-j"' The Weather T U E S D A Y , M A B C H T, 1»44 Average Daily Circulation ^ '" V 4 d k p o u B i E i a i Fencaat of U. s. Weotbev Manch^t^ Evening Her^d FMr the Meath ef Febraatjr. 1844 Fair la eoet ptetloa, partly . rioudy la west porttea toalfht; SorOptimist Club ^meinberi are 8,657 Thnrwlay fafr; colder toalgkt aad About T o v ^ reihinded that the'supper piit on Meteher of the Ahdlt ThurtOiy. ' I v Mloa HoUen Holbrook, Mias .'firaxeaa of droatotfoos Lela WobdUe end Mra. M a^o^ IF 'R E Potorson tomorrow evening at the Manchester-— A CUy of ViUage Xhtwm C. JiinchM * T . M. C. A. .oriil be oqraed prompt­ Uie Original'fn New You won*t missJkdae bargedns.^^Most of the A ra q r'4 ^ ^Oorpa, eta* ly at g o’clock, to allow time for (Claarifie<rAfirertletag. ea Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MAtlCll 8, 1944 SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS tioiuid in F}6(Ki«, « n o la bome on Die buaineas maetlng anff bridge these items have been specUdly, priced for this V0L.LXin.,N0.134 furiouihr'nint the wadMMd with to follow. Z ___________ — Mwta W» Laird of week. B e farsighted on this scetrce m er- ManafieM. The monthly meethm Of the ^^ed. Morning Spe^ols t - inniich oIm s o f tbo^Cnurch ol.4a0 ckemdise. ^ Pilot Wounded over Truk l-Auds Datpu^ed Plane Bdwin W< Laird, of Ifanalleld, N a a i ^ e w ill be held T h u M a y Hous© Dresses haa iM o slly been namad. by Gknr. evening at'tbe home ,of Mra. W1I-; erican r oFces BaMBmTto tba BUto Adviaoiv llam TurW ngto^^^elpe road,' Regular $2.29 and $2.98. Sizes 12 JIUH'S: 'J?' ,VWaoiuMl oonunittea. Mr.' LaM . , Pur6 Lard to 38. Floral prints in rose, blue and ' a format raatdaat of^Mancbe^ar. The M othW Clrch),of the Im­ Ftdshlights $1,39 la am^oyed by the State of'C ob- maculate ConcepttoH 'wiU meet’ to­ green. ’'l^ ip p in g ^neutties naOtieut, ah4 ^or a number morrow eveidng' at the home o f Plastic in blue, red, green with dated batteries. of with tte tji. T., N . H. A Mrs. Bernard Fogarty, l^LRldge No Points 2 lbs. 35c In Raid on H. MaUimd. streed.' ' Circular Knit, 300 Needle, Run RAisting Tba^ abtivlty eomibittao of tba' Manchester Tent, No. 3, ’The Thermos Bottles $1.69 On Thre^Fronts Maccabees will meet tomorrow Sugar Oared Lofioh, arranging for Pint si|:e.^tK met^ cup. ___.annlvaiaary coUaction, will night at 8 o’clock in the Batch and Mesh I^osiery meat tomorrow night at 8 o’clock Brown hall. Depot Square. All atr Sliced Bocon Lb. 35c Win Control of Los,^Ne- in t ^ Legion Home. knlghta are urged tb attend. Cotton Reinforced Feet for Extra Wear! 1 Petal PSr PoonA gros Idand, Land on G ^ s Rep6rt ,Tha annual meeting o f the Brlt- Golf Bolls 65c Willaumez Peninsula Liherator and Fortress ian American d u b will be held in Mahchester Abort Shank Rebuilt. All typep^ will continue to be scarce! pair $],.00 'n Churches Gissino^^ont British Hear the clubhouse,. Maple atreet, Sat­ 2 And Expand Position^ Formations Shower urday, M^rcK 18. Date Book ^Wednesday Only! Sizes BVt to lO'/i. B e h i n d J a p a n ^ Hit in Raids 350,000 Incendiaries" Smoked Shoulders Lb. 29c Site of D i^ s Secret War „.^LinM Lodge, No. l i , lOiighU of 2 Potata Per Pound. Lines in New Guinea. Pytbiaa, will hold ita regular Tonight Jock Knives 7 9 c up On German Capital in “The Family Album" presented meaUng tomorrow night at 8 in Good grade carbon steel blades. Guaranteed 4f000 Destroyed or Third Attack Inside . Orange halL The rank oi Esquire by Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Allied Headquartery^outh- Second Nigh^ OutptUDdta Ladiea o f Columbus, at K. o f C. New QIaat SiM Paekage of w ill be conferred on a large claaa west Pacific, March S.— (Jf)— Damaged ,in England;. W eek; Assault Keeps o f candidates. Home. Special! Tomorrow WHEATIES 15c Hot Water Bottles Lieut. Gen. W alte^Crueger’s High - Hearted About Observers Spotit German lane Production Since Round - the - Clock Eta Chapter, of Beta Sigma Chi, Surgical Dressings at American Tank Sprayers $6.95 Sixth American/ Army is Reconstruction Task Drive Going Today. will meet this evening at 8 o’clock Legion Home, Leonard street, 10 2-quart Synthetic Rubbo: whipping the yjapanese on Movements I n ^ c a t ' tart of War Tops] with Mias-EmUy Hanna of 88 Fos­ a. m. to 4:80 p. m. 3 >4‘gallon size for Insecticjdes for Victory Garden- New Lot o f W ater - Bottle, molded in one three fronts ^ound the bor­ 000; Greater Part ter street Tba following members llinisday. Match • . eis. Boston, March 8.