w SOUTH CAROLINA'S OLDEST NEWSPAPER 1950 XVXt $4.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. GEORGETOWN,S.C,TUESDAY, OCTOBER?, 1950. VOLUME NO.. 13. NO. 31 RASCHI WiNS OPENER FOR YAMS WiTH TWO HITTER—1 TO o|Mr. T.Jackson Lowe Winyah Gators To Play u At Mound, Brain, Power Stars Setfor Series \_ ?^ Hartsville This Friday | P.-TA larg. e Aan.d Meetinenthusiastigc audience The Winyah High School Gators undefeated Orangeburg Indians. Tha attended the season's first P.-T. A. Gatots are boasting wins over North meeting at the Winyah High Audi- will play the Hartsville Red Foxes on the local field, Friday night at Charleston and Bishop England high I torium last Tuesday night. 8:15. The Gators will be putting a schools. Coach Cecil Woolbright says Mrs. R. G. Miller, the president, two game winning streak on the line. he was pleased with the way his team opened the meeting with welcome and They have lost only to the powerful operated last week when they beat pointed out P.-T. A.'s success in Bishop England. He said he was es­ aciheving its many goals. The presi- pecially pleased with the way his re­ I dent gave a report on activities ac­ Channel Bass Are serves handled themselves. The Ga­ complished during the summer tors have been working the first few months. A note of thanks from Miss T formation the Foxes will run. Pat Shackelford, winner of the $50 Now Running Strong j days this week on a defense of the I scholarship award, was read by the Reports over the past week-end in­ They plan to taper off today. There secretary. dicate that1 the current season for were no injuries in the game with Mrs. Harry Baxter, finance chair- channel bass will exceed all expecta­ the Bishops last week other than I man presented a budget which was tions. One prominent skipper reports Jack Anderson. Anderson injured his '. adopted by the members. a catch of 26 bass among his boats. knee and wfll be out until Friday Mrs. D. B. Hudson, program chair- Others report from one to six bass night at least. It is doubtful whether | man, introduced the speaker, Mr. T. each. If weather conditions continue he will play but as it stands now it Jackson Lowe. as at present, local fishermen expect lis likely that he will. The entire Mr. Lowe gave a highly informa­ to make larger catches than ever be­ squad got to play last week and Coach tive talk on "What P.-T. A. Is Sup- fore. Sportsmen from adjoining ci­ Woolbright says he hopes that will I posed To Do". He likened P.-T. A. to ties and states already are flocking give his reserves a little experience. a public relation team with the child into Georgetown to participate in Most of tha reserves of this years of first importance followed in order these catches, and all owners of quali­ team are last years "B" team and by the teacher, administrator, par­ fied boats are urged to contact the they all lack game experience, bot ents and the non-instructional school Chamber of Commerce in order to Mr. Woolbright wfll be counting on workers. He also, stressed the im- help accomodate the crowds of sport them in a big way through tho re­ mainder of the season. j portance of the constructional ob­ fishermen who are every day re­ jectives as P.-T. A. goal and the questing charter boats. It is exepcted opportunity offered each parent to that a few out-of-town charter boats assist in these objectives. will be here shortly, but from all in­ Rotarians Hear Talk dications even the addition of these boats will not be enough to accomo­ On Conservation Lions Club Aid date the crowds. The fishing rodeo committee re­ ports that B. M. Twyne of North Of Wild Life I; Visual Handicapped Island is leading in the salt water Mr. Harry R. E. Hampton of Co­ division, with a score of 10 points and lumbia spoke to the Rotary Club at By Sale of Seals Mr. C. L. Bath still leads in the fresh the Tuesday meeting on "Wild Life Conservation". The Lions Club of Georgetown each water entries with a score of 14 points. The committee again urges all Mr. Hampton said that most men year sponsors a "Be Thankful You go out to hunt and fish taking game Can See" program. The purpose is skippers to notify their passengers of the current contest and urge them to and fish "as they come" without con­ fe Robin Roberto Eddie Sawyer Andy Semlnic* to aid the visual handicapped indi­ weigh their catches. The salt water sideration of the future. Conserva­ IT WILL BE YQUTIt VERSUS AGE ~mea th« Philadelphia Phillies, champs of the National viduals in this community, adults as winner for the month of September tion according to Mr. Hampton is a