Arthropoda Selecta 13 (12): 7786 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2004 Check-list of the linyphiid spiders of the Bureinsky State Nature Reserve and adjacent territories, Russian Far East (Aranei: Linyphiidae) Àííîòèðîâàííûé ñïèñîê ïàóêîâ ñåìåéñòâà Linyphiidae Áóðåèíñêîãî çàïîâåäíèêà è ñîïðåäåëüíûõ òåððèòîðèé (Äàëüíèé Âîñòîê Ðîññèè) (Aranei: Linyphiidae) A.V. Tanasevitch & L.A. Trilikauskas À.Â. Òàíàñåâè÷* & Ë.À. Òðèëèêàóñêàñ** *All-Russian Research Institute for Nature Protection, Znamenskoye-Sadki, Moscow 117628 Russia. *Âñåðîññèéñêèé íàó÷íî-èññëåäîâàòåëüñêèé èíñòèòóò îõðàíû ïðèðîäû, Çíàìåíñêîå-Ñàäêè, Ìîñêâà 117628 Ðîññèÿ. ** Bureinsky State Nature Reserve, Lesnaya Str. 3, Chegdomyn, Khabarovsk Province 682030 Russia. ** Áóðåèíñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé ïðèðîäíûé çàïîâåäíèê, óë. Ëåñíàÿ 3, ×åãäîìûí, Õàáàðîâñêèé êðàé 682030 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: Spiders, Linyphiidae, Siberia, Khabarovsk Province, faunistics, distribution. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Ïàóêè, Linyphiidae, Ñèáèðü, Õàáàðîâñêèé êðàé, ôàóíèñòèêà, ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèå. ABSTRACT. A check-list of 104 species of the has hitherto remained virtually known. Still the reserve spider family Linyphiidae collected in the Bureinsky occupies a highly interesting geographical position, bor- State Nature Reserve and adjacent parts, Khabarovsk dering on East Siberia in the north, on Middle and South Province, Russia, is compiled. Thee species, i.e. Agyn- Siberia in the west and southwest, while in the south it lies eta bialata (Tao, Li et Zhu, 1995), comb.n. ex Meione- close to the Manchurian region, and in the southeast to the ta; Nenilinium liteolum (Loksa, 1965), comb.n. ex Primorye (= Maritime Province). Hence, lying at the Gongylidiellum; and Neriene liupanensis Tang et Song, crossroads between several major biogeographical re- 1992 are listed as new to the Russian fauna. Faunistic gions, the reserve serves as an arena for the penetration data and the distribution pattern of each of the species and mixture of various faunal elements. This is highly are documented. important from a viewpoint of both the distribution of individual species and the place the reserve occupies in ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Ïðèâåäåí ñïèñîê èç 104 âèäîâ ïàóêîâ the hierarchy of zoogeographical regionalization. ñåìåéñòâà Linyphiidae, íàéäåííûõ â Áóðåèíñêîì ãîñóäàðñòâåííîì çàïîâåäíèêå è åãî áëèæàéøèõ îê- Material and methods ðåñòíîñòÿõ. Òðè âèäà âïåðâûå îòìå÷åíû äëÿ ôàóíû Ðîññèè: Agyneta bialata (Tao, Li et Zhu, 1995), comb.n. The present paper is based on the extensive material ex Meioneta, Nenilinium liteolum (Loksa, 1965), collected by L. Trilikauskas in 19992003 as well as by A. comb.n. ex Gongylidiellum è Neriene liupanensis Tang Tanasevitch in MayJune 2002 in the Bureinsky State Nature et Song, 1992. Ïðèâåäåíû òî÷êè íàõîäîê âèäîâ è Reserve and its adjacent parts. The majority of linyphiids îáîáùåíî èõ ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèå. have been determined, except for a dozen species collected from one sex only. The methods used for collecting the spiders as well as the Introduction localities have been referred to in a previous paper on spiders of the upper reaches of Bureya River [Trilikauskas, 2001]. The Bureinsky State Nature Reserve