Santa Anita Park 0 1 1 1 Aprox

Santa Anita Park 0 1 1 1 Aprox

S EXATA / DUPLA / TRIFETA / QUADRIFETA / 1º PICK 3 S A VENCEDOR PLACÊ SHOW No. A 0 Santa Anita Park 0 1 1 1 Aprox. 1300 Metros 05/11/16 - 3:15 PM CLÁSSICO Juvenile Turf Sprint Stakes$100,000 Guaranteed Bolsa $100,000. Para produtos de 2 anos. (Hillside Turf Course) Recorde de pista: Eddie's First (3) 1:10.73 (5-11-14) 117 lbs. # de Programa Proprietário Passo vVelocidade Peso Jóquei Treinador Hat Creek Racing Wesley A. Ward ( 3-0-0-1 ) Verde-Azul 2016: 4 2 0 0 $100,900 Grama: 2 1 0 0 $66,000 Lanfranco Dettori 2015: 0 0 0 0 $0 Areia: 0 0 0 0 $0 Vermelho1 Con Te Partiro (D) 119 ( 0-0-0-0 ) Campanha: 4 2 0 0 $100,900 Distância: 0 0 0 0 $0 4-1 CE/C.Pa.2 Scat Daddy - Temple Street por Street Cry (IRE), KY SA: 1 0 0 0 $6,000 Indice de Classe: 85 10Out16 SA6 L p *1600 :46¸» 1:11¶¼ 1:35^¾ 2 k Stk - SurferGrlL - 100k 90-80 3 7¹£ 8º¢ 9¹ 8º¡ 4»¢ Prat F 118 D *1.90 Miss Southern Miss118¸¡ Happy Mesa118¡ La Force118¸¢ 11 17Ago16 Sar9 B p¸½ *1100 :22^^ :45¶¶ 1:03¿» 2 k Stk - BltnLandnB - 100k 101-93 2 5 6º£ 6¼ 3º 1»£ Velazquez J R 122 BD 9.40 Con Te Partiro122»£ Jazz Lady122¶¡ Heartspoke122£ 8 05Mai16 CD10 L *1000 :22»¶ :46¶^ :58¼¹ 2 Stk - KyJuvB - 100k 89-76 3 2 2¶ 1«¬ 3¨µ 4»¡ Jimenez A 117 BD 3.20 Silvertoni117¸ Hey Mike120«¬ Thirstforlife118¹¡ 7 13Abr16 Kee2 L *900 :22¿½ :45¿¿ :52^¹ 2 Msw 50000 87-95 3 2 2¶¡ -- 1¹¡ 1»¡ Jimenez A 116 BD *1.60 Con Te Partiro116»¡ Angelo's Ashes117º¢ Mr D's Way118¶£ 8 Trabalhos: 23 Out 16 Kee p *1000 fm 1:03bd 3/5 2 Out 16 Kee p *1000 gd 1:03.3bd 5/5 9 Set 16 Kee p *1000 fm 1:02bd 1/2 3 Set 16 Kee *800 ft :49.4b 21/32 Waterford Stable Wesley A. Ward ( 3-0-0-1 ) Azul-Azul 2016: 2 1 0 1 $46,000 Grama: 2 1 0 1 $46,000 John Velazquez 2015: 0 0 0 0 $0 Areia: 0 0 0 0 $0 Branco2 Awsum Roar (D) 117 ( 0-0-0-0 ) Campanha: 2 1 0 1 $46,000 Distância: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 C.Pa.2 In Summation - City Roar por Carson City, NY SA: 0 0 0 0 $0 Indice de Classe: 75 29Ago16 Sar5 L p *1100 :21º¶ :44¼» 1:02^» 2 lMsw 73000 112-90 10 4 1¶¡ 1¡ 1¸¡ 1¸£ Velazquez J R 116 BD 4.60 Awsum Roar116¸£ Preferred Outcome119¶¡ Speightful Kitten119¶ 10 