iliRACH DEWSIEiliiliER YASHCHENKO AGAIN It didn't take long for the Europeanseason to get rolling. Indeed, as Malyukov251-4 ; 3. Omitrenko 248-11; 4. Litvinov 248-4; 5. Syedikh we closed the last issue of TN, we brought you the flash of world records 244-4; 6. Spiridonov244 -0. by Henry (yawn) Rona and Grazyna Rabsztyn.We 've got more details on JT(a), Grebnyev280-3; 2. Yershov273-9. those for you this time. Women: 100(a), Storoshkova 11.33. 200(b), Maslakova23.44. And in the interim, another major world record has toppled, as 400(b), Kulshunova51.49. Heats(a): Kulshunova50.87 NR. young Soviet Vladimir Yashchenkohas high jumped 2.34 (7-8), adding a • 800(b), PROVIDOKHINA1 :58.6; 2. Rigel 1:59.2; 3. Styrkina centimeter to the mark he set last summer. That's still an increment below 1:59.2. his indoor best of 7-8½ of course. 1500, l(a)-1. Maracescu(Rum) 4:08.4. ll(b)-1. Kuznyetsova4:08.5; Bay Area fans will be excited to .learn that Yashchenkois on the 2. Zaitseva4:08.7. 3000(b), Byelovsova9:00.1. 400H(b), Selenzova . ....,preliminary visa list received from the Soviets, indicating that he will 57.48; 2. Makeyeva57.88. probably be in Berkeleyfor the US-USSRaffair. He's worth the price of HJ(a), Filatova6-2. LJ(b), Bardauskiene22-1. SP(b), Bufetova admissionhimself. 65-4¼; 2. Krachevskaya65 -1½. DT(b), Gorbachova.211-11; 2. lssa­ Some European papers carried a rumor that Rona's 27:22.5 in the yeva 209-7. JT(a), Nikanorova205 -5. 10,000 (finished off by a 13:34.3 [!) 5000) might not be ratified by the IAAF because of technical irregularities.As far as we can determine, the "irregularities" center around Jos Hermens not finishing the race after ANOTHER RONO RECORD setting a fast pace, therefore acting as a rabbit. This charge has no basis, as the IAAF has removed the rabbit-rule•••• Vienna, Aut., June 11-10,000, RONO(Ken-Wa St) 27:22.5 WR, from its files. CR (old records, 27:30.5 Kimobwa[Ken-Wa St] '77) (kilometersplits: Informed sources tell us that Vienna 10,000 was Rona's last race at 2:47.5, 2:42.7 [5:30.21, 2:43.4 [8: 13.6), 2:51.0 [11:04.6), 2:43.6 the distance for the year. He'll be content to claim No. 1 world ranking off [13:48.21, 2:46.7 [16:35.7], 2:44.3 [19:20.U), 2:42.1 [22:02.11, his record to date. And reportedly he will only run in a couple more meets 2:43.4 [24:45.51, 2:37.0 [27:22.5]-last 5000 13:34.3, last lap . period, in the 5000 and steeple. We'll see how that story stands up when 57.2); the promoters come running with their fistsfull of crowns, marks, francs, 2. Tibaduiza (Col) 27:53.0 SoAmR; 3. Cheruiyot (Ken-WaSt) etc. 27:58.9 PR (4th performer, 8th performanceall-time college). PRAVDA CUP FURTH SPORTFEST Tbilisi, USSR,June 16(a)-17(b)-100(a), Kolyesnikov10.32; . .. 