MONROE. WV PRIMARY 051308: (English Version) OEM - Ballot Styl~ #1 OFFICIAL BALLOT OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY - PRIMARY ELECTION Monroe County. West VirgInia I , ~1av13.2008 _. NATIONAL TICKET .. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE . - - (Vote For ONE) ;' . 'FOR PRESIDENT BILLY WAYNE BAJLEY , (Vote For ONE) ~,;". '* ~ '" ..~. ~ " w... • • Pineville Wyoming Co, BARACK OBAMA Chicago,IL JOE DeLONG • Weirton Hancock Co. • HILLARY CLINTON Chappaqua,NY - NATALIE TENNANT Charleston Kanawha Co.­ • JOHN EDWARDS Chapel Hill. NC • FOR AUDITOR l (Vote For ONE) FOR U.S. SENATOR ­ • GLEN B. GAINER III (Vote For ONE) Parkersburg Wood Co, SHEIRL L. FLETCHER • Morgantown Monongalia Co. • FOR TREASURER '. (\lote For ONE) JAY ROCKEFELLER JOHN D. PERDUE • Charleston Kanawha Co. I'~ • Cross Lanes Kana\Nha Co. BILLY HENDRICKS JR. i' ~----------------------------------- I:; FOR COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE Whitesville Boone Co. 1-. (Vote For OI\lE) FOR U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WAYNE CASTO • 3rd C<>ngresslonal Dlstrrct (Vote For ONE) • Martinsburg Berkeley Co, NICK JOE RAHALL, II GUS R. DOUGLASS Beckley Raleigh Co. • Leon Mason Co, • FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL " , (\/ote For ONE) FOR GOVERNOR (Vote For ONE) DARRELL McGRAW JOE MANCHIN, III Charleston Kanawha Co. Fairmont Marion Co. • • MELVIN (Mel) KESSLER t.-. • Beckley Raleigh Co. Next o Page: 1 MONROE, WV PRIMARY 051308: (English Version) OEM - Ballot Style #1 • • < OFFICIAL BALLOT OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY - PRIMARY ELECTION . Monroe County. West Virginia . Mav 13.2008 . FOR J~rICEOF THE SUPREME COURT OF~PPEALS Than ... , .... (v~te FO~ N~t ~q~~ :wo? · , . FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ­ MENIS KETCHUM (\iote For OblE) . Huntington Cabell Co. ~ . ~~t.rnor~ t~~I'. 0.n~ ~~si~ef!t of an~t magisterial f1t~rjt?~.m~}!· be e~ec!~~, • '. SCOTTY PHIPPS • ELLIOTT E. "Spike" MAYNARD Peterstown Western Dls1. Charleston Kanawha Co. • OUVER B. PORTERFIELD • BOB BASTRESS Peterstown western Dist. -' Morgantown Monongalia Co. • KEITH WICKUNE • MARGARET L WORKMAN Undside Western Dist. Charleston Kanawha CO. • FOR PROSECUTING AlTORNEY FOR STATE'SENATOR (\late For OtJE) • 10th Senatorial District (\"ote For ONE) H. ROD MOHLER JAMES W. "Jim" McNEELY • Union Peterstown Monroe Co. JUSTIN R. St.CLAIR • ANITA SKEENS CALDWELL • Peterstown Princeton Mercer Co. , FOR SHERIFF FOR MEMBER OF HOUSE OF' DELEGATES (Vote FarONE) • 26th Delegate DI~lIct . .. (Vote For ONE) • M. JOE GALUSZEK GERALD L CROSIER Peterstown Union Monroe Co. • ALLEN HUNT FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE Undside • 31st:Judlcial CilCuit _________.{VotaEorllNB__________ E. KENT HELLEMS • JIM FURROW Greenville Hinton Summers Co. • ROBERT A. IRONS • KEITH CAMPBELL Gap Mills Pickaway Monroe Co. " . FQR FAMILY COURT'JUDGE·· . • J. K. "John" FARMER • . - 15th Family Comt Circuit . Ballard .' (Vote For ONE) DAVID M. SANDERS -- • Alderson Greenbrier Co. .... _. ) • .. ~ .'~' _ , ... ,. ..... 1........ ­ o Back '~-2 I·. 5.. ',: Next o Page: 2 MONROE, WV PRIMARY 051308: (English Version) OEM - Ballot Style #1 .. '" .... _0".. ~. ~ .' ~ ~. "'.,. ' J~ _ OFFICIAL BALLOT OF THE DEMOCRATI~ PARTY,'· P~IMARY E'lEC.TIO~ . .':'. ' Monroe County. West Virginia MaV 13. 2008 ,.' . " "-,; .. ". FOR ASSESSOR .