HONORS ENGLISH CALENDAR 2013 – 2014 -------------------------------------------- QUARTER #1--------------------------------------------------- QUARTER PROJECT: TO BE DETERMINED (due Oct 25) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIT #1 -- SUMMER READING & INTRO TO LITERARY ANALYSIS Syllabus handout; AUG 23 ASSIGN: finish any summer reading work & have resume ready to hand in Tuesday! Ross poem & “purposes of writing” discussion; AUG 26 ASSIGN: Resume due & Fact quiz on Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter for 8/29 HE MOODLE Intro Lesson; hand in print copy of resume; submit digital copy in AUG 27 Moodle during class or before midnight for full credit ASSIGN: Fact quiz on Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter Fact quiz on Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter; Discussion of key scenes/themes in AUG 28 Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter ASSIGN: Scarlet Letter “Summer Notes” Show & Tell due Scarlet Letter “Summer Notes” Show & Tell”; Continue discussion of key AUG 29 scenes/themes in Scarlet Letter ASSIGN: Read "Learning to Read Like a Literary Scholar" handout AUG 30 NO SCHOOL SEPT 2 NO SCHOOL Return quiz; Work thru "Learning to Read Like a Literary Scholar" handout & SEPT 3 begin analysis & discussion of Shakespeare Tales; ASSIGN: Shakespeare Tales Fact Quiz (both June/August readings) Shakespeare Tales Fact Quiz (you may use your June note sheets, not your SEPT 4 books); Great Scenes/Lines from Shakespeare ASSIGN: Print out & read "Payne's Basics of Writing" handout Shakespeare Moodle Discussion Forum; SEPT 5 ASSIGN: Finish Moodle assignment (if needed) & be prepared to hand in August “close reading” assignment (your book) tomorrow. Hand in August “close reading” assignment; BE SURE YOUR NAME IS IN BOOK! SEPT 6 TOPIC: How to Write to an Essay Prompt; Review “Payne’s Basics” handouts; ASSIGN: Shakespeare’s Tales essay - due Tuesday - Sept 10th Class Interview Day - first word-processed draft is due 9/12 SEP 9 ASSIGN: Draft of Shakespeare Tales essay; Find college/scholarship app essay prompts that you want to use by 9/12 Shakespeare Tales essay proofreading & revision day; SEP 10 ASSIGN: Final Shakespeare Tales essay due 9/11 & read "Writing Awesome College App Essays" booklet Resume return & discuss; collect Shakespeare Tales essays; work thru "Writing SEP 11 Awesome College App Essays" booklet ASSIGN: Resume rewrites due 9-13; MEET IN COMP LAB! Collect college/scholarship app prompts; Work day in COMP LAB: resume SEP 12 rewrites, interview wrap-ups, class interview biographies, college apps. ASSIGN: Final class interview biography due 9-17; Resume rewrites due! Discuss & analyze example letters/essays; SEP 13 ASSIGN: College/scholarship essay/personal statement due 9/18 Introduce Mythology Webquest Unit Reading of KJV Genesis Creation account: SEP16 ASSIGN: Norse & Greek Creation Myth accounts & choose teams; Class interview biography due tomorrow Class interview biography due; Name WebQuest teams, pick scenarios & divide research project; SEP 17 ASSIGN: College/scholarship essay/personal statement - due 9/18 (Be sure to email copy to yourself & to [email protected]) MEET IN COMP LAB! Computer Lab - College App/Personal Statements Work Day; (Be sure to email copy to yourself & to [email protected]!); SOS proofreading exercise; SEP 18 ASSIGN: Final version of College/scholarship essay/personal statement - due 9- 20 Discussion of Norse & Greek Creation Myth accounts; SEP 19 ASSIGN: final version of College/scholarship essay/personal statement Collect College/scholarship essay/personal statement; Read Anglo-Saxon SEP 20 Literature Intro from book – highlight key items. ASSIGN: None Computer Lab - WQ Basic Research Day - computer & print resources SEP 23 ASSIGN: Bring research material for tomorrow - finish if not done in class Return Shakespeare essays & put in portfolios; Research Basics PPT; Introduce SEP 24 WQ Dossiers for in-depth research; ASSIGN: Reduce 48 gods/goddesses to 24 & fill out "cut list" Return College App/Personal Statements; Hand out WLC trip permission forms SEP 25 Computer Lab - Complete "cut list" & begin work on WQ Dossier sheets; time to work with books & on computers WQ Research Day in Classroom & Computer Lab; SEP 26 Captain's Report by end of class ASSIGN: Keep working on WQ presentations – all dossiers due 10/4 WQ Work Day in Computer Lab - SEP 27 ASSIGN: Webquest Presentation Days - October 17-18 The Early Years of English - A Time for Heroes -- Unit Intro PPT ASSIGN: Review Anglo-Saxon Literature Intro (p.8) & in-class reading of : "The SEP 30 Seafarer" in text book (pp. 12-14) ASSIGN: Quiz on A-S Lit Intro & Seafarer Introduction of Thesis Paper (checklist & rubric) – Author Choice by 10/9 OCT 1 ASSIGN: Beowulf (pp 9-11) & "Dream of Rood" reading - watch for & note A-S characteristics HC FROLIC Night Anglo-Saxon Lit Facts & Seafarer