Bus-Tt 81.Pdf

Bus-Tt 81.Pdf

Night Owl Service Service operates 24 hours a day. Chicago Transit Authority Monday thru Friday 81 Lawrence Eastbound Westbound Night Owl routes which connect with N81 Lawrence buses include: O’Hare and Leave Brown Line Western/ Red/Purple Arrive Leave Red/Purple Western/ Brown Line Arrive Jefferson Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Line Wilson/ Marine/ Wilson/ Line Wilson/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Jefferson Forest Park Blue Line trains, Red Line Park Pulaski Kimball Lincoln Broadway Wilson Marine Broadway Lincoln Kimball Pulaski Park trains, N49 Western and N22 Clark buses. 3:02 am 3:09 am 3:13 am 3:18 am 3:26 am 3:30 am 3:00 am 3:05 am 3:13 am 3:18 am 3:22 am 3:27 am 3:20 3:27 3:32 3:37 3:46 3:50 3:30 3:35 3:44 3:49 3:54 4:00 3:38 3:46 3:50 3:57 4:06 4:11 3:54 4:00 4:09 4:15 4:20 4:28 81 3:56 4:04 4:09 4:16 4:26 4:31 4:15 4:21 4:30 4:36 4:41 4:49 CTA Bike & Ride Lawrence 4:13 4:22 4:27 4:34 4:45 4:50 4:36 4:42 4:51 4:57 5:02 5:10 Bicycle racks are available on the front 4:29 4:38 4:43 4:51 5:02 5:08 4:55 5:01 5:10 5:16 5:21 5:29 4:42 4:52 4:57 5:06 5:17 5:23 5:12 5:18 5:27 5:33 5:38 5:46 exteriors of CTA buses. Bicycles can be Effective May 16, 2021 4:56 5:06 5:12 5:21 5:33 5:39 5:29 5:35 5:44 5:50 5:55 6:03 5:08 5:18 5:24 5:33 5:45 5:52 5:44 5:50 5:59 6:05 6:10 6:18 placed on bicycle racks during normal 5:20 5:30 5:36 5:45 5:57 6:03 5:58 6:04 6:13 6:19 6:24 6:32 hours of operation for each route. Racks 5:30 5:40 5:46 5:55 6:07 6:13 6:08 6:14 6:23 6:30 6:35 6:43 Wilson 4600N then every 6 to 9 minutes until 6:18 6:24 6:34 6:41 6:46 6:55 accommodate two (2) bicycles at a time. Lake Shore Drive 600W 6:27 6:33 6:43 6:50 6:56 7:05 8:05 8:15 8:21 8:31 8:44 8:52 6:36 6:43 6:53 7:00 7:06 7:16 Bicycles are also permitted on CTA trains Marine Drive 700W 8:14 8:24 8:30 8:40 8:53 9:00 6:45 6:52 7:02 7:10 7:16 7:27 during certain hours. 8:23 8:33 8:39 8:49 9:02 9:09 then every 7 to 9 minutes until then every 9 to 10 minutes until Broadway 1200W 8:59 9:07 9:19 9:28 9:34 9:45 Please Stand Up Wilson station 12:48 pm 12:59 pm 1:05 pm 1:15 pm 1:28 pm 1:36 pm 9:07 9:15 9:27 9:36 9:42 9:53 Red/Purple Line 12:57 1:08 1:15 1:25 1:39 1:47 9:16 9:23 9:36 9:45 9:51 10:02 for Seniors and People with Disabilities 1:06 1:17 1:24 1:34 1:48 1:56 then every 10 minutes until Ashland 1600W 1:15 1:26 1:33 1:43 1:57 2:05 Federal law requires priority seating be 1:24 1:35 1:42 