0603/226 new public art strat. 14/04/2004 03:34 pm Page a PUBLIC ART STRATEGY > city centre<legible city>outer neighbourhoods BRISTOL 2003 0603/226 new public art strat. 14/04/2004 03:34 pm Page b William III, Michael Rysbrack, Queen Square, erected 1736, listed grade 1 city centre<legible city>outer neighbourhoods 0603/226 new public art strat. 14/04/2004 03:35 pm Page 1 CONTENTS page Section 1 Executive Summary 3 Section 2 Public Art Policy 5 Section 3 Bristol Local Plan 9 Section 4 Context and Connection 4:1 National policy guidance 13 4:1.1 Planning Policy Guidance 4:1.2 Living Places Pero’s bridge 4:1.3 Towards an Urban Renaissance Eillis O’Connell with Ove Arup; photograph: Mark Simmons 4:1.4 A new commitment to THE BRISTOL PUBLIC ART STRATEGY Neighbourhood Renewal 4:1.5 Planning Green Paper: city centre<legible city>outer neighbourhoods delivering a fundamental change The term ‘public art’ refers to artists space, arts and health initiatives, 4:2 Regional guidance 15 4:2.1 Designing our Environment working within the natural, built, urban towards creative and neighbourhood 4:2.2 Public Art South West renewal. The strategy acknowledges or rural environment. Public art aims to 4:3 Local policy guidance: 16 integrate artist’s ideas and vision into wide consultation with local people, Bristol City Council the process of creating new and artists, planners, architects, key service 4:3.1 Community Strategy regenerated spaces and buildings. providers, arts venues and other 4:3.2 Corporate Plan Working with artists offers an organisations working together in the 4:3.3 Cultural Strategy 4:3.4 City Centre Strategy opportunity to design schemes which public realm. The Public Art Policy and 4:3.5 Bristol Legible City go beyond the purely functional and draft alterations to the Bristol Local 4:3.6 Neighbourhood Arts create places that reflect the life, Plan 2001-2011 aims to embed public Strategy identity and aspirations of a particular art in key renewal projects to promote 4:3.7 Creative Industries Strategy place or community. The Bristol Public city and neighbourhood identity in the Section 5 Implementation - Public Art as a component of new development 21 Art Strategy places public art within future. The strategy outlines how 5:1 Advocacy and procurement the planning and development process; Bristol City Council intends to 5:2 Working with artists complementary to good urban and implement the Public Art Policy and 5:3 Artist selection building design; integral within new provides guidance to developers as to 5:4 Good practice development schemes; as part of social how to commission artworks of high 5:5 Consultation investment in new and refurbished quality in the public realm. Section 6 Action Plan 25 housing, improvements to open public Section 7 Demonstration - the delivery of public art projects 27 page 1 CONTENTS Public Art Strategy > Bristol 0603/226 new public art strat. 14/04/2004 03:35 pm Page 2 The centre promenade with beacons by Martin Richman city centre<legible city>outer neighbourhoods page 2 0603/226 new public art strat. 14/04/2004 03:35 pm Page 3 SECTION 1 Senior Public Art Officer within the Arts Paul Rooney Development Unit of Cultural Services; ‘Blush’, and an Art Project Manager within City dialogue, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY photograph: Projects and Urban Design, Planning Jo Hansford The Public Art Policy was approved by Services. the Cabinet of Bristol City Council on 26 Local authority officer support with October 2000. The policy demonstrates specialist knowledge of public art can advise developers, architects and Bristol City Council’s commitment to planning consultants how best to the development of public art across integrate and procure a public art the city and encourages the component within a major development commission of artists and artworks for proposal seeking planning permission. the public realm as part of the planning It is advocated that public art is process. Bristol City Council aims to presented in the context of planning integrate public art into the council’s obligation, which under national own capital building programme and planning guidance (PPG1) highlights will establish good working practices aspects of design as a material and partnerships to commission public consideration. KEY OBJECTIVES OF THE BRISTOL art of the highest quality in the city Bristol City Council will profile and PUBLIC ART STRATEGY centre and outer neighbourhoods. support the commissioning of public art through the Development Control Establish a coherent framework of advice Draft alterations to the Bristol Local Plan process, respective development briefs, to enable the commission of public art of (2003) have given an opportunity to the use of planning conditions and high quality by public agencies, the increase