c ~ ~~ I I------i' I------i ~ M••UN Centre for {lilldStud!e! GAZETTE ~ llSt4 ED f OR THE , ...Cl. LTV ,u,j[) STA FF O f MIIllllUR,Al UNIVERS ITY Of "'E ""'OtJI«)LAJrtO JU LY 11, 1969 LIBRARY RECEIVES $27,000 GRA NT FROM CANA DA COUNCIL Th e Library at t he Mem orial University of Newfound land has been awa rded a $27 ,()(X)Canada Counc il Grant to build up research coll ectio ns in the social sciences and huma nities. T he grant was apport ioned to th e Departments of Histor y, English, Socio logy and Anthropology, Romance Languages and Linguist ics. Last yea r th e librar y rece ived S24,()(X) which was d ivided among all o f t he above departments, with the exception of Linguistics. [he Ar ch bishop of 51. Joh n's, Most Revere nd I'J . Sk inner, looks on as 'If. D. M a ~{ ; il vra )' , A~~ i'la n t Director for Memorial was one of 34 universities to recewe Co llect ions .11 the Univl'r'iil) l ibrary, and Lor d Taylor . t hese gran ts wh ich totalled $1 million . Priorit y was President and Yice-Chancellor, look 11 one of ove r 300 given to collections needed for advanced research, ~~I~t:s S~,:~rc\i~a t;~'(~i~t'A~~~~c~~f~~~"tohr,~::nlloJ including graduate studies. SENATE MEETINGS APPROVE RARE SET OF THEOLOGICAL BOOKS NEW REGULATIONS AND A"'ENDMENTS PRESENTED TO MEMORIAL LIBRARY The Senate met May 13 and approved the The Memor'al University of Newfoundland initiat io n of a programme lead ing to the degree of library was presented with a rare co llection of Mast er of Engine ering in t he Faculty of Engineer ing theological wr it ings Jun e 10 by the Archdiocese and Applied Scien ce, to be effec tive September 1, r969 . of St . John 's. Also approved were 13 graduate courses in Engineer ing. The A rchb ishop of St. John's, Most Reverend Other business included proposals for th e evalua­ P.J. Skinner, presented Lo rd Taylor with over 300 tion of performance of graduate students, ap proval of volumes of the 390 vo lume Patro logklf:.' Cl.1rsus Maste r's candidates, depertemtnel regu lations for t he Compiet vs (Complete writings of the church fathers Doctoral studies in Physics, new regu lat ions governi ng in Latin and Greek) at a ceremony in the Roman the length of a programme for graduate students, Catholic Palace . amendments to undergraduate regulations and ame nd · rnents t o regulat io ns for Education students. Mr. Daniel MacGilvray, Assista nt Directo r for Collec tions at the University Library, said that t he Proposals modifying the mem bership and t erms University will endea vou r to complete the set and of reference of the Senate Committees on Graduate translate it into English for the benefit of New­ Studies and Undergraduate Studies were approved. foundland schola rs. These new changes proposed by the Committee 011 Committees will be found on pages 10 and 11- The set , valued at near ly $ 10,000 , is one of less t han 300 sets scattered througho ut t he wo rld . The Senate meet ing of May 17 ap proved those cand idates for deg rees and d iplomas who appea red May 23 and 24 at the 20t h Annual Convoca tion. W Page Two GAZETTE PILOT PROJECT BEING READIED Second year , Robert James Carew . Deer lake, N fld ., FOR OFF -CAMPUS COURSES Education II. Third year, Lloyd M. Wilson , Dunville. Placentia Bay . Ntld ., Education III. In a pilot project designed to meet the needs of teachers and oth ers wh o wish to conti nue their umve r­ The l'in Ct'Jlt P. Burke Scholarships - Second yea r, Marion G race Parsons, Small Po int, Conception sity ed~ca tio~ bUI live be yond commuting d istance. Mem o na l University w ill thi s yea r introduce new Bay, Nfld., Pre-Moo . II. T hird year ,Elizabeth Jean methods of brin ging th e Un iversit y to the peop le. Hill, Her mitage, Nfld ., Edu cat ion III. Dr . Th roug h a com bi natio n o f television and long ­ Tile Rev. 1.t'I; Curti s Scholarship s ­ dista nce telephon e, a university course will be made Second year, Gordon Ezekiel, Harbour Main, Nfld .• available at six off-campus centres, beginning in Science III . Thi rd yea r, Patrick David Lund rigan. Sep tember. The centres are to be named in the nea r Lord 's Cove , Placentia Bay , Nfld .