03Jul16 GP5 L p¿¼ *1000 :21½¶ :44»¶ :57¶¼ 2 k MCL 35000 103-60 2 3 1¶¡ 1¶¡ 1¸¡ 3¶¢ Cruz J 113» BD *1.60 Martha's Valentine118¶ Silver Diva118¨µ Awsum Roar113¨µ 9 Trabalhos: 25 Out 16 Kee *1000 ft 1:00.2b 2/16 18 Out 16 Kee *1000 ft 1:00.3b 12/25 11 Out 16 Kee *1000 ft 1:01.1b 8/24 4 Out 16 Kee *800 ft :49.3b 24/34 Spendthrift Farm, LLC Carla Gaines ( 17-4-1-2 ) Laranja-Roxo 2016: 2 1 1 0 $43,800 Grama: 1 1 0 0 $31,200 Joseph Talamo 2015: 0 0 0 0 $0 Areia: 0 0 0 0 $0 3Azul Partyinthepaddock (D) 117 ( 53-8-8-2 ) Campanha: 2 1 1 0 $43,800 Distância: 1 1 0 0 $31,200 8-1 Ru/Ro.Pa.2 Harlan's Holiday - All About Anna por Maria's Mon, KY SA: 1 1 0 0 $31,200 Indice de Classe: 86 08Out16 SA10 L y¶^ *1300 :21¾¼ :44º¿ 1:13º¹ 2 k Msw 52000 73-82 10 7 7¹¢ 6¹£ 2¶¡ 1£ Talamo J 120 D *1.20 Partyinthepaddock120£ Diva La Mousse120¸¢ Grand Prix120«¬ 11 14Ago16 Dmr7 L *1100 :21»º :44¿¸ 1:03¸½ 2 k Msw 63000 80-90 4 4 3¸ 3¶¡ 2¶ 2¸¢ Smith M E 120 D 4.40 American Gal120¸¢ Partyinthepaddock120¼¢ Fact of Life120¶¡ 10 Trabalhos: 28 Out 16 SA *1000 ft 1:00h 4/26 21 Out 16 SA *1000 ft 1:01.3h 26/54 2 Out 16 SA *800 ft :49.2h 44/68 25 Set 16 SA *1000 ft 1:01.2h 37/98 DP Racing James M. Cassidy ( 26-1-3-6 ) Azul-Marrom 2016: 7 2 2 0 $21,680 Grama: 6 2 2 0 $21,350 Mike Smith 2015: 0 0 0 0 $0 Areia: 0 0 0 0 $0 Amarelo4 Harbour Master (GB) (D) 120 ( 23-4-4-3 ) Campanha: 7 2 2 0 $21,680 Distância: 0 0 0 0 $0 6-1 CE/C.P.2 Harbour Watch (IRE) - Roodeye (GB) por Inchinor (GB), GB SA: 1 0 0 0 $6,000 Indice de Classe: 98 10Out16 SA9 L p *1600 :44¾¹ 1:09º¹ 1:33»¼ 2 Stk - ZumaBeachL - 100k 89-98 9 12¶¶11¶¹ 9»¢ 6º£ 4¹£ Smith M E 118 D 6.70 Big Score120¹¢ Sonic Boom118¡ Ventry Bay118¨© 12 10Set16 eDon(ENG) B p *1600 1:40½^ 2 Hcp - Champagne Pommery H. - 24k T-96 5 2¶¢ Spencer J P 133 *2.50 Khalidi129¶¢ Harbour Master133¨µ Maths Prize132¸ 6 20Ago16 eSan(ENG) gs p *1400 1:31¶^ 2 Hcp - Omeir Travel Agency H. - 9k T-95 5 1¸¡ Baker G 133 2.75 Harbour Master133¸¡ Mister Blue Sky125¸¢ Serengeti Sky132£ 6 30Jul16 eLin(ENG) gf p *1550 1:30¼^ 2 ½Msw5292 T-92 4 1¹£ Barry L K 121» 2.75 Harbour Master121¹£ Magical Forest121¹¢ Harmonise121¸ 8 22Jul16 eNew(ENG) gf p *1200 1:12¿^ 2 ½Msw8072 