Broj 15, jun 2015 75 Boža Grafenauer, PhD, lecturer Vocational College for Catering and Tourism Bled UDC 338.483.12(497.4) 338.48-44(497.4-21 Škofja Loka) POTENTIAL OF HERITAGE AS THE BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOWN TOURISM – THE CASE OF ŠKOFJA LOKA Abstract: Škofja Loka is one of the best pre- Why is Škofja Loka a town which is not able served medieval towns in Slovenia. In 1987 it to apply its own cultural heritage and create a was declared a cultural monument. very interesting and attractive tourist story? In this article I will discuss the reasons why Škofja Loka does have stories which represent the town does not live in the tourist sense in spite timelessness and the ability to connect differ- of a huge heritage potential. The local popula- ent time periods. I linked its potential different tion often sees living in the old part of the town brand name and I will show how the heritage as an obstacle, tourists do not stay in the town can be a potential and basis for the development for more than two hours, important events at- of town tourism, not linked only to a few one-off tract a large number of people only a few times events. per year which is not enough for the old part of the town to live on tourism, and consequently it Key words: Škofja Loka, heritage potencial, is slowly dying. town tourism, Colourful Loka Introduction Škofja Loka is the best preserved medi- create a very interesting and attractive tour- eval town in Slovenia. In 1987 it was de- ist story in spite of the fact that the town has clared a cultural monument. In this article stories which are timeless and can be linked I will discuss the reasons why the town does and transferred to any time period. I have not live in the tourist sense in spite of a huge linked the potential of the town into Pisana heritage potential. Local population often Loka (Colourful Loka) brand name and I sees living in the old part of the town as an will show how the heritage can be a poten- obstacle, tourists do not stay in the town for tial and basis for the development of town more than two hours, important events at- tourism. tract a large number of people only a few times per year which is not enough for the old part of the town to live on tourism, and Presentation of the town consequently it is slowly dying. In the beginning, I am going to present With its layout, spatial and skyline im- the entire tourist offer in the centre of Škofja age Škofja Loka is among the best preserved, Loka, followed by the discussion of the ques- interesting and important examples of a his- tion why Škofja Loka is a town which is not torical town planning and architectural de- able to apply its rich cultural heritage and velopment of Slovenian towns. 76 Turističko poslovanje The history of Škofja Loka begins in 973 na” (colourful) Loka. By the merit of a his- when Emperor Otto II (1184-1220) enfiefed torian Pavle Blaznik, Škofja Loka is the best Loka land to the Bishop of Freising Abra- examined Slovenian town from the aspect of ham. Škofja Loka became an important ad- the medieval colonisation, which is of great by an earthquake.ministrative Then, and economic a landlord, centre Bishop as it is loPhi- llip,help had when the integrating town renovated and interpreting and the the facades on the main catedmarket at a squarestrategically painted important in different crossroads co lours.heritage Since into thethen modern Škofja times. Loka Blaznik has wasbeen known as "pisana"(Auguštin (colourful) 1988). Loka. By the merit of astudying historian the Pavlehistory Blazniof Škofjak, Loka,Škofja coloni Loka- is the best examinedIt was Slovenian first mentioned town from as having the aspect mar- ofsation the ofmedieval its individual colonisa parts, tion,development which of is of great ket rights in 1248, and in 1274 it became the countryside and the town of Škofja Loka help whena town. integrating In the 14th and century interpreting Škofja Loka the is he(Blaznikritage into1973). the modern times. Blaznik was studying saidthe tohistory have been of surroundedŠkofja Loka, by town colonisation walls ofNowadays its individual the Municipality parts, development of Škofja of the countrysidewith and five the defence town towers of Škofja and five Loka town (Blaznik gates. Loka 1973). covers the area of 146 km2, comprising It was an autonomous town. In 1511 Škofja 62 settlements in 11 local communities. The NowadaysLoka the was Municipality destroyed by an ofearthquake. Škofja Then,Loka coversMunicipality the area has 22,507of 146 inhabitants, km2, comprising with 62 settlementsa landlord, in 11 Bishoplocal communities.Phillip, had the town The ren Muni- Škofjacipality Loka has (12,264 22,507 inhabitants inhabitants, , accounting with Škofja Loka (12,264ovated inhabitants and the facades , accounting on the main for market more thforan more one than half one (54.5%) half (54.5%) of the of thepopulation popu- of the Municipality)square being painted the in main different settle colours.ment and Since employment lation of the centre. Municipality) being the main then Škofja Loka has been known as “pisa- settlement and employment centre. PicturePicture 1. 