www.rosneathpeninsulawest.com Coulport House Coulport and Cottage Swiss including Feus Coulport Kilcreggan Pier to Peaton to Pier Kilcreggan For more information visit: information more For West Coast West Compiled by A. Bray & R. Reeve R. & Bray A. by Compiled there is limited parking. parking. limited is there views to the east and terminates at the east end of Barbour Road where where Road Barbour of end east the at terminates and east the to views Photo credit: Alex and Bob’s Blue Sky Scotland Sky Blue Bob’s and Alex credit: Photo Reserve. There is a limited car parking area at the reserve. The track has has track The reserve. the at area parking car limited a is There Reserve. The Forestry Track runs from the top of Peaton Hill near the Nature Nature the near Hill Peaton of top the from runs Track Forestry The official passing places or lay-bys. lay-bys. or places passing official Barbour Road is single track metalled road with light traffic. There are no no are There traffic. light with road metalled track single is Road Barbour Coulport Ferry to Ardentinny en route to his estate at Glenbranter. at estate his to route en Ardentinny to Ferry Coulport Main car parking areas are at Kilcreggan Pier and Cove Bay. Bay. Cove and Pier Kilcreggan at are areas parking car Main the Road” refers to his journey along Barbour Road to catch the the catch to Road Barbour along journey his to refers Road” the is not always wheelchair friendly. friendly. wheelchair always not is Some say that Harry Lauder’s song “Keep right on to the End of of End the to on right “Keep song Lauder’s Harry that say Some For walkers, the burgh pavement on Shore Road runs for about 3 miles. It It miles. 3 about for runs Road Shore on pavement burgh the walkers, For stone foot of the steamer pier. steamer the of foot stone miles to Peaton. to miles the Coulport Armament Depot. The only surviving structure is the the is structure surviving only The Depot. Armament Coulport the The trail starts at Kilcreggan pier and proceeds North West for about 4.5 4.5 about for West North proceeds and pier Kilcreggan at starts trail The These residences were demolished in the 1970s to make way for for way make to 1970s the in demolished were residences These Overview of The Rosneath Peninsula West Heritage Trail: Heritage West Peninsula Rosneath The of Overview at Glagow’s Botanical Gardens). Gardens). Botanical Glagow’s at Palace Kibble of builder Kibble, for his friend and neighbour John John neighbour and friend his for House Coulport designed Post code of Kilcreggan pier for Sat Nav users is G84 0JH G84 is users Nav Sat for pier Kilcreggan of code Post . He also also He . Chalet Swiss as known also Draynelg designed who James Boucher James (1826 - 1906) of Boucher & Cousland, Cousland, & Boucher of 1906) - (1826 architect intervals on weekdays and Saturdays. There is no ferry service on Sundays. on service ferry no is There Saturdays. and weekdays on intervals building a pier in 1880. Only three feus were taken up, one by by one up, taken were feus three Only 1880. in pier a building services from Glasgow. Passsage time is 10 minutes. It runs at regular regular at runs It minutes. 10 is time Passsage Glasgow. from services The Duke of Argyll later opened his Coulport Estate to feuing feuing to Estate Coulport his opened later Argyll of Duke The The SPT passenger ferry from Gourock to Kilcreggan Pier links with train train with links Pier Kilcreggan to Gourock from ferry passenger SPT The By Passenger Ferry: Passenger By west side of Loch Long. Long. Loch of side west site of an old ferry on the drovers route from Ardentinny on the the on Ardentinny from route drovers the on ferry old an of site Rosneath for the East Heritage Trail. Trail. Heritage East the for Rosneath Coulport (one mile north along the coast of Peaton Road) was the the was Road) Peaton of coast the along north mile (one Coulport the Shore Road route of the Heritage Trail. The B813 service also stop at at stop also service B813 The Trail. Heritage the of route Road Shore the On Sundays the service is two hourly. There are regular bus stops along along stops bus regular are There hourly. two is service the Sundays On Coulport Feus Coulport Station) to Coulport stops at Kilcreggan Pier. Journey time 40 minutes. minutes. 