City of South St. Paul CITY COUNCIL 125 3RD AVE NORTH SOUTH ST. PAUL, MN 55075 Monday May 17, 2021 7:00 p.m. (If you use the hearing assistance PA system, please remove your hearing aid so it does not cause a feedback problem.) Public attendance is available via WebEx Call: 1-312-535-8110 Access Code: 1772 63 1783 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. INVOCATION: 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 5. PRESENTATIONS: 6. CITIZEN’S COMMENTS (Comments are limited to 3 minutes in length.) 7. AGENDA: A. Approval of Agenda Action – Motion to Approve Action – Motion to Approve as Amended 8. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed on the Consent Agenda are items, which are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered at the end of the Consent Agenda. A. City Council Meeting Minutes of May 3, 2021 B. Accounts Payable C. Accept Letter of Resignation – Police Officer Joseph “JC” Stratton D. Waiver of Final Plat Filing Deadline for “The Yards Addition” E. Approve Right of First Refusal with Wipaire, Inc F. Approve Right of First Refusal with Chris Beaucage G. Business Licenses H. Approval to retain Bjorklund Compensation Consulting for Total Classification and Compensation Study I. Accept the 2021 1st Quarter Financial report and Budget Adjustments Page 2 City Council Agenda J. Approve Bid from HDR, Inc for the Independent Fee Estimate for Construction Administration Services for the Runway Rehabilitation Project K. Award of Bid – 2018-015 4th Street South Improvements L. Award of Bid – 2018-015 Seidl’s Lake Lift Station M. Approve Bid from Becher-Hoppe, Inc for the Independent Fee Estimate for Professional Consultant Services N. Dakota County All Hazard Mitigation Planning Process O. Accept Minnesota Department of Commerce Grant Funding P. Approve Hire of Community Service Officer Q. Approve Plans and Specifications and Call for Bids for the 2021 Runway Reconstruction Project R. Concord Street Improvements – Contractor Hours of Operation S. Approve Agency Agreement for Federal Airport Expenses Reimbursement T. Approve Land Lease at Fleming Field with ARJ Properties, LLC for 207 Alpha Lane U. Approve Land Lease at Fleming Field with ARJ Properties, LLC for 1620 Henry Avenue 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 10. GENERAL BUSINESS: A. Conditional Use Permit for a Home Occupation at 319 11th Avenue South B. Variance for an Additional Accessory Structure at 600 Gun Club Road C. Conditional Use Permit for Truck Repair at 116 Hardman Court D. Conditional Use Permit and Variance for Illuminated Wall Art on the Drover at 161 Concord Exchange North E. Special Event License Request by Ride for Wishes F. Resolution to County Board on Library Project G. Resolution Extending Emergency Declaration until May 28th 11. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting is being taped by Town Square Television (NDC4). Replays can be viewed on Government Channel 19. Replay Times – Friday following Meeting at 1:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. 651-451-7834 8 - A SOUTH ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 3, 2021 1) Mayor James Francis called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. on May 3, 2021. 2) ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Francis Councilmembers Bakken, Dewey, Hansen, Kaliszewski, Podgorski, Seaberg Absent: None Staff Present: City Administrator, Joel Hanson Attorney, Peter Mikhail City Clerk, Christy Wilcox City Engineer, Sue Polka City Planner, Michael Healy EDA Manager, Ryan Garcia 3) Christy Wilcox read the invocation. 4) Pledge of Allegiance 5) Presentations • There were no presentations 6) Citizens’ Comments • There were no citizen comments 7) Agenda Moved by Kaliszewski/Seaberg MOVED: To approve the agenda Motion carried 7 ayes /0 nays 8) Consent Agenda Moved by Kaliszewski/Hansen Resolved, that the South St. Paul City Council does hereby approve the following: A. City Council meeting minutes of April 12, 2021 City Council Minutes of May 3, 2021 1 B. Resolution No. 2021-68, approving accounts payable C. City Council meeting minutes of April 19, 2021 D. Business Licenses E. Resolution No. 2021-65, approving Dakota County Contract No. C0033994 – Joint Powers Agreement for Traffic Control Signal Maintenance between the County of Dakota and the City of South St. Paul (City Signals) F. Resolution No. 2021-66, approving Dakota County Contract No. C003399995 – Joint Powers Agreement for Traffic Control Signal Maintenance between the County of Dakota and the City of South St. Paul (County Signals) G. Contract between the City of South St. Paul and SRF Consulting Group for Professional Services including final design and construction administration for the Wakota Scenic Trailhead including a trailhead building and accompanying trail connections H. Resolution No. 2021-67, authorizing acquisition by eminent domain for the taxiway connector of the runway/taxiway reconstruction project I. Accept letter of resignation from Amy Dybsetter, Park and Recreation Support Specialist with the City of South St. Paul effective May 14, 2021 J. Adopt Action Plans for 2021 Goals Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays 8D) Award of Bid – 2016-011 Concord Street Improvements Moved by Hansen/Podgorski MOVED: To adopt Resolution No. 2021-69, accepting bids and awarding 2016- 011 Concord Street Improvement Project. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays 9A) 2nd Reading – Ordinance Vacating an Alley (Block 2 of Annex Addition) Moved by Bakken/Dewey MOVED: To adopt Ordinance No. 1378, vacating a portion of an alley within the City of South St. Paul, Minnesota. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays Moved by Bakken/Dewey MOVED: To adopt Resolution No. 2021-63, vacating a portion of an alley located within the City of South St. Paul, Minnesota. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays City Council Minutes of May 3, 2021 2 10A) Conditional Use Permit Amendment – 245 Concord Street South Moved by Dewer/Kaliszewski MOVED: To adopt Resolution No. 2021-64, approving a Conditional Use Permit Amendment for Royal Star Furniture to remove Condition O and Condition P from their 2008 approval. Motion carried 6 ayes/1 nay (Hansen) 10C) 2nd Reading – Ordinance Relating to PUD’s and Lot Coverage Requirements Moved by Seaberg/Bakken MOVED: To adopt Ordinance No. 1379, amending South St. Paul City Code to clarify eligibility standards for Planned Unit Development and clarify and update open space and lot coverage requirements in residential zoning districts. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays 10C) 2nd Reading – Accessory Structure Amendment Moved by Hansen/Bakken MOVED: To adopt Ordinance No. 1380, amending the setback standards and permitting requirements for accessory structures. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays 11) Mayor and Council Communication 12) Recess to EDA Meeting Moved by Seaberg/Podgorski MOVED: To recess the meeting to conduct the EDA meeting. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays City Council Minutes of May 3, 2021 3 Moved by Seaberg/Podgorski MOVED: To reconvene the meeting of the City Council at 9:11 p.m. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays CLOSED SESSION Moved by Seaberg/Hansen MOVED: To move to close session pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §13D.05, Subd. 3(b), for a confidential attorney-client discussion regarding pending litigation in the Concord Project eminent domain case, City of South St. Paul v. Kassan Realty Company, et al., Court File No. 19HA-CV-20-3042. Moved by Seaberg/Hansen MOVED: To reopen the regular City Council meeting at 9:24 p.m. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays 12) Adjournment Moved by Kaliszewski/Seaberg MOVED: That the meeting adjourn at 9:24 p.m. Motion carried 7 ayes/0 nays Approved: May 17, 2021 ___________________________ City Clerk City Council Minutes of May 3, 2021 4 City Council Agenda Date: May 17, 2021 8-B Department: Finance Prepared by: Justin Kohls Administrator: JRH Agenda Item: Accounts Payable Action to be considered: Motion to Adopt Resolution 2021-84 approving accounts payable. Overview: The City Council approves all payments of claims. Approval of audited claims is required before issuance of payment. Source of Funds: N/A City of South St. Paul Dakota County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 2021-84 RESOLUTION APPROVING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WHEREAS, the City Council is required to approve payment of claims; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the audited claims listed in the check register attachment are hereby approved for payment: Check and wires: 140427- 140608 $ 372,198.51 2021142- 2021149 168,165.49 800487- 800491 71,986.07 Total $ 612,350.07 Adopted this 17th day of May, 2021. ___________________________________ Christy Wilcox, City Clerk R55CKR2 LOGIS100 CITY OF SOUTH ST PAUL 5/13/2021 14:06:03 Council Check Register by GL Page - 1 Council Check Register and Summary -- Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 140427 5/7/2021 1818 LELS LOCAL 95 1,742.00 86645 0505211220083 10101.2170 ACCRUED PAY DED PAYABLE GENERAL FUND 1,742.00 140428 5/7/2021 1842 LOCAL 120 2,248.00 86646 0505211220084 10101.2170 ACCRUED PAY DED PAYABLE GENERAL FUND 2,248.00 140489 5/7/2021 2243 POLICE FLOWER FUND 38.00 86641 05052112200812 10101.2170 ACCRUED PAY DED PAYABLE GENERAL FUND 38.00 140490 5/10/2021 1016 ACE HARDWARE & PAINT 4.80 MISC SCREWS FOR BWC MOUNTS 86522 542969/5 10210.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PROTECTION 25.52 NUT/WASHER/EXT TUBE/P TRAP 86523 542936/5 10320.6220 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORKS 25.95 NM CLEANER/FLY TRAPS & PAPER 86524 542928/5 50677.6220 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES NAN MCKAY APT BLDG 53.51 NM CLEANER/FLY TRAPS 86636 542718/5 50677.6220 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES NAN MCKAY APT BLDG 109.78 140491 5/10/2021 6677 ADVANCED DISPOSAL 573.43 NM TRASH SERVICE APRIL 2021 86526 G50005896322 50677.6371.010 MTNCE-GARBAGE/TRASH/RECYCLING NAN MCKAY APT BLDG 557.72 JC TRASH SERVICE APRIL 2021 86527 G50005896323 50678.6371.010 MTNCE-GARBAGE/TRASH/RECYCLING JOHN CARROLL APT BLDG 1,131.15 140492 5/10/2021 12845 AIR MECHANICAL, INC.
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