Large scale experiments and simulations for the second generation of FuturICT H2020 – FLAG-ERA JTC2016: ICT for Social Sciences Deliverable 3.3 High-level International Hackatons & Conferences Due date: M12 – January 2018 Project start date: 1 February 2017 - Duration: 36 months Workpackage concerned: WP3 Concerned workpackage leader: ETHZ Lead Beneficiary: ETHZ Dissemination level: Public ¨ PU: Public (must be available on the website) ¨ CO: ConFidential, only For members oF the consortium (including the Commission Services) ¨ Cl: Classified, as reFerred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC High-level International ConFerence (Organized - POLITO) “Data Science Challenges” Politecnico di Torino, 4-8 July 2017 https://www.computer.org/web/compsac2017/data-science-challenges “ICT For Social Innovation" Smart Data Forum, Berlin 10-11 October 2017 https://www.eventbrite.de/e/ict-for-social-innovation-tickets-38221143469# Talks / Presentations / Workshop Contributions / Important Meetings / ConFerence Participation & Networking (ETHZ) February 7, 2017: Meeting Kathleen Breitman, Tezos Foundation (Blockchain Initiative), ETH Zurich February 13, 2017: Meeting Monique Morrow, Humanized Internet (NGO), ETH Zurich February 14, 2017: Meeting Jonas Nakonz, Foraus Digital PlatForms (NGO), ETH Zurich February 20, 2017: Presentation For Swiss State Secretariat For Education, Research and Innovation (Ministry), ETH Zurich February 21, 2017: Meeting with University oF St. Gallen, Energieagentur St. Gallen, ETHZ about distributed energy systems on the blockchain, Energieagentur St. Gallen February 28, 2017: Workshop 1: Climate Ledger Initiative (Blockchain For Paris Agreement); Impact Hub Zurich March 07, 2017: Meeting with Runner-up Thomson Reuters HackTheValley Hack „Team Smarties“ (Exploring the intersection oF blockchain and IoT), Zurich March 09, 2017: Fintech Awards, Zurich March 13, 2017: Meeting with Swiss Federal OFFice oF Energy (Ministry) about Blockchain, FOE, Bern March 14; 2017: Finance 2.0 ConFerence, Zurich March 20-23, 2017: CEBIT Hannover March 27, 2017: Meeting with UBS Innovation about Blockchain / Trust Square, UBS, Zurich March 28, 2017: Blockchain Meetup Vaduz / Meeting Blockchain Büro Liechtenstein, Vaduz Liechtenstein March 29, 2017: Meeting UBS Data Privacy Specialists, Zurich March 30, 2017: Trust Square (Blockchain Hub) Workshop, Canton oF Zurich March 30, 2017: Presentation „Will Democracy Survive Big Data and ArtiFicial Intelligence?“, Neo Network (Innovation Network), UZH; Live Video: https://www.Facebook.com/neonetwork.ch/videos/1165687733560816. April 4, 2017: Presentation „Digitale Revolution“, University of Fribourg April 10/11, 2017: ConFerence OECD LEED „Increasing Productivity, Job Creation and Inclusion From the Bottom-up“, Introducing Finance 4.0 at a roundtable, Prague, Czech Republic April 18, 2017: Meeting Lakeside Partners / Blockchaincompetition, M. Ruch, ETHZ April 18, 2017: Meeting CEO DigitalFestival / Hack Zurich, ETHZ April 19, 2017: Meeting Center For Public Impact about AI and Future joint events, Skype April 25, 2017: Meeting Timo Ali-Vehmas, Nokia Technologies Head oF Ecosystem Research, Skype May 8, 2017: Workshop Reinventing Society in the Digital Age, CSH, Vienna, AT Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix7IgbwYbIM&Feature=youtu.be Pictures: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/yajQKk5KnRrCugN (FuturICT 2.0 co-organizer with CSH, FuturICT 2.0 Financial contribution, FuturICT 2.0 researchers participating) May 9, 2017: BlockchainX Workshop on E-Identity, ETH, Zurich, CH Pictures: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/b6aDxvqTBg6ixJq Summary: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/BSFKQeorvkSkPIx (FuturICT 2.0 co-organizer, FuturICT 2.0 researchers participating) May 12, 2017: Meeting Trust Square (Blockchain Hub) Project, Canton oF Zurich May 15, 2017: Meeting Christine Perey, AR & VR Consultant, ETHZ May 16, 2017: Meeting Sony Joseph, Founder Kalhatti (Blockchain Startup), ETHZ May 17, 2017: UNFCCC SB 46 Press ConFerence and Side Event: How Could Blockchain Technology Contribute to Paris Agreement Implementation?, UNFCCC, Bonn, DE Video Press ConFerence: https://unFccc6.meta-fusion.com/bonn_may_2017/events/2017-05-17- 14-00-iaai-blockchain-for-enhanced-climate-action/iaai-blockchain-For-enhanced-climate-action Video Side Event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsQ7LmR7ZdY → FuturICT 2.0 co-organizer, FuturICT 2.0 researchers participating May 18, 2017: Panel, ÖBU (Sustainability Consultant) Tagung «Digitale WirtschaFt und Nachhaltigkeit» (Video), Basel May 23, 2017: Digital Society Innovation ManiFesto Workshop, Rimini, Italy June 07, 2017: Meeting Bitsaboutme (Data Privacy Startup), Skype June 21, 2017: Meeting V. Kolarov, ScientiFic Liaison OFFicer Brussels-Wallonia (Government), Zurich June 21, 2017: Meeting