T-80 8 2¶ Barry L K 126» 25.00 Fly At Dawn131¶ Harbour Master126¨© Stanhope131¸¢ 10 27Jun16 eWol(ENG) st o*1450 1:30^^ 2 Msw6838 T-73 4 4º Spencer J P 131 4.00 Euginio131¶ Hurricane Rush131£ The Amber Fort131¸¢ 10 06Jun16 eWds(ENG) B p *1200 1:14^^ 2 Alw9583 T-62 3 5¼ Buick W T 128 10.00 Bin Battuta128¹¢ Sakurajima128¶¡ Big Lachie128£ 8 Trabalhos: 29 Out 16 SA *1000 ft 1:02.4h 79/90 22 Out 16 SA *1000 ft 1:02h 30/56 Bryan M. Carney Charles R. Stutts ( 3-0-0-0 ) Preto-Amarelo 2016: 2 1 1 0 $42,600 Grama: 0 0 0 0 $0 Modesto Linares 2015: 0 0 0 0 $0 Areia: 0 0 0 0 $0 Verde5 Carrie (D) 117 ( 5-0-0-0 ) Campanha: 2 1 1 0 $42,600 Distância: 0 0 0 0 $0 30-1 CE/C.Pa.2 Gone Astray - Adalene por Alleged, FL SA: 1 1 0 0 $33,600 Indice de Classe: 83 12Mai16 SA1 L *900 :22¶º :45¼^ :52^¼ 2 k Msw 56000 81-84 1 1 1¡ -- 1¸ 1¸£ Boulanger B C 120 D 11.70 Carrie120¸£ Tap It All120£ Holy Mosey120¶½ 4 29Abr16 Lrc1 L *900 :22½¹ :45¾º :52^½ 2 Msw 45000 76-82 4 6 6¹£ -- 3¶¡ 2¸¢ Boulanger B C 119 D 25.20 Dutt Bart122¸¢ Carrie119¶¢ Forthe Lovof Patty119¡ 6 Trabalhos: 31 Out 16 SA *1200 ft 1:16h 9/10 25 Out 16 SA *1000 ft 1:04.1h 28/28 20 Out 16 SA *1000 ft 1:04.3h 42/43 15 Out 16 SA *800 ft :53.4h 62/62 Altamira Racing Stable, Hall, Darryl, Lantzman, Marc and Pancer, Mike Peter Miller ( 63-15-10-6 ) Vermelho-Preto 2016: 1 1 0 0 $31,200 Grama: 0 0 0 0 $0 Santiago Gonzalez 2015: 0 0 0 0 $0 Areia: 0 0 0 0 $0 6Preto Sword Fighter (D) 120 ( 65-3-10-15 ) Campanha: 1 1 0 0 $31,200 Distância: 0 0 0 0 $0 10-1 CE/C.Ca.2 Wildcat Heir - Archeress por Archers Bay, NY SA: 1 1 0 0 $31,200 Indice de Classe: 97 10Out16 SA7 L *1100 :21¾¶ :45»^ 1:03¿º 2 Msw 52000 101-97 6 2 3¨µ 2«¬ 1¡ 1¸¡ Gonzalez S 120 BD 4.90 Sword Fighter120¸¡ Seau120£ Cistron120¸£ 10 Trabalhos: 29 Out 16 Slr *1000 ft 1:00h 4/26 22 Out 16 Slr *800 ft :49.4h 24/41 a5 Out 16 Slr *800 ft :47.1hg 1/9 28 Set 16 Slr *1000 ft :59.4hg 1/2 Sareen Family Trust Matthew Chew ( 8-2-1-0 ) Verde-Verde 2016: 2 1 0 0 $38,000 Grama: 1 0 0 0 $2,000 Norberto Arroyo, Jr. 2015: 0 0 0 0 $0 Areia: 0 0 0 0 $0 Laranja7 Oopper Wallah (D) 122 ( 90-17-12-13 ) Campanha: 2 1 0 0 $38,000 Distância: 0 0 0 0 $0 15-1 A.P.2 Congrats - Miss