lies in the upper The material is temporarily stored in the personal collec- reaches of Bureya River, Verkhnebureinsky District, tion of A. Tanasevitch, but later it will be shared between the Khabarovsk Province, Russian Far East. The first data on collections of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State spiders from this region and its adjacent parts belong to University, Moscow and the Bureinsky State Nature Reserve, Trilikauskas [2001] but, unfortunately, his check-list only Chegdomyn. contained a single linyphiid species, Hypomma bituber- In Material sections, the species found outside of but in the immediate proximity to the reserve proper are quoted in a culatum (Wider, 1834), recorded within the reserve proper. separate paragraph. One more species, Maro sibiricus Eskov, 1980, had been ABBREVIATIONS. The following abbreviations have reported from the environs of Sofiisk [Eskov, 1982], a been used in the text: small town situated close to the borderline of the reserve. B.R. Bureinsky State Nature Reserve, Khabarovsk So the linyphiid fauna of the Bureinsky Nature Reserve Province. 78 A.V. Tanasevitch & L.A. Trilikauskas P. Pravaya (= right) Bureya River. Agyneta olivacea (Emerton, 1882) L. Levaya (= left) Bureya River. MATERIAL. 81 ##, 93 $$, B.R., Bureya River Valley, ca. L.T. Laimont Trilikauskas. 210 km NE of Chegdomyn, 0.53.5 km downstream of conflu- A.T. Andrei Tanasevitch. ence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 10 & 2027.VI.2001, VII.2002, 5 15.VIII.2002, 22.V.3.VI. 2003, L.T.; 9 ##, 5 $$, P. Bureya River Valley, ca. 213 km NE of Chegdomyn, 0.4 km upstream of Check-list of linyphiid spiders confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 48.VII.2002, 1.VI.2003, L.T.&A.T.; 12 ##, Bureya River Valley, ca. 210 km NE of Abiskoa abiskoensis (Holm, 1945) Chegdomyn, 0.5 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 27.V2.VI.2003, L.T. MATERIAL. 1 $, B.R., P. Bureya River Valley, ca. 213 km NE 1 $, Khabarovsk Prov., Verkhnebureinskii Distr., P. Bureya of Chegdomyn, 0.4 km upstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya River Valley, ca. 45 km SE of Sofiysk, near Medvezhiy River rivers, 48.VII.2002, L.T.; 1 #, 11 $$, same locality, 0.4 km Valley, 2630.VI.2000, L.T.; 21 ##, 1 $, same locality, near downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 626.VII.2002, mouth of Lednikovyi River Valley, 1117.VI., 29.VI7.VII. 510, 1520, 2530.VIII.2002, 49.IX.2002, L.T.; 2 ##, 4 $$, 2000, L.T. same locality, 3.5 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya DISTRIBUTION. Known from northeastern Europe; in rivers, 22.V.2.VI.2003, A.T.; 1 $, near confluence of P. & L. Asia, from the Urals to Chukotka and Cisokhotia; Middle Bureya rivers, 1.VI.2003, leg. A.T.; 4 $$, Bureya River Valley, ca. Asia, mountains of South Siberia, southern part of Kha- 210 km NE of Chegdomyn, 0.4 km downstream of confluence of barovsk Prov., Maritime Prov., Sakhalin and Mongolia. Wide- P. & L. Bureya rivers, 1121.VII.2003, L.T. spread in the Nearctic as well. DISTRIBUTION. From Fennoscandia (whence it has been described), via the tundra and northern taiga to the Urals; in Siberia from the Urals to Cisokhotia and Kamchat- Agyneta pseudosaxatilis Tanasevitch, 1984 ka; the mountains of South Siberia, Sakhalin, China. MATERIAL. 