L 1 -*1 .1 ___,__L ww : _f__F 4';-- | F" -- ' \-1-' . -IF‘? V . ~. - ___-"',,,-u-- ED KELLY’S G OST ED KELLY’S GHOST ,,.,.-I" “F” .., . H" --1n.---"' '1fi|‘ *1--l _ _' ‘W ..----I-an 3 -1» -4*»-"“l'_'"' l - 1 1»--II: .-.-*‘ --- . '- --q ‘I ‘ ..- ‘I _-.1-v-\.~|.q~', 1*» Ir-III-f"‘4I‘-I THE TOTTENHAM IW W AND a __ -,,-n an —‘n.p. - l .-‘I-fg '- H -,- O-ICC!”- _,'__‘“|c|n-niv-.¢lf€‘»_' I . -..,-..-,|--. r _.- “F I\\Iu .. ':.""‘:‘-7-‘...-1?----n -|| '- H tip‘? _" an -1 1- - ---II» fl. Z-3‘ .- Pi 7 #1’--. .-I.‘ - jury f' -I.‘ ' ' if: 3_:—-t:-~—-—-— an - 4' ' .-F" -"' 5 " ._. -__'_ . THE TOTTENHAM TRAGEDY . - |‘ . Pu Ill . i._; 5* ‘~' , 2'. 1, ‘ 15.-I .. _ ' -'' I.-3*--"_=, -I _,i=?'.3' 41"" .1 . ~ 1‘ '7" .. ."-§-|l'\I \ H'I Il- F \ I -Q .' I ¢"" z'_,§_~ _'__' 1‘' n I John Patten ti . Jfl W /‘ 1- ‘'IIq511:; '-'3W‘-""'1:__-"'.'\.-fl- A ‘ X J I-1'_ 1‘-__.'3n.‘- . AIf”.1,’"2111-P» 375.._!.!.*€f"-_I-_"__,.'-_iw=_-T.‘-,-'-I 1'. 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I -I t '~ * _ 2. - ' -.5 - \ Tu I 5 -..--__‘;_- f_-_,7;,-:\l{ . '_;|"- . ' In mg‘ ‘I 1.x f'".1~I"¢_- -.~!-:1;*-;-=~.d_H.'1-1 ' j. ‘L. l "1' I\:l:::' I-1" ‘Ir-HId\Il"’fig;-r ''3'. -Iva "_ - Q . - I--by I I '. ' 1",. I; il- _ “J I ' mm.’-m ummr . ~ D ~...*| *'J "J. .|2r " - ~ *1r“"'I1._.:_'-5 nl'r-__. Q 1 - ' %*.\I:\*15fi7‘§'-j'I.- -‘,1-\-0|. 1 ' / _ ' J |3-1."-"' '-*0)’ ...._-.--- %,‘ -*".,...¢.0- '-\_._.. ' *- :1’.if’ I {P '--. I. I; I';_-I x~ .u-- T I : 1'0 mt-us;mlm‘ 'l '0' '1'.‘.__ J‘ \ _ I _ T-I,"-'-. ‘I-I‘Ii:-' |H’_ ii nil I ,= I i‘ i I N I ‘ *- I".11:~."4'o-3.-'1'--F? '.i;\d' if-1%.,_‘___ L.-r"$'-'3-""-.._ - 4 #11 1 ltlht ‘I ‘A ‘I - I .|- -B_;-IF"-Ian "W--_".-".4"-_ ‘Ir3;:7_7.'-.,:.,-‘-j""°'4"?'-___w;_r}__§§f.-_i1§I\TQ;.' fl‘ 5 _- aqlu-n_ I. K <0’ '5-um J ,. Ir “flit In--""" Ii -I 2,.I. .'»_q;L - '!. -H1-I%"L'"1 Lk. A filo! Illa-my-gl-'|h, . _H *3 mm... * . "H __\\ - .- Q.‘- II ____J" >>...,_..1. '| -'\% I nu-P W 1+, \->. - Q2. .,_ .4.‘ -. v t1.>YJT1- .'“.',,f @- ‘"1 -/1'.“..- nil-‘GI . - . -_-, ' .f I ,' 0-- 'n"'\.-\- +0 THE TOTTENHAM IWW i‘-p-—";T:—-'!|---_T KATE SHARPLEY LIBRARY ~|' THE TOTTENHAM TRAGEDY BM HURRICANE John Patten LONDON WC 1N 3XX II‘:]!!E|||_‘II||||| I'_f Ned Kelly’.s Ghost: The Tottenham I. KC IV and the Tottenham Dugedy Ned Kelly’s Ghost The Tottenham I W W and the Tottenham Tragedy John Patten ‘Those who have strugled the most, and sufiiared the most, very rarely leave behind an account oftheir sacrifices or their triumphs’ -Frank Prebble _ 9 g © Kate Sharpley Lrbrary 1997 KSL Why ‘Ned Kelly's Ghost’? _ . BM HURRICANE The Sunday Times. (Sydney, 21/12/16) primed a cartoon with an IWW desperado LONDON (with ‘IWW’ on his hat) holding a torch marked ‘Incediarism; a gun, and carrying a bottle WCIN 3XX of ‘liquid fire’ and copies of ‘Direct Action’ and ‘Sabotage’ in his pocket. In case the fact that he was a bad ‘un was missed, reward posters for murder, arson, and forgery were shown on the wall behind him. The ghost ofNed Kelly, the famous Australian bushranger, stood next to him in trademark armour, mying ‘ifthey hanged me, what should be done with him?’ _ - Reprmted 1999 Sources e All this infonmtion is available to anyone with time to go through the State Library of New South ‘Wales, and police permission to go through their IWW files at the State Archives. I have abbreviated I.W.W. to [WW for my own convenience. Except for labour/labor and Verandah, where I’ve kept the spelling fi'om individual documents, all spelling has been anglieised. Most places refened to are in the central west ofNew South Wales, and should be shown in an atlas. - Thanks to Anna Skurowski at the National Library of Australia (Canberra), The Archives Oflice ofNSW (especially the long-sufliering Emily Hanna), the Mitchell Library and State Library ofNSW (Sydney). and last but by no means least, David Brumby and the NSW police, for permission to access and publish parts oftheir IWW files. Personal thanks to the proof-reading squad. » y If you want more information about this pamphlet, or have any information that throws a new light on the case, please write to: y - Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London, WCI N 3XX UK. Please send an SAE or IRC to receive details of our publications. KSL are always glad to see manuscripts ofworks about the libertarian revolutionary tradition Page! | _l_ Ned Kelly’s Ghost: The Tottenham I. U’. W and the Tbttenham Tragedy NedKelly’s Ghost: The Tottenham I. Fl/. W. and the Tottenhctma Tlragedy Australia was most alarming to the ruling class dur'mg the first world war. They believed P in the Class War and militant Industrial Unionism 'Ihey did not nnke truces or sacrifices to the boss in the ‘natioml’- or Imperial- interest. Not only did they oppose the threat of Introduction ’ conscription when it arose, but they opposed the war consistently fi'orn the start. - The Atntralian IWW has been the subject of several academic works since the The IWW advomcy of sabomge made their name a bogey to the ‘respectable sixties. Most have dealt with the Tottenham murder case only, in passing. This is the story classes’. The Australian wobblies threatened to use the ‘wooden shoe’ of sabotage on ofthe Tottenham murder, the story ofthree deaths. ComtablefGeorge Duncanw’as killed their enemies.
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