Singhsix (IRE) por Singspiel (IRE), KY SA: 1 0 0 0 $2,000 Indice de Classe: 92 10Out16 SA9 L p *1600 :44¾¹ 1:09º¹ 1:33»¼ 2 Stk - ZumaBeachL - 100k 112-97 2 5º 7¼¢ 8¹£ 4¹ 5º Arroyo, Jr. N 118 BD 25.30 Big Score120¹¢ Sonic Boom118¡ Ventry Bay118¨© 12 26Ago16 Dmr3 L *1200 :22¹¼ :45»¿ 1:10»¸ 2 Msw 60000 67-86 4 1 4¶£ 3¡ 1«¬ 1¨© Arroyo, Jr. N 120 BD 23.10 Oopper Wallah120¨© Bernin Sensation120¶¡ What'sontheagenda120º¡ 7 Trabalhos: 30 Out 16 SA *800 ft :51.2h 64/66 22 Out 16 Slr *800 ft :49.4h 24/41 4 Out 16 Slr *800 ft :49h 3/4 28 Set 16 Slr *1200 ft 1:13.4h 1/2 SA-05/11/2016-1 Corrida 1 Continua na página seguinte Continuação Corrida 1 SA ERJ Racing, LLC, Slam Dunk Racing and Haymes, Neil Doug O'Neill ( 77-11-10-17 ) Preto-Preto 2016: 5 2 2 0 $121,908 Grama: 0 0 0 0 $0 Jamie Theriot 2015: 0 0 0 0 $0 Areia: 1 1 0 0 $60,000 8Rosa Crosscheck Carlos (D) 122 ( 56-4-2-5 ) Campanha: 5 2 2 0 $121,908 Distância: 1 0 1 0 $19,000 20-1 C.P.2 Custom for Carlos - Weepnomoremylady por Summer Squall, LA SA: 2 1 0 0 $22,908 Indice de Classe: 82 16Out16 SA5 L *1200 :21¾¹ :45¸¼ 1:10¿¼ 2 Stk - SpkeasyB - 70k 115-79 1 3 2«¬ 2«¬ 3¸¡ 4¿ Theriot J 122 BD 12.80 California Diamond122¸¢ Right Hand Man120¸¡ Silver Assault120º¢ 6 18Set16 Lrc8 L *1300 :22¶^ :45¸¼ 1:15¹½ 2 ½Stk - BrrttsJuvB - 100k 102-101 1 2 1¶¡ 2«¬ 2«¬ 2¶¢ Theriot J 121 BD 9.10 California Diamond123¶¢ Crosscheck Carlos121½ Big League118¹£ 6 14Ago16 Arp9 L *1200 :21¿½ :45¶½ 1:10¹^ 2 Stk - GoldRshFtB - 100k 89-67 7 1 2«¬ 2«¬ 2» 2¶¹ Lopez K 122 BFAD 3.70 Bling On the Music122¶¹ Crosscheck Crlos122¨© Galactic Princess119¶^¢ 9 16Jul16 Evd8 Es *1100 :22º¿ :47^º 1:06¸¸ 2 lStk - DSYongFutB - 100k 87-74 4 5 1¶ 1¸¡ 1¡ 1«¬ Theriot J 120 BD *1.10 Crosscheck Carlos120«¬ Street Honor120¼£ Queeten120¸¡ 12 12Jun16 SA1 L *900 :22¸½ :46^^ :52^^ 2 MCL 50000 (50-40) 80-85 4 1 1¶ -- 1¸ 1¼£ Prat F 120 BD *1.10 Crosscheck Carlos120¼£ Zen Deputy120¡ Silver Jester120¸¢ 7 Trabalhos: 3 Set 16 Slr *800 ft :50.4h 27/28 7 Ago 16 Dmr *800 ft :50h 65/77 30 Jul 16 Dmr *800 ft :50.4h 52/64 10 Jul 16 CD *800 ft :50.3b 38/49 Head of Plains Partners LLC and Hat Creek Racing Wesley A.

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