JS1 N . ;= ~~~~~"<•-,„'\;:' ... .•'•• •'• W^^^^mW^^^r^W^"< v ?%'S .'.' - «' »*»* PAGE EIGHT TUESDAY, JUNE 23,1936 However, it would be mighty unfair to place Make July 4th a Gala ThjgJRahwav Record all the blame for the trend away from, religious LAUGHS FROM THE DAY'S NEWS! Boytl Enroll Now For The V 1. B. MARFLE. Publisher..: ' - {principles entirely. Upon the shoulders of radical e All American Soap Box Day. Contribute to WALTER P. MARPLE, Buslnno Manager'. teachers. Our churchmen are ridi; entirely with- UVO'-I'MONLV the Elks' Fund; HOWARD C WOODRUFF, pjltor ' ' THAT THE RACE IS A BEWJTKiAN NOT Derby Here July 25 out fault Many of them have a confused idea of BEMjnRJL.StR A MAGICIAN Fhls .Newspaper VM Founded and Is Maintained. Upon the'Principle of . what constitutes spiritual teaching. They have FORTUNE IS A3 TRUE Clear, Concise and Unbiased Presentation or All the Interesting News.of thi AS IT EVER WAS— . THE PAST IS SON E WE FACE TO-DAy K3MK9* City, ana Upon the Basis of a Progressive EdltortjU Policy. substituted bigotry and prejudice for religious EXPERT DECLARES... Six Cents a Week PRICE THREE CENTS _ ideals, and by so doing, have driven many away VOL. U3, NO. 2784 RAHWAY, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 26,1936 Delivered by Carrier Published -Tuesday Moons from the tempering influence of the church. I ''"'^«P and Friday Mor&tafs suppose that I should never have attempted to ex- 1 press my views on a subject so highly controversial Occv^ancy ofNeip$200fi0^ "MI £* -IOESDAY- Brooks Asks nit. 11«ittri >D AFTERNOOJ. -JUNE-23rM3i ^ttttatureSs^ffgidTi^^ ifi«Pi:*HM~ £kui3 ~terplrelietl7balfTliin~n^^ Mer^UWf^e^^ns^Fo&y '.' v§gmjaffjr' xi THE; RECORD'S PROGRAM FOR A BETTER RAHWAY . Selection of CouncUmen and employes besi-KuIt^d for the task of run between the lines. I am not a&*«4igiou8 as I would OF COURSE! WITH nlng tlMT*Elty, regardless of political affiliation, race or creed. like to be, but I hope some day to attain that state. „ _J_f Chemical Manufacturing Concern Will :-iife * Formation ot a non-partisan police' commission. > ' • '"'M Maintenance of a police department with modern equipment and . I am thoroughly in accord with President AngelTs Be House3inTEposin^Structure " r'~ For City -.••>s p. sufficient staff of trained men not controlled by politicians and appointed appeal for a revival of true religion and I think •• '*^f after competitive examinations open to outside a» well as Railway residents. •''•:%& Fishing Note Ocupancyof-theneW: adminis- sists of a steel frame yrtth .UmeT —:—Constant-activityof-ttie police UfaLn^t motor code rlolators,-a-mtnlmum —thatnow is as_good a time as any to start—When stone aBd-brickexterior_wall3 with of suspended sentences and no "killed tickets.!* tration- buildlng-of- Merck-*-Co, Mm A modern high school with complete equipment and facilities. Including times are prosperous we forget, which happens Ino.rhere beginstoday-whenmuY- good gymnasium. — ' lng of the various' offices of tlie ings. No structure in this area can Formation or an Industrial and mercantile commission which fljli furthi And Genrin'E! firm of manufacturing chemists compare with the finished interior thp Intirffts of Rgjuray nwii nHv«nr> i<v^i >....f..^. irrlfnirrt <rm= . -. .. in appearance. Improvement In appearance of railroad station and viaducts. MOVIE PSOOUCER Oaee Ehuts-tne transfer from the Completion of the structure Demolition or Improvement of unsightly buildings, municipal and private. "Let our teachers and our preachers get together Advice To Lovelorn Two Letters Not Police Cominittee Member AdvancesTTiritr City Attorney Plans. New Ordinance TV oU blUlaing wju ^ completed by brings all important offices to Bah- Favors Civil Service An Intelligent solution of the Juvtnlle delinquency problem by co-onll and work in unison. I do not mean to suppress real workmen by. Monday, it is way. A number of persons from noting the resources ot our police and police court, schools, churches an HER FACE XS Answered By Barger Concrete Proposal Yet Made To Take. _ knowledge if it appears to endanger religion. That is HER FORTUNE I HEAR BILL. Avoid Delay Threatened By Supreme planned. the Philadelphia offices which were public welfare agencies. _ - . TWO-FACED 2SS burned have been brought to Rah- . Completion of the Milton Lake project, including restoration of the former ALL RX5HT"! BUMP W6 Making a plea for better Majority Of-Local Jobs Out Of not necessary. It might be well'for each one of us;to SHE5 A WJVIE HAD DOUBLE-LUCK way by the extensive expansion lake and development of surrounding territory Into a park and residential ELECTED Gourt Action Of Charles Marsh sites. ' "'•'... ask qurself, "Where do thoughts come from and where COMEDIAN cooperation betweenCom-j-ja penthouse for executives located porgram which has been