Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1985 Daily Egyptian 1985 9-19-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 19, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1985 Volume 71, Issue 23 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 19, 1985." (Sep 1985). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1985 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1985 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Soviets say Reagan stalling progress in talks nol he In the i n te r e~ 1 of the ~H lsc() \r L"I' I ' - The eVIdence that it does nol wanl spacc-tnl sed shi eld againsl Th" news agenc~ · s.Jld :"0\-;("1 rmoTl . aId \\' l'dIlP~da\ l'nitC'd "tales to scale down Ie conduct negotiatIons in erwmy missi les (hat is ReagCin s howed ·'Ih e un­ 1hal P re~qd('nl He;Jgan's ill­ I ~ lr Wa rs" research in ex­ GeJ1c \ · ~ . ·· pop ul arly known as ·'Star constrUl:. tl\·e approach of Ih e ~Is tcncc on pn':':-IIlp. (on\;lrd tilJl1ge fo r a Sodrl reductIon W ~1r s . C,S. administration to Ihe in I)ffcilsh-c weapons. " "l 'h "Star \r.1r!'" rc~ ('arch .-\1 Ihe news conferencC'. b ur n~ng problem of our time ­ T Ile' olflcla l news agcnt:y prm (>5 he \:-. d('tcnl1ln~d to Heagan said he wanted 10 ··It was quile cvidenl that il curbing the arms race: · tI.'Js lruct the superpower arm:­ Ta5s sa id Heaga n. in a news discuss reductions in nuclear is not the ·.S.S.H. but par­ n('gotI3tio n :- r('s lIming co nf e rence Tuesdav. a;·lns wit h the Savie: ·ni on but licu la rl ), the United Slates of !\'Ioscow has insisted the " repeated hi s fab rication Thursda\' III Switzerland. w~uld ".ot use as a bargaining America . that is blocking the United St.ates must ha ~ '. the In GeilC\'3. the site of the referring to U.S. milila r y chIp 11Is Strategic Defense posslbril ly of achi eving "Star Wars" program before infer ior il\', a nd accl1sed ht" ta lk s. chief u .S. negotiator Initiati ve. a S26-billion progress III Lieneva"· Tass there can be an reduction in !\lax Kampclman said it would Sovie t Union without a ny research prog ram to develop a said. nuclear weapons. Daily Egyptian Southern Illino is Uni\'ersity at Carbondale Thursday, September 19, 1985, Vol. 71 , No. 23 Burris to run for attorney general By Lisa Eisenhauer General Neil Hartigan. Burris StaHWriter added that the offices should have been established long Vowing to ·· protect the ago. public. regulate the careless. prosecute the la wless and "THE A 'rTOH~ ' ~~ ' general. enforce the law when it is unJer lega l tatul e. is the right." s ta te comptroller iawyer fo), the people and b)' Roland Burris a nnounced ha\'ing those offices he has Wednesday that he is seeking been able to sa\·e the taxpayer the Democratic 110min ~tio l1 for milli ons of dollars because attorney general. you·\·e got people on site who Th e ~ 8- \' ear·old Sl l-C can get to t/1e source of a graduate and Centralia native p ~oblem to sen·. t he peopl e stopped at the Southern Illinois well. " he said. Airport northwest of Ca r­ \\ nell2sked about the state's bond~ll(' as the ixth stop on a insistence thal over 30 counties state fly-a round to make his build new ~ ai l s. Bu rris said he a nn ouncemenl , is ·'studying the problem"· He said he realizes that manv of ' · r:\· 1!)j!1 when I fi rst th ese jails are ·'ovel·cro\l,:ded assumed the office of compo and in terrible condition. " but troller 1 ptedged the most he said he also sympathizes open. the most honest. the with counties Ihat cannot most efficient. the mos t affo rd to build new jails. economical administration the office of state comptroller has Bu nHIS PLEDGED to help ever known"· he said . " I farmers overcome economic believe 1 have kept that problems. protect the elderly promise.·· and the disabled and " renew Burris said he is seekiog the the faith of the victims of office of attorney general crime because he " has the skills. the knowledge and the experience Roland Burris. state comptroller. laugh, It I dldecy Wednesdey 'or state IHorney generllet the As comptroller, he said he to represent the people in that reporter's comments aUer Innounclng his can- "Southern tlllnoil Airport has saved the state millions of office." dollars by instituting a new He noted that he holds a law IF HE is elected attorney can reside harmoniously with addressing pollution problems accounting system. He also degree, but despite being the general. Burris said he intends environmental protection." he will intervene. developed he first ombudsman state's "chief fiscal