional quandary. The much antici- Although I only bear the get over it. pated Reading Week approaches rapidly, and rather ambitious plans have yet mere status of a freshmen, and However, I guess what really to be solidified. Discussions in the Cave and Mather focus on where home is, I probably still have a lot to disturbs me is how little people learn, I have definitely picked respect this campus and, more road trips, prices of lift tickets at Killington, and bus fares to New York. Im- up on many of the details about so, the people who work to keep portant decisions must be made; rather surprisingly, few of these choices seem Trinity College durirtg the past it clean. Every morning I con- to have much to do with which book or paper should be completed first, or 20 weeks of my stay. I have dis- verse with the man who cleans whether to temporarily move into the library or the-computer center. covered that campus shuttles our dorm. When I see him, he's will run you to the Party Barn; I usually mopping somebody's While it is easy to blame students for what appears to be a reversal of have learned the general socio- puke off the stairs, or most re- priorities favoring social endeavors over academic pursuits, a closer look is, in economic background of stu- cently, sweeping up broken fact, warranted. In particular, if one were to assess the amount of academic dents here; I have mastered the glass in our courtyard. I feel so skill of avoiding The Plaque on bad, I can understand and ap- work submitted by students the week preceding Reading Week, some ques- the long walk. Also, it didn't preciate that weekend parties tions most assuredly would begin to get answered.
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