­ , - ­ .. , (Vote For ONE) , . , M' • • DONNA HUFFMAN Alderson • TERRY UTTERBACK Peterstown " •. ' FOR MAGISTRATE . '- J " ('late For Not More Than T1'JO) NANCY P. CREWS Undside ~=-•.................................,­ L NO CANDIDATE FILED FOR SURVEYOR (Vote For ONE) DAVIDHOLZ • Greenville NON..PARTlSAN BOARD OF EDUCATION -(Vote For riot Mor!!' Than TWO) Ma:dmum eliQible to b~ elected from di:itllci>: Central Dist. (0). E.arte.rn DIn (2); W~ern Dirt. (1) HELEN CAMPBELL GRAVES Sinks Grove Eastern Dlst. 'f • LARRY E. MUSTAIN Second Creek Eastern Dist. • KENNY W. MANN Ballard Western Dlst. • DANNY G. UVELY U • Peterstown western DiS!. • Write-In • Write-In 0 Back Next 0 Page: 3 J:' MONROE, WV PRIMARY 051308: (English Version) OEM - Ballot Style #1 : ". , ' OFFICIAL BALLOT O~ THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY - PRIMARY ELECTI~N' ' Monroe County. West Virginia' . MaV 13! 2008 OFFICIAL LEVY BALLOT .... " Sherttrs cruisers, • :'_:C'.~ $9,000.00 ~ " ': "', f' ;'. • ( f ' • I ~.. • • ~ 't ' i ) i " • 5. To provide for the liability and comprehensive insurance ~,:, ':.' ...",. L.&.W ENFORCE.ME~T LEVY .. for five (5) Deputy Sherift1s cruisers. '~I j.~~, I ! ~ A' ,," I .' ' $5.000.00 OFFICIAL BALLOT Total: $279,000.00 COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY FOR A SAFE SCHOOLS LAW ENFORCEMENT LEVY One time expenditures to occur during the first year of the levy only, are detailed as follows: May 13, 2008 Special election to authorize additional levies for the years 1. To provide for the purchase of five (5) pollee cruisers at beginning Jut)! 1, 2008 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 and July 1 $27,005.00 each 2011, for the purpose ~nd the' annu~1 amo~nt needed ' $135,025.00 during the term of the levy is detailed below. 2. To provide for the purchase of five (5) firearms at Amount needed annually during the term of the levy is $500.00 each $2,500.00 detailed as tallows: 1, To provide for the hiring of three (3) Deputy Sheriffs in 3. To provide for the purchase of five (5) bullet proof vests an effort to provide the crlildren of our school system With a and uniforms at $1,300.00 each $6,500.00 safe learning environment. One deputy will be assigned to Peterstown Elementary and Middle Schools one will be 4. To provide for the necessary training for five (5) deputies assigned to James Monroe High School and Monroe at a cost of $2.000.00 each $10,000.00 vocatio~al Technical School and one will be aSSigned to Mountain View School. The deputies will also attend extra curricular events as deemed necessary. \JVhen school is not Total of one time expenditures: $154,025.00 in session, t~ese deputies will respond to emergency calls, take complaints, Investigate crimes and assist In entorclng All according to the order of the Monroe County Commission the laws of the State of West Virginia. entered on the 2nd day of January 2008. Any excess $87,000.00 revenue generated by the levy will be used for the same purpose as described above. 2. To provide for the hiring of two (2) Oeputy Sheriffs in an That the proposed additional rate of levy in cents per one effort t~ ass~st in responding to emergency calls, take complaints, Investigate crimes and assist in enforcing the hundred dollars at assessed valuation on each class ot property for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008,2009, laws of the State of West Virginia. $58,000.00 20'10,2011 Is; 3. To provide for the fringe benefits tor the five (5) Deputy July 1. 