7' ' '"". : '"."• . .- ... .-• yWg4»M>'*^. r'rtffr*** ^^' -.» V-V* «»> On Trial For Patron Killing Story On Paflt I OHIO STATt .MOSSM LIBRABT • 13T8 * BIOS ST. • ,-• . • • •. ; THE QHW C0UU»BU3, 0B10 * . • - - ** , Ifcl CHAMPION - • «. mmmm • * • ,... ,.,1..,..,—..... • • • i • . • •.. -. * yOU 11, No. fcl m SATURDAY, JUNE 4„ 1960 ? 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO H - - • . Story On Page 3 . • • j • iA fi r • •'''-•- • • ... • •• • ' Story On Page 3 • • . • v af| - ... i.~... •' i • " " " 5!or On P s 2 : NAACP SPIRIT ABROAD • . ' • • • .. •• i r . ?; '. FIRST PICKET LINE o! Wootworth outside the Continental If. S. occurred in Santurce, Puerto Rico, according to Charles S. Zlmmornian, member of the national advisory committee of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) which has been coordinat­ ing the picketing, and vice president of the International Ladies ' EX-HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING champ Joe Louis is shown as he arrived in Cuba for the re­ Garment Workers Union. Local 800 of the anion sponsored the cent New Year*s celebration to which several ne vsmen and public relations persons were invited picket line. Sign says, "Don't Buy In Wool worth Stores" and x^ n»:*ke an inspection of tourists* accommodatio is and life in Cuba. He denies reports he Is tied For Equal Human Rights." xuih I Ucl Ca^o. • , L > I ' > iy ->^-*#-^«V4*iV*»"'_ *»f? 'f SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1960 THE OHIO SENTINEC PACK % - 51£ SATURDAY. JUNE < 1S60 • | THE OHIO 8ENTINBU._ PAGE 2 Heat Over Cuba Brings Joe Louis Threat To Quit Agency Columbus NAACP Pushes Picketing By TED COLEMAN ley secured a contract to attract agency has a similar contract the daily press which reported beeu defending his position '»a. * icy in southern outlets is dis­ N. YORK. — Former heavy­ j tourists' to Cuba for an estimat­ for over a million dollars, but he was on Castro's payroll. This business venture, with np politi­ have signed up to appear in the cal tie. But attempts to smear Columbus NAACP formally ; protest is not directed against man,.said that, the organization criminatory. weight boxing champion Joe ed $287,000, witn a general fee nothing has, been safd about is untroue, the source told The picket lines are Dr. Ernest M. him caused him to-take the lat­ began, picketing Woolworth, their stores, but against. the will picket as many of the local Mrs. Florence Allen Holmes, Louis threatened to resign his 'of $23,000 and the $267,000 ear­ their connection with that coun­ Sentinel. Newkifk, Att'y Pavid D. White, est action, the spokesman said. Kresge and Grant variety stores chains of which they are a stores as possible •— downtown, president of the organization. connections with the public rela­ marked for tbe Negro market. try, or, Castro, despite the fact Rev. L. L. Dickerson,.Waldo Ty­ EXPLAINING Joe and his as­ As of Wednesday n ight, he in Columbus Saturday on the part" in neighborhoods Wd Jn, the said: .: tions firm which carries his which included press, maga­ they "secured their arrangement ler and David Kesslcr. sociates' trip to C^uba, the held fast to withdrawing his premise tbat' such a move by shopping centers — every Satur­ name if the account with the zines, radio, etc. through the Cuban Tourist Com­ EXPLAINED Rev. Phale D. "AH affiliate units of this as­ namey from the agency if the tbe organization itself will bring day and on the evenings of Mon­ AT THE. meeting of its execu­ Cuban Tourist Commission is mission like Louis* firm, * a spokesman said the group was' Hale, co-chairman: sociation have been urged to HE 18 currently living in Los Cuban account is not dropped. greater and more sustained re­ days and Thursdays. tive committee in the Neil House not dropped, it was announced spokesman for Joe told The Sen­ invited to come to Cuba to look "When we-first undertook this diligently pursue these aims." Angeles with his new lawyer- The firm is known as Louis, sponse from tbe general public Saturday, the National Ass'n «J Wednesday by a representative tinel Wednesday night. the tourist situation over, just program of urging people; to .' "We feel it better to start in wife. He could not be reached Rowe. Fisher, Lockhart Enter­ to the local movement support­ She ceiiJinended "ali unsung he­ of his office. like the white agency. withhold their purchases from this manner,", he added, "than Negro Business and Professional at Sentinel press time. ing students fighting discrimina­ Louis tired of the pressure This same spokesman said prises, Inc.. with offices at 200 these stores, we depended upon to try to cover all the stores Women, inc., representing sev­ roes in this program aimed at tion in