and and regime. AG Bayer property protectionpublishing of contents its parties.data therefore and/oror affiliates. property intellectualthird may its the as of and owner. Safety, is regulatory According a document Conclusion any such its Insect-Protected reproductiondocument owner this of Compositional under of rightsthe this documentand/or rights to of fall use of to Based the FDA's This may distribution,and rights owner subject Corn Policyon be the violate and copy of Studies and Lines may documentpublication, Nutritional It exploitation on this any Foodsand MON permission prohibited Information 809 the from Aspects commercial be and Furthermore,any New 810: Consequently,without of Prepared PlantEvaluated Varieties by June Monsanto 6,1996 # 96·102F The Agricultural Submitted 700 Chesterfield Chesterfield, GroupRegulatory by of ParkwayMonsanto MO Affairs 63198 North CompanyManager TABLE OF CONTENTS "" Page Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 List of Abbreviations 7 L Introduction 8 A. Subject of Request 8 B. Application of FDA Food Policy 8 C. The CryIA(b) Protein and the Selectable Marker 9 and D. Consultations with FDA and regime.10 AG II. Rationale for the Development of Insect-Protected Corn 11 Bayer property publishing A. Rationale for the Development of Insect-Protectedprotection Corn contents 11 B. Benefits of Insect-Protectedof Corn 13 its parties.data therefore m. Molecular Characterization of Insect-Protectedand/or Cornor affiliates. Lines MON 809 and 810property intellectualthird may 15 its as the of and Introduction is regulatory owner. 15 a document A. The Donor Genesany such its 15 cryIA(b) reproductiondocument 1. gene owner this of 15 2. CP4 EPSPS marker undergene of 15 3. gox markerrights genethe this 16 documentand/or rights 4. nptII bacterialto of markerfall geneuse of 16 B. Particle Acceleration Transformationthe System 16 This may distribution,and C. Constructionrights of the Plasmid Vectors,owner PV-ZMBK07 and PV-ZMGT10,subject Utilized for Transformation 17 1. the violate be Plantcopy expression vector - PV-ZMBK07 17 2. Plant expression vectorof - PV-ZMGT10 20 and mayD. Genetic document Analysispublication, of Insect-Protected Corn Line It MON809 exploitation 23 1. thisSummary any 23 2. Discussionpermission and results 24 a. Southern blotprohibited results 24 the b.commercial Insert number be 24 c. Insert composition 24 Furthermore,any3. Conclusions 26 Consequently,E. Geneticwithout Analysis of Insect-Protected Corn Line MON 810 32 1. Summary 32 2. Discussion and results 32 a. Insert number 32 b. Insert composition 33 ,.. 3. Conclusions 34 - TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) "" , - " Page F. Segregation Data and Stability of Gene Transfer 39 1. Insect-protected corn line MON 809 39 2. Insect-protected corn line MON 810 40 G. Conclusion 41 IV. Safety of the New Corn Variety 45 A. Safety Assessment of New Varieties: the Host Plant, Corn regime.45and 1. The History and utilization of modern cornand 45 2. Corn as a food source in the UnitedAG States 45 3. Corn and animal nutrition in the United States 46 4. Compositional analysis of insect-protected corn Bayer property protectionpublishing lines MON 809 and 810of contents46 a. Proximate analysis ofMON 809 and 810 cornits parties.data therefore grain and/oror 46 b. Amino acid compositionaffiliates. ofMON 809 and 810 property intellectualthird may corn grain its 47 as c. Fattythe acid of composition and ofMON 809 ad 810 corn grainis regulatory owner. 48 a documentits :" d. Inorganicany componentssuch ofMON 809 and 810 reproductiondocument corn grain owner this of 49 ~ e. Compositional analysesunder ofof forage this from corn and/orrights the documentlines to MON 809fall and 810 grownof in therights 1995 Europeanof field trials use 50 the This 5. Conclusionsmay distribution,and 51 B. Safety Assessmentrights of New Varieties:owner the Donors 53 subject 1. Donor organisms 53 be the violate C. Safetycopy Assessment of Newof Varieties: Proteins Introduced from Donor(s)and 56 may documentpublication, It 1. Expressionexploitation levels of the CryIA(b), CP4 EPSPS, thisGOX and NPTII proteins 56 2. Assessmentany of the allergenic potential of the permission CryIA(b) andprohibited CP4 EPSPS proteins 57 the V. Conclusioncommercial for the be Safety Assessment of Insect-Protected Corn Lines MON 809 and 810 62 Furthermore,any Consequently,without VI. List of Supporting Studies and Submissions 63 A. Summary Assessments Previously Submitted to the FDA 63 003 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) ~. - - Page B. Studies Submitted to the EPA to Support the Registration and Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance of the CryIA(b) Protein as a Plant Pesticide 63 C. Studies Submitted to the EPA to Support the Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance for the CP4 EPSPS Protein as a Pesticide Inert Ingredient 65 D. Petitions Previously Submitted to the USDA in Support and ofa Determination of Nonregulated Status and regime.66 AG VII. References 67 Bayer property protectionpublishing List of Figures of contents its parties.data therefore Figure III.1 Plasmid map of PV-ZMBK07 and/oror 