FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95, 2019, fiz047 doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiz047 Advance Access Publication Date: 3 April 2019 Research Article RESEARCH ARTICLE Sediment microbial assemblage structure is modified by marine polychaete gut passage Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/femsec/article/95/5/fiz047/5426820 by guest on 20 July 2021 Harriet Dale1,2,†, Martin Solan2, Phyllis Lam2 and Michael Cunliffe1,3,* 1Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth, PL1 2PB, UK, 2Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, Waterfront Campus, National Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH, UK and 3Marine Biology and Ecology Research Group, School of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK ∗Corresponding author: Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth, PL1 2PB, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1752 426328; E-mail: [email protected] One sentence summary: Digestive tracts of the marine deposit feeder Hediste diversicolor contain distinct transitory sediment microbial assemblages. Editor: Gary King †Harriet Dale, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9824-9450 ABSTRACT Invertebrate activities in sediments, predominantly the redistribution of particles and porewater, are well-known to regulate the structure of associated microbial assemblages; however, relatively little attention has been given to the effects of sediment ingestion, gut passage and excretion by deposit-feeding invertebrates. Here, we use high-throughput sequencing and quantitative PCR to examine how passage through the gut of the marine polychaete Hediste diversicolor affects the structure of bacterial and archaeal assemblages and the abundance of nitrogen cycling taxa. We show that the digestive tract of H. diversicolor contains unique transitory microbial assemblages that, during gut passage, become more like the surrounding sediment assemblages. Enrichment of similar microbial taxa in both the hindgut and the burrow wall suggest that these transitory gut assemblages may influence the composition of the local sediment community. The hindgut of H. diversicolor also forms a reservoir for unique ammonia-oxidising archaeal taxa. Furthermore, distinct microbial assemblages on external polychaete surfaces suggest that deposit-feeding invertebrates act as vectors that transport microbes between sediment patches. Collectively, these findings suggest that the passage of sediment and associated microbial assemblages through the gut of deposit feeding invertebrates is likely to play a significant role in regulating sediment microbial assemblages and biogeochemical functioning. Keywords: invertebrate–microbe interactions; ecosystem functioning; functional traits; nitrogen cycling; microbiome INTRODUCTION transformations requires more thorough consideration because sediment-dwelling invertebrates directly and indirectly alter the Coastal sediment environments are globally important sites structure and activity of microbial communities (Mermillod- for organic matter decomposition and remineralisation (Mid- Blondin, Francois-Carcaillet and Rosenberg 2005; Gilbertson, delburg, Soetaert and Herman 1997). The biological complexity Solan and Prosser 2012). associated with sediment ecosystems remains, however, insuffi- Invertebrate burrows are sites of steep chemical gradients, ciently constrained in biogeochemical models to generate accu- high levels of organic matter cycling and increased oxygen pene- rate projections (Snelgrove et al. 2018). In particular, the repre- tration (Kristensen 2000; Nielsen et al. 2004; Jovanovic et al. 2014) sentation of microbial processes underpinning biogeochemical Received: 25 January 2019; Accepted: 2 April 2019 C FEMS 2019. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] 1 2 FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2019, Vol. 95, No. 5 that vary in relation to the feeding, burying and ventilatory activ- Here, we assess the variation between bacterial and archaeal ity of the invertebrate inhabitant. Consequently, burrow walls assemblage structure in the surrounding sediment environ- support distinct microbial communities that display both spa- ment, the external body surface and the internal gut of the tial and inter-specific variation (Bertics and Ziebis 2009;Lave- sediment-dwelling polychaete Hediste diversicolor, using both 16S rock et al. 2010; Pischedda et al. 2011; Taylor and Cunliffe 2015). rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and quantitative PCR (Q-PCR). Whilst it is known that changes in the structure and diversity Our aim was to determine whether the transitory microbial of microbial assemblages related to invertebrate activities (e.g. assemblages within the gut or on the external surfaces of the