H - M ANCHESTER H ER ALD. Wednesday. Sept. 16, I9«7 HOMES FOR SALE Teen champion: m M u North Elm: What if building is delayed? / page WlsTMorBoJSrTmp!^ today to m o Mil* tarot, sive Colonial located in THURSDAY oiMl Friday She’s water skiing a neighborhood of CADILLAC 1977 sadon four family In VtrnonI Sdptambt r 17 ofid 18, Davllla d'Elagonca. Mutt bt tttn on Intidt comparlble homes, 5pm-11pm. Saturday this vinyl sided beauty Pawar windows, to the top / page 13 to fully opproclatt tat Soptembof If. Ilxxn- brakas, saots, locks, Improvtmtntt madt. has many features: I 11pm. St James Tough talk: Pope lays down the lai / page rooms, 4 bedrooms, 116 olr. Am/fm starao tapa Ntwtr roof, ntwtr fclt- Church, 896 AAaIn St. dack. Extra snow tiros chtnt. Exttrlor In pro- baths, oarage, brick Something for eve­ front with vinyl, new on rims. Excallant con- ctu of bting polnttd. ryone. Refreshments dWon. 63500.646-4333. nff.000. Strono fteal gutters and shutters, available. Ettaft.0 newer storms und FORD Escort wagon l404. screens, newer roof, 5 spaod, rust proofod, iRXHZHHTEiTTOiS starao. Excallant con­ 6ft pottibit 3rd oport- furnace, hot water FLEA MARKET heoter. Beautiful dition. Orlglnril owner. mtnt. Ntor but lint. Musletl Fistlvil 6434D45 evenings. Dtod tnd ttrttf. Stpar- fenced In bock yard with many trees, tspi I I /114 (L A S ilC 77 VW convertl- oft htotino tytftm. En- Mencheeter Bend clottd bock yard. Ex- shrubs and 10 x 5 stor­ bla. All white. Low ctlltnt condition. age shed. Kitchen, Shell. MIsc. wires. mllaoga. Must sea. 644- •1W.000.646-Sin In am, remodeled this year, Meny dealers. 3120._________________ 649-4064 onytlmt. has new vinyl floor, Featuring VW Quantom sedan 87. tile, oak cabinets, Fully loaded. MAN^HESt^R. tm,000. stove, dishwasher, dis­ iHaudirBtrr HrralJi CITY LIGHTS 613,000/best offer. 646- Manchester — A City of Village Charm Eltoont homt In ntlgh- posal, counter tops and (swing band) borbood. Ntw U A R 1332 days. stainless steel sink. Sponaorad by built family room witb Much morel Asking tkvHobtt, ontlQut 6344.900. Strono Reol MCC - n mantti and Frtnch SCRANTON Thursday. Sept. 17, 1987 Estate. 647-7653.0 Student Senite 30 Cents . doort to prlvott potlo. TO L L A N b by owner. 3 Lorpt foytr, formal bedroom Ranch, M •BiBm ii.- AND aetacT uaao cars... dinino room and living 80*41 s.a% HNANCINa OR LSSSI acre country lot, oak e i m B B i m H ......' it W M TB tTO room with Frtnch floors, flreploced liv­ * e * e .« « yf^-e -a « jr g e b p 1 ^ doort loading to btau- ing room. Easy access ■» BUY/THMIE 87 FIFTH AVE. m *14,698 'tlful tcrttntd porch. to 1-04. Reasonable I 87LeBARON House leaders Key senator ora Tuna *12,295 Ptrftct homt for tn- fliiw. .!■ CMfl WinFMr- rwr OLD and new furniture, $133,900.175-5460. 87 RAIDER 4x4 *12,795 ttrtalnlno. Optn Houtt **{Jggp*JP* household Items you no household Items, and Sundov Stpttmbtr 30, COVENTRY. Ranch, 3 tona9rtiae-64» ^ 1. glassware, will pay 87RAMCHARQER _____ _ 1917, from 1:00 to bedrooms, 3 baths, 1 m k im m cash. 646-8496.________ 4M *17,595 4;00pm. Hoitt; Nancy car garage, to be built. florix IlMlg P W rollgi 87 DAKOTA au >12,295 unsure Bork - Von Holltn and David Buy nowl Lovely T|9N» WOflL T M e EASY W AY to llrtd a Just because you don't 87 SHADOW agree to extend fntgrtgrandajdider eo. Murdock. DIrtctlont; wooded lot. 6154,900. C A L L Coah buyer for oo-tanBer- use an Hern doelui't mean TufWLoadad *10.505 Klernon Reol Estate. PNlHiraa. Can today for a R Ti. as • BOLTON needed householdNeme Is -E o tt Ctnttr to Pitkin itaaggl---------------------------- itiaNt, Town■Ofh. Of cp B47-71SB the Item hos lost Its value. 87 SUNDANCE Turbo *10,895 ' loft on Bouldtr Rood, 649-1147. E xclusive with a want od. Otal Why not exchange It for agents. m ^ t 4 For FroBUtlfliatB 64A2711 to ptaoe your 87 DODGE au Rod *M *16,955 deserves OK li t right on Robert cash with an od in Classi­ 88 DAYTONA Turbo *13,995 Rood.o MANCHESTER. Just eVtataoeitafi Od, fied? 643-2711. 