4. Borzov 10.50. 200(b), lgnatyenko 20.77. 400(b), Lovatchev Furth, W.G.,June 10-100, 11-1.Wells (PPC) 10.51. 200, Muster 46.40 NJrR. BOO(b),Malozemlin 1:4 7.3. (Switz)20.98; 2. Wells21.02. 800, Wulbeck 1:49.8·; 2. Wessinghage 1500(a), Abramov3:39.6. 5000(a), Yifter (Eth) 13:41.6. 400H 1:50.3. St, Ilg 8:24.6; 2. Karst 8':26.2. PV, Klimczyk(Pol) 17-4¾. LJ, (b), Stukalov 50.15;... 4. Gavrilyenko50.77. Rousseau( Fr) 26-7¼(also 26-7); 2. Versehi 26-3¾. • • • • HJ(a), YASHCHENKO7-8 WR, ER (old records, 7-7¾ Yashchenko Women: 100, 11-1.Kafer (Aut) 11.43; 2. Szewinska(Pol) 11.49. '77) (2.34; missed7 -9 [2.36] ); 2. Byelkov7 -5. 200, Szewinska22.91; 2. Kafer 23.09. 400, Elder (GB) 51.70. PV(b), Selivanov 17-10½; 2. Liventsev17-8 ½. LJ(b), Matos (Cuba) • • • e 100H(1.9), G. RABSZTYN(Pol) 12.48 WR, ER (old records, 12.59 \_ .5-7½. TJ(a), Kovtunov55 -4¼ PR; 2. Valyukevich55-3; 3. Piskulin Ehrhardt [EG] '72); 2. Kempin 13.16; 3. Rot (lsr) 13.23. --55-2¼. 4 x 100, West Germany44 .65 (Schniggendiller,Schenten, Grassle, DT(b), Zhurba 204-1. Sharp); 2. Unnttachedteam 45.20 (Geist, Rabsztyn, Bielcyzk,Szewin­ l • HT(a),ZAICHUK257-11(=5th performanceall-time world); 2. ska). LJ, Han.el 21-6¼ (also 21-5, 21-4¾). Page151-June 28, 1978 I • SP, FIBINGEROVA (Cze)71-9 (=7th performanceall- time world} • • • T J(b), 0 LIVEI RA 57-2¾ (=2nd performanceall -time world; =best (68-2½, 70-6½, 71-9, f, 67-2¾, 64'; 1{)}. non-altitudeperformance all -time}; 2. Saneyev(SU) 54-5½;... 4. Pis­ JT, Repser202 -3; 2. Smith (SCM) 193-3; 3. Helmsctt"midt188 -4. kulin (SU) 54-¾. • • SP(b}, BEYER 71-6 NR (6th performer,;,,10th performance all -time world; 2nd performer, performanceall-time Europe) (70-4½, 70-8¾, '---../ GOLDEN SPIKE 69-2¾, f, 69-¾,71 -6); 2. M. Schmidt 65-6¾. DT(b), W. Schmidt 223-5 (7th performanceall-time Europe} (t, t, Ostrava,Czech., June 6(a)-7(b)-100(b), Leonard(Cuba} 10.51. 214-3, 221-5, 223-5, 220-11); 2. Sugar211-9; ... 6. Danek202-11 . 200(b), Schmid (WG) 21.24. 400(b), Juantorena(Cuba} 45.17; 2. High­ JT(a), Paragi(Hun} 274-0; 2. Nemeth(Hun} 272-10. am (Aus} 46.22. Women: lOO(a},Chivas (Cuba) 11.48. 200(b), Kratochvilova • • 800(b), BUSSE(EG) 1:45.5 EJrR (2nd performer,=2nd performance 23.50. 400(a}, Kratochvilova51 .09 NR; 2. Penton51.12 NR. 800(b), all-time world Junior); 2. Morceli (Alg} 1: 45. 7 N R; 3. Plachy 1:46.1. Styrkina 2:02.4;... 4. Penton2 :04.4. 1500(a},Jacob (Rum) 4: 15.3. 1500(b), Basig(EG} 3:42.3. 5000(b}, Arndt (EG) 13:48.3;. .. 4. 3000(b}, Duffy (Eire) 9:20.5. lOOH(a),Berend 13.06. Gomez(Mex -UTEP} 13:54.2. 