jl' mil inn associated pr QSS iimiiiiiiiiini mm Challenges Supreme Court Ruling NewScop e The World USG Faces Constitution Crisis « Soviet President Hits U.S. Vietnam Policy By BILL BROADWATER, cecdings which must be initiated by the Con- gressman must " remain affiliated with his i ng ui lli several congressmen . Thompson MOSCOW — Soviet President Nikolai V. Podgorny. speak- gress. respective area up to the time of. as well as af hinii'd th.it he v.niiM rccognue the consensus ing on the eve of the 52nd anniversary of the Bolshev ik LARRY REIBSTEIN and STEVE SOLOMON nf Congress ' Chief Justice Harry Hill appeared late in ter certification. " Congressmen said tliiit the . Revolution blasted President Nixon s Vietnam policy yester- Collegian Staff Writers decision set a precedent which would jeopar- " II Congress feels that Myers Hill Irulv day. He also accused the Nixon administration of taking "non- the session to explain the Court' s actions. The othei mlcicsts " gallery, including the press, was asked to leave dize their own status, since the Court allegedly i rprcsi 'iil tow n, and merlon!, . constructive" stands on problems discussed by the Soviet The Undergraduate Student Government Thompson said, 'then I will li.no to interpret faced a constitutional crisis at one point but was readmitted minutes later. ruled on a congressman and not a candidate Union and the United States. last night when Only Congress can initiate action against one ol t he Constitution accoi-dinc lo the wishes of Con- It was the toughest attack by a Soviet leader on the Nixon congressmen challenged the right of the The crisis grew out of the Court's ruling on gress Supreme Court to disqualify elected town con- Tuesday which denied Myers a seat because ol its members. administration since it came into office, and seemed to reflect "Every one of our own seats is in jcopardv Thompson told the Colleui.m l,is| nicht that growing Kremlin bitterness at U.S. policy, particularly in gressman Joe Myers. his "secondary affiliations. " Myers had placed he would consider ignorin g the Court 's decision , In a bitter three hour debate, second in an eight-seat race for town represen- by the ruling of the Court ." Boh Shaffer, presi- Vietnam. a nearly 's Residence Council , said. but t hat such an action would be in violation of Podgorny's speech to a crowd of 5.000 at the Kremlin' unanimous Congress contended that the case tation, but accepted a bid from Zeta Beta T.i u dent of the Men s Shaffe r and Tom Stillitano . representing t he Constitution. Palace of Congresses was notable because in it. the United was out of the jurisdiction of the Court and fraternity around the time ol his certification. "I'm mandated h\ the Constitution to obey could only be decided by impeachment pro- The Court's ruling said that an elected con- absent Junior Class President Mike Kleeman. States replaced Red China as the Soviet Union's principal introduced a resolution saying that the the Court ." Thompson said demon. Supreme Court circumvented the USG Con Tnompson said th.it the only recourse for Speaking on the same occasion last year. Deputy Premier stitution. Congress is to legislate it' st nUiic nwuioi Kirill Mazurov lashed out at Mao Tse-tung, and Chinese "The USG Congress cannot iccogm/e the agai nst the Court This legislation would apply diplomats walked out. Mazurov then said Russia favored bet- " the resolution onh to the Court ' urisdicti-m in futnir cases. ter relations with the United States. ruling ol the Supreme Court. * l said. " U would unset the cheeks and balances we • * * Tile resolution was defeated when it recciv now have in USG." Thompson s.,id. Egypt Steps Up Battle Along Suez Canal cd one less than the required three quarters of Thompson said thai Mvcis was ti\mg "to BEIRUT, Lebanon — Egypt stepped up its battle against those congressmen voting. The vote was 22 it in hu miliate Congicss fm his own personal Israeli troops along the Suez Canal yesterday with two com- a hand vote. reasons " He said ihal even if ultimately mando raidsrlacross the blocked waterway. Israel struck back Bob Brin!c> , a member of the Court, tnld denied his seal . M\ci s would still trv to "c^crt with an air strike. the Collegian last night thai regardless of any and maintain his existence as a congic-siiian " In Cairn. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser congressional action, the ruling of the Court is He could do this. Thompson said. 1-y declared that all political efforts to settle the Middle East con- linal. functioning in committees , sitti ng m on Con- flict had tailed and that war is the only answer. "Congress cannot create any logislat'. *. e holding office ) gicss and trying to \ntc. and "What was taken by force must be reclaimed by force," ruling that would put him (Myers into a con- hours for his town constituent . Nasser said in a speech to the Egyptian National Assembly, gressional scat." Brinley said. case. USG passed Brinley admitted, however, that it would be After arguing the Mvers monitored here. a bi ll to establish an ad hoc committee to coor- Cairo claimed an Israeli jet was shot out of the skies dur- up to Ted Thompson. USG president, to cnfoi ce the Court 's ruling. dinate student imolvomcnt m the Nov 11 and ing the reprisal attack against Egyptian artillery and troop I.t Vieuia m Moiatorium positions on the canal's northern sector. Thompson throughout most of the meeting defended the decision as within the jurisdicti on The Congress also endorsed the Graduate But Israel sppkesmen said all their planes returned safely ' after the 30-minute raid. of the Court. Student Association s "Year of the Black Stu- The Egyptian commando forays brought to three the num- Later in the meeting however, after meet- dent ber of cross-canal raids against Israeli forces in 24 hours. Egyptian forces slipped across the canal Wednesday and am- bushed an Israeli armored patrol near El Shalt, at the southern end of the waterway. Col loquy Officials Finalize Plans; * * * Workers Clash with Police in Milan MILAN, Italy — Unhappy about state television coverage in Today of their labor disputes and low wages, thousands of striking Educational Seminars Beg workers clashed with police yesterday in Italy's largest in- By RENA ROSENSON Fchnnl i his size. Other croup riVcii'-sionq will dustrial city. study the problrm of ulirro to bp^m corrcrtins It was the worst violence in Milan since the start of Italy's Collegian Staff Writer our mistakes , how the Uimor-ii\ runs and the "hot autumn" of labor unrest. MRC PRESIDENT BOB SHAFFER raises a question during Colloquy weekend opens today with a need for the bill of rights- for students . A crowd of nearly 3,000 demonstrators heaved rocks at the IIC/"* n t. variety of programs. Educators , students and Education Seminars sales and spare parts headquarters of the Fiat auto company. U5\3> USKiCiteS last night's USG meeting. Congress debated the USG faculty gathered last night in the Hct/cl Union The relation oT poverty lo education and They demanded that white collar workers also join them in f «%¦¦¦•« D..li *.~ Supreme Court ruling which disqualified elected town Building Ballroom to discuss what format the the question of making tile University a more :he walkout. UOUrr Killing congressman Joe Myers. progra m would adopt for the next three clays meaningfu l pl ace also will he covered in the Police responded with a barrage of tear gas grenades 's program . Centers for these discissions will be followed by a charge The final schedule set for Friday seminars with clubs. is 1 p.m.. Main Lounge of the HUB . "Com- a nnounced at 6 30 tonight m the HUB More than 40 policemen were injured and three munities: The Difference Between the Ballroom. demonstrators were hospitalized. Police said many more University and Woodstock :" Simmons Hall Two mam speakers h>u e boon scheduled strikers were iniured but did not ask for medication for fear Lounge. "Effective Use of Colloquy; How Can for CoUorviy weekend. Orson Roan. Broadway of being charged with violence. " Rec McCoy Refuses Denial To We Implement What We've Talked About?: entertainer, \\\\\ speak tonight atol 8 pin in It was a familiar scene for Italy's embattled labor Johnston Keyroom (East Halls). "Sexuality Hall on the prospective^ progressive leaders. Union officials shouted into megaphones, trying to Workshops: Men and Women's Support education in America. A mult i media hap- calm the workers. Groups :" pening, directed by Dauri Llo\d Jones, will be * * * BSU Duplicity Accusations At 3 p.m. in the Johnston Keyroom. "Sex held at 8 p m in tomonow nu;ht in Fee Hall. North Vietna mese Attack Mekon g uahty Workshops: Learning about Sexuality in Individual tickeK nui\ be purchased on the Delta , or S2 for both. SAIGON — North Vietnamese regulars By MARGE COHEN cd by the participants the daj BSU by New Conference mem- a Mixed Group." McElwain Hall Lounge Rroun d floor of the HUB tor SI 50 , striking from the "Degree Requirements? How to Meet the The unstructured form o" Colloquy will pro- depths of the Minh Forest, made their first large-scale attack Collegian Feature Editor before the game," he con- ber Wells Keddie. of the war in the Mekong Delta tinued. "I believe these ar- But James W. Dunlop. pro- Need s of All: Structure vs. Non-Structure ; bably be used anain ne:;t term, according tn yesterday.
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