- "r 'N • •-.--. /';• A v- V. - THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CT • • • ' 'X1 !.. » • Cranford Cited forSdfety K<md Give to The Healrt Fumly iov Scopt Troop 7b and Kxplol'Cf PosCS^S held, their annual father '•&;••••• WOOD KENILWORTH • /• -.' it.- ••: and ,sonN<iiriner recently. - Charters e field, and a former pranford resident, reiurrmr . -...., ed-to-the-troop-anu-iQ- • Bnti>rpd us n-i-ond CIHRB V1"11 mutter 'at , iTJ ScGtionst ^ Thursday, fte,spoke at a luncheon in'-the Methodist Church. Educa- | the post . \. '.-•'''.. -. CO. ':.•••• GKANFORD, NEW JERSgY, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1956 ; -The Po»t ORlce at Cmnford. N.' J.' i tional Building on the topic,""The United Nations and You." He was I. The guests op-honor were: Dr. introduced by Dr. Anthony Sor- • ._..-. ........v --.-•• - j Albert Ailin'ger, pastor; Harldn W. dill of the club's international ro-, in Octoner 1055. lie is a graduate 'Drew,' former 'comrnissiojier and i)f scoutmaster of Troop 75; :Roy Irv- SalkClinic Auttioirizedllere* 'lations comniitte-e. " •". ' ' | Cranford High/School. ing, district commissioner; Joseph ELIZABETH Gomm e Architect B.,4-V-'V ' The speaker .Said only'.through •' .' ; !""I7°7~•• • T A ti Ayres, ne'ighborhdod commission- • . • .,•-.-...••*, Second Lt. Hichard C. Arthur, er; Earl Pafl'rath, commissioner Hope for MMrMpxdt Start m international cooperation can n;x-• SIJ|V (,f M). mKj '^^ willia'm M. :and Cubmater of Pack-75; Robert • Mayor Fred P. Andersen, president'of the Board of Health, re- lions of the world have the security .Arthur, 125 Roosevelt avenue, re- Hiiiris, iiu-titutionar '.representa- 1 ported yesterday it is hoped to hold amass inoqulntion clinic for the •A . contest for' the which they all .want. The UN, he cently was graduated from the tive; George Kjopf, scoutmaster, Township. CommlUeei Tuesday administration of Salk; ahti-pnlio vaccine in mid-March. ' .. ... .pointed out, .provides the vehicle; lnfnntiv School's- basic infantry and E. Von Gersdorff, adviser'.for nomination's for the th 'night . introduced, and • passed on Such a clinic.\vas authorized by the Board of Health on Monday for substituting the conference olTicers". course at Furl Bcnninu, Post .75.- Daniel B'ralton', student i ,j^r rending an'ordirinnce author- Arranging Musical Event for April cies .on the, Township .table for tlie baUlctie-lo^-iii settling, On. Designed for uliicers who eXrcnirig." A letter was sent to Dr. Daniel Bcrgsma' state coramissioher 'Enter! Republican Vritnary ti&ce ; world problems-. venot assistant- pastor at the church, '.izink-an appropriation of-$3,000 developed' this- week \\Jith an-r,. have''not served with troops,'thc- acted .as toastmaster. "T"1-.- ..of health, on Tuesday asking that In referring to its accomplish- bourse' g;ive \.l. Arthur instruction ;,,-,„„ (he .'capital improvement nounccment lhaj J. .Iloiyard M'c- , . u .and problems'..of an At the Court of -Honor \vhich ["'3,000 cc of vaccihc.be allocated.for ' .menus' he listed t.hc .World Health in nc Uls s fiifiel -to engage architects' services Atecr, John L. Brt'nnnn, Irid Dr; ' Or'acniza.tion,' which he reported jnf^til Unit convmymler. Li. Ar~ Mayor Froa'P: Andersen is shown accepting a citat.ion for followed thfi jdiniier, tihe followr- the local elinic. ' 1 i,,r. preliminary work', and cost Kindergarten K'eil Caslaldo «re cand,idfljes, fur ^ I is making 'great strides in re- lhur. (.mercd the Army .in Sep. Crahford's perfect tr-a/lic safety.reearlT during the "six-week holi- ins awards "were gi\»en. Second . Mayor Andersen said the Board tno t^ihWer •]•$?>$.. He was graduated estimates for the proposed ccm- of Education will beajked to pro- the three-year ' terms andyNi-cIv-' ducing • disease' throughout . day campaign which ended January 2. The presentation was class rank to Robert EngelJ. avia- frnm nutgers University "in 1!):>5 .nlacle- in the Municipal -Building'- last week, by Roy H. Mat-Bean tion- merit badge to Craig Davison,. vc-rsiiiivof Grant School to a rnuni- vide facilities for i\\i clinic and t9" Roundup Set olas' St. John LaCorte' is V. tlie • world. .- "••'•,,, i ;i.ll(| is ;) member -ol" Alpha' Chi weather merit badge to Harold. disfrlbutc. permission' and release race for the one-year jnoiiiirlition. He said the division of 1 a|os- 'if the Hopflcnborc-MacBoan Agcricyy 126 South avenue, east, building. Public hearing is ; i tinc, while not pcriect. is on..- yf tTT*ITr"l''i n Icriri-t-vr—- •Stnrstrn, pei's-&Rfrt~—f4tftesB—me*it '^o^e—sciit^Jii^axcnis^,,,^ p^^nro—rhTCTr->-ca,r. tci'ma-bAome representing the state of New Jersey and' the New badge' to-.Arthur. Cyphers'.- Roger scheduled- -for .March 13. ... addition,",a letter has been By-Sehoote its' politic-ill.accomplishments. 