radio ommunication, industrial applicati of electron tubes ... engineering and manufacture AUGUST 1 9 3 6 Price SOO mc. tube in 50 Cents construction (316-A. See p.8) McGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY. INC. www.americanradiohistory.com WHERE SPACE IS AT A PREMIUM siS,£ STAt POLE NEW SUPER MIDGET TONE CONTROL APPROXIMATELY 21, TIMES ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE Mr`lüüülNl1i THESE PRODUCTS ARE SOLD ONLY TO MANUFACTURERS OF ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT WRITE for your sample Super Midget Control and Engineer- ing data. One to four point tone switches are also available in the super midget size. STACKPOLE CARBON CO. ST. MARYS, PENNA. Manufacturers of quality resistors, supressors, switches, controls and tone switches August 1936 - ELECTRONICS www.americanradiohistory.com ELECTRONICS radio, communication and industrial applications of electron tubes design, engineering, manufacture HOWARD EHRLICH KEITH HENNEY DONALD G. FINK H. W. MATEER Vice -President Editor Associate Editor Manager Contents August 1936 COVER: An expert glass blower sealing one of the new Western Electric 316-A triodes, which can deliver 6 watts at a wavelength of 60 centimeters in conven- tional negative grid circuits. NAB in Convention 7 Canadian Field Strength Meas- News of the broadcast industry as revealed in Chicago urements 20 BY H. M. SMITH Methods used by the Canadian Radio Commission Theory of Electron Oscillators .. 9 BY J. E. ANDERSON Modulation Measurements 23 A new explanation of the properties of positive grid (B -K and G -M) circuits BY C. G. SERIGHT Peak vs. r -m -s methods of evaluating modulation performance Cathode Ray Aircraft Compass . 12 BY SAMUEL OSTROLENK Resistance -Coupling Data 25 A visual indicator of the CR type greatly im- proves performance of direction finders BY GLENN KOEHLER Gain of resistance coupled amplifiers for all audio frequencies, in chart form for reference use U -h -f Signal Generator 16 BY C. J. FRANKS Mean Level Determinations .... 27 20 to 100 mc. In a new instrument of countless BY uses in G. H. LOGAN ultra -high frequency practice Decibel chart for sound -power levels Remote Tuning at KDYL 19 Delay -Relay Circuits 28 BY JOHN M. BALDWIN BY D. E. NOBLE Collecting short-wave press at a distance by ten - Time discharge (RC) circuits for timing photo- mile tuning, thus avoiding noise graphic printing, ringing class -room bells, etc. DEPARTMENTS Crosstalk 5 Tubes at Work 32 Manufacturing Review ... 48 Reference Sheet lectron Art 40 Index to Advertisers 61 Volume 9 . Number 8 Contents Copyright, 1936, by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc. ELECTRONICS, August 1936. Vol. 9. No. 8. Pub- lished monthly, Price 50e a copy. Subscription rates- McGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. United States, $5.00 a year. Latin America, $5.00 a year. Canada, $5.00 a year. All other countries, $6.00 Publication Office, 99-129 a year or 24 shillings. Application for entry as 2nd North Broadway, Albany, N. Y. class matter at Albany, N. Y., pending. Printed in Editorial and Executive Offices U. S. A. 330 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Branch Ornees: 520 North Michigan Ave., Chicago; 883 James H. McGraw, Jr. Malcolm Muir James H. McGraw Mission St.. San Francisco; Aidwych House, Aldwych, Chairman President Honorary Chairman London. Howard Ehrlich B. R. Putnam D. C. McGraw W. C. 2; Washington; Philadelphia; Cleve- Vice -President Treasurer Secretary land; Detroit; St. Louis; Boston; Atlanta, Ga. Cable Address: MCGRAWHILL, New York. Member A.B.P. Member A.B.C. www.americanradiohistory.com OUTPUT CALIBRATION IN MICROVOLTS achieved by CLOUGH-BRENGLE at a II ,` PQEG\SON revolutionary new low price Dealer Net $43.9° Model NINETY-NINE R -f Signal Generator Have You Tested Development of an improved r -f generating circuit with greater These New Models? stability and linearity of output, now makes it possible for C -B to Beat Frequency Audio Generator offer the lowest priced instrument ever to achieve direct microvolt MODEL 79-A with greater spread on the calibration of r -f output. In addition, the MODEL 99 embodies lower frequencies and new stability achieved numerous other advances such as: through improved circuit design and air trim- ming capacitors. Has type 6E5 tube as zero Variable Percentage of Modulation: twenty-five inches of dial length, allow- beat indicator. Uses low cost 6C5 metal The depth of modulation, sine wave ing extreme accuracy of setting. tubes. Dealer net, with tubes $53 75 at all times, may be controlled from Calibrated Attenuator: All r -f cir- Vacuum -Tube Voltmeter the panel, thus enabling the MODEL cuits are enclosed in both inner and test require- MODEL 88 Combination Vacuum Tube Volt- 99 to better meet the outer shielding cases, with the r -f out- meter and Peak Voltmeter. Reads 0-1.2 volts ments of modern a. v. c. and frequency put being fed to cast aluminum circuits. with input direct to tube grid (no shunts) "pull -in" attenuator. Each attenuation sector or on 41/2 inch fan type meter. Supplies bucking Direct Reading Dial: Over 100 com- range is contained in a completely