Accelerated Reader Quiz No. Title Author Book Level 5976 EN 1984 Orwell, George 8.2 523 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) Verne, Jules 7.6 34791 EN 2001: A Space Odyssey Clarke, Arthur C. 9 34787 EN 2010: Odyssey Two Clarke, Arthur C. 7.8 34785 EN 2061: Odyssey Three Clarke, Arthur C. 8.3 86347 EN 24 Girls in 7 Days Bradley, Alex 4.3 166 EN 4B Goes Wild Gilson, Jamie 5.2 68443 EN 911: The Book of Help Cart, Michael 6.9 6030 EN Abduction, The Newth, Mette 6.8 101 EN Abel's Island Steig, William 6.2 866 EN Abraham Lincoln Hargrove, Jim 7.1 L'Engle, 5251 EN Acceptable Time, An Madeleine 7.5 5252 EN Ace Hits the Big Time Murphy, Barbara 5.1 6001 EN Ace: The Very Important Pig King-Smith, Dick 5.2 5253 EN Acorn People, The Jones, Ron 7 10101 EN Acquainted with the Night Hotze, Sollace 5.9 102 EN Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene 8.9 6901 EN Across the Grain Ferris, Jean 7.4 36402 EN Acts of War Clancy/Pieczenik 6.1 Gray, Elizabeth 1 EN Adam of the Road Janet 7.4 301 EN Addie Across the Prairie Lawlor, Laurie 5.5 Doyle, Sir Arthur 8601 EN Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Conan 8.4 451 EN Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein, The Hurwitz, Johanna 4.9 501 EN Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Twain, Mark 8 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: With a 68155 EN Discussion...Curiosity, The Doyle/Wilmore 4.4 502 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Twain, Mark 8.3 17201 EN Africa Ayo, Yvonne 8.3 Rostkowski, 351 EN After the Dancing Days Margaret I. 6 14751 EN After the First Death Cormier, Robert 6.8 Bredeson, 74433 EN After the Last Dog Died Carmen 6.7 Mazer, Norma 352 EN After the Rain Fox 5.4 353 EN Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet Taylor 6.3 10826 EN Age of Innocence, The Wharton, Edith 9.4 Naylor, Phyllis 201 EN Agony of Alice, The Reynolds 6.6 74605 EN Aha! The Most Interesting Book...About Intelligence Romanek, Trudee 6.9 77198 EN Airborn Oppel, Kenneth 5.1 69080 EN Airborne: A Photobiography of Wilbur and Orville Wright Collins, Mary 7.2 18802 EN Airframe Crichton, Michael 4.8 Choldenko, 74909 EN Al Capone Does My Shirts Gennifer 3.5 5051 EN Alan and Naomi Levoy, Myron 6 7101 EN Alas, Babylon Frank, Pat 7.2 5401 EN Aldo Ice Cream Hurwitz, Johanna 3.4 452 EN Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Nightmares Krull, Kathleen 3.1 Slavicek, Louise 101116 EN Alexander the Great Chipley 10.5 Naylor, Phyllis 5052 EN Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Reynolds 6.2 503 EN Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass Carroll, Lewis 8.3 31159 EN Alida's Song Paulsen, Gary 5.3 302 EN All about Sam Lowry, Lois 4 62974 EN All-American Girl Cabot, Meg 5.9 726 EN All Creatures Great and Small Herriot, James 8.9 Honeycutt, 251 EN All New Jonah Twist, The Natalie 4 2 EN All-of-a-Kind Family Taylor, Sydney 4.9 701 EN All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich 8 Warren, Robert 10827 EN All the King's Men Penn 11 59242 EN All the Weyrs of Pern McCaffrey, Anne 6.9 7102 EN All Things Bright and Beautiful Herriot, James 7 Bridgers, Sue 5254 EN All Together Now Ellen 6.9 8602 EN Alligators, The Updike, John 6 453 EN Almost Starring Skinnybones Park, Barbara 3.5 151 EN Along Came a Dog deJong, Meindert 5.7 6902 EN Along the Tracks Bergman, Tamar 7.4 6903 EN Amazing Gracie Cannon, A.E. 6.6 44562 EN Amber Spyglass, The Pullman, Philip 6.7 57110 EN America Frank, E.R. 3.6 Gaines, Ann 60725 EN American Photographers: Capturing the Image Graham 7 69054 EN American Plague...Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793, An Murphy, Jim 9 Osborne, Mary 70185 EN American Tall Tales Pope 6.1 5977 EN American Tragedy, An Dreiser, Theodore 12 Haddix, Margaret 29501 EN Among the Hidden Peterson 4.8 3 EN Amos Fortune, Free Man Yates, Elizabeth 6 5053 EN Anastasia Again! Lowry, Lois 4.5 454 EN Anastasia at Your Service Lowry, Lois 6.8 202 EN Anastasia Krupnik Lowry, Lois 6.3 354 EN Anastasia's Chosen Career Lowry, Lois 6.4 Snyder, Zilpha 5054 EN And Condors Danced Keatley 6.9 4 EN And Now Miguel Krumgold, Joseph 6.8 5255 EN And One for All Nelson, Theresa 6.5 8852 EN And Then There Were None Christie, Agatha 5.7 5402 EN And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Fritz, Jean 4.5 10828 EN Andersonville Kantor, MacKinlay 7.2 857 EN Andrew Jackson Osinski, Alice 7.6 867 EN Andrew Johnson Kent, Zachary 9.8 17803 EN Andromeda Strain, The Crichton, Michael 6.6 303 EN Angel's Mother's Boyfriend Delton, Judy 3.5 455 EN Angel's Mother's Wedding Delton, Judy 3.7 10829 EN Angle of Repose Stegner, Wallace 7.4 Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: 41551 EN Confessions...Nicolson Rennison, Louise 5.1 727 EN Animal Farm Orwell, George 8.8 5403 EN Animal, the Vegetable and John D. Jones, The Byars, Betsy 5.6 702 EN Anna Karenina Tolstoy, Leo 11 551 EN Anne of Avonlea Montgomery, L.M. 7.9 203 EN Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, L.M. 7.6 5256 EN Anne of the Island Montgomery, L.M. 7.5 43274 EN Annie John Kincaid, Jamaica 5.9 Myers, Walter 86658 EN Antarctica: Journeys to the South Pole Dean 8 Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive 355 EN Slave Hamilton, Virginia 7.2 846 EN Anwar el-Sadat Rosen, Deborah 8.5 Miklowitz, Gloria 6031 EN Anything to Win D. 5.2 728 EN April Morning Fast, Howard 6.5 5257 EN Are You in the House Alone? Peck, Richard 5.2 5055 EN Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Blume, Judy 4.9 Peck, Robert 7001 EN Arly Newton 6.5 79183 EN Arnold Schwarzenegger Brandon, Karen 9.1 504 EN Around the World in Eighty Days Verne, Jules 8.6 Bell-Rehwoldt, 83819 EN Art Sheri 10.4 54675 EN Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin 5 59973 EN Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Colfer, Eoin 5 68990 EN Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Colfer, Eoin 5 MacLachlan, 204 EN Arthur, for the Very First Time Patricia 4 10102 EN At Bertram's Hotel Christie, Agatha 6.7 54930 EN At Home in Mitford Karon, Jan 5.6 41280 EN Austere Academy, The Snicket, Lemony 6.7 7103 EN Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Malcolm/Haley 8.4 729 EN Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The Gaines, Ernest J. 7 5 EN B Is for Betsy Haywood, Carolyn 3.1 205 EN Babe, the Gallant Pig King-Smith, Dick 6.6 Roberts, Willo 206 EN Baby-sitting Is a Dangerous Job Davis 6.8 Mazer, Norma 7002 EN Babyface Fox 5.5 152 EN Back Yard Angel Delton, Judy 4.6 32219 EN Backwater Bauer, Joan 5.1 41281 EN Bad Beginning, The Snicket, Lemony 6.4 10103 EN Bad Boy Wieler, Diana 6.2 36537 EN Bad Dreams Fine, Anne 4.6 31236 EN Bag of Bones King, Stephen 6 456 EN Ballet Shoes Streatfeild, Noel 6.1 6 EN Bambi Salten, Felix 4.6 Heide, Florence 457 EN Banana Twist Parry 6.5 Ullman, James 207 EN Banner in the Sky Ramsey 6.3 Curwood, James 11454 