1. ŠkofjaŠkofja LokaLoka Source:Source:http://www.slovenian-alps.com/si/kaj-videti/fotogalerija http://www.slovenian-alps.com/si/kaj-videti/fotogalerija In my paperIn I myam paper going I amto goingfocus to mainly focus mainly on the theold 13th town century centre and of it Škofjawas the placeLoka, where which is the most interestingon the old from town thecentre aspect of Škofja of tourism. Loka, which the central activities – trading and social is the most interesting from the aspect of events – were taking place. Rich inhabit- The centretourism. of Škofja Loka consists of Zgornji (Upper)ants and orcraftsmen Mestni lived(Town) there, Square their houses and Spodnji The centre of Škofja Loka consists of were made of stone, several-floor high and (Lower) Square.Zgornji (Upper) The Town or Mestni Square (Town) was Squaredeveloped richly below decorated. the castle On the in ground the 13th floor, century the and it was the placeand Spodnji where the(Lower) central Square. activities The -Town trading entrance and social was in events the middle - were of thetaking facade, place. Rich inhabitantsSquare and wascraftsmen developed lived below there, the theircastle housin escraftsmen were made had theirof stone, workshops several-floor and shops high and richly decorated. On the ground floor, the entrance was in the middle of the facade, craftsmen had their workshops and shops there. Residential rooms were on the first floor, and apprentices and assistants lived on the second floor. Such structure has been preserved. Business premises and shops are on the ground floor whereas flats are on the first and the second floor. 2 Broj 15, jun 2015 77 there. Residential rooms were on the first preserved. Business premises and shops are floor, and apprentices and assistants lived on the ground floor whereas flats are on the on the second floor. Such structure has been first and the second floor. PicturePicture 2. 2. TownTown SquareSquare Source: http://www.skofja-loka.com/home/adventures/traditional-events.aspxhttp://www.skofja-loka.com/home/adventures/traditional-events.aspx Most houses on the Lower Square were, and still are, mostly wooden and lower. Poorer inhabitantsMost of thehouses town on thelived Lower there Square – poorer were, craftsmenshortage of and flats. apprentices. There had notThe been town enough got the image andas itstill is are, today mostly after wooden the and earthquake lower. Poor -in theworkers’ 16th flats century, before thewhich War. isThis also was proved made by inscriptionser inhabitants on most of houses. the town lived there – poor- even worse by degradation and intensive in- er craftsmen and apprentices. The town got dustrialisation leading to substantial inflow It shouldthe be image pointed as it isou todayt that, after since the the earthquake Second Worldof people War, from the factthe countrysidethat somebody to towns. lived in the old townin thecentre 16th has century, meant which degradation. is also proved This by wasThis the encouragedconsequence more of intensivehistorical building processes of and it is notinscriptions typical only on ofmost Škofja houses. Loka but of severalflats, Slovenian more appropriate towns. regulation of housing It should be pointed out that, since the relationships and introduction of the insti- DuringSecond the Second World WorldWar, the War fact thata lot somebody of Slovenian tute settlements of housing rights were (Malešič badly 2014).damaged, a lot of them werelived burnin the down,old town important centre has meantindustrial deg- townsThe were period bombed. after theIn additionSecond Worldto more War than 46,000 radation.flats and This farm was buildings, the consequence a lot ofof railwayhis- (Slovenia lines, wasroads, a part bridges of Yugoslavia and electrical then) was wiring were destroyed.torical processes The andwar itdamage is not typical resulted only ofin thecharacterised increase ofby theextensive existing renovation. shortage The of flats. There hadŠkofja not Loka been but enoughof several workers'Slovenian flatstowns. befo prioritiesre the War. of the This Yugoslav was madesocialist even regime worse by During the Second World War a lot of were solving the problems of housing and degradationSlovenian and settlements intensive wereindustr badlyialisation damaged, leading access to to substantial a flat for everybody.inflow of peopleThe housing from the countrysidea lot of to them towns. were burnThis down, encouraged important more in- intensiveproblem wasbuilding being solvedof flats, also more by offering appropriate regulationdustrial of housing towns were relationships bombed. In andaddition introducti to peopleon of theflats institute in old townof housing flats rightswhich (Malešiwere þ 2014).
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