the stores' southern and bad publicity since his agen- It is reported that a white I..) us resented the imtuendos in Up until this week, Joe had; W. 57th st., N. York City. ^ their voluntarily doing so. This every day from the start." securing for themselves and the units. eral thousand members in 48 did not work, because people According to Squaer, the world a real and true democra­ Rev. John B. Quick, chairman states, voted unanimously to forgot it so easily*. We have NAACP has received and will of the Withholding of Purchases |support southern student sit-in cy." found it necessary to put out use offers or aid from students committee of the Columbu s ! demonstrations, by withholding The committee also supported Nab 17 lit Huge Cincy Dope Raid picket lines to remind them of of both Ohio State and Capital NAACP, said, "We have already patronage and boycotting the a proposal for open occupancy our desires." universities. He said that among Framework CINCINNATI.—Cincinnati po- chase of the drug as legal and av.; Benjamine Duke, 23, '»2t explained to local store man­ the-prominent local leaders who 'national chain stores whose pol­ in housing. boiling it did not "increase ilsjGholson; Elvln Ford, 25, 844 agers of these chains that our Lloyd Squaer, picketing chair- lice, headed by Det. Carl Lind Ihis Explosive Way Of life of the vice squad, set a trap that narcotic base Findley st. resulted in the arrest of 17 per­ Conviction carries maximum. By VERNE FRAME Named in warrants signed.by sons, identified as known users Jack Braunstem. inspector for 1810.000 fine and two to fivejrear* Cafe £ w ter On Trial Bad Language Leads To Death Of Man (This column may possibly sound like a professor's lecture to pr associates of known narcotics the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, sentence for the first offense. a group of students on a planet somewhere in the universe and at addicts. She just meant to shoot overi POLICE SAID a large bayo- der $4000 bond by Judge Charles a time not too far removed from the present.) Staking out at drugstores in his head and scare him, Grace net-like knife was found beneath R. Petree. HOLLAND BRADLEY, 23, various areas of the city and M. Robinson told police after (his body at the foot of tbe stair- Meanwhile, the body of Ty­ • • ' * 3580 Reading rd.; Sadie Birch, Menial Test For • ONCE UPON a time, a citizen of what was known as the checking pharmacy records po- In Patron Shying she fired a bullet from a .22 j way at 876H Mt Vernon av., the ree was sent to Beckley, W. 27, 3158 Reading rd.; Fred Dun- world discovered a way to blow up the earth. The theory was put Hc« assert known addicts had calibre rifle through the head of (apartment building in which Va., for burial. Local arrange­ lap, 30. 1871 Kinney av.; Jeanettjl The first degree murder trial seven women and five men that to work inside the cobalt walls of a hydrogen bomb. * purchased as much as 8 oz. of Buck Gieer In a 30 year old man early Satur-jMrs. Robinson resides. ments were made by Mrs. D. A. Farrow, 31, 1335 William How-*! •• •• flm* t- of ;W'''Uam Gardner Jr., which Gardner chased Foster and shot Perhaps the discovery was not initially aimed at total des­ paregoric at various pharmacies day night. Tyree, according to police, Whillakcr and Sons funeral ard Taft; Marvin Smith Jr., 35 1011111? Jl10QIIiiQ opened in county criminal court him five" times. After Foster truction or even the annihilation of a nation. Maybe its purpose in one day. 1 Q home, 870 Adams st., Lincoln Hts., held , 47 year old Eastside man Tuesday, recessed Wednesday had fallen near a doorway ana Mrs. Robinson said she be- h d gone to the apartment build- was to harness atomic energy to the needs of all citizens—to bring A Fourteen of the group were for investigation. [who apparently went berserk afternoon shortly after two wit­ as he lay sprawled out on* the came involved in an argument jing to investigate an argument water and food to underfed people, or to help man wrap human charged with"'violating a state William Beaslcy. 35, 342 W. j and tried to wipe out his family nesses testified for the state. floor, Gardner pumped a .32 withGeorgeR.T>ree, 1057 Ben-,belwcen ano,her man and h,s fingers around the universe. law prohibiting purchase of Liberty st.; Edward Nicholas, j with •»• nine shot revolver last calibre slug into his head and nett St., over the bad language W f»e"d when he became in- But the atom's power became Billy Wychee, 1280 Sigsbcc av., more than 2 oz. of paregoric 21, 1562 Glenn Park dr.; Chris- Inarch, has been admitted to then slugged him on the head he was using in the presence of volved in the quarrel with Mrs.
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