— UP)— Four ing Regrouping for London, March 8.—(/P)— will have a pert in the program: piece. C ea. ders of the ^ m a r c k sea. The Meeting Zoning Bottrd'bf . Ap­ thousand churches in Ehigland Push on Beachhead. Is of Combat Types. Strong forces of U. S. heavy Miss Alma Andrulot Mrs. Henry peals, Municipal bpUdlng at A Allied heaMUarters cQmmu-' Spiced and Peppermint .Wednesday Morning Only! 79 have been destroyed or damaged bomfcNers attacked Berlin to­ Mataon, Mrs. Harold Bchueta. Friday, Swch 10 nique todily said the Ameri­ Allied Headquarters, Naples, London, March 8.— (A*)— British Opsretta ^Ths Magic Piper,** Spading Forks $1.49 up cana havey^von control of Los N e­ by German bomba but the church­ day for the third American- ' Mrs. A. -candar Kaaevich of ^ students o f Buckland school. gros lirtand In the Admiralty es "are facing their tasks of re­ March 8.—WV^unflre, mortar Production k^lster Oliver Lyttel­ attack in a week against the . ver toad, gave a birthday par^ Better get one early this year! School Auditorium st 7 p. m. P ears...N o Points - Remnants of 70% group,/at the northern approach construction In a gsUimt and and grenade duels raged for the ton, disclosing hitherto secret fig­ German capital. The Libera­ Simday afternoon for her small Townwide tin ciui salvage col­ daughter, Lorraine, who was one Steel ~ to tbyaes, and had buried 479 high-hearted manner,’’ Rev. Wll- second straight night In shell-tom ures on British N rar production, tor and Fortress formations lection. monr Japanese dead. W ith his plane’s landing gear damaged by anO-aircraft fire over Truk and himself wounded. year old. Twenty UtUe boya and Ham Cecil Northcott, B.A.M.A, N avy dlvebomber pilot brought his ship in for a "beny” landing on the flight deck Of a U. S. air­ Cassino on the main Fifth Army told Coiiimons tod^ that Britain bombarded Berlin with more Saturday, Msrdi 11 Itarlaes Make Quick Thrust of London, home secretary o f the girls attend^ and bad th ^ pic- Linen Dish Toweling craft carrier. Carrier crevrinen rush in. to teke over. (AP Wirephoto.) front, headquarters announced to­ had produced more/..tean 90,000 toes taken and were entertained Fourth anniveraary celebration Garden Rakes $1.39 • /Harines attached to the Sixth London M i^ o n a ry society, said planes from the beginning of the than 350,000 incendiary ; day, and observera have spotted bombs and 10,000 explosive bombs. by motion pictures of Mickey at American Legion Home. 20” and 22” Long. Army made a quick thrust 110 today. — war to the end oi 1943^ Annual get-together of South movements behind the German Mouse and oUm t films that chil- Steel Tw o o f Uieae sewed together will /miles east of Cape Gloucester, The clergyman, who also Is lit­ By far the greater pari consist­ Eighth AsMult la Ten Days Manchester Fire Department at make an extra length dish towel N ew Britain island, and landed lines below Rome, possibly Indi­ dtw> delight in. The decoraUons C ea. erary superintendent of the socie­ cating a regrouping for a fourth ed o f combat types, he s ^ , and It was the American heavy No. 1 headquarters. worth at least 89c. ReA green and 1 9 Monday with mere rifie fire oppo­ Liberty Ships were pink and green. A fmtare of ty, which sent David Livlngsto.ne Reds Seize Firm Hold all-out push against the Allied Just ovei four-fifths of ^rrent bombers' eighth big asiault in tc^ the buffet table was the birthday Operetta "Tlie Magic Piper’’ at Garden Hoes $1.35 blue borders. sition on .WUlaumea peninsula, on to Africa, is here on a nine-day aircraft production waa made up days, and came after only one Buckland school st 8 p. m. the north coast o f the island. Sol­ beachhead. cake with one taper Lorraine re­ visit. New Zealand siege guns ham­ of bombers, fighters and NkVal day’s interval since the last heavy . eved many dainty glftA ' Wsdaesday, Match 18 Limited Quantity! diers on the south coast advanced He listed the destruction of Given Praise reconnaissance planes, the balance attack on the German capital. Meeting o f BMueatlonsl club, 24 miles eastward from Atewe to mered at a German held rail sta­ churches, by denominations, as On Key Railway Line tion about a mile south of Caa- being transpqrta, trainers and The announcement that 10,000 Mr. and MriTRobert C raw f^ 7:80 p.
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