'iatinn of Insurance Afienjs. Cranford earned the citation by vir- vacant this year" with the exwira- • The. UN stand on Korea, Mr. I'Kopf received scholarship merit *• Nayi'ir F. P. Andersen said that drafted which will be sent to all In preparation for kindergarten lion of the terms of Mayor Frfld P. ' Stecri-sjn.fe declared, contained.the' tue, of, having no trallic fatalities within the campaign period. badge, and citizenship in the com- Jbcal physicians, requesting theni Andersen and Public Safety Clm- [!•••'! enrollment week later this month, 1 . spread-of Communism in'its' drive Left to right in the picture- are: Police Chief Lester W. Powell, munity. Fred. Swisher received "to participate,- Mayor Andersen . nissioner Clarence L.. Fritz, aw On Spelunking Mayor Andersen', Public Safety Corhmiss-iohcr Clarence L. Fritz radio, , electricity, ; home repairs, . If local doctor^,. r6fusc to the members of the summer' for world 'domination. town Building Need >.^u^w.-atc, the mayor said, the I' there aiso is a one-year uhexpirei . The annual contribution of. the ' arid Mr. MacBcuri'!' .'.':• . • • • . • • •' - firemanship, scholarship merit! round-up committee's of. the Par- term to be .Mlled. ',;• hadges. Jack Cox and Richard IVoWd by'Drips board will.be forced to go outside ent-Teacher Associations of the United States to support the UN. the limits- of the community to • Public Safety; is S'lS.'OOn.iiai), or about nne-.third Tunison each received. home re- Even as the Township, Com- Cranford elementary schools have • Fritz'announced fast weak that he • A sp'elnnking expedition totho pairs. Merit badge sashes were pre- JACKET niittce was introducing an ord-r get physicians to establish a prop- of the organization's budget, thc erly supervised program. b'egun the distribution of ncccs- . will seek the Republican.nomina- • speaker related. Our country, he c«\es.of Ilelz County, Penn.; was sented to Richard Schoonover and *-,i,ce Tuesday night to engage- tion for reelection to a three-year EwgreskJR£poYted by Crew Fred SvVishor.' . • • ., forms to tho parents; of'pros- said..contributes thelarger .share hl;lde'last ^wee'k bv'the explorer -m architect.'to lo.6.k. into new The lengthy session was attend- ".term,, and Finance.-Commissioner of any iif .the i(> member nations-. mnv of.n,iy S(.out Troop 80 and The then and boys, were enter-? iounicipai.quarlers, thc .need for ed by about'60 residents, .includ- pective kindergarten pupils. John. I... Hnviland, who was ap- Mieh a builcline:was Apparent to The .cost ".lA-r. pi-ram in: -lli^.. Ey • ; ; , ,-> t 5, (lf nosi>lle. Ow'fLappiest Bays' Stage Set tained by a deiTldnstration of archi IITH ZIP-FRONT ing half; .a dozen local physicians The round-up is again being pointed ' to . the committee two country is lfi cents, a sum, he said. u^i -. ery by the Wdtchung Bowmcnr^—- who opposed thc.program. Mayor crew ,/ visited: John Rash, head..of the Cranford Dramatic -dub's staging crew, • Uie more than 40 Girl Sqouts and 1 conducted .during March to permit lonths ago to l\ll" the vacancy whichvis -small- in, the cause of. _ kiiUaUiiS^^iJicst^Cosp t for "The Hap- The Mothers' Club served tho.l • others who attended the ses.- Andersen several times requested «M»m;;.™y..fV^ ^iYl?6y1^tHntyOTidLitliivy ard Cowperthwaite, presentTtax" y oil the llrst elay Sbnvs-of Your Life," the thTee^act play to B;p Thiougliout the meeting, there Ijilbus "prcipi-rly oil the llrst elay Club of Mrs; .Walter Kcefer, president. Shown are members of the joint c.ommittce_aiaking arrange- jeet to' debate the philosophy o before the beginning of- summer collector, aJso^annoiTrrfrgcT his can budget, he added; is almost $400 trip, After dpdroppini g lock Hail on March 14 to. 17 in. joint benelit with the Couples' Thn Mothers' Club presented gifts, as h rhythmic drip, drip, drip, ho two-day is Jui .L1, . CUIICL., t bv lhLL.Cidnfurcr^tec^hrb-fo-bc-i>r ented \vhU}m of thC situation ^ Dr. HT•mvat'd--n.- Bert -vr.upom ..didacy" for'.the GUI' 'nolhlnliliuii', • per.-pcison. • •'.'••'•'.',,.. •,-,. of the . Presbyterian Church. to.: Mr. Kopf, Robert Davison, as- from a leak.in .the vopl.-jj'ortun- L <?ii Mnyor Andersen asked the phy ):1SK; at Cranford-High School "on-April' 13 for benefit of'Boy Scout dent of schoolsi reports: Mr.-Steengrale cleciarecrmr-fcN jn(o • The, set depicts a commodious sisiant,. scoutmaster,' and' Herbert ;itel>vthe water fell in' the center sicians it .the board which is ' '«°' Troop 79. Seated loft,to right: Henry M. Boardman, director of The various -^PTA round-up Mayor Andersen, a candidate for is setting- close, to a reani.tic.nl worls dWer or-e. to the mam room where "conimons room" of an, English, l.,.^_ _ being distributed to Sjuvson, assistant. s.coutmaster,. in iusle. so that none of- the specta-. charged with the public'health.of fcCIIII..!gani/atnm . — I-iassagge to the ances are State Senate is not-seeking-reclec- .
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