EN Baree, The Story of a Wolf-dog Oliver 6.5 10894 EN Barn, The Avi 3.9 87195 EN Baseball (Revised Edition) Kelley, James 6.6 5056 EN Basement Baseball Club, The Kelly, Jeffrey 6 87196 EN Basketball (Revised Edition) Hareas, John 7.1 17210 EN Battle Holmes, Richard 9.1 Draper, Sharon 69273 EN Battle of Jericho, The M. 4.7 153 EN Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days! Manes, Stephen 5.1 43593 EN Bear and the Dragon, The Clancy, Tom 7.4 154 EN Bear Called Paddington, A Bond, Michael 4.5 Curwood, James 20315 EN Bear, The Oliver 6.7 19489 EN Beardream Hobbs, Will 3.6 252 EN Bears' House, The Sachs, Marilyn 4 5057 EN Bearstone Hobbs, Will 5.6 44703 EN Beast Napoli, Donna Jo 4.6 Greene, 6604 EN Beat the Turtle Drum Constance C. 4.1 552 EN Beauty Wallace, Bill 4.5 7003 EN Beauty McKinley, Robin 7.9 39557 EN Because of Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate 3.9 Young, Karen 28592 EN Beetle and Me: A Love Story, The Romano 4.4 Naylor, Phyllis 356 EN Beetles, Lightly Toasted Reynolds 5.9 304 EN Beezus and Ramona Cleary, Beverly 4.5 553 EN Beggar Queen, The Alexander, Lloyd 7.2 5258 EN Begonia for Miss Applebaum, A Zindel, Paul 7.1 554 EN Behind the Attic Wall Cassedy, Sylvia 6.4 Service, Pamela 6904 EN Being of Two Minds F. 6.8 10830 EN Bell for Adano, A Hersey, John 7.8 155 EN Bella Arabella Fosburgh, Liza 5.2 10755 EN Bellmaker, The Jacques, Brian 5.7 208 EN Ben and Me Lawson, Robert 6.7 873 EN Benjamin Harrison Clinton, Susan 7.8 Neville, Emily 209 EN Berries Goodman Cheney 5.1 Robinson, 253 EN Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Barbara 5.7 Honeycutt, 305 EN Best-Laid Plans of Jonah Twist, The Natalie 3.5 458 EN Betsy and the Boys Haywood, Carolyn 3.5 5404 EN Betsy and the Circus Haywood, Carolyn 3.5 459 EN Betsy's Busy Summer Haywood, Carolyn 3.9 Lovelace, Maud 7 EN Betsy-Tacy Hart 4.9 6905 EN Bewitching of Alison Allbright, The Davidson, Alan 5.5 8553 EN Beyond the Chocolate War Cormier, Robert 5.7 5058 EN BFG, The Dahl, Roald 5.6 460 EN Big Base Hit Hughes, Dean 3.6 Oates, Joyce 59202 EN Big Mouth and Ugly Girl Carol 5.1 103 EN Big Red Kjelgaard, Jim 5.8 6656 EN Big Wander, The Hobbs, Will 5.1 5059 EN Bingo Brown, Gypsy Lover Byars, Betsy 4 Wiggin, Kate 5060 EN Birds' Christmas Carol, The Douglas 7.5 Stevenson, 505 EN Black Arrow, The Robert Louis 8.9 8 EN Black Beauty Sewell, Anna 7.3 12777 EN Black Boy (American Hunger) Wright, Richard 7.4 210 EN Black Cauldron, The Alexander, Lloyd 6 14453 EN Black Horses for the King McCaffrey, Anne 6.9 Griffin, John 730 EN Black Like Me Howard 9 104 EN Black Pearl, The O'Dell, Scott 6.5 601 EN Black Stallion Returns, The Farley, Walter 5.9 105 EN Black Stallion, The Farley, Walter 5.1 555 EN Black Star, Bright Dawn O'Dell, Scott 6 Snyder, Zilpha 556 EN Blair's Nightmare Keatley 7.3 Swarthout, 5259 EN Bless the Beasts & Children Glendon 8 10104 EN Blitzcat Westall, Robert 7 78954 EN Blood Gold Cadnum, Michael 7.2 461 EN Blossom Promise, A Byars, Betsy 4 306 EN Blossoms and the Green Phantom, The Byars, Betsy 5.5 307 EN Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 557 EN Blue-Eyed Daisy, A Rylant, Cynthia 4.7 Pinkwater, Daniel 156 EN Blue Moose Manus 4.3 106 EN Blue Sword, The McKinley, Robin 7.6 9 EN Blue Willow Gates, Doris 6.4 36938 EN Bluest Eye, The Morrison, Toni 5.2 Schuman, 71761 EN Bob Dylan: The Life and Times of an American Icon Michael A.
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