124 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, 4th MAY, 1956. (2) by deleting sub-paragraph (5) of paragraph 39 time within one month after the date of the pub- thereof. lication of this notice, send to the Secretary, Ministry (3) by adding the following sub-paragraph to para- of Agriculture, 3 Donegall Pass, Belfast, all such (if graph 39 thereof:— any) observations in regard to the Scheme as he "(5) The Board may by notice in writing to shall think proper. any Producer Retailer exempt him from The Notice required to be given by Section 5 (1) (b) the operation of paragraph 24 of this of the said Act will be found in the following pub- Scheme and when the Board shall have lications:— so notified a Producer Retailer the fol- "Ulster Herald", week ending 5th May, 1956. lowing provisions shall thereafter have "Tyrone Constitution", week ending 5th May, 1956. effect— (a) Where the current wholesale price of SEALED with the Official Seal of the milk (that is the price determined by Ministry of Agriculture for Nor- the Board from time to time as the thern Ireland this 26th day of April, price payable for milk sold to buyers 1956, in the presence of:— for the purposes of sale by them for J. V. BATEMAN, human consumption as liquid milk) Asst. Secretary. exceeds the current producers' price (that is the price determined by the Board from time to time as the price The Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ire- payable to producers for milk sold land hereby announce that Certificates of Qualifica- by them to the Board and includes tion have been issued in favour of the following: — any quality premium determined by 20.10.1955 Patricia McNally, Clerical Assistant. the Board) the Producer Retailer shall 20.10.1955 John Orr, Clerical Assistant. pay to the Board and, where the 20.10.1955 Winifred Watson, Clerical Assistant. said current producers' price exceeds 1.11.1955 Arthur Alexander Edgar, Clerical Assis- the said current wholesale price, the tant. Board shall pay to the Producer 2.11.1955 Ethel Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, Clerical Retailer, the difference between the said prices in respect of each gallon 3.11.1955 William John Clarke, Clerical Assistant. of milk produced by the Pro- 3.11.1955 John Alexander Cornett, Clerical Assis- ducer Retailer and sold by him by tant. retail or by semi-retail. 3.11.1955 Audrey Kent, Clerical Assistant. (b) For the purpose of determining the 3.11.1955 John McCart, Clerical Assistant. amount due to or by the Board at 3.11.1955 Mary Patricia McGrattan, Clerical As- any time the Producer Retailer shall sistant. furnish to the Board such returns 3.11.1955 John George Murphy, Clerical Assistant. relating to his transactions in milk 3.11.1955 Charlotte Stewart Robinson, Clerical as the Board, with the approval of the Assistant. Ministry, may determine." 3.11.1955 Rose Mary Philomena O'Harte, Clerical 2. This Order shall come into force on the 30th Assistant. day of April, 1956. 3.11.1955 Derek Reginald Pankhurst, Clerical As- sistant. 3. This Order may be cited as " The Milk Market- 3.11.1955 John Leslie Tait, Clerical Assistant. ing Scheme (Northern Ireland) (Amendment No. 3) 3.11.1955 John Francis Peter Young, Clerical Order, 1956." Assistant. IN WITNESS whereof the Official 7.11.1955 Margaret Mary Carragher, Clerical Seal of the Ministry of Agriculture Assistant. for Northern Ireland is hereunto 14.11.1955 Richard Leslie Draper, Clerical Assis- affixed this 30th day of April, 1956, tant. in the presence of 14.11.1955 William James Forbes, Clerical Assistant. J. C. BAIRD, Asst. Secretary. 14.11.1955 Margaret Wilkings Grieve, Clerical As- sistant. (a) S. R. & O. (Northern Ireland) 1955, No. 43. 16.11.1955 Richard McCIean, Experimental Officer. (b) S. R. & O. (Northern Ireland) 1955, No. 166. 28.11.1955 Rose McGibbon, Clerical Assistant. (c) S. R. & O. (Northern Ireland) 1956, No. 44. 28.11.1955 Margaret Florence Moorhead, Clerical Assistant. 7.12.1955 William Taylor Allen, Clerical Assistant. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE FOR 13.12.1955 John Albert Conway, Experimental NORTHERN IRELAND Officer. 19.12.1955 Margaret Elizabeth Hartley, Tracer. DRAINAGE ACT (NORTHERN) IRELAND) 1947 (REPRINT 19.12.1955 Alice Olive Georgina Melville, Tracer. TO 1952) 19.12.1955 Lucy Sinton Snoddy, Tracer. The Ministry of Agriculture for Northern Ireland 21.12.1955 Joan Millicent Allen, Clerical Assistant. hereby gives notice, in pursuance of Section 5 (1) (b) 23.12.1955 Victoria Leonora Taylor, Typist. of the Drainage Act (Northern Ireland), 1947 (Re- 5. 1.1956 Winifred Norry Allison, Tracer. print to 1952), that a scheme has been prepared for 5. 1.1956 Mary Ellen McManus, Clerical Assistant. the better drainage of part of the Strule River, in 5. 1.1956 Elizabeth Stewart, Tracer. the County of Tyrone, which the Drainage Council 9. 1.1956 Maud Stephen Mason, Tracer. have declared to be a main watercourse within the 9. 1.1956 Audrey Wilson, Tracer. meaning of Section 1 (1) of the Act. 13. 1.1956 Dorothy Wood or Woods, Tracer. 2. 2.1956 Grace Rosemary Eve Abercrombie, The watercourse to be dealt with under the Tracer. Scheme is that part of the Strule River which 2. 2.1956 Hugh James Christie, Prison Officer. flows from the Military Barracks in Omagh to 2. 2.1956 Gordon Aubrey Dawe, Prison Officer. a point 6,350 feet upstream from Stone Bridge 2. 2.1956 Isabella Taylor, Clerical Assistant. through part of Omagh Urban District and 9. 2.1956 William John Moore, Clerical Assistant. through or between the Townlands of Lisan- 15. 2.1956 Mabel Gracey, Clerical Assistant. elly, Conywarren, Straughroy, Mountjoy For- 23. 2.1956 Sarah Aileen Cupples, Clerical Assistant. est West Division and Mountjoy Forest East 23. 2.1956 Christina Patricia Daly, Clerical Assis- Division. tant. A copy of the Scheme may be inspected, free of 23. 2.1956 Marion Isobel Ferguson, Typist Grade B. charge, by any person during the period from 7th 23. 2.1956 Edwin Getty, Clerk. May to 7th June, 1956, inclusive, at the offices of 23. 2.1956 Hester Elizabeth Catherine McGhie, the Tyrone County Council, Courthouse, Omagh, be- Clerical Assistant. tween the hours of 9.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on week- 23. 2.1956 Ellen Margaret M:cLernon, Clerical As- days and between 9.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturdays. sistant. Any person who considers that his interests will 23. 2.1956 Nora Catherine Maguire, Clerical Assis- be prejudically affected by the Scheme may, at any tant..
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