18 affiliates. Figure III.2 Plasmid mapproperty ofPV-ZMGT10 intellectualthird may 21 its as the of and Figure IIL3 Southernis blot analysis ofregulatory corn line MaN 809owner. a document ... DNA: insertany such number analysis its 27 reproductiondocument . owner this of Figure III.4 Southern blot analysisunder of cornof line MaN 809 rightsthe this documentDNA:and/or cryIA(b) gene analysis rights 28 to of fall use of the FigureThis III.5 Southernmay blot analysisdistribution,and of corn line MaN 809 DNA:rights CP4 EPSPS analysisowner 29 subject be the violate Figure III.6 copySouthern blot analysisof of corn line MaN 809 DNA: gox gene analysisand 30 may documentpublication, It exploitation Figure III. 7 this Southern blot analysis of corn line MaN 809 anyDNA: nptII and ori-pUC analysis 31 permission prohibited Figure IIL8 Southern blot analysis of corn line MaN 810 the commercialDNA: insert be number analysis 35 Furthermore,Figure III.9any Southern blot analysis of corn line MaN 810 Consequently,without DNA: cryIA(b) gene analysis 36 Figure IlL10 Southern blot analysis of corn line MaN 810 DNA: CP4 EPSPS and gox gene analysis 37 Figure III.11 Southern blot analysis of corn line MaN 810 "'-- DNA: nptII and ori-pUC analysis 38 -'""'- TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) - iT Page Figure IIf.12 Deduced amino acid sequence of the CryIA(b) protein 42 Figure III.13 Deduced amino acid sequence of the CP4 EPSPS 43 protein Figure IIL14 Deduced amino acid sequence of the GOX protein 43 regime.and Figure III.15 Deduced amino acid sequence of the NPTIIand protein 44 AG Figure IV.1 Safety Assessment of New Varieties: The Host Plant 52 Bayer property protectionpublishing of contents Figure IV.2 Safety Assessment of New Varieties: The Donorits 55 parties.data therefore and/oror Figure IV.3 Safety Assessmentaffiliates. of New Varieties: Proteins property intellectualthird may Introduced fromits Donor 61 as the of and is regulatory owner. a document List of Tables any such its reproductiondocument of ~ owner this Table IlL1 Summary of DNA elementsunder inof the plasmid 19 rightsthe this documentPV-ZMBK07and/or rights to of fall use of the Table ThisIII.2 Summary ofmay DNA distribution, elementsand in the plasmid 22 PV-ZMGT10rights owner subject be the violate Table IlL3 Segregationcopy data andof analysis of progeny of insect- 39 protected corn line MONand 809 may documentpublication, It exploitation Table IlIA thisStability of gene transfer based on segregation data forany backcross derivatives of insect- protected corn permission line MON 809prohibited in two unrelated in.bred lines (B73 and Mo17)the 39 commercial be Table IlL5 Segregation data and analysis of progeny of insect- Furthermore,any protected corn line MON 810 40 Consequently,without Table IlL6 Stability of gene transfer based on segregation data for backcross derivatives of insect- protected corn line MON 810 in two unrelated inbred lines (B73 and Mo17) 40 Table IV.1 Summary of proximate analysis of grain from corn .~ lines MON 809 and 810 47 ·005 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) ......., - ~ Page Table IV.2 Amino acid composition of corn grain 48 Table IV.3 Fatty acid composition of corn grain 49 Tab:E IVA. Inorganic components of corn grain 49 Table HI.5 Compositional analyses on forage samples of corn line 810 from France field trials 50 and Table IV.6 Summary of specific protein levels measuredand in regime. tissues ofinsect-protected cornAG lines MON 809 and 810 57 Bayer property protectionpublishing Table IV.7 Characteristics of knownof allergenic proteins contents60 its parties.data therefore and/oror Appendices affiliates. property intellectualthird may its Appendix I. The History and asUtilization of Modern Corn 78 the of and is regulatory owner. a documentits - ~ Appendix H. Corn asany a Foodsuch Source in the United States 87 reproductiondocument owner this of Dr. Pamela White,under Dept.of of Food Science and " rightsthe this documentand/or Human Nutrition, and Dr.of Linda rights Pollak, Dept.to of of Agronomy,fall use Iowa State University. the This may distribution,and Appendix III. Cornrights and Animal Nutritionowner in the United States 124 subject be the violate copy Dr. Mark D. Newcomb,of University Extension, University of Missouri,and Columbia. may documentpublication, It exploitation Appendix IV.this anySummary of the Materials and Methods for the 154 Proximate Analysis, Amino Acid Composition, permission Fatty Acidprohibited Analyses, and Quantification of the commercialInorganic be Components of Grain and Silage Samples Furthermore,any Consequently,without ·006 - ... Abbreviations Used in this Summary of the Safety, CompositionaI, and Nutritional Aspects of fusect·Protected Corn Lines MON 809 and 810 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid APHIS Animal Plant Health Inspection Service bp,Kb Base pairs, kilobase pairs B.t.k. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki CaMV Cauliflower mosaic virus CFR Code of federal regulations CP4 EPSPS EPSPS from Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4 and and regime.
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