carried on Political Control Action which will take advantage of the offer of free land for a municipal do they go when they leave us?" Do you know Well, OFTW15TOWN mon Council, and thaet the top. will be held. Merck offi- by tlie company' during the past athletic field and construction of a modern athletic plant on the site as soon cials told The.Record yesterday.' two years. .:__ _ as conditions warrant. neither do I. We're pretty^ small potatoes and if we Bids Nearly Same As Price Estimate Board of Freeholders de- Beautiful-Interior ' Plan For Cooling had no God., we would create one otherwise this things 1 spite the fact that one Is Demo- The structure, which would do The, structure has three floors Modern Plan Gets Instant Support credit to anjTTarge'Tmlverslly. is with basement and a penthouse on Sanity IrTVoting called civilization could, not exist We must admit that With the construction of the Maurice-St George cratlc and the other Republican, located at the head ,of Lawrence Freeholder Alfred C. Brooks of this fourth floor. The main section religion is a part of life's fantastic pattern, and who y au avenue sanitary sewer temporarily balked by Charles street at the main entrance of themeasures 212 feet x 47 feet. There Plans for the circulation of a. petition asking fo-Fr The close of the Democratic convention will see are we to question its importance? " - Wind, but it fmmeii city this week answered criticism concern. Costing $200,000. It wasis a 47 feet x 60 feet-wing atthe If referendum vote on the question of placing all city, the campaign under way in earnest, probably the mosi fellow to find a lot of Caprpn Marsh of East Orange, City Attorney Williani of some Council members .that the begun In the spring of 1935. 'Continued on Page Three departments under civil: service are under way in th& momentous in our history. Certainly the'most impor- Jiwer.khew existed. ""V." Herer is working to'prepare a new ordinance which Freeholders have taken on the de- It is of Gregorian type* and con- tant since the' Civil War. he hopes will balk efforts to-hold up the project which lay-In Scott avenue paving, now city today. This first tangible suggestion for taking." the scrapbook I nttrnriprt n n1"71? nf ttiiMr ttw Collection ^d4iid under way. Brooks urged locaLiflhs. out of politics was made by Councilman- Historv of Bahway From Newspaper Files Crime Conferences as possible and piece, knows the answers. officials and citizens to conducted in the best interests~of the people. Funda- Letters followed the remainder through A-hlU collector *u Ujbi eral years. Marsh, whose estate fronts 850 feet in their problems to him or his col- James H. Plunkett during the meeting.of Common; Tuesday, June 23. 1936 If the latter should see this let. jdow_aeeiamt_ -"— " -_ -mentals.ofthe .American system are- at stake. To a uw ueorge^veTru^Tand^OOfe^irF^Iauricejavenuef 11H-I1—li^UitvuuMj-^.«^..vdiht . ••-• „ __ \ great extent we will be voting upon whether we desire curred to meTMr. Editor, thahat they ther—e are a fe* w question** s t' o whic*"'"*h• ring, othermember of the county have already afforded Democratic threw aTwrench in the machinery this week when heboard who lives in Rahway. Plunkett's^lan for placing departments, espe-; to change our system, whether we wish to-diminish the Rahway 65 Years Ago a confused citizen would appreciate been settled long »jo, IBSR HElJks'Clinic Editor Mayor Barger more support than his answers: had Common Council served with notice that he Brooks cited a number of Soap Box Derby cially the police force, under civil service, has elicited; power of the individual citizen and the states and to : either the Democratic Club or the nqr money at once. examples of cooperation be- 1 Prom The New Jersey Advocate-June 15.1871 ~ -1. Did Mayor Barker and his Debtor-^How can IJ»Y expected'Upcarry his fight to thc*-r Young Democrats. U such an or- tween the. city, and county rov- Councilman James H. Plunkett much praise from citizens and it is expected that there , and bitter epithets hurled also is apparent (Space in this column is when I havent got tay !__ New Jersey Supreme Court. f" Merchants DonateAwards f And—Local : :—•will be no trouble getting 250 sig-' _The anniversary exercises of the First Baptist jganizatlon docs exist.- Was It notpassionate Dr. Moore, disavow the Fighting Marsh Attack emlng bodies without the ac- 'Those who will do the voting have a greater ob- free those who wish to me You cant get bloodoutoftt Pey Serrea KoUcc . companiment of "bauyhood." [natures to a petition asking for a! Sunday school were postponed last Sabbath qn^c= '-It to comment upon any sub- the Young Republicans who came prtaclplw of _the_Democi*Uc Party 36_Bbys Entered In Physicians Are In Charge vote in November.
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