Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1949-1950 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1950 Eastern Progress - 24 Mar 1950 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1949-50/10 EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College Volume 28 Richmond, Kentucky, Friday, March 24, 1950 NumbeV5 Alpha Rho Tau Choir To Sing In Northern Kentucky Kappa Delta Pi Mexican Speaker Makes Kappi Pi Picks Twenty-One Well Received Alpha Rho Tau joins the sixty- Twenty-one"'new members have Senora Roberto de la Rosa, of one other art clubs in the Nation- been chosen for Kappa Delta Pi, Mexico City, presented last Tues- al Honorary Art Fraternity, according to Sara Miller, club day, March 20, what proved to be Kappa Pi, on Friday, March 24. one of t.he most interesting and The club on Eastern's campus be- president, a senior from Carroll- entertaining chapel programs of comes the second one in Kentucky ton. Kappa Delta Pi is a national the year. Senor La Rosa Is an to be associated with Kappa Pi, honorary educational society. agent of the Mexican govrnment the other one being Alpha Omi- The initiates are Sara Griggs, and is stationed in St. Louis, Mo., cron at Georgetown College. Re- spreading the "good will" policy Suirements for membership in Richmond junior, Edmund Burton, among the peoples of the United :appa Pi are a major or a minor Harrodsburg junior; Anna Leers, States. He recently graduated in art and a two point standing. Covington senior; Doris Smith, from the University in the City Miss Marie B. Ryan, national Dayton senior; Juanita Sutton, of Mexico.. " representative and editor of the Vest senior; Richard Cullen. Lou- • "It is an educational experience Sketch Book, official publication to go to other countries to learn of Kappa PI, Is here from Kear- isville graduate student; Kenneth the customs of other people and ney, Nebraska, to conduct the In- Wall. Waynesburg senior; Gene from them learn the customs of stallation services at 5:00 o'clock Clark Farley, Pineville junior; my own country," said Rosa in In the Student Union Building. an opening statement. He went on Hayes Ellen Wilham. Jefferson- to say that most people in the V. After the ceremony, the mem- vllle (Ind.) graduate student; Bar- bers and their guests will attend S. had the misconstrued idea that a banquet in the Blue Room. bara DeJarnette, Akron (O.) sen- all Mexicans were extremely lazy, ior; Glenn Judy, Cambridge City always sleeping under a tree with - Guests for the banquet are Presi- jugs at their sides. dent and Mrs. W.- F. O'Donnell, (Ind.) senior; Mrs. J. A. Brown, In illustrating that Americans Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, Miss Williamstown, Walton, Dayton, ton, Williamstown; Sue Morehead, Knowland, Jeffersonvllle, Ind.; Richmond graduate student; Jean- Maude Gibson, retired art profes- are generally faster than Mexi- Bellevue, Simon Kenton, High- Brooksville; T. Francis Norton, Kenneth Massey, Somerset; Nolan ette Wampler, Mayking senior; cans in their living, he said: "In sor, and Miss Intlssar Younls, lands, and Newport High Schools Nicholasville; Eunice Owens, New Carter Still, Bellevue; Ralph Vivian Pelley, Covington junior; Mexico, they take the train- in Talkha, Egypt, graduate student. will be the scenes of appearances Castle; June Smith, Dayton; Ethel America, they catch it. While Charter members of this chap- when the Eastern Kentucky State Schcll, Louisville; Swingholm. Lyons. 111.; Jane Wilhoite, Frankfort junior; Hubert Caudill, Roxana senior; waiting' for a traffic light, an ter are: James Glrdler, Somerset College Choir tours Northern Ken- Evelyn Bevins, Canada; Betty Marvin Burdine, Elrod; Carl Eck- American nervously holds onto junior; Francia Mabelitlnl, Day- tucky on Tuesday and Wednesday, Jo Douglas, Lexington; Charleen James Bunton, Salvisa graduate ert, Demossville; Robert Greene, student; Betty Jane Hawkins. the wheel and acts very impatient, ton (O.) freshman; BUlle Jean March 28 and 29. James E. Van Elliott, Liberty; Norma Keesey, while the Mexican looks around, Smith, Corbln Junior; Barbara Peursem, music professor, directs Ashland; Patricia Powers, London; Burlington; Jimmy Howard, Win- Canton (N. C.) junior; Gi'rald May, Swains (N. Y.) graduate and relaxes." He went on to say Stephenson, Coyhigton Junior; the seventy-five member choir. Laura Mae Sturdevant, Chicago, chester; James Hurt, Lynch; Jack that in living such hurried lives, Barbara Coconaugher, Lebanon The following students will make Illinois; Johnson, Louisville; Wesley Kirby, .stud,'lit; Irene Durham, Richmond graduate student, and Lenora people tend to neglect the things freshman; Betty Chadwell, Stur- the trip, leaving at 6:30 Tuesday Wanda Durbin, Irv.ne; Mary Danville; Charles Prof fit, Loyall; that money cannot buy, thereby geon freshman; Betty Lee Nord- morning and returning Wednesday Anglin, Mt. Vernon; Betty Isaacs, Joseph Rich, Dry Ridge; David Douglas, Hazard senior. The initiation will be held Mon- losing their sense of values. heim, Covington