Pro~rty of American Philatelic Research Library ✓ P. 0. Box 8000 State CollQQe, PA 16803 NEWSLETTER OF THE WISCONSIN FEDERATION OF STAMP CLUBS Bv WFSC President Jerry D. Weasner the next year or two. I hope every collector has to help in the writing, layout, editing or as least a few foreign pen pals. It's a great way Stamp Collecting Month printing of the book are also encouraged to step to acquire different stamps - sometimes issues forward. Work needs to b.egiin very soon on this Since October is that are very hard to find . ■ WfS,C proj,'eet Wyou e3:Jll volunteer or if you National Stamp have sHgg~tions, write to: MaryAnn Bowman, Dol!lg Gafaszewskf. Pres., Collecting Month, I By Footloose: Filafelists P.O. Box 1451, Waukesha, WI 53J8:'l plan to enjoy the hobby Footloose Filatelists Seeks 1996 COVER EXCHANGE PROGRAM a bit more by inviting New Members, Renewals The exchange offer will exp~e October 31 , at least two new people with returns being made by mid-November. to my local club Every year the Footloose Filatelists provides Submit 10 all-alike covers and a large 55¢ meeting. In this way, both the grand and reserve grand awards for SASE. In exchange, eight different covers will I'll get to learn about youths who exhibit at WISCOPEX. In addition, be sent back. Only unaddressed cacheted covers some different areas of each youngster receives a gift just for submit­ bearing either pictorial or frrst-day cancels can collecting and collecting habits. I also hope to ting an exhibit. This is the sole purpose of the be submitted. A maximum of 20 covers can be introduce the hobby to kids by meeting with a Footloose Filatelists, and funding for the gifts submitted. grade school class. and awards comes from dues. Membership is Send your covers and a 55¢ SASE to: Invite a new person to your meeting this open to all stamp collectors and an application WFSC, P.O . Box 1451, Waukesha, WI 53187. month and keep trying to convince those closet is not required. collectors that they can benefit from organized Traditionally, the Footloose Filatelists met (more announcements on p. 3) philately, too. immediately following the WISCOPEX According to Australian Stamps , a new banquet, where dues were collected. In recent Club News magazine I have just subscribed to, Australia years, however, there has been little or no also will celebrate October as stamp collecting attendance. I, therefore, have decided to TWO HONORED AT JANESVILLE month. During the past three months, I have publish an annual dues notice. STAMP CLUB'S JUNE BANQUET increased my list of pen pals around the world Because of the increased number of youth On June 20, 1996, Art Menz and Dan Hammell from 300 to 450. This will add to my collection exhibitors (16 at WISCOPEX '96), annual dues were inducted into the Janesville Stamp Club's of foreign covers and stamps by tenfold during have been raised from $1 to $2. Surely $2 isn' t newly instituted Hall of Fame. They were much if it can keep youths interested. chosen for the honor because of their many If you'd like to become a Footloose years of service to the club and efforts in Inside Filatelist or to renew your membership, send promoting philately. President's Hessage-------­ your $2 dues to: Doug Galaszewski, Pres., Menz and Hammell were the first to have Footloose Filatelists Memberships ----------------­ Footloose Filatelists, 9906 W . Grantosa Dr., their names engraved on the club's Hall of WFSC Announcements------­ Wauwatosa, WI 53222. If desired, enclose a Fame plaque. Each year, one more name will Club News---------­ SASE for a membership card and a ribbon you be added. Stamp Calendar and Registry --------- 2 can wear at each WISCOPEX to let others Call for Christmas/Holiday Ads ---- 2 know about our group. ■ The Club Co-op-------- l Editor's Comments ------- l WFSC Announcements First Day Cover Collecting -------------- 4 U.S. Varieties Clearinghouse ---- 4 WISCONSIN ON STAMPS HANDBOOK Allover Calendar-Picture Covers------------------- 5 In 1998, Wisconsin celebrates its 150th anni­ Shaughnessy Takes On ------ 6 versary of statehood. The WFSC is planning to Preparing for Take Off/ {o//ecting Airmail -------- 6 publish a second edition of the popular Wiscon­ A Different Hay 6 Party ------------------- 6 sin on Stamps handbook, last published in Honorees Art Menz (/.) and Dan Dealer Profile------------------------- 7 1986. If you have ideas on subjects/topics to Hammell (r.); Dan Fellows, president of the Janesville Stamp include or knowledge of any United States On Wis cons in ------------------------------ 7 Club, holding Hall of Fame pklque. joining with juniors --------------------------------- 8 stamps that have Wisconsin connections, we seek your input. Likewise, volunteers willing (more club news on p. 3) Show Calendar and Registry List your show, bourse, auction or event &=- FREE for WFSC member-club shows - classified rates for