88 LASER cao. *13,495 aid to contras IlstedI Immaculate 5 M ANCHESTER. Antoldl 86 LeBARON oao. *10,395 WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court nominee built Rolttd Ranch room Cape on Porter Robert H. Bork submitted to a third straight day of Street. Beautifully 88 LeBARON t dr. *10,695 with 3 nict btdroomt questioning today as a key undecided member of the londscaped mature Automotlvo 86 DODGE ae ooraa. *14,495 Including a 13 x 17 WASHINGTON (A P) - House for a cease-fire to begin under a Senate Judiciary Committee said he is not yet satisfied m otttr, IS X 31 flre- yard. Flreploced living 1 ^ HOMES 88 DODGE mooTM. *14,795 L0T8/LAHD ^ R T M E H T S Speaker Jim Wright today raised Central American peace plan now that the 60-year-old jurist deserves to be confirmed. ploct living room and room, hardwood floor | £ ! J fo r s a l e 88 RELIANT S.W. *8,996 throughout. Formal FOR SALE FORREHT FURHITURE CARS the possibility that a Central being implemented. " I ’m still not clear” on the rationale that Bork would 13 X 30 firtplactd fam­ 86 DODGE American cease-fire could take ily room, dining room, dinning room, ___ IFOR SALE Some Democrats were wary of rely on in deciding sex discrimination cases, as screened porch, all kit­ H IG H Calibre. New BRAND New Listing I 3 ROOMS, 118 Main Co f f e e table and end CHARGER *7,696 effect before a scheduled Nov. 7 the latest move in Congress' long laundry room, 3'/b Raised Ranch of mas­ opposed to race discrimination, said Sen. Dennis baths, potlo, shod, 3 car chen appliances and Planned commerclol Street. No pets. Secur­ table (together or se­ COUGAR 85, 6 cylinders, 86 CELEBRITY iiKmL *8,695 deadline and said that U.S. human­ contra aid struggle, but House DeConcini, D-Ariz. shortly before the nationally sive proporfloh..built zonel Main Street, El­ goragt. Good locotlon much more to remain. ity and deposlt.6480. parate),one Individual 27.000 miles. F u lly 88 CHY. GTS Turbo *10,295 itarian aid should be continued for Democratic leaders said they did televised hearings resumed. Won't lost long. Call with your best Interest lington. Approxi­ Heat and hot water gloss topped coffee ta­ D. W. Pith Rtolty. 643- equipped. Like new. 85 DODGE D50 PU *4,895 Nicaragua’s contra rebels until at not want to be subject to blame by DeConcini said that mail to his Senate office is still today. 6158,900. In mind. All Quality mately 3 acres In hot Included. 646-3426, 9-5 ble. Call 743-5910 least that date. 1591 or I71-1400.P materials and work­ 68875. 646^)795._______ 85 NISSAN 4x4 PU *7,895 Republicans for cutting off food and running heavily in favor of Bork’s confirmation, but McCorrIson-D. W. growing area. Ideal for weekdays.___________ evenings.a A cease-fire "may occur prior to MA n CHESYIeR. $374,900. Fish, Better Homes manship. 7 rooms, 3'/i banks, restaurants, of­ OLDS Cutlass supreme 84 l a s e r t Or. Turbo *6,395 medicine to the rebels, who Presi­ less so than before the hearings began Tuesday. He LaCovo built Garrison EAST Hartford. 6 room W A TER B ED king size. 73.4 door, power steer- 84 PONT. 8000 STE *7,495 Nov. 7, ” Wright said, adding that he dent Reagan refers to as "freedom and Garden. 338- baths, fireplace, 3 car fices, retail, etc. Call duplex. 6500 per month, Complete package ex­ said the mail Is now about 2-1 in support of Bork, Colonial on a gorgtous 9451/646-6033._________ garage and o beautiful fo r more details. Ing, brakes. Auto- 80 OMNI t dr. *2,995 had spoken to the leaders of tw o' fighters.” compared to 3-1 or 4-1 earlier. lot. In o highly dttirtd utilities not Included. cluding headboard. matlc, 61000. 643-0835. Central American countries in the lot with old stone walls. 6310,000. Jackson A No pets. Adults pre- Asking 6100. Coll 743- 79 BUICK SKYLARK *2,795 Democrats “ don’t want to cut off Bork, whose nomination has set off a ferocious orta. 4 largo btdrooms BRAND New Listing I Located only 8 minutes 1 FORD Tempo 86. Excel­ past week. He did not specify which Cheerful and bright 6 Jackson, 647-8400. □ ferred. 568-6478. 5918 evenings.a_______ 78 MONTE CARLO food and medicine,” Wright said. lobbying struggle between liberals opposed to his Including mostor suite from the center of lent condition. Auot- ApproR. SQK Ort. Odg* ^ leaders. room older Colonial on ANDOVER. Fisherman's Available October 1st. 3 "They’re not that cruel or heartless confirmation and conservatives who favor it, chatted with dressing area and Manchester! 6189,900. M A PLE 43" round table motlc, air. 67950. OsmBT MNbb. MfiM *3,995 " I f that does occur, obviously 4 double closets. For- Porter Street. 3 bed­ delight. 3.3 acres with bedrooms, 3rd floor with 8" leaf, 4 captain or foolish.” amiably with Sen. Joseph Biden,. D-Del„ the Call 646-3483. "Were 108 foot fTontage on 647-8883. 77 DODQE MKBBd Moof food, clothing and medicine should mol dining room, spa­ rooms, 3 car overslied Selling Housesf'Blan- apartment newly rem­ choirs.
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