N. Bürer, Managing Director Digitalswitzerland (NGO), ETHZ June 21, 2017: Presentation Schauraum Basel “Perspektiven einer digitalen GesellschaFt - Steuerung versus Freiraum”, Blaser Architekten, Basel June 22, 2017: Event NL Embassy “Protoyping the Future oF innovation”, Dutch Embassy, Berne June 28, 2017: Presentation at UnternehmerForum Lilienberg, “Was ist neu an 4.0?”, Ermatingen June 29/30, 2017: Major Transitions Workshop (incl. whitepaper & short video messages) at CRi, Paris, France July 10, 2017: Meeting M. Badertscher Handelszeitung (Newspaper), Zurich July 11, 2017: Meeting A. Verdon, Staatslabor (NGO For Tech in Public Institutions), Zurich July 20/21, 2017: Peer-to-Peer Financial Sytems ConFerence, UCL, London, UK August 8, 2017: Meeting V. Kahn, World Food Program, about Blockchain / Finance 4.0, Skype August 10, 2017: Meeting J. Hucker, President SwissFinte.ch, Zurich August 18, 2017: Business Lunch, KlimaplattForm der WirtschaFt Zürich, Freitag Lab, Zurich September 5, 2017: Meeting C. Tse, Cardstack (Blockchain Startup), Zurich September 5, 2017: Meeting D. Heller, Fellow Peterson Institute For International Economics, Skype September 13-15 2017: Digital Festival Zurich, participation in a number oF workshops & Finance 2.0 Crypto, Zurich September 18, 2017: Meeting Cquadrat, K-EFFect (Startups), about Finance 4.0, Konstanz, Germany September 18-22, 2017: “3rd International Workshop on Data-driven SelF-regulating Systems (DSS 2017)”, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ, US Program: http://dss2017.inn.ac/#program → FuturICT 2.0 co-organizer, FuturICT 2.0 Financial contribution, FuturICT 2.0 researchers participating September 20, 2017: Workshop Finance 4.0 with Bafin, ECB, FrankFurt School oF Finance, KFW and others, FrankFurt, DE Presentation: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/7XF7qW1lpSs7U3D → FuturICT 2.0 organizer, FuturICT 2.0 researchers participating September 19, 2017: Presentation Finance 4.0 case at European Experts Roundtable “Sustainable Digital Environments”, Bonn, Germany September 21, 2017: Meeting VQF Cryprocurrencies (Finance Association), FINMA, Zurich September 26-29, 2017: SSC ConFerence “Digital Society”, Dublin, Ireland October 03, 2017: Digital Shapers 2017 Meeting, Post, Bern October 05, 2017: Presentation to a Japanese Delegation (ProF Terano, ProF. Deguchi ), ETHZ October 09, 2017: Meeting Vontobel (Bank) Blockchain, ETHZ October 10, 2017: Meeting European Commission, European Digital Labs, Skype October 11, 2017: Swiss Fintech Pitches, Landesmuseum, Zurich October 18, 2017: Presentation Akademie Berlingen “Prognosen mit Datenanalysen (Big Data) – aktuelle Möglichkeiten und Aussichten”, Berlingen October 19, 2017: Presentation “Blockchain: Potential Impact on Citizen Science”, OECD Global Science Forum, Minsterio degli AfFari Esteri, Rome November 10, 2017: Meeting SPIRE Strategy, Forecasting – Black Swan Events (Startup), Zurich November 12-16, 2017: Hack4Climate Bonn, DE Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmoNDjmboPxYDlxOWcVEZAg/videos Aftermovie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOANny6i0QM&list=PLVgRVmQ-AN- 8apRzDHQrIslnpupPc-5hU&index=1 Pictures: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/GWsCF1Ch5qlCSTO → FuturICT 2.0 co-organizer, FuturICT 2.0 Financial contribution, OFFicial FuturICT 2.0 challenges, FuturICT 2.0 researchers mentoring and participating November 20, 2017: Digitaldialog – 1. Nationale KonFerenz Digitale Schweiz (Government), Biel November 21, 2017: Digitaltag, Digitalswitzerland, Zurich November 22, 2017: Collegium Helveticum ReFlecting Privacy “Der Wert von Privacy”, Zurich November 22, 2017: Crypto Valley Blockchain Competition / Summit; Jury member; Zug November 24, 2017: Collegium Helveticum ReFlecting Privacy “Leaking and Privacy”, Zurich November 27, 2017: Meeting with ETH BitsToEnergy Lab, ETHZ November 30, 2017: Presentation “Impact oF Blockchain on Society”, START Global, University oF St. Gallen December 5, 2017: Meeting R. Ruttmann, Redesigning Financial Services (Association), HSG, Zurich December 7, 2017: FET Flagship Strategy Meeting, ETH Zurich, CH Interviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmoNDjmboPxYDlxOWcVEZAg/videos Pictures: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/JMIc39YeKTyqC5H → FuturICT 2.0 organizer, FuturICT 2.0 Financial contribution, FuturICT 2.0 researchers participating December 13, 2017: Meeting Yetta Foundation (Blockchain Initiative) Blockchain / Finance 4.0, ETHZ January 21-26, 2018: Future Hack & Panel Talks, Davos, CH Pictures: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/MaISNNuGNbcND5p → FuturICT 2.0 co-organizer, FuturICT 2.0 researchers mentoring and participating Other FuturICT 2.0 – related events (All partners) https://futurict2.eu/?page_id=90 17.11.2017 Lecture: Learning, Knowing and
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