1:52 2:06 2:14 12:36 pm 12:44 pm 12:57 pm 1:06 pm 1:13 pm 1:24 pm Ravenswood 1800W designated for seniors and people with Ravenswood station 1:33 1:44 1:51 2:01 2:15 2:23 12:45 12:53 1:07 1:16 1:23 1:34 1:42 1:53 2:00 2:10 2:24 2:32 12:55 1:03 1:17 1:26 1:33 1:44 disabilities. Lawrence 4800N Metra Union Pacific 1:51 2:02 2:09 2:19 2:33 2:41 1:04 1:12 1:27 1:36 1:43 1:54 2:00 2:11 2:18 2:28 2:42 2:50 1:14 1:22 1:36 1:45 1:52 2:03 2:08 2:19 2:26 2:36 2:50 2:58 1:23 1:31 1:46 1:55 2:02 2:13 Western@Lincoln 2400W 2:16 2:27 2:34 2:44 2:58 3:06 1:33 1:41 1:55 2:04 2:11 2:22 Supplementary service may be provided over 2:24 2:35 2:42 2:52 3:06 3:14 1:42 1:50 2:05 2:14 2:21 2:32 portions of this route in addition to the trips 2:31 2:43 2:50 3:00 3:13 3:21 1:52 2:00 2:14 2:23 2:30 2:41 shown. Please check destination signs and N 2:39 2:51 2:58 3:08 3:21 3:29 2:01 2:09 2:24 2:35 2:42 2:54 2:47 2:59 3:06 3:16 3:29 3:37 then every 8 to 10 minutes until announcements when boarding buses. 2:55 3:07 3:14 3:24 3:37 3:45 Kimball 3400W P Kimball terminal 3:03 3:16 3:24 3:34 3:48 3:56 5:53 6:02 6:16 6:27 6:33 6:44 Brown Line 3:12 3:25 3:33 3:43 3:57 4:05 6:03 6:11 6:26 6:36 6:43 6:53 6:12 6:21 6:35 6:46 6:52 7:03 For more Information call the RTA Travel Roosevelt then every 9 to 10 minutes until High School then every 10 minutes until Information Center in Chicago: 312-836-7000. Pulaski 4000W 6:14 6:28 6:36 6:47 6:59 7:06 Reroute Notice 6:26 6:39 6:46 6:57 7:09 7:16 7:22 7:30 7:43 7:53 7:59 8:08 Open 6am until 7pm, Monday thru Saturday. 6:39 6:51 6:58 7:09 7:21 7:28 7:33 7:41 7:53 8:02 8:08 8:17 6:52 7:03 7:10 7:20 7:32 7:40 7:45 7:52 8:04 8:13 8:18 8:28 7:05 7:16 7:23 7:33 7:45 7:52 7:57 8:04 8:15 8:23 8:28 8:37 Para obtener mayor información, en Español, 7:18 7:29 7:36 7:46 7:58 8:05 8:10 8:17 8:28 8:36 8:41 8:50 Cicero 4800W 7:31 7:42 7:49 7:59 8:11 8:18 8:23 8:30 8:41 8:49 8:54 9:03 llame al Centro de Información: 312-836-7000. 7:44 7:55 8:02 8:12 8:24 8:31 8:36 8:43 8:54 9:02 9:07 9:16 Lawrence Red Line Lipps 5300W station closed due 7:57 8:08 8:15 8:25 8:37 8:44 8:49 8:56 9:07 9:15 9:20 9:29 8:12 8:23 8:29 8:38 8:49 8:56 9:02 9:09 9:20 9:28 9:33 9:42 Milwaukee to construction until 2024. Service 8:28 8:38 8:43 8:51 9:00 9:06 9:15 9:22 9:32 9:40 9:44 9:52 Jefferson Park rerouted to Wilson 8:43 8:53 8:58 9:06 9:16 9:22 9:30 9:36 9:46 9:53 9:58 10:06 Blue Line/Metra Red/Purple lines 8:59 9:09 9:14 9:22 9:31 9:37 9:45 9:51 10:01 10:07 