2008 Sheriffs. These benefits include retirement, state and federal Class I 6.24¢ taxes withholdings, health, dental and disability Insurance, Class 1112.48¢ workers compensation and social security. Class 11I24.96¢ $105,000 .00 Class N24.96¢ July 1, 2009 4. To provide for the fuel for fIVe (5) Deputy Sheriffs Class I 4.02¢ cruisers. Class II B.04¢ $15,000.00 Class 11115.08¢ Class IV16 ,08¢ 5. To proVide for the maintenance for the fIVe (5) Deputy I.. c~~testcrintinued-Neit~61~mn·· ·11 -.Contest Continued on Next page I r~ > ~ " ~. ~ ~ ~... _ ~~ I :, • ~ ( .... ~ " Back :~. 4... :I 5 Next o • l' j tr. • .,.1 • o Page: 4 L MONROE, WV PRIMARY 051308: (English Version) DEM - Ballot Style #1 :~< -, ' , . ~~FICIAL B~LLO~ ~'~ ~HE ~~MO'C'~TIC PARTY. P'FUMAR~ ELECTION" ': ,',,' ; - - ',' '4Monroe Countv. West' Vu;gmla " - - , ' ,- ~-'7' " 'MaV 13. :2008 ,- " ,', '; • .' Ji ~ ~ - - ..... ' • _ ~ _w~, __ . ;... ; . ~ - : ... .'~;-: ~; "; ~ : - " -- LAW ENFORCEMENT LEVY­ .:<' " Contest Co~tinued:.. .-.," -, July 1,2010 Class 14,02¢ Class 1/ B.04¢ Class 11I16.08¢ Class IV16.08¢ July 1.2011 Class 14 ,02¢ Class II B.04¢ Class 11116,08¢ Class IV16,08¢ That the approximate amount for the first year of the levy after a 6% percent allowance for tax discounts. delinquencies, exonerations and uncollectible taxes is L $433,025.00 and $279,000,00 for each year thereafter. INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Those wanting to vote for the levy, touch the screen until a checkmark appears in the square opposite the words "For the Levy"; those wanting to vote against the levy. touch the screen until a checkmark appears in the square opposite the words IIAgainst the Levyn, • For the Levy • Against the Levy L Back Review Page: 5 --------------------------~----------------~---------------~ 50 MONROE, WV PRIMARY 051308: (English Version) OEM - Ballot Style #1 FOR AUDITOR .' " ,'.1 {. , ' (Vote For ONE) . ' .:.: :.<- FOR PRESIDENT _. (\late tor 9NE) , ' No selection made. No selection made. , FOR TREASURER ' .' : 010te For ONE) . .'. , FOR U.S. SENATOR • ~" 4-,. ~'. (Vote For ONE) No selection made. No selection made. FOR COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE ',- : (Vote For ONE) FOR U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 3rd Congres:.>ronal District (\/ot8 For ONE) No selection made. No selection made. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL . (Vote For ONE) . " - No selection made. -----FOR:GOVERNO~ (Vote For ONE) , FOR JUSnCE OF THE SUPREME COURT O'F APPcALS~ - , , (Vote For Not More Than TWO) .' No selection made. You have not selected any . FOR SECRETARY 'OF STATE ' candidate for this contest. - (V01e For ONE) . , ' You have not selected any candidate for this contest. No selection made. o Back Next o Page: 6 51 MONROE, WV PRIMARY 051308: (English Version) DEM - Ballot Style #1 , - FOR STATE SENATOR , 'FORSHERIFF ' >, 10th Senatorial Di~"hict (Vote For ONE) (Vote For ONE) , No selection made. No selection made. FOffMEMBEROF HOUSE OF DELEGATES , . .." FOR ASSESSOR :::flth Delegate Distuct t t. • (Vote For ONE) , . (\'ate For ONE) , ' , " No selection made. No selection made. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE , , ", FORMAGISTRATE, ' 31st Judlolal ClfoYll (v'ote For ONE) (Vote For Not More Than l\NO) ­ You have not selected any No selection made. candidate for this contest. FOR FAMILY COURTJUDGE 15th F aml11 Court CHClllt No candidate filed (Vote For ONE) No selection made. ". FOR SURVEYOR . ,.--(VOte-FoftjI\ler------~. • ', ,,".t , ., • • No selection made. , FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER , (Vote For ONE) , , Not more than one res:ident of an~( magisterial district may be elected No selection made.
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