voltage for peak voltage readings on scales mon i -f broadcast and short-wave test isolated cast segment. Thus no r -f of 0-10 and 0 -WO volts. Dealer net. with frequencies are printed on the dial voltage carrying conductors are tubes in by $42.50 and their exact settings ruled exposed, and strays are reduced to Constant Sweep Frequency Modulator hand, giving direct dial reading with the low level necessary for testing of I% accuracy. MODEL 81-A employs the C -B "Inductor - 1/2 receivers of the highest sensitivity. Sweep" to give plus and minus 20 kc wobble 1011 kc to 60 Mc ou Fundamentals: The MODEL 99 will be ready for for calibrated selectivity curves, when used Divided between six ranges each hav- general delivery on or before Septem- with any r -f signal generator. No alterations ing a complete separate inductor sample test necessary on your generator. Dealer net, mounted on the rotating band change ber I. Engineers desiring with tubes $34.25 unit which eliminates the contact units are invited to take advantage approved Cathode -Ray Oscillograph losses and multiplicity of wires neces- of the usual C -B test and plan which will bring you any instru- MODEL CRA Cathode -Ray Oscillograph offers sary for ordinary band c h a n gin g full facilities for all laboratory applications of methods. Each band is tuned across ment without obligation. this device. Built-in linear sweep with syn- chronizing circuit, amplifiers for horizontal and _A./N./N./N./N./ vertical inputs, and double the usual input sensitivity. Dealer net, with all tubes $84.50 The CLOUGH-BRENGLE CO. These or any other C -B Instruments will be sent for your test and approval without any 2811 W. 19th St. Chicago, U. S. A. obligation to purchase. Take advantage of this Cable Address: CEBECO easy way to determine the usefulness of modern test instruments to your own laboratory. Sales Offices in all Principal U. S. and Foreign Cities August 1936 ELECTRONICS www.americanradiohistory.com E UNIFORM INS with Erie ated resistors ENLARGED CROSS SECTION U.S.PATENT NO. 2,046,922 3 TIMES ACTUAL SIZE OTHER PATENTS PENDING Erie Insulated Resistors are Laboratory tests show that protected by a ceramic wall of standard production Erie Insu- unvarying thickness. Made to lated Resistors will withstand exacting specifications with tol- over 3,000 volts A. C. before in- erances as close as .005", these sulation breakdown occurs. This ceramic cases insure the same provides a large margin of safety uniform insulation on against grounds and every Erie Resistor of shorts in standard re- this type. ceiver installations. MANUFACTURERS OF ERIE RESISTOR AUTOMATIC INJECTION CARBON RESISTORS MOLDERS OF AND SUPPRESSORS THERMO-PLASTICS TORONTO LON DON ELECTRONICS-August 1936 www.americanradiohistory.com Save Production Time with MA«CRY Standard Dry Electrolytic Capacitors A single new Mallory standard combination capacitor (in a round metal can or a cardboard tube) will, in most cases, complete your electrolytic capacitor requirements. Obviate the necessity for several individual capacitors! Dispense with punching extra chassis holes, buying or making extra mounting brackets ! Save Chassis Material Cost! A new Mallory standard combination unit will reduce your capacitor expenditures by reason of a new method of standardization with consequent lowered production cost. Furthermore, extra cathode by-pass capacities may be included at slight additional expense. Save Chassis Space! con With new Mallory standard combination capacitors, rubber gloves WndYallor Two thousand of M chassis space originally required for several units may by the fabricators in use hospital cleanlinessr utilized or the entire chassis size Capacitors insure dom now be otherwise - taken to guarantee a precaution may be reduced. 41, v from corrosion. Mallory Capacitors provide extremely low RF impe- dance with unusually high by-passing efficiency, because of careful attention by Mallory engineers to internal lead arrangements and inductance effects. These new Mallory units include concentrically wound combinations with as many as four sections. Special production methods provide excellent characteristics, more uniform performance-longer life. Capacity and voltage combinations to fit your circuit. Mallory engineers will gladly assist in selecting the correct capacitors for your requirements. M ALLORy Of Course! CELLOPHANE SEPARATORS ELECTROLYTIC ETCHED ANODES DRY STITCHED ANODE LEADS - All recent important improvements CAPACITORS pioneered or developed by Mallory - are in- corporated in Mallory Condensers wherever P. R. MALLORY & CO., Inc. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA they add to quality and utility. Cable Address-PELMALLO 4 August 1936 - ELECTRONICS www.americanradiohistory.com ELECTRONICS AUGUST KEITH HENNEY 1936 Editor Crosstalk HAMS AT WASHINGTON . On Dr. Paul Weiller, Welding Timer Cor- twenty-four hours a day, five days a all sides we hear of the excellent pre- p3ration (see Electronics May 1936) week, five thousand hours are approxi- sentation made at the FCC June UHF states: "We have been making welding mately a year's service.
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