10:11 10:18 P station station via Ashland, 9:14 9:24 9:29 9:36 9:47 9:53 10:01 10:07 10:16 10:22 10:26 10:33 Wilson and Broadway 9:30 9:40 9:45 9:52 10:00 10:09 10:16 10:22 10:31 10:37 10:41 10:48 Parking available 9:47 9:57 10:02 10:09 10:02 10:26 10:32 10:38 10:47 10:53 10:57 11:04 at this station 10:03 10:12 10:17 10:24 10:03 10:39 10:47 10:53 11:02 11:08 11:12 11:19 10:20 10:29 10:34 10:41 10:05 10:56 11:03 11:09 11:18 11:24 11:28 11:35 10:38 10:46 10:51 10:58 11:00 11:13 11:19 11:25 11:34 11:40 11:44 11:51 N81 Night Owl Service between 10:55 11:04 11:09 11:16 11:02 11:31 11:36 11:42 11:51 11:57 12:01 am 12:08 am Marine Drive and Jefferson Park 11:14 11:22 11:27 11:34 11:04 11:49 11:53 11:59 12:08 am 12:14 am 12:18 12:25 11:33 11:41 11:46 11:53 12:00 am 12:08 am 12:12 am 12:18 am 12:26 12:32 12:36 12:42 11:53 12:01 am 12:05 am 12:10 am 12:01 12:23 12:31 12:37 12:45 12:51 12:55 1:01 12:13 am 12:21 12:25 12:30 12:03 12:43 12:50 12:56 1:04 1:10 1:14 1:20 12:34 12:42 12:46 12:51 1:00 1:04 1:09 1:15 1:23 1:29 1:32 1:38 12:55 1:03 1:07 1:12 1:21 1:25 1:29 1:34 1:42 1:48 1:51 1:57 1:16 1:23 1:27 1:32 1:41 1:45 1:49 1:54 2:02 2:08 2:11 2:17 1:37 1:44 1:48 1:53 2:02 2:06 2:09 2:15 2:23 2:28 2:32 2:37 transitchicago.com transitchicago.com 2:02 2:09 2:13 2:18 2:26 2:30 2:30 2:35 2:43 2:48 2:52 2:57 2:32 2:39 2:43 2:48 2:56 3:00 am light face pm bold face Saturday 81 Lawrence Sunday/Holiday 81 Lawrence Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound Leave Brown Line Western/ Red/Purple Arrive Leave Red/Purple Western/ Brown Line Arrive Leave Brown Line Western/ Red/Purple Arrive Leave Red/Purple Western/ Brown Line Arrive Jefferson Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Line Wilson/ Marine/ Wilson/ Line Wilson/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Jefferson Jefferson Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Line Wilson/ Marine/ Wilson/ Line Wilson/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Lawrence/ Jefferson Park Pulaski Kimball Lincoln Broadway Wilson Marine Broadway Lincoln Kimball Pulaski Park Park Pulaski Kimball Lincoln Broadway Wilson Marine Broadway Lincoln Kimball Pulaski Park 3:02 am 3:09 am 3:12 am 3:17 am 3:24 am 3:28 am 3:00 am 3:04 am 3:12 am 3:18 am 3:22 am 3:28 am 3:05 am 3:12 am 3:15 am 3:21 am 3:28 am 3:32 am 3:04 am 3:08 am 3:18 am 3:24 am 3:27 am 3:33 am 3:32 3:39 3:42 3:47 3:54 3:58 3:30 3:34 3:42 3:48 3:52 3:58 3:32 3:39 3:42 3:48 3:55 4:00 3:34 