Junior; Betty Jo night. They are: Covington; Eva Madden, Danville; Rodgers, Loyall; William Trusty, In describing Mexican customs, Clark, Richmond junior; Malena Pikeville; day, April 3, at 6:30 p. m. in Wal- Joan Duvall, Florence; Laura Betty Mayo, Paintsville; Gladys nut Hall. la Rosa said that serenading was Brandenburg, Richmond Junior; Ellis, Ludlow; Lucille Ernst, Louis- Osborne, Ashland; Alice Redmon, William Allison, Louellen; Rob- customary in courtship. Licenses Vivian Pelley, Covington junior; ville; Billie Farley. Pineville; Carol Millersburg; Doris Smith, Dayton; ert Hastings, Winchester; William are issued in much the same fash- Jack Billingsley, Middlesboro sen- Harmon, Pine Knot; Billie Jo Allyn Williams, Plymouth, Mich.; Hosktns, Hazard; Eugene Lefe- ion as are hunting licenses in the ior- Douglas Bennett, Covington Elder, Richmond; Peggy Lewis, Bill Ed Coleman, Knoxvllle, bvre, Valley Stream, N. Y.; Fran- Plowboys Sponsor U. S. However, the license entitles senior; Elmo Crouch, Irvine fresh- Bards town; Fay Hopper Stevens, Tenn.; Edwin De Moss, Covington; cis Mabeltine, Dayton, O.; Donald the owner to only one serenade. man; Jacquelaine Haynie, Rich- Louisville; Hannah Ketiner, New Charles Langston, Lexington; Maddox, Corbin; Victor Messmer, Annual• Barn Dance As a provision of those who aren't mond freshman; Jodie Loptlen, Albany, Ind.; Patricia Lackey, Thomas Smith, Harlan; John Ft. Thomas; Harry Sweesy, Am- musical, a man can hire another Ashland freshman; Charles Gray, Harlan; Nell Wilson, Carlisle. Smith, Liberty: William Snow, bridge, Pa.; George Stavros, Ash- Doc Roberts and his Melody to do his serenading, but. said Loyall senior; Bob Sentz, Jackson, Naomi Browning, Irvine; Flor- Sherman; Donald Stahl, Verona; land; Raymond Tingle, LaGrange; Swingsters will reign over the big Roberto, "this may be a bit risky, graduate student; Ed Strohmeler, ence Childress, Louisville; Florence Donald Combs, Richmond; Gor- Calvin Whitt, Paintsville. dairy barn on New Stateland since the senorita may fall for the Frankfort senior; Mildred Peters, Cannon, Bellevue; Iva Lorraine don Fleck, Berwyn, 111.; Ralph Accompanist for the group is Farm on Friday, April 7, when the hired serenader." Sturgeon senior; Bob Hartlage, Cowan, Richmond; Francis Hin- Huffaker, Monticello; Donald Betty Griffen, Mt. Sterling junior. Plowboys. hold" their annual barn Probably the most enjoyable Portsmouth (O.) Junior; Sterling dance from 7:30 until 11:00 p. m. feature of the program was Se- Parrish, Richmond junior; Irvine The musical group will be com- nora la Rosa's imitation of the Jones, Irvine sophomore; Bill Hos- L T. C. To Present "Kiss And Tell" posed of the following: Roc Rob- typical hillbilly song. He also sang kins, Hazard senior; Janice Tar- Club News erts, old time fiddler and record- two Mexican love songs. ter, West Somerset sophomore; ing star, who will play many of Concluding the program, la Rosa Mary Margaret Culton, Richmond Agriculture Club Corliss Archer and her many friend, Dexter Franklin, is played his own compositions; Harold Dr. Paul M. Phillippi, professor cohorts will invade Hiram Brock by Carl Prichard, Ashland senior. stated: "Men have learned to swim senior, and art professors, Miss Moores, singing songs both old the seas and fly in the air. Now Allie Fowler, Fred P. Giles and of farm crops at the University Auditorium on Thursday, April 20, Other members of the cast in- and new the way you like to hear clude Tevis Huguely, Richmond all they need to do is to learn to Dean Gatwood. of Kentucky, spoke on Farm when the Little Theater Club will them; Lloyd Stinson and Ned walk on the earth together." Crops in Kentucky at the meet- present Hugh Herbert's comedy, sophomore, as Raymond; Marian- Kazee, swinging together on the ing of the Plowboys on Wednes- "Kiss and Tell," under the direc- ella Thompson. Ewing junior, as two guitars, and Steve Sandlin. Roberts In Piano Recital day, March 22. James R. Turner, tion of Keith Brooks. Mrs. Archer; Glenn Million, Rich- "Spring fever must have gotten Report On Hi-School agriculture teacher and co-sponsor The living room of the Archer mond senior,' as Mr. Archer; Ann into the Plowboys, for sure, for Janet Roberts, Valley Stream Leveridge, Allais sophomore, as Festivals On Campus (N. Y.) Junior, will be presented of the Agriculture Club at East- residence is the scene of all he ac- they are going to admit the girls ern, secured the services of Dr. tion of the three-act comedy based Louise, the maid; Martha Wilson, and women absolutely free." Twelve schools were represent- in a recital by the Student Union Covington sophomore, as Mrs. Music Committee on Sunday, April Phillippi and the other previous upon the complicated teenage life Admission for the men is one ed in the elimination series of the speakers. of Corliss. Pringle; Joe Rich, Dry Ridge dollar or that amount in change Regional Debate Tournament con- 2, at 3:30 p. m. in the Little The- sophomore, as Uncle George, and ater.
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