SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 » NEWS » LIFE » OPINIONS First Class Mail U.S. Postage Exonians struggle with new coronavirus Senior of the Week Renee Bertrand Managing Editor Felix Yeung considers Paid Mailed from 03833 rules, 3. reflects on past four years, 4. ‘Awakening’ in Editor’s Corner, 6. Permit Number 78 Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter, New Hampshire “The oldest continuously running preparatory school newspaper in America.” Post-Summer Conversations, Exeter Implements Anti-Racist Policies By OTTO DO, AMY LUM, being this all white world, but it ac- ANDREA LUO and HANSI ZHU tually was quite diverse. We haven’t done as good a job as we can in rep- resenting that diversity of the ancient In response to racist incidents world in our classes,” Department shared by PEA students on the Ins- Chair Matthew Hartnett said. tagram account @BlackatExeter, ad- Additionally, Hartnett noted that ministrators and individual academic the department reworked several of departments worked during the sum- the narratives in Ludus, the depart- mer to implement anti-racist policies ment’s introductory Latin textbook. and practices. “Most of the stories in there are told Principal William Rawson high- from male characters, so Mr. Lang- lighted the changes that have been ford rewrote some of the stories and implemented since his June 29 letter even created a whole new story that’s to the community. “I can’t begin to told from the point of view of a fe- do justice here to all the work done male slave,” Hartnett said. “Addition- by Director of Equity and Inclusion ally, we want to make sure that slaves (DEI) Dr. Stephanie Bramlett, by aren’t always depicted as being pas- Dean of Faculty Ellen Wolff and by sively related to whatever actions are other administrators, staff and facul- happening, but instead giving them ty,” he said. some agency.” “For my part, I was particularly Members of the Science Depart- interested in getting the two new po- ment were encouraged to devote a sitions posted, which has occurred,” substantial portion of their profession- Rawson continued. “I have been al development to Diversity, Equity working with the new trustee DEI and Inclusion-related work. Task Force, as has Dr. Bramlett. I met Science Instructor Kate Hernan- with faculty of color and student lead- dez explained the personal work she ers to discuss a variety of issues raised carried out this summer: the creation in Black@Exeter and in other corre- of a “cultural competence” document spondence. A lot of time was spent for instructors, in particular. Accord- by Dr. Bramlett and others to plan for ing to Hernandez, “It’s an opportu- the anti-racism work that we intend to nity for all of us to develop a skill of do this year. We are moving forward recognizing when a well-intended with a new bias response reporting comment may have had an unintend- form.” ed impact. It references common or The Classics Department faculty potential microaggressions and why reflected on their previous cultur- those might be problematic or harm- al portrayals of the languages they ful. It gives folks a path forward.” teach. “A lot of people think of the Reacting to the stories shared in Ancient Greek and Roman world as SUMMER, 2. Felix Yeung/The Exonian continued work specific to their dis- includes being driven by data to help ciplines. The Department of Coun- quantify the present issues and track Reconsideration of Academy and seling and Psychological Services for change,” Hernandez said. “In (CAPS) has initiated a search for a an event when a student has come new counselor, following the retire- forward to discuss their experienc- Race Continues Fall Term ment of former counselor Constance es with racism. we have gathered Morse. “We are being intentional other related faculty, advisers [and] By OTTO DO, AMY LUM, their summer discussions, as well as from microaggressive racism. Chris- about how the counselor can increase deans to further surround the student ANDREA LUO and HANSI ZHU school-wide work to be done. tian-Brathwaite also served as the This work will be supported by a keynote speaker for Faculty Week the diversity and clinical expertise of with support.” new Principal’s Discretionary Fund, and will work with groups such as the existing fabric of our team. We Dean of Faculty Ellen Wolff de- Building upon conversations held announced by Principal William the Academic Advising Committee, will work hard to continue to expand scribed the critical role the new As- this summer, academic departments Rawson on June 29. “I have a par- the Community Conduct Commit- our representation of identities,” Di- sistant Dean of Faculty will have in plan to continue their antiracist work ticular interest in supporting efforts tee, the College Counseling Office rector of Psychological Services Dr. creating a more diverse faculty body. throughout the fall term. After coor- to increase the number of Black and and the Student Listeners Program Szu-Hui Lee said. “One of that colleague’s primary dination between the Office