• Education III. future. The sub ject to be taught in the " pilot" stage of CONVOCATI ON 1969 the project is Psycho logy 34 1 (H uman Learning) , The MEDA LS AND AWA RD WINNE RS television po rtion will be p-oduced by the Educational Television Cen t re at Memo rial University and will be Gove rnor General 's Medal: Kenneth Chesl ey Cole " played -bac k " through videotape recor ders loca ted The Birk's Meda l: Sand ra M. Clarke in t he sill: places referr ed to above. Regu lar student co ntac t wit h th e te levision instru ctor will be made Univer sity Meda ls for Academic Excell ence: pos~ i b le by a conterenca . by . te lephone system. Chem istry Kenneth Chesley Co le ASSignment s and cou rse wo rk will be sent to Memor ial Eco no mics Edwar d William Clark e for evalua tion. English Sandra Gave Penney The proj ect is part of an expanded pro~amme Fr ench Jean Elizabet h Verg o f o ft-campus credit cou rses undertaken by the Geography Robert Wayne William s newly-created division of Summer Session, Evening Ge rman Gisela Sann and Off-Campus Courses for Credit. This division is Hist ory William George Hynes under t he di rection of Professor W,G. Rowe. Mathematics Eric John Henry Moo re Lat in Richard Pay ne Physics Em ir Anne Walsh EDUCATION I'v1INISTER AWARDS Psych o log y Raymo nd Pen ney GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS N.T .A. Med al: No rman Malc olm Harris Dr. F .W. Rowe, Minist er of Edu cation, has T he Groti er Society an nou nced that on th e reco mmend at io n of t he Boo k Awa rd : Peggy Mary Ho lland Presiden t and fac ulty of Memo rial University. the Government o f New fo undland and Lab rad or have The Captain Robert A . Bartlett Science Awa rd: Glenn Wilfred Co llins awa rd ed scho larships to t he following students who att end ed Memo ria l University du ring the past year : The Whitely English Prize : Sandra Gaye Penney Senior Jubilee Scholarship - Harry S. Mercer , T he Society of Chemical Ind ust ry Aw ard : Kenneth Ches ley Co le Gander . Nfld ., Engineer ing III. T he G ro lier Society Book Awa rd in th e Facu lty of TIle Doctor A rthur Barnes Schola rships Ed ucati on Maxin e Mad on na Crocker Seco nd year , Alp honsus Wood fine, Northern Bay, T he Swiss Ambassador's Prize in Nf ld ., Engi neer ing II, T hird year , Old ric Noel Clar ke, Norr is Point , Nfld ., Arts Ill. Fre nch Jean Elizab eth Verge German Gisela Sann The Doctor h'illiam h'. HkH·kl1Jl Scho larships - Page Thr ee DR. A . C. HUNTER OV ER 2.800 ENROL LED IN RECEIV ES LIBR ARY AWARD SUIVfIIER SESSION COURSES Dr. A.C. Hunter, Dean Emeritus of Memorial A record numbe r of students have registered University, was presented with an award of merit for Summer Session courses at Memo rial. Althou gh last month in recognition of his distinguished service the projected figure stood at 3,000, by Friday mid-day 2,855 had registered. as a library trustee in Newfoundland. Mr. Bruce Brodie, President of the Canadian Professor W.G. Rowe , Director of Summer Library Trustees' Association, made the presentation. Session, said that in 196 3 there were 473 peop le The citation accompanying the award refer red to attending the Summe r classes. Since then the numbers Dean Hunter as "The Father of libraries in New­ have risen sharply until there were 2546 on campus in 1968. foundland". The presentation was made at the annual This summer, Memorial is offering 63 academic banquet of the Canadian Library Trustees' Association. courses and 24 professional courses for a total of 87 . Ninety -six instructors will teach these courses. Of this number, 60 are regular Faculty members and 36 MUN GEOLOGISTS PRESENT PAPERS visiting instructors. Memorial geologists were well represented on A departure from previous years is found in the the technical programme at the annual meetings of afternoon class hours. In the past Summer Session the Geological Association of Canada and the Minera· courses were taulflt only during the mornings . logical Association of Canada in Montreal, June 3-7. Several courses will be tau~t between 1 and 4 p.m . Five papers were presented which described research carried otu at M.U.N. There are 15 academic courses in which there are 80 or more students registered. There are seven A paper by Dr. Harold Williams offered the first Education courses which will have over 80 students. description of the geology of Belle Isle at the north­ easternmost extremity of the ancien t Appalachian With the large number of people, cou rses, and mountain system .
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