officer" as to "deCeat toxic wasle and He said that if the Illinois Although he praised the program in the history of the comptroller he has never pollution in Illinois and prove EnvirnmentaJ Protection network of regional offices office, he said. to help citizens earned a degree in business. that economic regeneration Agency is not expedient in established by Attorney do business with the state. Freshman enrollment up1 0 percent this fall By David Sheets 1984 fall term numbered 4.300. release. All of the calculations and his oCfice, even with this from 2,466 to 2.660. SlaffWriter This year. freshman at­ are based on figures obtained semester's attendance slip. He On-campus enrollment A few more classroom seats tendance tOlals 4. .34i. on the University's tenth day said the University regularly dipped by 396 students to are being occupied and a few Cumulative Univer sity of enrollment. forecasls decreases in the 20.012. more textbooks have been enrollment for fall semester is Despite the increase in campus enrollment. ranging purchased this fall , thanks to a listed at 22 .6i2. Of that num­ freshman numhers the total from 2 to .3 percent in the last Unh!ersily graduate and 10 percent boost in freshman ber. 20.012 are in classes on the University enrollment is down few years. but that those advanced s tudent figures enrollment at SIU-C as Carbondale campus and 2.660 - 202 sludents - from fall speculations have never yet showed an incrc:!se oC 41 compared to this time last have registered for off-campus 1984. come to pass. students. to 867 . while year, according to University programs. said B. Kirby Browning said SIU-C professional students Admissions and Hecords' Browning. director of Ad ­ maintains an enrollment The off-campus student primarily associated with the figures released Tuesday. missions and Records. in a pattern that exceeds projec­ popula t ion grew by 194 law and medical schools Incoming freshmei) for the University News Service tions from the administration studenls or roughly 8 percent. dropped from 592 to 571 . This Moming Citizen's committee trims improvements Ii~t Alcohol abuse has By Wm_Bryan DeVasher slated to make way for the liquor licenses on South Illinois ellS Bode .. StaHWriter railroad relocation proiect. Avenue. reducing the number ; .. , campus alternative Proposals by the Carbondale The proposals. which the of one-way s!reels in the cily - PageS Citizen's Advisory Committee comnllttee has been gathering and the revision of building Cor city improvements has for Ihe last six months. were codes calling for business Saluki quarterback been pared down to 12 items trimmed at the committee-s signs to meet aesthetic hopes to improve from a list that originally meeting Tuesday. The com­ criteria. contained over 20 recom­ mittee will forward Ihe Also dropped ;rom the list recommendations to the Ci ty were proposals for temporary - Sports 16 mendations. Gus oay. the Advisory Com­ Items include asking the city Council afler the revamped landscaping of land recently mIH.. ' , wis h lI't ewerlooklld • lot to seek options to increase the report has been prepared. 01 thln\l' - IIka _ tountalns number of parking spaces The committee droppped ~~~~~~1iO~o rce~~:r ~;fOSc~~ on every corner and .ir· sunny, wllh highs in the 10" downtown and accellerating from the list proposals calling c_ltlonlng ea_1e tn Juty the demolition of buildings for limiting the number of S.. tMPROVEMENTS. Page 5 and AU\luot. JOHN'S PIZZA PALACE "Becoming Catholic" I N ewswrap 519 S. Illinois t A ~ I ~nat:..:..::::..:ion~/w~orl=-d ____ Faith rl\ Nicaraguan soldiers meet Journey... I U.S.-backed rebel column MANA GUA. Nicaragua (uPI ) - Troops intercepted a column of some tOO U.S.·backed rebels who crossed Into Nicaragua from Programs begins neighboring Honduras, officials said Wednesday. There was no Septemb<!r 19. 7:30? m. immediate report of r. bel or troop casualties in the operation. Fighting between the rebels of the Nicaraguan Democratic Force, or FDN. and an army patrol bega:J early Tuesday in the NEWMAN CENTER hilly frontier region, less than five m,;es from the Honduran 529-3311 border, Voice of Nicaragua reported. Reagan takes crusade to anti·tax stronghold 3 eggs your way, CONCORD, N.H . (UP)) - President Reagan, on a political homecoming trip to a bastion of anti·tax fervor, said Wednesday toast, jelly, hashbrowns, Washington is "out of touch with the American people" and predicted he Wi ll prevali In the batUe over tax reform.
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