of Multi- other faculty of color, and funding to support anti-racism initiatives Similarly, Hernandez said that responsibilities will be recruitment cultural Affairs (OMA), the Director will be required to support those throughout the year. OMA will work to be intentional in and hiring, with an emphasis on cul- of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion recruiting efforts,” Rawson said. Student Council Co-Presidents individual and organizational self-ex- tivating a diverse candidate pool… (DEI) Stephanie Bramlett and the “Which initiatives will be supported Charlotte Lisa and Senai Robinson amination, challenge racist policies, I am thrilled that we will soon have Dean of Students Brooks Moriarty, from the new discretionary fund, ver- plan to share the Council’s initia- introduce an International Student an assistant dean who can partner Exeter’s schedule now includes a sus the operating budget or endowed tives during the Anti-Racist Work Orientation reflection and require an- with us (and an assistant director of weekly anti-racist block, hosted for funds, remains to be determined as Block this coming Thursday. “We ti-racist training for Academic coach- equity and inclusion) to redouble our the first time last Thursday. we move forward.” are working to come up with a very es. OMA will also be offering Zoom efforts,” she said. “We need to do bet- Panelists of the first webinar in- Racism was also the theme of specific conversation about the major “drop-in” hours. ter, in both hiring and retention.” cluded Bramlett, Principal William the first school Assembly on Sept. problems Black Exonians are cur- A major focus for OMA will Wolff and Bramlett are also con- Rawson, Moriarty, Dean of Multi- 15, which featured psychiatrist Dr. rently facing on campus and possi- be on student support. “The OMA vening an anti-racist teaching collab- cultural Affairs Sherry Hernandez Nicole Christian-Brathwaite. At ble, tangible solutions to those prob- Team will be identity-informed prac- orative open to all faculty. “It’s going and Dean of Faculty Ellen Wolff. assembly, Christian-Brathwaite ex- lems,” Lisa and Robinson said. titioners, supporting students at the to be a kind of think tank or idea During the meeting, they highlighted plained the lasting trauma that results Departments are also engaging in intersection of their identities. This generator, a resource and a conduit particular departments’ work from RECONSIDERATION, 3. NEWS IN BRIEF Details of Kaminski Case Student Tests Positive for Coronavirus: Revealed in Affidavit Assistant Principal Karen Lassey confirmed to tact them. They/them pronouns are an early class, the student recalled, The Exonian that one student has tested positive By ANNE BRANDES, EMILY KANG, FELIX YEUNG AND used to protect anonymity. Kaminski gripped their thigh. Af- for the coronavirus. The student reported to the DANIEL ZHANG ter having trouble with math in the Health Center with symptoms last night. Anoth- Former Mathematics Instructor spring term of their prep year, the student received tutoring from Ka- er student from the same dorm unit reported Trigger Warning: This article Szczesny Kaminski was arraigned minski. They worked in Kamins- similar symptoms. Though this second student contains graphic deatils about on August 24 on three charges of ki’s classroom with an open door; sexual assault. Phillips Exeter has Class A felonious pattern aggravat- has tested negative, they are being treated as a after a while, he began to draw presumed positive. 17 close contacts have been a number of resources for sur- ed sexual assault and three charges of Class A misdemeanor sexu- hearts on their papers. quarantined, all separate from the two students vivors in the Exeter community. To access these resources, please al assault against an anonymous In the middle of the semes- in question. click here. Additionally, if you find Academy student, who enrolled ter, the student’s tutoring moved yourself distressed by any details, at Exeter in the fall of 2013. The to Kaminski’s residence, where Brentwood Circuit Court gave The he abused the student three times Community Conduct Committee (CCC) please seek confidential help at the National Sexual Assault Hotline: Exonian access to the arraignment during the spring term. Over the Announces New Committee Members: (800) 656-4673. The following ar- and to an affidavit by Exeter Police summer, Kaminski instructed the Tasmiah Akter, Toby Chan, Zander Galli and ticle was originally posted on The Department Deputy Chief Michael student to keep in touch with him Exonian’s website, Aug. 25. P. Munck, which revealed details through their Gmail, instead of Alexandria Westray have joined the Community concerning the case. their Exeter emails. Conduct Committee. The Exonian urges the Exeter community to respect the privacy Kaminski’s interactions with In their lower year, the student of all anonymous individuals in the student began in their prep faced a disciplinary hearing for the article below.
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