110H(b), Kulebyakin (SU) 13.4; 2. Llo­ HJ(b), Matay (Hun) 6-1¾;.. 3. Popa(Rum) 6-¾; 4. Oskolok (SU) veras(Sp) 13.5; 3. Pusty (Pol) 13.5; 4. Cech13 .5. 400H(b), Schmid 6-¾; 5. Mracnova6- ¾. LJ(a), Erdelyi (Hun) 20-5. 50.47. • SP(a), FIBINGEROVA 70-10½ (12th performanceall -time world) HJ(b), Lauterbach(EG) 7-3; 2. Joy (Can)7-1 ¾. PV(b), Lesek 17-1½ (70-10½, 69-5, f, t, t, 70-4); 2. Droese67-4¾; 3. Veleva62-3 ¼. NR. LJ(a), Oliveira (Brz} 26-8; 2. Giralt (Cuba}26 -1½. DT(b), Veleva224-6; 2. Droese216-9; 3. Prouzova210-1 NR; 4. SP(b), Beyer(EG} 69-10½(f, 68:½, 69-10½, 68-3¼,68-9¼, f}; 2. Jahl209-10; 5. Engel201-0. JT(a},Janko (Aut} 191-1. M. Schmidt (EG) 67-2¼; 3. W. Schmidt (EG) 66-7¾; 4. Brabec65-7½. DT(b), W. Schmidt 217-4; 2. Velev (Bui) 206-3. HT(a), Bunyeyev(SU) 240-6. JT(a), Michel (EG) 267-7. EAST GERMANY 104-GREAT BRITAIN 96 Women: 100(b), Taylor (Cuba} 11.5; 2. Szewinska(Pol) 11.5. 200(b}, Szewinska23.51. 400(b}, Penton (Cuba)51 .52. 800(b), Styr­ London, Eng., June lO(a)-11(b) - 100(a}, Ray (EG) 10.35. 200 kina (SU) 2:00.3. 100H(b), Berend(EG) 12.8; 2. E. Rabsztyn(Pol) (b), Prenzler(EG} 21.15. 400(a), Pfennig (EG) 47.15. 800(b), Beyer 12.9. (EG) 1:46.3; 2. Hoffmann 1:46.6; 3. Straub (EG) 1:47.0. HJ(b), Matzen(EG) 6-¾. LJ(b, w), Lehmann(EG) 20-9¾. SP(b), 1500(a),Ovett 3:53.8 (51.6); 2. Straub 3:54.1. Steeplenot-con ­ Droese(EG) 69-11¾(67-9½, 67 -¾, 69-7½, 66-11½,66-11½, 69-11¾ ); tested (DOR brought no steeplers).5000(b), Rose(GB-MOAG) 13 :26.6; 2. Fibingerova69-8¼ (f, 69-8¼,f, f, f, f) ; 3. Veleva(SU) 61-3. .. 4. Staynings(GB-MOAG /guest) 13:40.6;... 6. Cierpinski (EG) DT(b), Veleva225-5 (211-9,f , 225-5, 216-2, f, f}; 2. Droese219-6 14:04.9. 10,000(a),Simmon s 28: 15.0; 2. Cierpinski28:30 .8. 110H (188-7, 210-4, 213-11, 209-0, 219-6, 216-9); 3. Jahl (EG) 214-2; 4. (b), Munkelt (EG) 13.91. 400H(a), Pascoe50.58. Engel(EG) 205-4. JT(a), Hommola(EG) 204-5. • 20kWalk(a),GAU DER (EG) 1:24:23 ER (old ER, 1:24:30 Solomin [SU] '77) (4th performerall-time world); 2. Sparmann(EG) 1:27 : 19. PRAVDA-TELEVIZIA-SLOVNAFT 4 x 100(a), East Germany39.60 (Prenzler, Ray, Kubeck,Thieme) . 4 x 400(b), EastGermany 3 :05.5 (R. Kokot, Richter, Arnold, Pfennig); Bratislava,Czech., June 9(a)-1O(b)-1 OO(a), Leonard 10.22. 200 2. Great Britain 3: 05.6. (b), Leonard20.64 . 400(a), Juantorena45 .99. 800(b), Juantorena HJ(b), Beilschmidt(EG) J.5; . .. 3. Burgess7-2 ¾ NR. PV(b), Hooper 1:45.0 (1:44.97); 2. Higham 1:46.0. 1500(a), Plachy3:40.6 ;... 4. 17-¾. LJ(a, w), Mitchell 25-11. TJ(a), Moore 53-6½. Morceli 3:42.1;.. 6. Busse3:43.2 . SP(a), Capes65-5. DT(b), Muller (EG) 196-5.
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