3:39 3:48 3:53 3:57 4:04 4:02 4:09 4:12 4:17 4:24 4:27 4:00 4:05 4:14 4:20 4:24 4:31 4:00 4:07 4:10 4:16 4:23 4:27 4:04 4:09 4:18 4:23 4:27 4:34 4:28 4:35 4:38 4:43 4:50 4:54 4:30 4:35 4:44 4:50 4:54 5:01 4:25 4:32 4:35 4:41 4:48 4:52 4:34 4:39 4:48 4:53 4:57 5:04 4:48 4:55 4:58 5:03 5:10 5:14 5:00 5:05 5:14 5:20 5:24 5:31 4:50 4:57 5:00 5:06 5:13 5:17 5:04 5:09 5:18 5:23 5:27 5:34 5:07 5:15 5:19 5:25 5:33 5:38 5:25 5:30 5:39 5:45 5:49 5:56 5:15 5:22 5:26 5:32 5:39 5:44 5:32 5:36 5:44 5:50 5:55 6:02 5:25 5:33 5:37 5:43 5:51 5:56 5:45 5:50 5:59 6:05 6:09 6:16 5:37 5:44 5:48 5:54 6:03 6:07 5:53 5:57 6:05 6:11 6:16 6:23 5:43 5:51 5:55 6:01 6:09 6:14 6:05 6:10 6:19 6:26 6:30 6:38 5:56 6:04 6:09 6:15 6:25 6:29 6:14 6:19 6:27 6:33 6:38 6:45 6:00 6:08 6:13 6:19 6:28 6:34 6:24 6:29 6:38 6:45 6:49 6:57 6:15 6:23 6:28 6:34 6:44 6:48 6:34 6:39 6:47 6:53 6:58 7:05 6:15 6:23 6:28 6:34 6:43 6:49 6:39 6:44 6:53 7:00 7:04 7:12 6:34 6:42 6:47 6:53 7:03 7:07 6:54 6:59 7:07 7:13 7:18 7:25 6:28 6:36 6:41 6:47 6:57 7:03 6:54 6:59 7:08 7:15 7:19 7:27 6:53 7:01 7:06 7:12 7:22 7:26 7:14 7:20 7:29 7:35 7:40 7:47 6:42 6:50 6:55 7:01 7:10 7:16 7:09 7:15 7:24 7:31 7:35 7:44 7:12 7:20 7:25 7:31 7:41 7:45 7:34 7:40 7:49 7:55 8:00 8:07 6:55 7:03 7:08 7:14 7:24 7:30 7:24 7:30 7:39 7:46 7:50 7:59 7:31 7:39 7:44 7:50 8:00 8:04 7:54 8:00 8:09 8:15 8:20 8:27 7:09 7:18 7:24 7:32 7:43 7:49 7:39 7:45 7:54 8:01 8:05 8:14 7:50 7:58 8:03 8:09 8:19 8:23 8:14 8:20 8:29 8:35 8:40 8:47 7:22 7:31 7:37 7:45 7:56 8:02 7:53 7:59 8:08 8:15 8:19 8:28 8:09 8:17 8:22 8:29 8:38 8:42 8:34 8:40 8:49 8:56 9:01 9:09 7:36 7:45 7:51 7:59 8:10 8:16 8:06 8:13 8:24 8:31 8:37 8:46 8:27 8:36 8:41 8:48 8:58 9:02 8:54 9:00 9:09 9:16 9:21 9:29 7:49 7:58 8:04 8:12 8:23 8:29 8:20 8:26 8:37 8:44 8:50 8:59 8:44 8:53 8:58 9:05 9:16 9:20 9:14 9:20 9:29 9:36 9:41 9:49 8:03 8:12 8:18 8:26 8:37 8:43 8:33 8:40 8:51 8:58 9:04 9:13 9:01 9:10 9:15 9:23 9:34 9:39 9:32 9:38 9:48 9:55 10:00 10:08 8:14 8:23 8:29 8:37 8:48 8:54 8:47 8:53 9:04 9:11 9:17 9:26 9:16 9:25 9:30 9:38 9:49 9:54 9:48 9:54 10:04 10:11 10:16 10:24 8:26 8:35 8:41 8:49 9:00 9:06 9:00 9:07 9:18 9:27 9:33 9:42 9:31 9:40 9:45 9:53 10:04 10:09 10:03 10:09 10:19 10:26 10:31 10:39 8:37 8:46 8:52 9:00 9:11 9:17 9:12 9:20 9:31 9:40 9:46 9:55 9:45 9:54 9:59 10:07 10:18 10:23 10:17 10:23 10:33 10:40 10:45 10:53 8:48 8:57 9:03 9:11 9:22 9:28 9:25 9:32 9:43 9:52 9:58 10:07 9:58 10:07 10:12

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