1 ! « TIB BT. JOHNS NEWS. THUK80 AT AFTBKNOON—PBBKUAKY 23, 1911. TWELVE PAGES VOLUME xxn —NO. 29 ONE IXXXJUl A TEAS mnnTiHK S ' SRMBTMS ST. RUtCOBrnL nni TwsEEnn MHBNMHR T.H. iiInniBffT neiBMin LiHT or PLAcnMi wwuyi Ticum Joka C. Hleks «Martaia«d hts mN- nBHRSIffl ■ART MITE IRT nUT IT' ■AT ■■ MTAIIIB*. SloTM at disaar PHAar avaalac at m A Cl ■VriTB. } tlM> hoaie of hla motAor oa Woat State Tom poaalMy okae nrsi tSo aitteto g|f^. TasaSy-tkiaa gaaau ware orVRWt WILL AmAB Ilf PITTfTBI CAvrjman, cowTirmiio kWB'. Tke praparatloa for tke ^***<***^ ; la Tke (Mlauai Rapakllaaa of Pek. Mk. | A peatlaoMa who had had aa aae- lAT PVLL ; CTaralval. to ke kald at tke Maooaks i ^ Jokao Nawa of aaaM | _____ __ IfNHTRH or TBWfl. tloa sale pabHaksd la The Nawa aa- PBHIABT IFI A MTIIOB. Teaiple. oovariac tka two Marck; ^pi*, over tka slsaatura of Mr. Vam- * 1,4^ a«Mth n.ki.o 4 ' eluslvely a ooapla of waaha a0o. eaiaa nomiNi Utk aad lAth are la fall awtas- Maay, go Sawyar. la that aitlela ka rapto- ! R. (1. Alliaaa of SoaUi Qaklaad j Into the office last weak aad aMwd: ____ ' Ucketa are already sold. alth<^ It! jiugad a raooauaaadatloa that I wrote j -____ .____ "Daas everykady Intarsatad In aaciloa imC will be aaarty a oMMitk before tka oar- [ (iim four yaara aso. ladlaa this avaalas wkea ska I BapanatMe rvaala Raws la ttivloR sales rand The News? My sale that eatartalaa at oards followlap a f | j aival tafcaa plaea. Two sapar^ af- ■ ^ clalaiad he daalrad ■ diapar Adfiae la AraM Com * you sdvertleed bnouaht a Mg crowd m teraooas and evaalass are to be 00-! rpf,4ipij|pprtprtnn to aid hUn la an- ® and everything went—I was surprised ! copied by the faaturaa. curtap the supartataada acy of oaa of both at the crowd sad the ftnaadal sff raaaa aad evealac of Mar^ W, ampn ackools (he clalm- Mrs. rharlas Powlar entertained a ------------ return, although I give the aoetlon- HBAEL, RUPOBUfAN. lAII RO OP' I andana afteraooaaiiersoon aad evaalap of —March..w- pipcae mmwware aa UtUelittle oauarbatter “* “* ***'" t coalempUtlnp eer cr^lt for the rsault.” RAI i«h TiM. (!<.>»<. tor .lOMir d., toM h. h." «ii.pi. I'.t.-T*^ ■"“"*■ PONITIOIf IS P«mA*T. Assuring him that his laterest la flft)«<«*.. cenu.._pa each,•u.h andbha admitstoHmlta 10to wthe different.....____ paits___ _ of the aireeia weaneaaa> anerncton, ae»rvlna I with The Ht. Johns News before mak- behalf of The News was spprselated banquet, minstrel show, aad all Ike ^ asked that I make the rec- dinner at S o ’clock. Ing date with auctioneer, we can. olne 1 by t|,e publisher, we further assured other features. Tickets are . tm saleI umpiendatloa •wvaaaagaaeral vaavas^aaenoagh Bna w ------------ times out of ten, fix matters so date , bim that hla oansrlsacr was that of at the following buati piMea in |t |q ^py one of the ptneoa. The ladles of the C. C. A. will hold will not clash with day selectod by],(^,i,o of aatlaflsd farmers who had CMM St Johns: ^ ^ I* ‘wffee at the home of .Mrs. 8 . K. somebody else prior. We have the: yooii The News for suctloB onbllclty li la Wl »» mSld **•*'* ^ ■» purposos we have had seorss of like Travis A Shiley, A. O. Hunt. Ma- era In the county for wboai 1 wo^ temoon and evening. The public is are to be held in the county, and : tMtimonlals both verbal and hr let- WMR Ro Boalc Club. Wilson Bros.. Chapla A wrlte Just as strong a recommoada- oordfally invitod to attend. An apron through this record there need be no 1 ------------ DuHola. R. (J. Allison A. O. Jooao. lion. If they should come to me for gale will be held In connection with conflicting dates. Balsa may be held Hgr«>'g another Instance of the ef- Nest Saturdav at oae o'clock at tka) State Bank. Qaor^ H, ChspBan. ^ ooun hoHic win occur the IM«ocrat j J^na National — such. the function. in remote ports of the county frog* ncacy of The .News as an suction ps- The little vHlace of DsWItt wltaose- Rank. John Hicks, ed a aaiiaa of aeeldeata Wedaoaday Clark A Hulse, Hulse Bros., Vaa- The fact that Mr. Bawyer Is at­ -----------: . ^ ^ other on the ssBe day without p^,. influence; J. A. Wooley of cfMinty convention to choose 12 dala- tempting to uae my kintoess and A large number of the ladles of the affecting the crowd at either; but as bad a sale a couple of tlmt were more or leas frightful al- gates to the Btate convention to be Hickle A aiaaple. Bteel A Field. Mul- \V. R ('. attended the thhnble party a general proposition It Is batter not weeks'sgo. He used The News to let though noae of them were attended der Bros., Noble Burnett. Conrad him to his AIIVAN- held on the 1st day of March at Mua- «» ITgirviiMAii O P D#* I ArrtJs liOQ 10 I D18AOVANTAUE held St the home of Mrs. N. 8 . Parm- to have too many sales on the same (be people know —about____ It Ms_.