the profile of the Public Arts Section 106 planning agreements. independent and commercial development Policy and revise both policy statements sectors. and delivery expectations in the period Pre-application advice will promote the 2003 – 2011. This must build on the value of public art strategies as part of Give enhanced profile and recognition of existing links with the planning and planning proposals; recommend the role the added value that an accessible, development control process and and selection procedures of artists, art culturally diverse programme of public art encourage on a voluntary basis the consultants and project managers; and can bring for public benefit. define the important link between policy commission and provision of public art Generate work and income for artists, and procurement, artist and architect so by public and private sector developers. makers and the creative industries sector. critical to the success of policy In association with Public Art South application and the quality of completed Sustain an annual programme of artworks West, Bristol City Council has established commissioned work. by artists in the public realm and help two new posts to assist the development establish Bristol as a modern European city and delivery of the Public Art Policy: a of culture. page 3 SECTION 1 Public Art Strategy > Bristol 0603/226 new public art strat. 14/04/2004 03:35 pm Page 4 city centre<legible city>outer neighbourhoods page 4 0603/226 new public art strat. 14/04/2004 03:35 pm Page 5 SECTION 2 PUBLIC ART POLICY www.bristol-city.gov.uk/arts The Public Art Policy was approved by the Cabinet of Bristol City Council on 26 October 2000. The policy defines how it meets the council’s corporate priorities and is linked with the Community Strategy, Cultural Strategy, City Centre Strategy and Bristol Local Plan. The policy incorporates certain objectives There is no single definition of public art. from Government and national agencies, It can be permanent or temporary. as promoted for example in: It can extend the fine arts of drawing, - Planning Policy Guidance: PPG 1 and painting and sculpture into new formats PPG 17; and new locations. It can incorporate text, craft, applied art and design, - the improvement of urban design as photography, print, moving image, reported in Towards an Urban computer generated images, projection, Renaissance and Living Places, live art, installation and performance, Cleaner, Safer, Greener; light, sound and music. It may refer to - Policy Action Team No. 10 report on our heritage or celebrate the future, Arts and Sport to the Social Exclusion highlight specific areas and issues or be Unit; conceptual. In whatever form, public art - Arts Council England, South West; has one consistent quality: it is site- and Public Art South West. specific and relates to the context of a particular site or location. Opposite: model of facade, Colston Hall Above: Buoy by Seamus Staunton for High Life, Queen Square Above right: Tim Knowles, I.T.V 2, Bristol page 5 SECTION 2 Public Art Strategy > Bristol 0603/226 new public art strat. 14/04/2004 03:35 pm Page 6 The policy statement encourages the It aims to encourage and support public Control process, respective development commission of public art and advises art development within all appropriate briefs, the use of planning conditions external organisations, including developments especially regeneration and Section 106 planning agreements. commercial developers, architects and projects and environmental A vigorous application of this Public Art the people of Bristol of the city council’s improvements works. Policy aims to: priorities. It will provide a link with the statutory - initiate and support commissions for It raises awareness of the value of public development plan and Bristol’s artists and makers; art within all council departments; Community Strategy. makes strategic links with other - invest in the arts and support the It outlines how Bristol City Council will corporate policies and provides a local creative economy; profile and support the commissioning consistent and coherent approach to of public art through the Development - involve artists both conceptually and public art across the authority. practically in the development of Bristol Legible City and Neighbourhoods of Culture; - commission public art to enhance civic pride and Bristol’s status as a major European city; - create unique identity in areas of renewal and regeneration; - improve the built environment, encourage business relocation and economic development; - attract additional funds for regeneration to complement and extend existing budgets; - create and develop new audiences for the arts; - enhance community involvement and empowerment, to
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