'-. '•:•• | ; WATER SAFE AGAIN THE WESTFIELTHE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPEDR IN UNIOLEADEN COUNTY R SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 43 Second Clans Postage Paid Published at Weatfleld, N, J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1968 Every Thursday 30 Page*—10 Centi Water Noif OK, Response Grows To Plea School Graduations A ir? For Cacciola Land Funds To J$e Held Toniffht But J. A. M. .L # Enthusiastic response to Sunday's ported that contributions were com- quires substantial] pledges of sup- P5 Water on both sides of Westfield. is now saf• e ti o drink• t • . Afte* »> r • almos_» ti Pnrviwiln PlacPlwneo housinWincinga appeaannoall frotr/\mm ining a iinn a att "" aa surprisin ciinrtricjing0 rate.r^ifa "" Pres Proa-, pornnr-tt bkyu member ,ranrwhn»s» o.^f* th t-Uen communit nnrvtmi •,»!**y> ^™ ^ a week of boiling water for drinking and cooking, precautionary measures the pulpits of Westfield churches ident Daniel F. Lundy praised ttu) to meet Its initial goal of $90,MO. Six hundred and five Westfield High School seniors will be graduated were fitted tor the northside eommunfty at 10 a.m. yesterday. was indicated by officials of the cooperation of the churches, the re- This amount would enable the cor- 342 Students tonight in commencement exercises at 6 p.m. at Recreation Field. If Southside residents had been released from the directive issued by Community Development Corpora- spoi)se of their congregations, and poration to acquire needed land and yesterday's inclement wcaWier, which caused the 24*our postponement, the Board of Health on MWiday. tkm at their Monday night meeting, especially the leadership of Mayor finance the first phase of the pro- continues, ceremonies will be held in the high school gymnasium. According to Joseph J. Mottley, The response took the form of mem- Mulreany who spearheaded the jeot calling for construction and re- Receive Diplomas Diplomas will be awarded the graduates by Charles H. Frakenbaoh Jr., town health officer, residents of the } berships in the corporation as en- membership drive. He stated that habilitativn of 22 housing units. ~~ • president of the Board of Education. north side were more seriously af- couraged by Mayor Mulreany. in many ways the corporation's ef. Although corporation members Announcement of honors will be fected by Hie water pollution, wtttu "Pot" Use High Elimination of substandard nous- fort is a first for the country, mak-, feel many problems of society need From Roosevelt made by Dr. Robert L. Foose, prin- several case* of illness, particularly inigg in the Cacciola PI. area is the ing Westfield a "trail blazing com- Mlulnir » .„ fhotr ,_. tM,. a cipal, with presentation of awards rt M general feeling Three hundred and 42 ninth grad- in the Echo Lake Country Club and Here, Drug Abuse Immediate goal of the private, non- munity" dn the drive for decent . ,„ „„, ihllm ,„ .. by Dr. L. E. Law, superintendent of lhat 72 f Wychwood areas, believed attribut- profit Community Development housing for all citizens. * t*mmng, here at home in «"• » them "the honor schools. Jeffrey S. Owen, senior V able id the drinking water. While Corporation. • The fund drive, although encour- housing is a giant step In the right j* „? '"iTj'J™ "™' ! h M class president, also will speak. A Mr. Mottley contended no specific Meeting Reveals H. Kenneth MetMs, treasurer, re- aging at this eariy stage, stffl rfr dfa-ection. aT wX^Llor ™&hool It list of graduates appears on page 3, 7 p.m. Tuesday. section 1 of today's Leader. 25 A complete list of graduates ap- Charles B. Wolf will be awarded field High School were revealed at NHS Awards pears on page 5 of the first section the Cornell Cup, which annually is ari awarded to the boy selected by a drug abuse of today's Leader. Tte water: situation, as well as faculty committee as the outstand- auditorium. Two Scholarships Diplomas were presented by "norioui and atrange odors" in the Charles H. Frankeitbach Jr., presi- ing man in itihe senior class based Tues In disguised taped interviews with on all-around excellence, including air. The National Honor Society of dent of the Board of Education, and Town high scholarship, extra-curricular Westfield Senior High announced the awards given by Dr. Lillard E. Law, police-school investigation last Jan- accomplishments, character, person- winners of two scholarships at it superintendent of schools. The class uary on the use of marijuana, these ality and citizenship. He also will be annual dinner recently. One award gift was presented by Cynthia B. figures were cited by the teenagers, presented witih a prize of $25 given of $400 was presented to Robert D - Hall, vice president of the ninth who also revealed that marijuana is in memory of Walter J. Lee, former Dello Russo, son of Mr. and Mr I grade, with a welcome given by the lie J£;[J readily available both here in West- publisher of We Westfield Leader, Robert Delib Russo of 751 Belvedere -I class president, Brace Elliott Mac- field as well as. out-of-town to the senior in the top third of the Ave. A second, known as the lfr"j j Kay. William Heath Napier Jr., The dramatic presentation of stu- DR. JOHN II. CALLAN class who has studied journalism tine 'l Aft president of the Student Council, led ' * the flag salute and Stephen W. Glass, for two or more years and who ? Well a* (hose by some of two days prior to the is- n first honor student, the Lord's Pray- has done superior work in the field. 