League, square off against the perennial American League victors, the New Tork Yankees, in tht | well as children. is Mr. Otto Marlowe of Inman, by his .natter of public opinion and educa­ 1950 World Series. Seen above are some of tht stars of these two tap teams," compared in their va­ During the past three years the 'entry of a 38-lb. channel bass. Mr. tion of the fishing and hunting popu­ rious departments. Vic Raschi, upper left, has been the Yanks' big gun on the mound all season. lation. The aim of conservation to Manager Casey Stengel, upper center, feels that Ids team, paced by such "old pros as Joe DiMag- Georgetown Lions Club has conducted I Marlowe is the winner of a 5 1-2 foot gio, upper right, will be able to sweep through the high flying Phils. Youngster Robin Roberts, tests and examinations and fitted casting net valued at $15.00. There conserve our national resources is lower left, has taken over the heavy mound chores since the Phils lost several of their stars glasses on under privileged children, was no winner in the fresh water very necessary. through the draft and injury route. However, Eddie Sawyer, still regarded as a newcomer to the at a cost of $2,045. They expect to group for September. At this time the public has ' no managerial ranks, will depend on his youthful Whiz Kids, bolstered by such veteran power bitters begin immediately a screening pro­ place to hunt ta this state, ha said, as catcher Andy Seminick, lower right, to «op the Phils' first championship. gram, checking the eyes of all the while other states like North Caro­ children in the Georgetown County Local Employment lina and Mississippi have large game v*iss Laura Ludwig Schools. To carry out this program reserves provided for the sportsman. oins Staff At Memorial Hospital |Lions Club Ca'endar they have employed the services of He stated that the method of ob­ Mrs. Lawrence P. Bauer to conduct Office Wins Award taining our game wardens is definite­ Memorial HospitaI Averaged 28 Patients Ends Listings Oct. 10 the screening process in the schools. ly wrong; some are appointed by Miss Laura Ludwig is the newest Through the sale of 'Be Thankful county delegations, others by the The next week will be the last You Can See" seals individuals in the From American Legion state game warden, and the rest elect­ ddition to the staff of the George- chance for persons to get thir list­ own County Memorial Hospital. She Per Day During Sept.. community are given the opportunity Each quarter, the American Legion ed by primaries. This puts all of the ings in the Lions Club Calendar. game Wardens into politics which has rill serve as the hospital's Anaes- to assist this worth-while cause. Over awards a silver cup to the local of­ During the month of September ac­ Dates for club meetings, anniver­ 2,000 letters, seals, enclosed, have fice of the S. C. State Employment been shown to be an error. A check letist Her training in anaethesea was cording to Mr. Richard Roach, mana- saries, birthdays will be listed at 25 Service which has the highest per­ by a sportsmen association, outside iken at Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, been mailed to citizens of George­ ' ger, The Georgetown* County Memor­ cents each. town county asking for their contri­ centage of handicapped veterans of the state has shown that those •hio. Miss Ludwig comes to George ial Hospital had 838 patient days If anyone wishes to place his butions. placements. At the October meeting elected to this office have made no own from General Hospital, Green arrests. He asserted that strict su­ fo ran average of 28 patients per day. order for, one of these calendars, Senator 3. B. Morrison is chairman Legion, to be held Tuesday night, Oct- lite, pervision and a wilf life survey is In this period there were 30 babies which will be sold for 60 cents con­ of the Seal Campaign Committee, of Georgetown Post 114, American very necessary if we expect to im­ born at the hospital. tact any member of the Winyah Band composed of Garris Cribb, Albert ober 10, Donald Russell, chairman prove the fish and game situation id ..pen House Fer or Lions Club or call 284. Green and Dr. James B. Marvin. of the Department Employment Com­ Prince George Garden The proceeds from this project will mittee, will make this award to the South Carolina. Some Federal aid .ountry Club Members go toward the purchase of new band Georgetown Local Office. Mr. Russ­ based on the number of licenses sold Club Will Sail uniforms for our high school band.
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