-w crowd_____ with dlsaatrous results. kagon Witt A itoa (leoTwe H Judd Bp^ld- will in ‘no*® sense deter “me* frooi ex-**' Trowbridge street Wednesday date and this can be avoided If The numbered stout .tto and the sales sg- la the morning the team of (^rl The convention will also attempt *»!, - ^ ’ Charles Cross Jacob •* “‘*lng the utmost courtesy and kind- afternoon. An latereatlng program .News is consulted beforehand gregated S2.200. DM It pay th VsaFleet ran aaray while their own ­ nominate a school commisstoaer to w %i^w Wtaak J "••• the teachers of the coun- ’ot retoings and music was given, after The custom. lnsugurm|ld by The gentlemen to use The .News? You er was drawtag lumber to the site oa go against the nominee of the p rwmwwi A pn#/' O'* the same la the future, as I've done which supper was served. .News, of making brief Advance an- bnow It whleh he Is to erect new buildings publican convention to be held at* the ^^*llJSsier7 **. of uSd. offKT Counv »“ the past ------------ nouncement of m.1- to be held hs. ^„y .(^.. ^^ws be- during the eonlag aeaaoa. Soase court house next Monday. Thus far, Clerk's office Hectrlc Railway do- was ver>- solicitous for The ^rty given af Masonic Tem- done much to avoid duplicate dates, cause. In connection with Ito other slight damsB* to the wagon was the however. The News is Informed, no not Hugh W Morris Clinton Repub- . "h* eacuring the position men- !»•♦ Mednetosy evening was a iqost and those who have contemplated desirable features, they know they only Injury wrought. one has been decided ui»n: indeed, iS.n JohM News E L VsMn- tloned stove, and I think the recom- enjoyable affair, between seventy-(lve sales appreciate It. If you are going can read nearly every suction sale About 4 o ’clock in the afternoon a dense smoke was soen isauiag from no one has been found who expreasod tine, Byron Danley, Bears Cardner. tnendatlon Itself will at least throw and one hundred guests attending, to have a sale or know of a neighbor (bat Is published, for this paper la a willingness to have Ijis name ap­ some light on whether or no I look a Tremper's orchestra furnished music who is to have one. have them get known as •the auction pnper " of this tke chimney of the Theodore Bchavey pear on the ticket Ticketa are also on sale at the fol ­ personal Interest In bis welfare, aa for#gass dancing. refreshmentsa»BBKpaaAai*M WAiasasbeing •*a*AwS**“•nesf s^to The OaBl Johnst.M.Waa« News andmwmM aertion of.... the state. home, and for a time a bad fire was lowing places outside of Bt. Johns: Some of the leaders of the |»arty I've tried to lake in the welfare of all served in the kitchen a la carte. we’ll do the rest. If any of your neighbors happen •ntlclpeted but asalsunce arriving are favorable to placing the name of At DeWItt at Woodruff Bros. ’ bank; the teachers with whom 1 have work- — to be taking some other paper «nd I Promptly the blaxe was cooHned to r^sdv'orT'the Ticket for this poattlon »• ■! J- Hathaway's store; at yr, Bawyer could even reproduce Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mteel and Mr. (I. T. Hehaacfc, Ht. Jebas. want to know about the big majortty ' chimney and soon suMued. ^ _____ __ and Mrs. Edward Brown entertained O. T. Behsnek has purchased __ _ _______ _____________________ If such can be found and an effort Maple RapMs at Rlon Hewitts teotlmontsls. If he felt it bis advan • of auction sales going on in this coun- Mrs. Earl Bcott and little seven- ^iT^to made to Induce some compe- «»»»re and Warren II. raslerllne a tage. and my disadvantage so to do, «*»out seventy-five guests at dinner section of land in .Northwestern Can- ty and many In jidjolning emuntlss, i "*®"*****®* ‘* narrowly escaped t.nf wnman to accent the nomlna- store; at Fowler at KU Brenneman ’s of jtfnd things that I have said to his Thursday evening at the home of ads and will go there to reside. For jugt put them next to the fact that by ' **"**»*® Injury and poaalbly death la * *11 1 U ft * .. e... • ftft a L*l a ia. t %i I lek \T cs n I kismMASi *m __ ft f lam Fsamwssmw a%os 11# aw w# awa P a W i a W 11 W a a a a a a 1a ----- ..
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