4irecU v«s to bolt water. *• P«re°tS of tfce involved teen- er. The benediction was offered by 93 to Graduate Nancy Van Voohts, as first honor agcrs • - *i«hlighted the .meeting, Dr. the Rev. Joseph S. Harrison, asso- student, will be presented with an 1 also w* *" 'eatured a panel discus- The-two. scholarships, raised from ciate rector of St. Paul's Episcopal American flag by the Westfield sion From Holy Trinity <» questions raised by the audl- National Honor Society activities and Church. chapter. Daughters of the American encc- a donation, are awarded each year to seniors who rank in the top quar- The following awards were pre- Dr. John Henry Callan, dean and 'Revolution, as will be a year's auh- Approxlmstely l.ow attended the professor of education in the School scription to the Reader's Digest bf meeting, sponsored by the Board of t«r of their clan and show citizen- sented to graduates: American Legion good citizenship of Education, Seton Hal! Univer- editors of that magazine. E(JucBtiMi to inform Wegtflekj ^f. ship and ew»llenc» in pursuing aa ROBERT DEIXO RtSfiO ROBIN A. SHAW educatton. award, Carol Ann Trenn end Stephen sHy, wilt address the 93 graduates Robert N. Shniver Jr., is to be ent« of the increased: use and <l«n- ,_ William Glass; Celia M. Dickenson and their guests at commencement awarded fcho Richard Van den WWle water lines throughout the gtn of the drug abuse problem. Miss Shaw, who has been active'in 61 1 area wan fated and the water has , memorial clothing award, Susan exercises at 8 p.m. tonight in Holy B ** memorial plaque, presented Recurrent In the interview, taped intramural athletici, the . Cinema Jane Crispen; PTO industrial arts Trinity High School auditorium. *° *e school by Donald ROBS of the best Marinated to combat the con- Club, and her church youth group, b> i«ss Lois McCarthy, school so- Christmas In June-Red Cross •award, David Murray Fowler; Don Announcement of approximately 193S (Mfeattaai tbeattuaUon^was more work» who was totfeiy re, wlU attends Hood College and plans cement of approximately *» memory of Richard cM Large memorial athletic -••-•--• Van den Bergh rf Clas lw asrfcMs an laa not* aida of towa apoMible tor tbe.townwMe merting. to>jniajb>:iin honie eeonomles, Dello award, 150,000 in scholarships and other *« * <* *' dm* to the CrMtord and Kenil- Ru«o, a member 0/ the soccer and Prepares Now For Yule in Vietnam William Health Napier Jr. honors awarded by the Holy Trinity „ r,,. ._, „ , __. „ , wat the J** that initial use of marl- v Vai wort* oomrauaWw wbicfa expert- ^^ occurred la* fumner, trart. team*, vrffl attetMl Buic*»ell PTO academic achievement graduate! will be made atl th e cere- I***• *&**^3* »" *^n "li^L Beegh Wdf- ea^ heavy Mrftoft to tke »^ ivard#; English, highest average, monies by Sister Anne Bernadette ™n* R is engraved annually to (fan walk's' wound raiastorm. w c^trliaM'.i£i;afrt<iii|i»iil principal. Diplomas will be awarded - (to iKpjt' ot»s>j»njijer<.the t* ^ • mariJateYf--'1:*-^ chaf MH at mr farlMr dote. According to the. moderator at the :. CommwUdfr •« -the "rtnutfe1* mating, Gordon, E. Allen, a follow- .mo^P^^mteMM**)** »d'.s«n*ll «* m. ««r, Stephen Will«mGto», Doug, anMt In the ar«a, Ifayor Mulreany up meeting is expected to be held, 1HOV£ liOCBtlOll a 1 e •sid that police and town officials next fall. He cited that wMle" there gift hail to be distributed W^J*. f M <rf *h« ina»ertel,ha» been do- - . rt „„ , Bemard Solinger »—---"•» •j"?--"'•"•*"••-».»——. Robert Shriver also is the win- have b«en dfhtged with complaints were no drug arrests in Westfield in The Visiting Nurse and lervicetnen and servicewwnen sta- nated, Hut with eigW Jiffs in each JTTZ, ».„ stof'fa J, oi today s Leader. ner of a |25 English prize awarded about the coadttioiu.during periods 1860, there have-been 188 since 1961 1 !l hl - ^, ,^™., „„„,„.. o. Wolfson, my Jrini|y S^f"^ have been by the Woman's Olub of Westfleld ! Service* announced' today that It ^toy^+P***!?**- *«L T ' "?* '£7*2 •?* AM French, Kathryn S.
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