Quiz; OCT 2 ASSIGN: Beowulf (pp 9-11) & "Dream of Rood" reading - watch for & note A-S characteristics - due 10-4 Old English Beowulf listening exercise; Discussion of Beowulf & A-S OCT 3 characteristics ASSIGN: “Dream of Rood” close reading sheet for 10/10 HALF DAY – HOMECOMING OCT 4 WQ Work Day in Computer Lab - Last in-class work day for WQ! ASSIGN: Webquest Presentation Days - October 18-19; None for HC weekend! Choral Reading of Beowulf vs. Grendel's Mom; WLC Permission forms due; OCT 7 ASSIGN: Webquest Dossier deadline; begin bibliography work on Dossiers & presentation design Author Choice Day & LONG-RANGE ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Internet Sources & Tentative Thesis - 10/21 OCT 8 ASSIGN: King Arthur Readings "The Sword in the Stone" & "Le Morte d' Arthur" for 10/10 WLC VISIT DAY for dual credit students OCT 9 Author Research Day for those not attending WLC Visit Day “Dream of the Rood” close reading sheet in class; Analysis & discussion of King OCT 10 Arthur Readings "The Sword in the Stone" & "Le Morte d' Arthur" ASSIGN: Author Choice Day (bring list of 5 possible authors) Medieval Age & Middle English Intro PPT OCT 11 ASSIGN: Read "Sir Gawain & the Green Knight" by Pearl Poet; OCT 14 Discuss Common Motifs of "Sir Gawain & the Green Knight" & earlier King Arthur readings; Webquest Group time ASSIGN: Print out & read "Code of Chivalry" handout from HE web; Read Spenser's Faerie Queene [pp. 69-72]; OCT 15 Faerie Queene Analysis & Discussion; Handout MIDTERM TEST Review Sheet ASSIGN: Webquest Presentations OCT 16 NO CLASS – TESTING & INSERVICE DAY OCT 17 Grade School Play Day Webquest Presentation Day #1 ASSIGN: Webquest Presentations OCT 18 Webquest Presentation Day #2 ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Internet Sources OCT 21 Thesis Paper Internet Sources Checkpoint -- Students must have 5 sources printed out! ASSIGN: Midterm Test Review Day OCT 22 View King Arthur video clips; Midterm Test Review Exercise OCT 23 MIDTERM TEST ASSIGN: None OCT 24 NO SCHOOL - Teachers' Convention OCT 25 NO SCHOOL - Inservice -------------------------------------------- QUARTER #2--------------------------------------------------- QUARTER PROJECT: TO BE DETERMINED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medieval Literature & Ballads: Youtube: Lord Randall & In-class reading of Bonny Barbara Allen; Test Handback OCT 28 ASSIGN: Reading of "Daemon Lover" & "Unquiet Grave" handout PLUS pp. 22-25 in textbook Discuss Group Discuss & Analysis of "Daemon Lover" , "Unquiet Grave"; “ Cherry OCT 29 Tree Carol", "Get up and Bar the Door", & "Sir Patrick Spens" ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Print Sources & Tentative Thesis Checkpoint Computer Lab -Thesis Paper Print Sources & Tentative Thesis Checkpoint - - Students must have 5 print sources to show to teacher; Reliable Sources OCT 30 Exercise in class; ASSIGN: Read Chaucer 38-45 in book – be ready for quiz. Chaucer PPT Intro; Discussion & Analysis of Prologue & Pardoner’s Tale OCT 31 ASSIGN: Quiz on Chaucer info Chaucer Quiz & Correct in class; Assign roles for “Everyman” reading NOV 1 ASSIGN: Be ready for Everyman roles & read pp. 32-33 in textbook. Everyman in-class reading - Day 1 NOV 4 ASSIGN: Read Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" <pp 73-75> - due 11/8 Everyman in-class reading - Day 2; Discussion of key messages of Everyman; NOV 5 ASSIGN: Read Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" & add "Passionate Shepherd to his Love" plus "Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd <pp 73-77> due Nov. 8 In-class presentation on creating Tentative Thesis; ASSIGN: Tentative Thesis statement due Nov 8th; Read Marlowe's "Dr. NOV 6 Faustus" & add "Passionate Shepherd to his Love" plus "Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd <pp 73-77> Tentative Thesis Hand-in; Analysis & discussion of Dr. Faustus NOV 7 reading; Cartoon Kronk & Dr. Faustus; Marlowe & Raleigh's Pastoral Poems ASSIGN: Everyman & Marlowe Review Quiz Everyman & Marlowe Review Quiz; Return Tentative Thesis Statements; NOV 8 ASSIGN: Bible Translations & Book of Common Prayer Readings (pp 32, 55-59) Veterans Day (short class): Work through Bible Translation Sheet NOV 11 ASSIGN: Read Elizabethan Poetry <pp.79-80, 82-83, 86-87> Reminder: Notes/Notecards/Rough Outline day tomorrow; Review Rough Outline NOV 12 Sheet; Discuss Elizabethan Poetry pages & Shakespeare’s sonnets. ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Outline & Notes/Notecards Checkpoint; Notes/Notecards Checkpoint (Mr. P will collect outlines in class) NOV 13 ASSIGN: Shakespearean Sonnets Outline returns & discuss; Discuss Elizabethan poetry basics – Grab Bag NOV 14 discussion ASSIGN: Questions on Elizabethan Poetry <pp.79-80, 82-83, 86-87> NOV 15 Shakespeare video: Shakespeare in London ASSIGN: Bacon
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