mucopolysaccharide production) can have substantive effects polychaete are distinct from the assemblages located in the local on biogeochemical cycles (Satoh, Nakamura and Okabe 2007; burrow wall or surrounding peripheral sediment, and to estab- Foshtomi et al. 2015;Daleet al. 2018; Foshtomi et al. 2018), studies lish the extent to which these assemblages contribute to the to date have largely focused on the effects of particle and fluid wider sediment microbial community and potential nitrogen displacement by infauna and do not consider the roles of other cycling. significant animal–environment–microbial interactions. As marine sediment ecosystems are dominated by deposit- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/femsec/article/95/5/fiz047/5426820 by guest on 20 July 2021 feeding invertebrates, transit of sediment through the digestive METHODS tract of these communities is likely to be particularly impor- Sample collection and processing tant in determining the benthic contribution to biogeochemi- cal cycling (Thorsen 1998;Bironet al. 2014; Troussellier et al. Samples were collected from three mud flat sites (∼15 m apart) ◦ ◦ 2017). In terrestrial systems, the specific organic matter, pH at St Johns Lake, Cornwall, UK (50 21’51’ N, 004 14’08’ W), in and redox conditions of the earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus)gut September 2017 (Fig. 1a). A previous survey at this location means that ingestion of soil significantly alters the abundance showed that the sediment in the area is predominantly silt (16– of certain microbial taxa in the transitory substrate assem- 63 μm) with an organic carbon content of 6.9% (Ecospan, 2010). blage (Furlong et al. 2002;Passet al. 2015). In marine deposit- For each site, three surficial sediment samples (’surface’, upper feeders, abundance-based techniques have demonstrated a gen- 0.5 cm) were obtained using a sterile syringe and six burrows eral loss of bacteria in the foregut, followed by regrowth towards occupied by H. diversicolor were identified (Fig. 1b and c). Indi- the hindgut (Plante, Jumars and Baross 1989; Hymel and Plante vidual H. diversicolor were removed from each burrow, swabbed 2000). Bacteriolytic activity and digestion are centred in the (Fisherbrand swabs, Fisher Scientific (Loughborough, UK)) and stomach and decline towards the gut posterior (Plante and then anaesthetised in 40 ml of MgCl2 in seawater (2.5% MgCl2) Mayer 1994;Mayeret al. 1997), where bacterial growth can be to prevent gut evacuation (Rouse 2004). Sediment from the bur- stimulated in the absence of competitors and the presence row wall (‘burrow’, 3 cm depth from the sediment-water inter- of elevated levels of organic matter (Andresen and Kristensen face, 0.5 cm of burrow wall thickness sampled) and from the 2002). As the digestion and subsequent regrowth of bacterial surrounding, non-bioturbated area (‘deep’, 3 cm depth from the assemblages can be species-specific and vary between individu- sediment–water interface, 4 cm from the burrow) was obtained als within an invertebrate population (Plante, Jumars and Baross with a sterile syringe. All sediment samples and swabs were ◦ 1989; Plante and Mayer 1994;Mayeret al. 1997), it follows that snap frozen using a liquid N2 dry shipper and stored at -80 C. the nature of invertebrate–microbial gut interactions within a Individual H. diversicolor were washed in distilled water, mea- community will be of functional importance to ecosystem pro- sured (10 ± 4cm,n= 18) and dissected on the day of collec- cesses within the sediment profile. Clone library studies have tion. An incision was made after the foregut apparatus (foregut, also shown that gut passage can alter assemblage diversity and ∼31 ± 6.9% body length, n = 13) and a separate incision towards the ratio of aerobic to anaerobic taxa (Lau, Jumars and Ambrust the end of the hindgut (hindgut, ∼79 ± 5.6% body length, n = 2002;Liet al. 2009), but the extent to which the surrounding 16) to facilitate the removal of two 1 cm sections of gut con- sediment assemblages are influenced by these changes remains tents using sterile tweezers. Dissection tools were washed with ◦ unclear (King 2018). ethanol between each incision. All samples were stored at -80 C. Invertebrate guts may introduce functionally important taxa into the surrounding sediment or they may act as a vector, which DNA extraction and Q-PCR transports a subset of microbes between sediment patches (Troussellier et al. 2017). Earthworm guts have been shown to DNA was extracted (sediment samples, 0.25 g wet weight; swab contain active nitrate-reducing populations (Furlong et al. 2002; samples, whole swab; gut samples, available sediment content) Wust, Horn and Drake 2011) at abundances that are orders from 11 burrow systems (Site 1, n
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