11 ##, 7 $$, B.R., Bureya River Valley, ca. 210 km NE of Chegdomyn, 2.5 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 16,1126.VII.2002, 23 & 25 V.2003, L.T., Acanthoneta dokutchaevi (Eskov et Marusik, 1994) A.T.; 1 #, Bureya River Valley, ca. 210 km NE of Chegdomyn, 3.5 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 16 MATERIAL. 1 #, B.R., Bureya River Valley, ca. 210 km NE 21.VII.2003, L.T. of Chegdomyn, 2.5 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. 2 $$, Khabarovsk Prov., Bureya River Valley, ca.160 km NE of Bureya rivers, 16.VII.2002, L.T.; 1 #, same locality, 0.4 km Chegdomyn, 6 km upstream of Usman River, 310.VII.2001, L.T. downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 25 DISTRIBUTION. All Siberia from Yamal Peninsula to 30.VIII.2002, L.T. Cisokhotia and Kamchatka; eastern Kazakhstan, mountains DISTRIBUTION. This species has hitherto been known of South Siberia, southern part of Khabarovsk Province. from the Kolyma River basin. This is the southwesternmost locality of the species. Agyneta ripariensis Tanasevitch, 1984 MATERIAL. 1 #, B.R., P. Bureya River Valley, ca. 210 km NE Agyneta allosubtilis Loksa, 1965 of Chegdomyn, 2.5 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 25.V.2003, A.T. MATERIAL. 2 ##, B.R., Bureya River Valley, ca. 210 km NE DISTRIBUTION. From the Urals to Chukotka. of Chegdomyn, 3.5 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 10 & 2027.VI.2001, L.T.; 2 ##, same locality, 0.4 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya rivers, 2 Allomengea dentisetis (Grube, 1861) 6.VII.2002, L.T. MATERIAL. B.R., P. Bureya River Valley, ca. 213 km NE of DISTRIBUTION. This species is very closely related to Chegdomyn, 0.4 km upstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya Agyneta subtilis to substitute it all over Siberia from the Urals rivers, 2631.VIII.2003, L.T. to Chukotka; Cisokhotia, Kamchatka; from eastern Kazakh- DISTRIBUTION. All Siberia from the Urals to Kamchat- stan via the mountains of South Siberia to Lake Baikal. ka; Middle Asia, mountains of South Siberia, Mongolia, China and Japan. In the Nearctic, it occurs from Alaska to Newfoundland. Agyneta bialata (Tao, Li et Zhu, 1995), comb.n. MATERIAL. 1 #, B.R., P. Bureya River Valley, ca. 213 km NE Allomengea scopigera (Grube, 1889) of Chegdomyn, 0.4 km upstream of confluence of P. & L. Bureya MATERIAL. 1 #, B.R., Bureya River Valley, ca. 210 km NE rivers, 7.VIII.2002, L.T. of Chegdomyn, 0.5 km downstream of confluence of P. & L. DISTRIBUTION. This species has originally been de- Bureya rivers, 2631.VIII.2003, L.T. scribed from Jilin Province, China [Tao et al., 1995]. This is DISTRIBUTION. Northern Europe, Caucasus, all Sibe- the northernmost locality of the species. New to the Russian ria from the Urals to Kamchatka and Kurile Islands; eastern fauna! Kazakhstan, mountains of Middle Asia, mountains of South Siberia, Mongolia. In the Nearctic, it occurs from Alaska to Agyneta mongolica (Loksa, 1965) Manitoba. MATERIAL. 4 ##, B.R., P. Bureya River Valley, ca. 213 km Anguliphantes dybowskii (O. PickardCambridge, NE of Chegdomyn, 0.4 km upstream of confluence of P. & L. 1873) Bureya rivers, 48.VII.2002, 1318.VII.2002, L.T.; 1 #, Bureya MATERIAL. 4 ##, B.R., P. Bureya River Valley, near mouth River Valley, ca. 210 km NE of Chegdomyn, 3.5 km downstream of Lednikovyi River Valley, 1117.VI.2000, L.T.; 1 #, 1 $, Bureya of confluence of P.
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