40 time Journey Pier. Kilcreggan at stops Coulport to Station) The B813 service from Helensburgh (Adjacent Helensburgh Central Central Helensburgh (Adjacent Helensburgh from service B813 The stylish development. stylish Hourly bus service from Helensburgh to links with trains from Glasgow. Glasgow. from trains with links to Helensburgh from service bus Hourly conformity to the ducal feu Charter tightly controlled to ensure ensure to controlled tightly Charter feu ducal the to conformity By Bus: By a string of villas and castles had appeared along the shore with with shore the along appeared had castles and villas of string a away from the dirt and grime of the industrial city. Within a decade decade a Within city. industrial the of grime and dirt the from away minutes. Here the rich Glasgow merchants could create a haven of retreat retreat of haven a create could merchants Glasgow rich the Here and B833 takes 30 minutes. Drive time from Glasgow is about 1 hour 15 15 hour 1 about is Glasgow from time Drive minutes. 30 takes B833 and a rugged and picturesque landscape much beloved by Victorians. Victorians. by beloved much landscape picturesque and rugged a Scenic 16 mile drive from Helensburgh to Kilcreggan Pier via the A814 A814 the via Pier Kilcreggan to Helensburgh from drive mile 16 Scenic epitomised contemporary taste for setting grandiose residences in in residences grandiose setting for taste contemporary epitomised By Car: Car: By Thomson as architect of some of the early large houses. These These houses. large early the of some of architect as Thomson necessary builders and craftsmen and they engaged Alexander Alexander engaged they and craftsmen and builders necessary Directions to Kilcreggan for the start of the West Heritage Trail Heritage West the of start the for Kilcreggan to Directions T H rail eritage speculatively. Hamlet Hill and Turfhill were built to house the the house to built were Turfhill and Hill Hamlet speculatively. Thomas Forgan he took feus to the south of Cove Pier and built built and Pier Cove of south the to feus took he Forgan Thomas his wife, at Craigrownie Cottage. Together with with Together Cottage. Craigrownie at wife, his 8th Duke of Argyll of Duke 8th founder and proprietor of houses, living, with with living, houses, of proprietor and founder George Campbell George P eninsula designs”. He was also described as an iron iron an as described also was He designs”. villas in Cove, which were built from his his from built were which Cove, in villas be seen by some of the most characteristic characteristic most the of some by seen be R osneath possessed of refined architectural taste, as may may as taste, architectural refined of possessed a successful railway contractor. He was a man man a was He contractor. railway successful a and a mason to trade though later he became became he later though trade to mason a and 1850”. John McElroy was “a native of Ireland Ireland of native “a was McElroy John 1850”. contractor, Glasgow, by the Duke of Argyll in in Argyll of Duke the by Glasgow, contractor, in 1852. “An area of ground was deponed to John McElroy, McElroy, John to deponed was ground of area “An 1852. in waiting-rooms and other conveniences”. Cove Pier was opened opened was Pier Cove conveniences”. other and waiting-rooms 1850 and was described as “a substantial pier with commodious commodious with pier substantial “a as described was and 1850 to provide good transport links. Kilcreggan pier was opened in in opened was pier Kilcreggan links. transport good provide to The first essential requirement in the plan to feu the area was was area the feu to plan the in requirement essential first The The First Feus of Cove & Kilcreggan & Cove of Feus First The Architects of the Rosneath Peninsula Rosneath Peninsula West Heritage Trail West Heritage Trail# Alexander Thomson (1817–1875) The Architectural partnership of Baird & Thomson was established in 1848 and met with immediate early success throughout During the massive industrial expansion of by holiday lets and day trippers known as Glasgow and its environs. Cove & Kilcreggan Victorian Glasgow the Firth of Clyde became a “excursionists”. Many would arrive at Kilcreggan residences designed or attributed to the practice include: highway for passenger steamers with dozens of Pier and walk to Cove Pier via the Shore Road (D = Documented. A = Attributed) steamer piers dotted around its coast. As railway which had regular water fountains and seats for The Anchorage. (A) – Church Road. Built as mania took hold rail terminals at Craigendoran walkers. Others could walk Barbour Road for its Craigrownie Church manse • Carradale. (A) Kilcreggan • Ellerly. (A) Kilcreggan • Ivy Cave Cottage. (D) (1850) – (Helensburgh) Gourock and Greenock were elevated scenic views of the Firth of Clyde. Cove. Re-named Cragowlet • Seaton Lodge. (A) – Kilcreggan. Re- built to bring passengers speedily away from named Glentrae • Cove Cottage. Semi-detached Villas. (D) Shore Cove & Kilcreggan became a Police Burgh in the bustle of the city to the scenic beauty of the Road Cove.
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