non-members and all other events Oct. 12 - 13 Oct. 26 - 27 Nov. 9 - I 0 May 3 - 4, 1997 SHEPEX '96 TOSAPEX '96 FALL COIN & STAMP SHOW WISCOPEX '97 Sheboygan Stamp Club Wauwatosa Philatelic Society Kettle Moraine Coin and Stamp Club hosted by Wauwaosa Philatelic Society Rehabilitation Center of Sheboygan St. Aloysius Gonzaga Hall Paradise Mall Hart Park Arena, Wauwatosa 1305 St. Clair Ave ., Sheboygan 1435 So. 92nd St., West Allis 1400 So. Main St., West Bend (Contact: Jim Beck, P.O. Box 13102, (Contact: SSC. P.O. Box 907, Sheboygan, (Contact: WPS , P.O. Box 13102, (Contact: KMCSC, P.O. Box 361 , West Wauwatosa, WI 53213 - WI 53082) Wauwatosa, WI 53213) Bend, WI 53095) phone (414) 771-6252) /' ' ~ Cover Listing Coming Next Month - TOSAPEX '96 Show or FD( - October 26-27, Wauwatosa, WI Multicolored cachet: dancing Indian, highlighting Wauwatosa, WI, homeland of • Winter and Spring 1997 Show Calendar Pouawatomi and Menominee Indians 160 years ago. Text on back. Dancing American • Feature article on Great Britain's Machin Head stamps Indian issue. Show cancel $1.75 single stamp, $3.50 five stamps; FD( $4.25 five stamps. Enclose #IO SASE . Joe Ryan do Wauwatosa Phil. Soc., P.O. Box 13102, ' Wauwatosa, WI 53213. (Wauwatosa Phtl foe.) WFSC Officers Last Call for Christmas/Holiday PRESIDENT Jerry D. Weasner MILWAUKEE REGION VP Ads - Due November I! ~ N2114 Cleghorn Rd. John Fagan .J Waupaca, WI 54981 Amer. Air Mail Soc. (Billy The December issue of ATFP will include one full-page Christmas/ (715) 258-7924 Mitchell Chptr.) Holiday ad . For just $7 .50, we'll list your name as a sponsor of this Germany Phil. Soc. page. We invite all clubs, dealers, individuals, etc., to participate. VICE PRESIDENT Italian American Stamp Club Support this newsletter! Send your $7.50 together with how you Allan C. Marcus Milwaukee Phil. Soc. want your name (only) listed to: Jim and Renee Seiler, Ad. Mgrs., 877 Louise Rd ., Neenah, WI 54956 North Shore Phil. Soc. of Milw. ATFP, P.O. Box 427, Reedsville, WI 54230. Make checks payable Northwestern Mutual Stamp Club CENTRAL OFFICE & SECRETARY to WFSC. Ka ren Weigl Polish American St2mp Club 4184 Rose Ct., Middleton, WI 53562 Wauwatosa Phil. Soc. is the official publica­ (608) 836-1509 NE REGION VP ACROSS THE FENCE POST tion of the Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs , TREASURER Roger Oswald Inc ., a 50l(c)3 non-profit organization and life Deanna Juhnke Chain-o-Lakes Stamp Club member of the APS since 1953. For WFSC member- 3701 Jordan Ln. Green Bay Phil. Soc. · · · ship information, contact the Central Office. Stevens Point, WI 54481 Manitowoc Phil. Soc. 0 ATFP is published monthly Sept.-Apr.; bimonthly May-Aug. News (715) 341-3465 Outagamie Phil. Soc. Wisconsin Blue & Gray Soc . of Wisconsin collectors, club news and gratis original articles related VP YOUTH DMSION Northwoods Phil. Soc. (Iron Mt.) to philately are welcomed . The editor accepts submissions in any MaryAnn Bowman format , but reserves the right to make minor editing changes to SE REGION VP P.O. Box 1451, Waukesha, WI 53187 conform with our style sheet. Material not carrying an individual Raymond Wood copyright notice may be reproduced only by not-for-profit organiza­ Belle City Stamp Club CENT. REGION VP tions, provided the author(s) and publication receive credit for any Cooney Numismatists & Ron Fritz reprinted material. Unless explicitly stated by an officer in conjunction Central Wisconsin Stamp Club Philatelists, Ltd. with official WFSC business, opinions expressed by individual authors Chippewa Valley Stamp Club Kenosha Stamp & Cover Club are not necessarily endorsed by the WFSC. Northwoods Stamp & Coin Club Lake County Phil. Soc. Submission deadlines are for the month preceding month of (Rhinelander) Walworth County Stamp Club publication as follows: advertising-1st of the month; editorial Wisconsin Valley Phil. Soc. Waukesha County Phil. Soc. Wisconsin Postal History Soc. matter-5th of the month. Send editorial matter and stamp show EAST CENT. REGION VP calendar and cover listings to: Karen Weigt, Interim Editor, ATFP, Fred Ericksen SW REGION VP 4184 Rose Ct. , Middleton, WI 53562 - phone (608) 836-1509 Fond du Lac Stamp Club Ron Hayes [[email protected]]. Send ads to: Jim and Renee Seiler, Kettle Moraine Coin & Stamp Club Badger Stamp Club P.O. Box 247, Reedsville , WI 54230 - phone (414) 772-4297. For a Oshkosh Phil. Soc. Baraboo Stamp Club complete list of advertising rates and policies (display , classified and Ripon Phil. Soc. Janesville Stamp Club listings) , see the May-June '95 issue of ATFP, or request a copy from Sheboygan Stamp Club the advertising manager. 2 Bv Interim Editor Karen Weigl Editor's Comments I curtailed this column for the past two issues, mainly to conserve space for other more By WFSC Secy. Karen Weigt relevant items. With our downsized format 4184 Rose Ct.
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